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How To Use Accusing In A Sentence

  • Inevitably, there are concerns about cheating, with the accusing finger as usual pointing at Ferrari.
  • Hundreds of angry Malawians hounded a senior political figure from his house and stoned him [though not fatally] late Wednesday, accusing him of harboring vampires.
  • So what better way of proving her wrong than sticking her personal Myspace pics all over his site, libellously accusing her of being a porn star, and calling her an ugly old slack-fannied man in drag although, even in the worst pics he could dig up, I'm quite sure she's a damn sight foxier than he ever will be. The Haters of Roissy 3 : Bad Obsession
  • So what better way of proving her wrong than sticking her personal Myspace pics all over his site, libellously accusing her of being a porn star, and calling her an ugly old slack-fannied man in drag although, even in the worst pics he could dig up, I'm quite sure she's a damn sight foxier than he ever will be. Archive 2009-08-01
  • To be a muddle-headed aesthete, even to be interested in the aesthetic qualities of literature at all, has long been anathema to a certain kind of critic, grounds for accusing writers of being morally deficient, but why, for example, would it probably not occur to these critics to declare, say, composers too interested in art, too attentive to the needs of form over those of morality? Narrative Strategies
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  • Asgard had seen the accusing look in Terian's face and could not meet the familiar sapphire blue eyes that suddenly smoldered with hatred.
  • And the Government has lashed out at the Opposition for airing the criticisms, accusing them of trying to score cheap political points.
  • You know what I mean - the big stack, lying there, staring at you, their disarrayed spines accusing you ... make them stop! Jilly Gagnon: Those Books You REALLY Mean to Get Around to Reading...No, REALLY
  • Accusing Alex had simply been a way of avoiding her own guilt and Anna's, bloody Anna's.
  • Plenty of distraught candidates have gone to court accusing the voting machines of miscounting their votes, but to little avail.
  • She pointed an accusing finger at the man, who gaped beerily. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
  • But Labour councillors rebutted the Conservative group's allegation by accusing them of not wanting to face the truth.
  • Thanks for posting a rational response rather than accusing me of being a "doom-monger. Posthuman Blues
  • Senator McCain trotted out a truly weird attack against Senator Obama last night, accusing him of wanting to invade Pakistan and thereby undermine our good buddy President Musharraf. McCain: tough on Obama, soft on terrorists
  • The report points an accusing finger at the insurance industry.
  • Other groups were critical of the voting process in the governorates weeks ago accusing the preparatory committee and governmental officials of behind the scenes manipulation and favouritism in the election of delegates.
  • But it also behooves us to be very cautious in accusing someone of racism. sensible Cape Coral FL Republicans say Carter playing 'race card'
  • President Bush accusing Russia of what he called a dramatic and brutal escalation of its invasion of Georgia. CNN Transcript Aug 11, 2008
  • Although accusing someone of working in Starbucks might be taken as an insult in the US, in Italy where the word barista originates it denotes a bartender, which of course is a noble and ancient profession. My First 'Hate' Email: A 'Chiropractic Doctor' Writes
  • And to be clear, the “good fight” is, instead of accusing flag wavers of being neo-Confederate Klan sympathizers, to convince people of good will that embracing offensive and divisive symbols is counter-productive and hurtful. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • Predictably, club owners and ravers responded with a pressure campaign of their own, accusing city hall of being oppressive and anti-youth.
  • The courtroom became a vaudeville theatre, as the MP lampooned his interrogators, accusing them of making ‘schoolboy howler’ mistakes.
  • Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.
  • In his statement, is he essentially accusing the doctor of fingering him?
  • You know I don't trust myself to keep it all in my head,' she said accusingly. KICK BACK
  • Fox News cites one former Bush official who slammed the approach as "de facto amnesty," accusing the Obama administration of "turning a blind eye to entire categories of aliens" fand failing to arrest and deport the illegal immigrants who turn up on these workplace audits. How Obama is firing immigrant workers -- but not deporting them
  • He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.
  • He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends.
  • Re: In any case, leaping to conclusions, any federal employee accusing anyone of “communism” today should be checked for a Freeper user ID. Matthew Yglesias » A Missed Torture Opportunity
  • And I ` m-- not to say that I ` m accusing him of murdering Haleigh, because Haleigh is not found. CNN Transcript May 20, 2009
  • The Conservatives, who won the votes of barely one in five Canadians in the federal election held October 14, are accusing the opposition parties of attempting a "putsch" and thwarting the will of the electorate. Canada's "putsch": Oppose Conservative power-grab! No support to Liberal-NDP coalition!
  • But for Blairites to attack Brown for networking, briefing the press and installing placemen is a little like an alcoholic accusing a social drinker of dipsomania.
  • I can also return that book for store credit without the bookstore accusing me of photocopying the book at home.
  • Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
  • The fractious Monday followed a rough-and-tumble weekend, as the two sparred over an Obama leaflet accusing Clinton of saying the North American Free Trade Agreement was a boon to the economy. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
  • If we point an accusing finger, there are three fingers pointing back at ourselves.
  • Does anyone doubt Obama is stupid after his racist comment (and not knowing one fact re the issue) and his accusing Drs of taking kids tonsils out to make more money, even though the primary Dr does not take Drs out, nor the Pediatrictian. Obama to meet this week with professor, officer
  • Police arrested 19 people for vandalism, accusing anarchists of plotting to cause renewed violence during the final. Times, Sunday Times
  • Basically, the manufacturers are accusing the Government of not hearkening to their submissions, which they say would have done a lot to reduce their production costs.
  • Communist Party, making charges against us at the various congresses of communist parties, sending written statements to the different communist parties in Latin America and accusing Cuba of meddling in its domestic affairs and supporting and fomenting fractionalism. FIDEL CASTRO 13 MARCH ANNIVERSARY SPEECH
  • He then sold out his former comrades-in-arms by accusing them of war crimes as a stepping stone to office.
  • On arrival, I was dragged in through the door and herded to the table where an accusing glass of wine was already sitting waiting for me.
  • Graham of the obstructionist party who has no plan, who has had no plan other than tax cuts for the rich, deregulation of those same rich, and wars galore, is accusing the Obama administration of doing a terrible job running the country. Graham: Dems engaging in 'seedy Chicago politics'
  • Jerry - I'm not accusing the officer of racial profiling, I am rather saying that my ethnicity is an inseverable part of my identity, because society has made it that way (when you ask your friends to describe people, how often is ethnicity a part of that, just naturally?). Running While Black
  • National Democrats wasted no time in accusing Sarah Palin of abandoning her state after the Alaska governor revealed Friday that she was resigning from office. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, July 8, 2009
  • But criticism of the Stack nomination is not the same as accusing Clinton of being soft on crime.
  • The readers who were huffing and puffing in Downer's defence, or accusing you of gutter journalism, most likely have their snouts in various troughs themselves.
  • Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.
  • A rally has been organized in protest against the ad campaign, with parents accusing the studio of irresponsibility for marketing the film in high-crime areas.
  • This inevitably leads to some accusing the advertiser of tokenism or stereotyping, which in turn reinforces the difficulty of acting inclusively.
  • Talking of storms, this interview is potentially a bit blowy for me, too: I once had to apologise to a Lady for falsely accusing her of being German (she is half-French and half-Russian and also a British citizen).
  • The deserted nest, neat as a pin, had a forlorn accusing air.
  • I CANNOT BELIEVE obama's people keep attacking clinton, accusing her of being a racist, of being a destructor etc etc. they've got their nomination, they got what they wanted. are they trying to make us vote for mccain?!?!?!? it is UNBELIEVABLE. clinton isnt dividing the democrats. its the obama people insulting clinton, our gal. and in case you hadnt noticed, we dont forget those who mess with the clintons. Senators mull the No. 2 spot
  • President Bush again smeared opponents of the Iraq war last night, accusing them of “waving the white flag of surrender.” Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 29, 2006
  • He bellowed, nostrils flaring as he jabbed an accusing finger inches away from my face.
  • She's accusing the Bush administration of what she calls deliberate neglect. CNN Transcript Jan 24, 2006
  • He was always tossing clubs and accusing me of getting yardages wrong.
  • Morales later kicked out the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, accusing it of espionage and of funding "criminal groups" seeking to undermine his government.
  • Hennigan filed a lawsuit on behalf of the survivors' families accusing the gun maker, Navegar Inc. of Miami.
  • Kennedy, a federal civil service employee, was fired after accusing his superior of illegal activities.
  • In her book, Cheryl is a vociferous critic of her treatment by journalists, accusing us of relentless intrusion into her privacy.
  • The gang was grumbling and accusing Bill of being "bluffed" and all that, but they didn't make any effort to attack the man. Pluck on the Long Trail Boy Scouts in the Rockies
  • Accusing the government of 'wielding a kierie' against the African people, The Rise of the Sourh African Reich - Chapter 9
  • It was a simple drawing of a square tower, standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.
  • And I'm quite certain being called a crazed sex poodle by the woman accusing you of inappropriateness in Portland is not to your advantage. Meredith C. Carroll: An Open Letter to Al Gore
  • He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.
  • And the poverty of these people was an all too visible accusing finger.
  • Protesters sued after accusing the police of firing rubber bullets at demonstrators and strip-searching those arrested.
  • He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.
  • He also launched a bitter attack on the judiciary, accusing it of corruption.
  • In addition to denying the allegations, Las Vegas Sands filed a counterclaim last month accusing Mr. Jacobs of extortion. Wynn Isn't Worried About Regulators Despite Sands Probe
  • Fifthly, because CNN passed on administration and pentagon propaganda through 'imbedded' reporters and journalists, as opposed to Turner's CNN in 1990 having had Peter Arnett reporting independently from Baghdad on civilian damage caused by the bombing while the Bush I administration was projecting an image of "smart bombs, surgical precision, little civilian life lost", and accusing Arnett and CNN of "unpatriotic journalism". CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!"
  • Mel Gibson's rants, he flew off the handle while accusing his baby mama of having an affair with the "tree man" (aka the landscaper). Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
  • An ice-cream vendor severely slashed a Bangkok dentist with a small sword after accusing him of pulling the wrong tooth, police said yesterday.
  • An ice-cream vendor severely slashed a Bangkok dentist with a small sword after accusing him of pulling the wrong tooth, police said yesterday.
  • Accusing the daimyo of treason, Lord Hanachi was forced to commit seppuku; after his death, the domain of Totomi was stripped from the lord's family, and his samurai became ronin.
  • Hardly had I seated myself when my eyes beheld a child staring accusingly at me.
  • March 11th, 2010 at 6: 20 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: pezmiztix says: barry is against same sex marriage. why are you not accusing him of the same bigotry? Think Progress » Skater Johnny Weir not invited to participate in Stars on Ice because he is ‘not family friendly.’
  • Villa issued a statement on Wednesday accusing Sunderland of trying to "besmirch" the club's name, but the row shows few signs of abating as Bruce attempts to plug a gap made all the more sizeable by the news that loan signing Danny Welbeck has undergone surgery to repair a torn knee cartilage and will be sidelined for up to eight weeks. WalesOnline - Home
  • This is what Jesus foresaw for the scribes and the Pharisees, and the moral caution bristles with rank and smellable detail under the painter's touch, from the begging bowl at one man's waist to the orbless, accusing eyes that another turns on us, in pleading or rebuke. The New Yorker
  • In any case, leaping to conclusions, any federal employee accusing anyone of “communism” today should be checked for a Freeper user ID. Matthew Yglesias » A Missed Torture Opportunity
  • She has thrown down the gauntlet to the newspaper by accusing it of libel.
  • They also launched media campaigns accusing the government of illegitimacy and totalitarian intentions.
  • They knew of people called delators who made a living out of accusing people before the authorities.
  • Just like Clay took one decent point -- the "Residents' number is bad" -- and overblew his point as badly as he was accusing the press of overblowing their points, you're taking some good observations about SL's economic issues and interweaving them with hyperbole. SL Economy Misunderstood Again
  • Maybe accusing a person of being a rapist without having any reason to think so is, in your mind, equivalent to believing that a misgrade exactly of two students by a teacher who hated those exact two students is very unlikely to be an innocent mistake. <a href="" title="Retaliatory grading
  • In late 2008, a lengthy Chinese-language essay circulated online excoriating Mr. Zhou and other top officials for being too close to the U.S., accusing them of having "colluded" with then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to buy U.S. bonds. Chinese Express Wary Faith in Fannie, Freddie Debt
  • The fractious Monday followed a rough and tumble weekend as the two sparred over an Obama leaflet accusing Clinton of saying the North American Free Trade Agreement was a boon to the economy. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
  • The move has ignited a furious row, with critics accusing her of building an unhealthy bridge between the seat of power and the media. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.
  • Pharaoh's features had been pre, image in every deta ty in this extraordinary work of art. served for all eterni ed in silent wonder into the obsidian and rock They star crystal eyes of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh gazed back at them sadly, almost accusingly it was a long time before either of them could summon the head thecourag6 and presumption to lift it away from did so, they found further of the mummy. The Seventh Scroll
  • Evans released a statement recently demanding Pelosi's resignation as speaker because of what he called her "grossly irresponsible behavior" in accusing the CIA of not being truthful about what was said during a security briefing back in 2002. Pelosi galore - poli
  • A foul-tempered doctor arrived and stopped just short of accusing me of smuggling the Black Death into the USA.
  • Prose, in the knitting up of the memorie, the reason is manifest, the words (besides their delight, which hath a great affinitie to memorie) being so set as one cannot be lost, but the whole woorke failes: which accusing it selfe, calleth the remembrance back to it selfe, and so most strongly confirmeth it. Defence of Poesie
  • Towards the end of on uncharacteristically orderly day, the avuncular former dictator once again grabbed center stage, accusing his American captors of mistreatment, beatings, even torture.
  • Serena then added fuel to the fire by accusing Stosur of being a good "framer", implying many of her winning shots of being mis-hits. BBC - Ouch
  • Are you accusing me of being a cheat?
  • All their severities called cruelties: mutually accusing each other; each him and herself; and all to raise her character, and torment themselves. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The findings of the inquiry were couched in virulent terms, accusing Graham of being a heretic, falsifier, person of irregular life, blasphemer, and excommunicate.
  • They dismissed his claims, accusing him of trying to stir up racial tension for political advantage.
  • I think this is what you call accusing your enemies of your own worst sins. an unconcerned deity Tom and Lorenzo/Project Rungay - The #1 Project Runway Blog
  • Coming out of hospital was traumatic enough without facing the accusing man, and Shirley was quite right about the weakness.
  • There is every reason to suppose that the Labour-dominated committee in Parliament will make criticisms of the government that stop short of accusing it of lying - a classic fudge.
  • The counselor to the president's accusing the network of what it calls deceitful editing, twisting the president's words. CNN Transcript May 20, 2008
  • But he's being almost as flip and happy and smiley as people are accusing Sneddon of being, no?
  • As every outraged nerve in my body cried for alleviation, so my tortured mind shrieked for surcease from the accusing memory of the things I had said and done while under the influence of alcohol. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • Numerous art historians responded to Hockney's proposal with suspicious stupefaction, as if this avant-garde upstart were accusing the old masters of painting by numbers.
  • There's something of that in all of us, so no one can be too enthusiastic in pointing an accusing finger.
  • As the prosecutor called for the death penalty, accusing the editor of apostasy, the abandonment of the faith, the sentence appeared to have been a compromise.
  • Also, Obama would've lost face if he said that he was wrong in accusing Bush of war crimes and he could not admit that he was wrong. Domestic surveillance program began soon after 9/11
  • It is unedifying for our elected representatives to greet a ruling with which they disagree by accusing individual judges of prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. Of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war. Chris Rock 
  • Her accusing eyes were fixed on him.
  • LONDON - Ronnie Wood has reportedly been sending estranged wife Jo nasty text messages, accusing her of 'cheapening' herself with a dance show. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I counterattacked hard, accusing Stevenson of trying to dismiss serious charges with quips.
  • All he had done was scream abuse at her, accusing her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family.
  • I'd get these eight-page denunciations, accusing me of didacticism, as if I hadn't already thought of that.
  • He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man.
  • But the angry reaction to her comments rose to a new level today with blogs on the left and right accusing her of being self-centred and narcissistic.
  • So when the station came clean, they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias.
  • It is true indeed, that the delator was an unpopular person in the Roman Empire, and, besides, in accusing a The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Of course the smile vanished as two pairs of accusing eyes turned towards me.
  • Banks often blame the victims of fraud, accusing them of being lax with their personal information, which can be used by fraudsters. Times, Sunday Times
  • This inevitably leads to some accusing the advertiser of tokenism or stereotyping, which in turn reinforces the difficulty of acting inclusively.
  • President Bush again smeared opponents of the Iraq war last night, accusing them of “waving the white flag of surrender. ” Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 29, 2006
  • A U.S. pork industry group requested the duties last year, accusing Canada of selling hogs in the United States at below-market prices and injuring American farmers.
  • In 1970 the FBI put her on their most wanted list, accusing her of supplying guns for a breakout from Soledad prison.
  • As a result, staffers expected fat paychecks of thousands of dollars in backdated raises at the exact time that Sampson was accusing Senate Republicans of stalling legislation in an attempt to seize the spoils of majority leadership. New York Senate Drama! Showdown! Conflict! Pay Raises! - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Nearly everyone knew who I was except for one guy who kept accusing me of coming dressed as someone from The Simpsons.
  • But Labour councillors rebutted the Conservative group's allegation by accusing them of not wanting to face the truth.
  • The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the opposition of gross incompetence.
  • Clay pointed an accusing finger at Hunter who spun around to stare at the three glaring boys.
  • Virginia Attorney Gen. Ken Cuccinelli R is accusing Arlington County of engaging in "legal thuggery" with an "an egregiously frivolous" and "dirty" lawsuit against the state's proposed construction of High Occupancy Toll lanes along I-95 in Northern Virginia. Cuccinelli accuses Arlington of playing 'dirty' with HOT lanes lawsuit
  • Suddenly, top Republicans were accusing Ritter of playing "footsie" with labor unions. The Obama Win: Handle As Little and as Gently as Possible
  • He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner, accusing him of lack of stomach for the fight, of failure of nerve, of lack of leadership. THE SCAR
  • His eyes were somewhat expressionless, but they would not stop looking at me in that accusing, betrayed way.
  • Two days later, President Daniel arap Moi banned the rally, accusing opponents of colluding with foreigners and plotting violence.
  • (S) Abdullah complained that the Ministry of Interior was circulating a letter accusing him and his supporters, such as Balkh Governor Atta, of distributing weapons (reftel). The Guardian World News
  • And accordingly the latest writers on this subject have relinquished that accusation; they no longer charge the old pedagogue with such an effort of genius; they confine themselves to accusing him of ingratitude towards his benefactress, which is as much as to say that a little personal favour, even when well earned, is to compel a man to shut his eyes henceforward to the character and conduct of the person who has conferred it, and that both patriotic feeling and political policy are to be quenched by a pension, which is a strange view. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • She keeps accusing me of cheating when she gets this way. The Sun
  • his accusing glare
  • His family had filed a lawsuit accusing the federal government of violating his civil rights and holding him after the FBI cleared him of suspicion.
  • Yaaaaa, everyone careful with Jeffery the Point Man ... he thinks he's being "oversensitive" ... or wants us to think that we are accusing him of being "oversensitive" or ... what the hell is it Jeffery the Point Man forking wants here? Your Right Hand Thief
  • You guys are always accusing me of getting things backwards, but I think you "dittoheads" have had incongruities repeated at you so often by shills like Rush that I think your synapses must be disrupted. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Mr. Obama, in a statement on Friday, condemned what he called "outrageous human rights abuses" by authorities in Syria, accusing Mr. Assad of choosing the "path of repression. Protests Explode Across Syria
  • He paused and turned to look at his brother who was staring at him with an almost accusing glare.
  • She stared at me in an accusing manner.
  • The move has ignited a furious row, with critics accusing her of building an unhealthy bridge between the seat of power and the media. Times, Sunday Times
  • The empty box said it all: wide open, like an accusing scream.
  • Trans people do not find great enjoyment in randomly accusing people of transphobia, and would rather not have to bring it up.
  • In 2009 Biller countersued, accusing Toyota of violating racketeering laws in what he termed a ruthless conspiracy and relentless effort to prevent evidence of its vehicles' - News
  • Ballet lovers welcomed the news, but some commentators persisted in accusing the opera house of bigotry and prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2009, the Arlington County Board of Supervisors filed an egregiously frivolous lawsuit against these federal and state agencies as well as officials in their personal capacities; even audaciously accusing those officials of civil rights violations for trying to advance a transportation solution. Cuccinelli accuses Arlington of playing 'dirty' with HOT lanes lawsuit
  • Hennigan filed a lawsuit on behalf of the survivors' families accusing the gun maker, Navegar Inc. of Miami.
  • And yes, accusing someone of "intergalactic war-mongering" even in passing is one and only one thing: First Look: G.I. Joe's Scarlett Revealed! «
  • He has fired his attorneys, accusing them of conspiring against him.
  • At one time or another (including copyrights) this person has had about fourteen hundred pounds of my money, and he writes what he calls a posthumous work about me, and a scrubby letter accusing me of treating him ill, when I never did any such thing. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • We've always argued, but lately she's accusing me of gaslighting her.
  • They still have an irrational fear of the newspaper accusing them of being socialist commissars, but we are living in a different century.
  • But haven't there been other tragedies on this scale, the accusing voices say.
  • Feminist writers tend to downplay the whole thing and point an accusing finger at the drug companies.
  • Paul Coverdell, accusing the first-term lawmaker of improperly using his office correspondence files in a re-election fundraising effort.
  • In July, he confronted her about the investigation, accusing her of persecuting him, and demanding to know how she had any right to continue the investigation.
  • Just three months after 9/11, in December 2001, the government raided and closed down the country's three largest Islamic charities: the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), the Global Relief Foundation (GRF), and the Benevolence International Foundation (BIF), accusing them of supporting terrorism. Dr. Rafil A. Dhafir at Terre Haute Prison's New Communications Management Unit
  • A spokesman for Mel Gibson's ex-girlfriend has lashed out at the actor's legal team - accusing his lawyers of creating false rumours about the Russian singer in order to "vilify" her during the pair's custody battle. Ottawa Sun
  • At that check, the authors of these tumultuary measures fell to accusing the generals, as if they had marred the proceeding; and the Arcadians and Archaeans banded together, chiefly under the auspices of the two ringleaders, Callimachus the Parrhasian and Anabasis
  • You see he has written him a letter accusing me of being a dill.
  • Jack Taggart, is yelling at his son, Billy, to carefully affix all the scarecrows to their posts, while also accusing him of meddling with his equipment.
  • Mike Pettit, president of ProComp, an anti-Microsoft group, urged state and federal investigators to look into the matter as part of their ongoing lawsuit accusing Microsoft of anticompetitive practices.
  • Certainly, no one is accusing the President of misappropriating the money or keeping it his personal bank account for any other reason than he says: to avoid red tape and make it easier to cash if or when it is needed.
  • I fixed her with an accusing stare, then turned my attention to her mother. BETTER THAN THIS
  • All I can see when I walk about town is all the accusing faces and all the people who would like to see us dead.
  • They have spent the last four years baselessly accusing him of stirring up resentment against the rich.
  • Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.
  • It was a simple drawing of a square tower, standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.
  • Asgard had seen the accusing look in Terian's face and could not meet the familiar sapphire blue eyes that suddenly smoldered with hatred.
  • The deserted nest, neat as a pin, had a forlorn accusing air.
  • He then began accusing Berman's father,, of being a "human molester," "exploiter" and "scoudrel," amongst other things. of Music Paste Magazine
  • ORLANDO - A University of Central Florida student is suing Pittsburgh Steelers star receiver Santonio Holmes, accusing him of throwing a glass at the woman's face at an Orlando nightclub earlier this month. Local News
  • Upon seeing the elderly gentleman, this time wearing a more respectable suit, Belinda immediately stands and points an accusing finger at him.
  • But thanks for the willful misreading of my intent (without asking for clarification), for accusing me of nativism, and of assuming that I use the category “real Americans” in the “No True Scotsman” vein.dicentra(Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Paul Hollander on the Fall of Communism
  • Every new magistracy, succeeding by homicide, is auspicated by accusing its predecessors in the office of tyranny, and it continues by the exercise of what they charged upon others. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
  • However, those behind the site make it clear that it is not intended as a forum for ‘abusing, accusing, slandering or defaming anyone’.
  • He yesterday lashed out at his treatment by the media, implicitly accusing them of exploiting him for financial gain.
  • He was, in effect, accusing the present incumbent of being another stapler-thrower, underling-bawler, back-of-the-seat thumper as Brown is alleged to have been. David Cameron is out of his tree | Simon Hoggart's sketch
  • I had the faults common to my age, was talkative, a glutton, and sometimes a liar; made no scruple of stealing sweetmeats, fruits, or, indeed, any kind of eatables; but never took delight in mischievous waste, in accusing others, or tormenting harmless animals. The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • You know I don't trust myself to keep it all in my head,' she said accusingly. KICK BACK
  • Cue Albertz on Friday, bursting into the Sunday assembly and bearding my colleague, the sepulchral Hugh Keevins, accusing him of invention, hyperbole and all manner of crimes against the natural order.
  • He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.
  • charlatanry" an Asian man accusing him of using supernatural powers to solve marital disputes and induce others to fall in love. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • * An unidentified Major in Iraq -- a fundamentalist Christian pretending to be a "freethinker" -- for attending the first meeting of atheist service members under the umbrella of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, then verbally berating the other attendees, accusing them of plotting against Christians and disrespecting soldiers who have died protecting the Constitution. Paul Krassner: A**holes of the Week #6
  • The dissident group countered by accusing Garvey of improperly managing the SBQ business since he took over the multigrade bar company in 1996. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Banks often blame the victims of fraud, accusing them of being lax with their personal information, which can be used by fraudsters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even my brothers have sent me a number of cruel e-mail accusing me of betraying the family and being a traitor.
  • The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.
  • QUEENSLAND, April 6, 2009: Noel Pearson is accusing the Queensland government of deceiving Indigenous people after Premier Anna Bligh banned development around three Cape York rivers. Undefined
  • He recently grabbed headlines by accusing the local media of preordaining Landrieu the winner, saying, "There's a move afoot today to ensure that we have a majority white council, an inspector general that's white, a district attorney that's white, a U.S. attorney that's white, a head of education that's white. Salon
  • All he had done was scream abuse at her, accusing her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family.
  • It's sometimes wearisome, sometimes amusing, to see partisan Democrats and Republicans constantly accusing the other side of things that both sides are constantly guilty of.
  • It was a simple drawing of a square tower, standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.

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