How To Use Ace of spades In A Sentence
The ace of spades is the most powerful card, irrespective of what suit is trumps.
If an ace of spades is turned up, the next player must turn up 4 more cards.
During the Vietnam War, the ace of spades was considered the card of death by the Viet Cong.
The ace of spades is the most powerful card, irrespective of what suit is trumps.
Loggun (Denham and Clapperton), the Fán fleam, the “small piece of iron like an ace of spades on the upper Nile”
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Commenting on the Post's hiring of Mr. Ayers, conservative blogger Ace of Spades called Mrs. Huffington a name unprintable in a family newspaper and then looked on the half-full part of the glass.
Southern Maryland Community Forums
The player with the higher of the two cards (ace of spades is highest, 2 of clubs lowest) will deal the cards for the next match.
Secondly, the only true works of art in regular playing card, are face cards the jokers and the ace of spades.
He flicked his wrist and an ace of spades appeared.
The actual declarer took the ace of spades, ruffed a spade and led a diamond.
In this case the player with the ace of spades can call.