How To Use Accumulative In A Sentence
He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.
It was impossible to state with accumulative our loss.
Exercise: 1hr 20 mins of brisk walking (accumulatively)
In addition to its direct toxicity there are serious concerns that Deca breaks down in the environment to form PBDEs with fewer bromines, which are more persistent and bioaccumulative in people.
Enviroblog: Extinguishing Deca: A toxic flame retardant may flicker out Archives
Bans on many of the persistent, bioaccumulative chemicals have resulted in clear decreases in levels of these chemicals in countries where we have time-trend data.

My only concern is to make sure that we present the accumulative or aggregate system properly to the people at the track.
They have invented a kind of accumulative or constructive evidence, by which many actions either totally innocent in themselves, or criminal in a much inferior degree, shall, when united, amount to treason, and subject the person to the highest penalties inflicted by the law.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell
The Port River has been the repository of industrial waste for over a hundred years and the accumulative effect on local flora and fauna has been disastrous.
While the EPA has been working on a gradual phase-out, Wal-Mart simply decided to ban the chemical, a neurotoxin that the EPA says is "persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic to both humans and the environment.
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It is also bioaccumulative, meaning its concentration intensifies as it moves up the food chain. "interview with CNN, Dr. Shaw said this of the toxic soup that is the combination of oil and dispersants:" Shrimpers [were] throwing their nets into water ... [then] water from the nets splashed on [one's] skin ... [
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He said: ‘The number keeps going up because the list is accumulative - new names are added while the old ones remain.’
The idea is that we are all, accumulatively, the Body of Christ.
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Ban the supertoxic chemicals, including chemicals that build up in our bodies known as persistent bioaccumulative toxins, or PBTs and toxic metals like lead and mercury.
In personality they were frugal, abstemious, shrewd, accumulative, and solitary.
The U.S. is our number one trading partner and number one, accumulatively, our number one source of investments.
CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2001
Two accumulative error indices are defined as the discernment signals of the fault detection in a liquid propellant rocket engine.
The dynamics of accumulatively appeared family, genus, and species in the vegetation succession process were well described by logarithmic function.
I should demonstrate how the ostensibly plain prose of his story has an accumulatively poetic effect, and I should-
It belongs to the type of story known as the "accumulative," of which "The House That Jack Built" is the purest model.
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It was so refreshing .. and then go home feeling so hyper and started to talk to everyone and I talked for about half an hour accumulatively to my mom and about 3-4 hours with my elder brother and I realised how alike we were ... after so many years!
He's watchful, accumulative, with a good range of well-executed shots, but there's nothing particularly eye-catching about him; he looks pretty good, not extraordinary.
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Bi - directional reactive embedded three - phase watt - hour meter adopts bi - directional reversible type accumulative character wheel register.
I consider that my seeing the man those years glimpsd for me, beyond all else, that inner spirit and formthe unquestionable charm and vivacity, but intrinsic sophistication and artificialitycrystallizing rapidly upon the English stage and literature at and after Shaksperes time, and coming on accumulatively through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the beginning, fifty or forty years ago, of those disintegrating, decomposing processes now authoritatively going on.
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The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
He pointed out that the 10m deficit was the accumulative effect of expenditure exceeding income on important projects over the past few years.
Gladwell says the best succeed because of hard work, innate talent and a confluence of circumstances that some call accumulative advantage, and some call luck.
A Portarlington car-dealer, who put Irish number plates on a car he had imported from the UK for retail, was fined an accumulative sum of £1,600 at the local district court on Tuesday, December 5.
Some of these pollutants, known as bioaccumulative chemicals of concern BCC, pose risks to fish and other species as well as to the humans and wildlife that consume them.
Archive 2008-01-01
The declining trend of reproduction is likely attributable to accumulative effects on those and other prey populations over consecutive years of below-average rainfall.
Even when a game doesn't have that kind of accumulative structure, like CoH, some players still follow the same imperatives until they've been around long enough to realize that it doesn't matter so much.
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However, she died due to the accumulative effect of anorexia on her body.
I was reading the Guinness Book of Records one day and thought I could set a new accumulative bench press record, but it's unbelievably hard.
It's fair to say a few gags misfire, but the accumulative effect of so many genius lines is very forgiving, allowing the industrious Jones to weave in new gags all the time and constantly keeping his hilarious act fresh.
Great Regulars: It seems to combine elements both from that safe-as-houses mediaeval form, the sestina, and from the intricate pantoum: its accumulative structure also suggests folk-tales such as The House That Jack Built.
Archive 2009-11-01
The accumulative total settlement less than tradition soft foundation consolidation method.
None of the unruly activities in themselves would be regarded as seriously criminal, but their accumulative effect is having a real impact on the usage of the community building, and may even threaten its future survival.
Yet, people are more prone to make mistakes when sleep deprivation and all the other perplexities of the race take their accumulative toll.
The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
we live in an accumulative society
We are not goddesses, divas or supermoms any more than we're bitches, shrews, sluts or nursemaids, and the damage of getting it wrong has been accumulative, making the picture of a woman's role seem quite grim and hopeless when it's really far from it.
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Let us now examine my formula showing your probableaccumulative investment in rental - income property.
He says by creating drugs to replicate the effect, it will take longer for the accumulative damage caused by free radicals to occur.
The effects will take place very slowly but have an accumulative lasting effect.
The genius of the language has been described as accumulative: it "tends rather to add syllables or letters, making farther distinctions in objects already before the mind, than to introduce new words.
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The MSM is covering the Iranian protesters far more than those hundreds of thousands of American protesters I was at 6 different anti invasion marches millions accumulatively.
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And it's that accumulative effect, what I call the gathering momentum of millions acts of kindness which take place on a daily basis, which literally can transform this country one heart and one soul at a time.
CNN Transcript Feb 26, 2003
His renal system, in addition to being weakened from the accumulative effect of many infections, also suffered from his overuse of alcohol.
Is there an accumulative good effect or gradual nullification over time?
Pollutants are everywhere and their effects are accumulative.
A Carlow man was fined an accumulative sum of £150 for failing to have a tachograph on his lorry and having no tax displayed on his vehicle.
There is a well-marked distinction between the excitable and what I will call the accumulative temperament in patients.
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Moss-grown regulation is when new user integral (initiative cent value is - 20 minutes) after accumulative total value achieves 0 minutes, can fall behind successfully.
Not emphasized, however, was the mottled, hardening effect of any fluorides on teeth or the possible accumulative long-term effect of such additions.
Moss-grown regulation is when new user integral (initiative cent value is - 20 minutes) after accumulative total value achieves 0 minutes, can fall behind successfully.
He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.
the eventual accumulative effect of these substances
Each element, each clause, is given new potential instead of functioning accumulatively.
Gertrude Stein
The little village is at the heart of the all-conquering green and gold wearers, and with the accumulative passion and strength of all the scattered little townlands and parishes, the power of the Kingdom is a cut above all the rest.
They are toxic, bioaccumulative, and able to be transported by the movement of air, water, and migratory species to places far from their original point of release.
But by and large, the industry doesn't have the kind of accumulative knowledge of making film after film after film after film.
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If you want to read a compendium of religiously engendered "atrocities" read Christopher Hitchens's superb book, God Is Not Great, which reminds you of them in accumulatively shocking detail.
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Pseudoscience is ‘fixed’ or ‘closed’ rather than accumulative and progressive; its statements are not changed to agree with new evidence.
The biggest involved cannabis resin with a street value of almost €250,000 and the accumulative value of the drugs in all five raids now substantially tops €300,000.
It is also bioaccumulative, meaning its concentration intensifies as it moves up the food chain. "interview with CNN, Dr. Shaw said this of the toxic soup that is the combination of oil and dispersants:" Shrimpers [were] throwing their nets into water ... [then] water from the nets splashed on [one's] skin ....
And what they're responding to is the accumulative effect.