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How To Use Acentric In A Sentence

  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • This large metacentric height acts as a spring against pitch and roll motions.
  • Chromosome 5 has metacentric signals whereas chromosome 2 has submetacentric signals.
  • The object of Mr. Alexander Taylor's indicator is to measure and show by simple inspection the metacentric height under every condition of loading, and therefore to make known the stability of the vessel. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • This paper describes an analysis of the frequency of dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments in 1260 subjects occupationally exposed to X-rays and 241 controls.
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  • In addition, by applying its algorithmic, datacentric approach to economics, Google had quietly begun a revolution that would transform and upheave the worlds of media and advertising. In the Plex
  • All four populations had 2n = 38, with ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes (Z, acrocentric; W, submetacentric). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Other aberrations, such as minutes, acentric rings, dicentrics and exchanges, were rarely seen.
  • Just as for the acentrics, group and radiation dose were statistically significant predictors.
  • This classification method uses anti-kinetochore antibody staining to identify the presence of kinetochore protein associated with the centromeres of chromosomes or its absence from acentric chromosome fragments.
  • If the centromere is off center, the chromosome is submetacentric with a short arm labeled p (for petite) and a long arm labeled q (the next letter after p). Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The curve may be constructed in the following manner: Having found by calculation the position of the transverse metacenter, M, for a given displacement -- Figs. 1 and 2 -- the metacentric height, G M, is then determined either by calculations, or more correctly by experiment, by varying the position of weights of known magnitude, or by the stability indicator itself. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Round the top of the scale, at D, are engraved four different draughts, and under these are the metacentric heights. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • At first, the thesis describes the fluid and acentric narrative mode.
  • The analysis of structural aberrations included chromatid and chromosome breaks, appearance of acentric fragments, dicentric chromosomes and chromatid exchanges (tetraradius forms).
  • Micronuclei may originate from acentric chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes lagging behind during cell division.
  • The cassette was inserted in both possible orientations, to determine any potential influence of ectopic crossovers that lead to acentric and dicentric chromosomes.
  • an acentric chromosome fragment
  • Ectopic crossing over causes chromosomal abnormalities, including deletions, translocations, and acentric and dicentric chromosomes.
  • They are formed by acentric chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes which are not incorporated into daughter nuclei during cell division.
  • A dicentric chromosome plus an acentric fragment were scored as one single aberration.
  • a metacentric chromosome
  • Micronuclei can arise from acentric chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes that have not been incorporated in the main nuclei at cell division.
  • The X, Y, and autosomes are indicated as rod-shaped acrocentric, J-shaped submetacentric, and metacentric chromosomes, respectively.
  • At first, the thesis describes the fluid and acentric narrative mode.
  • Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • A V-shaped metacentric chromosome has two arms: 10 metacentric chromosomes would have a total of 20 arms. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • Giant cell, fourth mitotic division showing replicated mirror image dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments (arrows).
  • Similarly, if the center of gravity is lowered 6 in. on the same displacement, the curve, B, will be found, and in this manner comparative diagrams can be constructed giving at a glance the stability of a vessel for any given draught of water and metacentric height. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • This paper describes an analysis of the frequency of dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments in 1260 subjects occupationally exposed to X-rays and 241 controls.
  • However, not all acentric chromosomes and dicentric chromosomes/centric rings were converted to MNi and NPB respectively, depending on the dose of radiation.
  • The first numeral refers to the chromosome providing the centromere-carrying segment, the second to the chromosome supplying the acentric segment.
  • Further, the products of crossovers between inverted repeats may lead to dicentric and acentric chromosomes that often cannot be transmitted to the next generation.
  • Micronuclei are acentric chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes that are left behind during mitotic cellular division and appear in the cytoplasm of interphasic cells as small additional nuclei.
  • Also excluded are exchanges that would generate dicentric or acentric chromosomes, such as exchanges that may occur between rDNA subunits lying in opposite orientation.
  • Dicentrics, rings, acentric fragments and asymmetrical translocations were recorded separately.
  • It had been known for some time that a crossover within the inverted segment in plants that are heterozygous for an inversion in one arm of a chromosome would result in a dicentric chromosome, and also an acentric fragment composed of all the chromatin from the distal breakpoint of the inversion to the end of the arm. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • In metaphase, chromatid fragments are attached to the homologous area of the sister chromatid while acentric chromosome fragments are apart from their chromosome of origin.
  • If the centromere is in the middle, the chromosome is metacentric and the chromosome arms are equal in size.
  • Micronuclei may originate from an acentric chromosome fragment or whole chromosomes lost from the metaphase plate and provide therefore a measure of both chromosome breakage and chromosome loss.
  • Note that almost all metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes have split at the centromere into two daughter units.
  • The scale having previously been properly graduated, the metacentric height for the draught and state of loading can be at once read off in inches, while as a check the water can be transferred from the one test tank to the other, and the metacentric height read off as before, but on the opposite side of the zero pointer. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Six structurally acentric chromosomes were generated from the irradiation of Dp 238, supporting the findings of a previous study.
  • These data further support the idea that the observed micronuclei result from preferential exclusion of acentric DNA fragments.
  • The results are expressed as per cent aberrant cells, chromatid and chromosome breaks, dicentrics, centric rings, exchanges, acentric fragments, total aberrations, polyploidy and SDC in Tables I - III.
  • All four populations had 2n = 38, with ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes (Z, acrocentric; W, submetacentric). BioMed Central - Latest articles

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