How To Use Accumulation In A Sentence
The decades of peace and accumulation of wealth in the west have not only been arguably bought at the expense of the rest of the world - but also of ourselves.
An accumulation of debt has caused investors to worry that Portugal will not be able to pay back the money.
Times, Sunday Times
In analyzing wealth accumulation, we limit attention to the subsample that supplied complete data on all financial and demographic variables of interest.
However, DDT released before that time is still present in the environment and in various organisms in the process of bioaccumulation.
The diseases caused by permanent deposits of uric acid in the tissues are called arthritic diseases, because the accumulations frequently occur in the joints.
Nature Cure

The majority of the carbonates and gypsum are autogenetic with only minor secondary accumulations with depth.
Irgm1 accumulated around the latex beads phagosomes (seen as refringent spheres) while the loss of the nucleotide-binding site completely abolished the phagosomal accumulation.
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It is claimed, probably incorrectly, that in social environments yawning and weariness are due to an accumulation of carbon dioxide.
_Ophthalmia lymphatica_ is a kind of anasarca of the tunica adnata; in this the vessels over the sclerotica, or white part of the eye, rise considerably above the cornea, which they surround, are less red than in the ophthalmia superficialis, and appear to be swelled by an accumulation of lymph rather than of blood; it is probably owing to the temporary obstruction of a branch of the lymphatic system.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Col1a1-Krm2 mice is associated with an accumulation of non-mineralized osteoid (stained in red, scale bars, 100 µm). doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0010309.g008
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In the duty of accumulation -- and I call it a _duty_, in the most strict and literal signification of that word -- all below a competence is most valuable, and its acquisition most laudable; but all above a fortune is a misfortune.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
Therefore, there is a strong possibility that dangerous accumulations of this toxicant exist in humans and animals.
This majority alliance is a process of gradual accumulation.
You can in fact be certain that private capital accumulation is a fundamental necessity in our system, while maintaining that (minor) redistribution is an ongoing requirement.
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The accumulation of linguistic relics is not just so much cultural detritus.
The retinal pigment epithelium, which is the outer layer of the retina, fails to carry out its function as a result of which there is accumulation of the breakdown products.
It has proved difficult to establish causal rather than merely correlative relationships between carbohydrate accumulation and cold tolerance.
This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
Bilge pumps in recreational boats are only intended to remove normal accumulations of bilge water and sea spray.
These focused on her physical characteristics, including her pronounced steatopygia (an accumulation of fat on the buttocks).
ANC Daily News Briefing
Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
Wild type Irgm1 strongly associated with latex bead-phagosomes while accumulation of Irgm1 (S90N) on the phagosomal membrane was much reduced
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There was more bombast and bluster than football, the most notable happenings on the park being the accumulation of bookings.
Accumulation of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft occurs provoking an increase in the stimulation of postsynaptic receptors. 3
Cocaine Toxicity
An early Iron Age deposit survived intact, with an excellent accumulation of cultural deposits.
Botanists have long noted the phenomenon of sap accumulation in tissue above a girdle or major wound in the woody stems of plants.
Avoid shampooing every day (even mild shampoos can increase dryness), and rotate shampoos every week or so to prevent a body- and shine-busting accumulation of any one type of cleanser.
Time and money appear as commensurate albeit inverse values because of the effect of the velocity of circulation on the accumulation of capital.
Certain ancient strata, known as the Devonian black shale, occupying the Ohio valley and the neighbouring parts of North America to the east and north of that basin, appear to be accumulations which were made beneath an ancient Sargassum sea.
Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
The blast was caused by an accumulation of gas in an unventilated tunnel.
Times, Sunday Times
It is LeWitt's world, of course, but in its vast accumulation of specifics, it somehow limns the general, and the resulting work could be a composite view of the life of any artist in the late 20th century.
The continual movement of peoples meant that there was no accumulation of wealth because everything had to be carried.
This grouping is complicated, especially in the United States, where geographic ancestry may be associated with clustering of genetic characteristics but is also coupled with differences in societal advantage, living environments, physician-patient interactions, accumulation of wealth, and access to quality health services.
Vit D Policy Requires Review : Law is Cool
Against error accumulation and computation complexity, a novel spirality interpolation sequence scheme is assumed, whichimproves precision of interpolation and reduces maximum error of interpolation.
The second aspect of contradiction within Bukharin's equations is that between accumulation and unproductive consumption.
Even where the reservoir is a fractured source rock, some internal flow of oil is involved in concentrating the oil to form an accumulation.
Their accumulation in the air traps heat and raises the temperature.
This unifying and coordinating principle, she thought, has enabled geography to com - prehend vast accumulations of facts, and for the first time raised it to the level of a science.
I tried to cheer him by reminding him we might yet find chances to enrich ourselves before returning home, but I could see he was troubled by the thought that the voyage he had accomplished with so much skill and daring might prove resultless in the accumulation of wealth.
Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
The motivation is not the accumulation of personal wealth.
Times, Sunday Times
In which latter situation the accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation increases by its superabundance the associability of the fibres of the stomach, so as to overbalance the defect of the excitement of their association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
And lastly, a tight foreskin is unhygienic and leads to the accumulation of a foul-smelling cheesy material (called smegma) underneath it.
Unlike most ski nations, there is no tradition of blasting snow-heavy slopes to release dangerous accumulations in the back-country.
The increased accumulation of lipid peroxides is indicative of enhanced production of toxic oxygen species.
Cretan brake thus provides us a new plant material to study the mechanism of As - accumulation.
I just want to send a big congratulations out there to my friend Laura Wilson whose first published paper "Comparative taphonomy and paleoecological reconstruction of two microvertebrate accumulations from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation Maastrichtian, eastern Montana" came out in the new issue of PALAIOS today.
Results were as follows: (1) The shoot dry weight and the amount of Zn accumulation can reflect better the differences of capacity to acquire zinc from soils among six pakchoi cultivars.
This mechanism explains primary accumulation features, including the formation of dome structures, the geometrical relationship between bifurcations and domes, and the occurrence of chromitite layers on a variety of scales.
One of the major changes that occurs during the maturation of oocytes is the accumulation of yolk protein, or vitellin.
In such countries, "the accumulation of capital has reached gigantic proportions.
The Sociology of Modernization and Development
Glucose accumulation rate during storage increased significantly with seed water content, which suggested the occurrence of greater sugar hydrolysis from sucrose and oligosaccharides.
Nearly everyone would like something to pass on to his descendants, yet there is no inheritable property accumulation in our Social Security system.
Besides the accumulation of a variety of northern meals, the publication is also a project to preserve the South Slavey dialect.
In the place of different political parties what Fatton terms "accumulation alliances" have arisen, based on clientship and centered around the charismatic personality of a particular gwo neg ( "big man"), engaged in a "criminalized zero-sum game" in pursuit of power.
Haiti: The Fall of the House of Aristide
The accumulation time is an important component of car staying time in technical station. It has a great effect on determining the method of organizing wagon flow.
Fitted carpets, heavy drapes, upholstered furniture - even soft toys - promote dust accumulation and the breeding of dust mites.
CCAM can cause a myriad of life-threatening problems for the baby, including fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure.
CCAM — Ryan
And in the first formal collection of his findings, Franco has concluded that the woman who Italians call "La Gioconda" suffered from xanthelasma, the accumulation of cholesterol just under the skin. Top Stories
Since the excess of animality and the accumulation and abundance of its stratas have their origin in food, drink and indulgence in carnal pleasures, a fast accomplishes what abundant food cannot.
This has great significance in a society that is based on ownership, accumulation, the market, and neocolonialism.
The lung is a target for toxicity because of its biotransformation pathways and/or pulmonary drug accumulation.
You've now got two hard-earned notches on your belt, one for making it through the introductory phase, another for surviving three months of mass accumulation.
The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures.
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter, formed over hundreds of thousands of years.
Times, Sunday Times
Circumcision will prevent several conditions that cause an accumulation of fluid and swelling around the foreskin and glans, as well as a problem known as phimosis, which is the inability to retract the foreskin.
Again, it's still too early to get specific about snow amounts - but I do expect a "plowable" accumulation from Wednesday afternoon into Thursday night. rss feed
Clean up any grease, diesel fuel, hydraulic and lubricating oil accumulation and spillage immediately.
When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes.
Surgical Anatomy
With accumulation of more fossil material, it may also be possible to assign other skeletal elements to the tarsometatarsi, which may provide additional clues on the phylogenetic position of these fossil songbirds.
A glacier forms whenever the accumulation of snow/ice exceeds ablation over a sustained period of time.
This proves the great importance of KNOWING THE NATURAL LAWS for the human class of life, and making natural time-binding impulses conscious, for then only will the spiral give a logarithmical accumulation of the right kind, otherwise the biolyte will be “animal” in substance as well as in effect.
Manhood of Humanity.
In that case the link in catenation, that is, the first of the associate train, is rendered torpid by defect of excitement of its usual quantity of the sensorial power of association, and from there being no accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation to increase its associability, and thus to contribute to actuate it by overbalancing the defect of the excitement of its association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
In addition, our data show that DNL contributed relatively less stearoyl - than sphingosine-moiety to muscle c18 ceramide, suggesting that low SCD1 activity in muscle could be responsible for the increased dependency of muscle ceramide accumulation on dietary fat.
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Tahe oilfield in Tarim basin is characterized by multi-stage hydrocarbon generation, multi-channel migration and multi-stage petroleum accumulation.
Forecasters expect significant accumulations of snow from Virginia and North Carolina into New England.
Either the valorization of accumulation, profit, and the subjection of human beings to mechanistic systems will wind down into the sort of dystopia so widely and lavishly depicted to scare us witless; or we will awaken from our trance, take a deep breath to dispel the catecholamines, use our big neocortices to recognize that we still possess the resources, intelligence and skill to enact a redemptive vision—and then do it.
Annals of The Culture of Politics: Tea and Empathy
For one, inventory accumulation is expected to contribute nearly a percentage point to the headline figure, which can only provide a short-term boost unless consumers increase spending enough to allow inventories to be drawn down.
Stocks Needn't Slow as GDP Muddles Along
After years'accumulation, our company and more steadily and maturely under the guide of this idea.
This is the process wherein the intelligence of an inarguably intelligent person is inflated and valued beyond all reason, creating a dangerous accumulation of unhedged risk.
Words of wisdom from Naomi Klein??
But benefits should arrive before computers have crunched through the planet's vast accumulation of DNA information.
The gradual accumulation of soot can seriously affect the way your chimney performs.
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
The results of this week's coring campaign can be summarized as follows: thick (11 m) accumulations of fine sediments, all derived from the ophiolitic mélange, occur in the valley bottom upstream from Alexanders 'Hill.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 10: Geomorphological
Regulations allow a maximum of 55 gallons of hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at each satellite accumulation area.
Dyspnea may respond to pleural fluid drainage followed by a pleurodesis procedure that creates a symphysis of the visceral and parietal pleuras, thereby preventing pleural fluid reaccumulation.
Then they saw the need of delay, before completely punishing the wicked, to give space for repentance, or else for accumulation of wrath (Ro 2: 15); and before completely rewarding the godly, to give room for faith and perseverance in tribulation (Ps 92: 7-12).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The column is deposited only in sedimentary environments, where conditions favor the accumulation of sediments.
A Confession
In irrigated zones, drainage is linked to leaching techniques to prevent accumulation of toxic salts in the soil and also to prevent gullying and soil erosion.
2.1. Open ditches
This was due to poor buildings, old machinery and accumulation of mental and physical fatigue because of the unrelenting nature of the activity.
Glacial activity has had a major influence on the development of the landscape including notable geological features such as deep canyons or kursu valleys with nearly vertical walls over 100 m in height cut by melt water, sandurs (outwash plains), boulder hollows, tundra polygons, U-valleys, glacial cirques and moraines, talus accumulations, drumlins, weathering phenomena and palsa bogs.
Lapponian Area, Sweden
Castlereagh, Gwydir, and the Dumaresq, with the many minor interfluent waters, which doubtless takes place upon those low levels, forms one or more noble rivers, which may flow across the continent by an almost imperceptible declivity of country to the north of north-west coasts, on certain parts of which, recent surveys have discovered to us extensive openings, by which the largest accumulations of waters might escape to the sea.
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Complete
They fail to dialyse, and the result is, either an accumulation of the fluid in a closed cavity, or contraction of the substance inclosed within the membrane, or dryness of membrane in surfaces that ought to be freely lubricated and kept apart.
Grappling with the Monster The Curse and the Cure of Strong Drink
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to ensnarl slum landlords and city inspectors in a carefully documented web of official misconduct.
This genetic disorder leads to an accumulation of protoporphyrin IX in the skin and an increased risk of incapacitating phototoxic reactions manifesting as pain and severe ulceration of the skin.
Not just the accumulation of unwashed body odors but something muskier, almost an animal smell.
Blood Lure
And that has contributed to the slow accumulation of wealth by minorities.
The enhancement of competitive can accelerate the process of social capital accumulation reversely .
In the study of radiata pine stands by Florence and Lamb, litter accumulation was greater on sandy podzols than on finer textured soils, despite similar rates of litter input.
Several anglers reported large accumulations of fish showing around the city centre with fish rolling in the vicinity of Butcher Terrace and along Marygate.
Moreover, unwanted inventory accumulation and decumulation today affects incomes and savings next week.
Economist's View
For example, the transport of an added ion could be electrically neutral, resulting in no change in membrane potential, but the accumulation of the ion or a cotransported species then stimulates an electrogenic transport system.
According to the model, the Big Bang is followed by a period of slow expansion and gradual accumulation of dark energy.
This is a detective mystery whose solution is arrived at collegiately through data accumulation.
Times, Sunday Times
Until 2003, scientists knew that the principal distinction between the “normalcy” of a cell and the “abnormalcy” of a cancer cell lay in the accumulation of genetic mutations—ras, myc, Rb, neu, and so forth—that unleashed the hallmark behaviors of cancer cells.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Water accumulation can cause straw bale walls to mildew and eventually decompose, and earthen walls to deteriorate and collapse.
Some processing methods such as image-difference processing, multiple field accumulation and K factor correction as well as the flowchart of practical programs are described.
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
The locations in the Earth's crust where these accumulations occur are collectively referred to as orebodies, ore reserves, or ore deposits.
Inevitably, huge household financial deficit also means huge accumulations of household debt.
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
Workers have the right to expose and report against the misappropriation of housing accumulation fund behavior.
That will cover all discretionary or accumulation trust income over 1,000 a year.
Times, Sunday Times
The accumulation of excessive electric charge in dielectric insulation is extremely rare, but when it does occur, it is often catastrophic.
The first conservation step is to clean the surface of dirt and loose accumulations with water and detergent applied under high pressure.
Muscles waste away; oedema and accumulation of fluid in body cavities follows depletion of plasma proteins.
In fact, nearly a fifth of his final loan was just the accumulation of PPI and the interest on it - an insurance he didn't really need because he doesn't work.
While insulin is essential to life, too much of it tends to promote the accumulation of fat in the body, particularly around the midriff.
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter, formed over hundreds of thousands of years.
Times, Sunday Times
Specific accumulation regimes and modes of regulation are typically constructed in specific social spaces and spatio-temporal matrices.
They are forced into cooperation within the tribe by the erratic ecology of the lands they inhabit and their consequent inability to sustain the accumulation of wealth.
Friday afternoon at least had the magnitude of the snow moving in the right direction, though the substantial accumulations north of D.C. never really got incorporated into the forecast until CWG entered the "nowcasting" phase.
Capital Weather Gang
It is assumed that the accumulation of osmotically active compounds, such as sugars, proline and betaine is accelerated, leading to water efflux from the anther wall and thus triggering dehiscence.
Among the life-threatening problems that CCAM can cause is fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure.
CCAM — Jackson
They develop on lacustrine-palustrine surfaces characterized by the presence of lacustrine materials, derived from differential accumulation as well as biogenic deposits coming from the remains of the mangrove swamp itself or other similar ecosystems like the swamp grasslands.
Cuban wetlands
Similarly, if the rate of unproductive consumption declines, then - cet. par. - accumulation increases.
Biological processes are primarily biotransformation, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation.
In some cases this accumulation of earth and sand has protected and hidden that portion of the catacomb which is vertically underneath and thus rescued many precious memorials from the ill-considered attentions, or outrages, of earlier explorers.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Despite this accumulation of evidence, the Government persisted in doing nothing.
The business is an instrument of accumulation of family wealth and status.
Can I take you then to the book of materials, the bundle of documents, page 58, and invite your attention to the accumulation of three sentences.
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Robert F. Kennedy
The cutting of the wood and the depasturing of the grasses upon the sand-dunes converted them from solid bulwarks against the ocean to loose accumulations of dust, which every sea-breeze drove farther landward, burying, perhaps, fertile soil and choking up water-courses on one side, and exposing the coast to erosion by the sea upon the other.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
Corrupt managers strip their assets, while the firms' inefficiencies lead to the accumulation of nonperforming loans.
Short distance lateral migration of oil and gas is the general rule, though vertical migration and multi-stage accumulation and dispersion are not uncommon.
As such, coral reefs are created from the accumulation of these madrepores.
To dream you hear hens cackling foretells success in love, and an accumulation of riches by means of female relations.
The problem shows up in the eye as retinal hemorrhages, abnormally large blood vessels in the eye and accumulation of interocular fluid.
Human Eye: Part 4
Here, at last, among the miscellaneous accumulation of the family's past, I struck gold.
The dynamics of capital accumulation thus ensure that property is distributed unequally, and that it remains so.
Taught prograduate courses can be studied part-time or full-time, by distance and e-learning or, in some cases, by credit accumulation over three to five years.
Property has been a reliable ladder to wealth accumulation in recent decades, but a trend is only a trend until it stops.
Times, Sunday Times
The current ongoing process, of marketisation, assessment and so on, in Britain's higher education institutions is then one of enclosure and primitive accumulation.
Chap. 397. 389 purpose of providing for the payment of the bonds issued under the authority of this act, and the treasurer and re - ceiver general shall apportion thereto from year to year an amount sufficient with the accumulations of said fund to extinguish at maturity the debt incurred by the issue of said bonds.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
The accumulation of brilliant hues in simple but densely repeated geometric patterns made her entry a showstopper.
Filters are also installed in the hood to catch grease and prevent accumulations in the ductwork.
Ice cores are the accumulation of snow and ice over many years that have recrystallized and have trapped air bubbles from previous time periods.
Unthreaded #8 « Climate Audit
Proteins can evolve new functions because they have inherent flexibility in plasticity residues for future benefit, but I don't think you can get an IC system from accumulation of small random variations.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
But if the theory of isostasy is true, one would at first say that there could be no great accumulation through a geologic period of stresses which would finally yield in the shape of folded mountain ranges.
Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
In order to have a long view of history, of capital accumulation in few hands, to vivify our past, to nurture a healthy memory, to develop theoretical and class consciousness and knowledge, we always have to check out what we have said and what we were doing in the immediate past.
Venezuela: Beware, Big Business enters the Orinoco Delta and with it a coming Big War!
The peasant economy provides a reserve of cheap labour for capitalism and so contributes to capital accumulation.
Some of the most dominating physical features I've ever encountered, a glacier is a vast mass of ice formed from the accumulation of snow that compacts faster than it melts and sublimates.
The present paper investigates the hypothesis that accumulation of metal ions from soils by terricolous mosses is important in ameliorating SO 2 toxicity.
In the frame of endogenous growth theory, introducing knowledge accumulation will counteract the result of exhaustibility and realize sustainable development.
Accumulation of CKs in shoot tissues known for high transpiration, such as guard cells and the mesophyll cells below them, trichomes, hydathodes, stipules, and stigma filaments appears to be reasonable.
Common amongst the concept of property law is that it deals with the accumulation, protection, use, and limitation of wealth and therefore has serious repercussions on many other aspects of society.
In like manner if the actions of the stomach, intestines, and various glands, which are perhaps in part at least caused by or catenated with agreeable sensation, and which perpetually exist during our waking hours, were like the voluntary motions suspended in our sleep; the great accumulation of sensorial power, which would necessarily follow, would be liable to excite inflammation in them.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
With energy, enthusiasm and many brushes they swept the accumulation of weekend litter from O'Connell Square and the main thoroughfare of the town.
Capitalists were forced to concede the wage rises which for the system as a whole were needed to sustain accumulation.
The word mons which literally means an accumulation of wealth or money, now called capital, seems to have been a generic term used in the fifteenth century to signify lending-houses in general; and hence the montes pietatis or monti di pietà were a species of charitable lending-establishments not, perhaps, unlike our modern pawnbrokers 'establishments, but possessing, of course, none of the sinister features of the latter.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Chronic periodontitis (inflammation of the gingiva and periodontal membrane) may be a sequel of chronic gingivitis, usually because of accumulation of plaque and calculus.
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
Was it then a necessary thing, that decomposition of the great cities which have governed the world, that affluxion of every passion, every desire, every gratification, that accumulation of reeking soil from all parts of the world, there where, in beauty and intelligence, blooms the flower of civilisation?
The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
This enzyme helps prevent the accumulation of mucoprotein (partially digested protein) in the body and lymphatic system.
Natural Remedies for Constipation Relief
Both accumulation of metals in vivo in plants and distribution of the plant species growing in porcelain clay abandoned in a selected mine of copper and zinc were investigated.
The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
This leads to an accumulation of fluorescent proteins absorbing blue light and thereby appearing yellow.
Accumulations of frazil ice that generally take the form of thin, delicate transparent plates.
• Abnormal accumulation of fluid around the ankles and wrist called edema, which is linked to starvation
Susan B. Dopart, M.S., R.D.: Lessons Learned From the Biggest Loser
Nobody in the political establishment or the media opposed the fantastic accumulation of wealth by a tiny elite, of which they formed a part.
For instance, Ins17, which shows the strongest 20S rRNA accumulation in the nucleoplasm, is linked to the
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The worst disease, however, from which the pheasant suffers is "gapes," caused by an accumulation of small red worms in the windpipe that all but suffocate the victim.
Birds in the Calendar
A likely explanation for this difference in light sensitivity is a difference in chlorophyll accumulation.
If the kidneys fail, one of the first signs is the accumulation of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood - uraemia.
In these studies, ‘mucous balls,’ an accumulation of inspissated mucus that adheres to the catheter tip, caused infrequent, but serious, complications.
But the new bands in treated plants emerged 6 days later than that in control plants, The extract from Rheum palmatum L. could cause the accumulation of acidic PR proteins in tomato plants.
The accumulation was wholly glacial; and probably a lake had supervened on the melting of the great glacier and its recedence, which lake, confined by a frozen moraine, would periodically lose its waters by sudden accessions of heat melting the ice of the latter.
Himalayan Journals — Complete
Siliciclastic sequences within or close to the Laurentian foreland of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen preserve a clear depositional contact with basement that constrains their site of accumulation to Laurentia.
So the middle classes and those classes created by primitive capital accumulation and pauperization were ‘opened up’ for recruitment by the traditional intellectuals of political Islam, the ulemas.
The downside was his sudden accumulation of wealth as tech stocks soared and the attention it brought.
Times, Sunday Times
A further element of kintsugi is maki-e, the gradual accumulation of surface effects impressed, as it were, upon the dozens of thin coats of lacquer resin (although I think they are built up by means of the brush), for example a vibrant network of minuscule leaves and flowers.
Archive 2009-07-01
The accumulation of capital, and hence the ownership of capital, was central in harnessing the productive power of mechanical energy.
Evolution of a smaller jaw would at best be a result of devolution, dysgenics caused by the accumulation of mutations.
Accumulation of mutations in both lasR and rhlR correlated with development of hypermutability.
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The plaque is an accumulation of amino acid protein precursors called A-Beta.
Memory does not proceed by the accumulation or collage of fragments, but according to a structuring, aggregative grammar; according to already-visited configurations.
He marries medium to subject with consummate skill, drawing on a lifetime's accumulation of thought and visual imagery.
Volcanic deposits have a unique process of weathering that causes the accumulation of allophane and oxides of iron and aluminum in developing soils.
Psychics say storing things causes corresponding accumulations in our bodies - a horrifying thought for hoarders.
This is usually due to the accumulation of food in the stomach and intestines.
The accumulation of interest is the main reason why credit card borrowers should pay more than the minimum monthly repayment.
Times, Sunday Times
An incr eased leaf weight ratio (LWR) and inter-veinal chlorosis evidenced in boron deficient leaves may indicate excessive carbohydrate accumulation, leading to a decline in chlorophyll content.
The accumulation of capital, and hence the ownership of capital, was central in harnessing the productive power of mechanical energy.
By the accumulation of more and more silver, they effectively protected their family's property and, single-handedly remonetized the white metal.
For Smith, wealth was productive capacity, not the accumulation of precious metals.
The first conservation step is to clean the surface of dirt and loose accumulations with water and detergent applied under high pressure.
Botanists have long noted the phenomenon of sap accumulation in tissue above a girdle or major wound in the woody stems of plants.
Ownership of capital is the source of profits and hence the source of further accumulation of capital.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
For all these reasons, constipation, and more especially the accumulation of large scybalous masses in the rectum, are above all to be avoided.
The Sexual Life of the Child