
How To Use Accumulated In A Sentence

  • The investigation revealed that it was likely that the airplane gradually accumulated a thin, rough glaze/mixed ice coverage on the leading edge deicing boot surfaces, possibly with ice ridge formation on the leading edge upper surface, as the airplane descended from 7000 feet mean sea level (msl) to 4000 feet msl in icing conditions, which may have been imperceptible to the pilots. - Business News
  • After light's term, a term of cecity: the best hope for the future, that light will return and banish the follies, sophistries, delusions, which have accumulated in the darkness. Matthew Arnold
  • Irgm1 accumulated around the latex beads phagosomes (seen as refringent spheres) while the loss of the nucleotide-binding site completely abolished the phagosomal accumulation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The ejecta are still moving rapidly, however, and quickly sweep up surrounding matter to form a shell that slows down as mass gets accumulated, an action similar to that of a snowplow.
  • All of the steel grillages and columns that were left in place or incorporated into the new structure were sandblasted to remove accumulated rust.
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  • She stood up from the table, trailing her finger along the dust that had accumulated on the kitchen counter.
  • It was comfortably furnished with a miscellany which he had accumulated from departing Rhodesians. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • His big hand wiped the small beads of sweat that had accumulated on his brow.
  • Isaac bullied his way into second, a gear not made for the speed they had accumulated.
  • Doing the best I can from the mass of material and figures now accumulated I must now arrive at figures for each of the insurance years.
  • Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom. 
  • And then, of course, there was the skill, the accumulated knowledge and ingenuity, behind dyeworks and glassworks, not to mention ships less frail than they looked, since in the future they would ply as far as Britain .... Time Patrolman
  • They have accumulated over decades to become embedded in the fabric of institutions.
  • It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.
  • Data accumulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics underscore this phenomenon.
  • During sleep, the nerves discharge stimulations they accumulated during the day.
  • They have accumulated a reservoir of ill will that could sink them.
  • When multiple premises are held under the control of one ownership, the inspection fee shall be based on the accumulated total of all domesticated cervine animals on all premises.
  • The article returns discovery, in householder lifetime belongings is accumulated appeared two high peak value.
  • That of the Wessex Basin in southern England accumulated in the northwestern reaches of the Anglo-Paris Basin, an epicontinental sea formed at the junction of the Tethyan, Boreal and Atlantic realms.
  • Those who had paid their debts had more control over their work, and some seem to have accumulated considerable wealth in savings and jewellery.
  • The assumption is that we need professional help to rid our rotten bodies of all the poisons and harmful chemicals accumulated during the season of overindulgence.
  • a time into the cold air, the sensorial power of irritability is accumulated and they become stronger. Note VII
  • I'm having the most enormous fun sifting through the mound of accumulated poems and haiku, bringing order and accord where there was none.
  • Doubtful it may be, whether it should be called dimness of understanding, or rather perverse ingenuity, that men reason thus, when the facts are: So general is the disposition to abuse power, that wherever it is accumulated, it will surely be abused; accordingly it must be distributed as equally as possible. The Growth of Thought As Affecting the Progress of Society
  • They do so by the communication of information which is learned and accumulated from one generation to another.
  • Income or market approaches need to be used to conduct an evaluation, taking into account a state-owned financial institution's long-term accumulated brand value, network distribution, customer resources, franchising rights, goodwill and other intangible assets. Chinese Official Sheds Light on State Assets
  • The formation is composed of shales, mudstones, sandstones, oil shales and coal beds accumulated in fluvial to lacustrine environments.
  • At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom.
  • Imagine a kitchen-midden, that is to say the detritus of ordinary living in different ages, accumulated along the side of some ancient water course, having for its dimensions miles in length, extending hundreds of yards back from the margin of this creek, of tens and tens of thousands of years ago, and having a depth of often many feet along this water course. The Story of Ab A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man
  • Obviously, if collapse to a fullerene occurs before the cluster has accumulated 60 atoms, buckminsterfullerene can not be produced.
  • It emphasizes that corporations should actively return their accumulated wealth to the society and contribute to public interests, so as to overcome their negative effects.
  • Earlier in the day, light siftings of snow had drifted down and melted in the open sunny spaces, but some had accumulated in the shady nooks, forecasting the possibility of a cold night, and heavier snows to come. The Plains of Passage
  • No, it is a _katavothron_, or chasm, in which the accumulated waters of the plain disappear. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
  • Most of us end up with a number of pensions accumulated over the years from a variety of employers.
  • He's been writing steadily and has accumulated a bunch of fresh songs destined for his sophomore release next year.
  • The core of the collection is the hoard of copper British pennies and ha'pennies I accumulated during the family's trip to Scotland in 1970 when I was eleven. Antiquities
  • It too accumulated an impressive number of guitarists and composers especially as baroque music reached its peak.
  • If the old lady had not been restored to her fortune, her _personalia_ would have remained in the oblivion which, as one might say, had accumulated upon everything belonging to her. Balcony Stories
  • Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
  • The top limit of accumulated payment for the employee in a year is set at about 4 times of the average salary of all employees in this city in previous year.
  • A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
  • On one end the shorter repayment period is the higher annual debt service and thus lower accumulated interest payments.
  • That with the increased productiveness of labour there is increased facility for the reproduction of machinery required for the production of water, light, fuel, and food; and that this diminution in the cost _of reproduction_ is attended with a constant diminution in the value of all such machinery previously accumulated, and diminution in the proportion of the product of labour that can be demanded as rent for their use; and thus, while labour steadily increases in its power to yield commodities of every kind required by man, capital as steadily diminishes in its power over the labourer. The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
  • Soon, a pile of the creatures had accumulated and the bridge tipped over and she fell in, clinging the way Jackson had done, but there were too many of them.
  • That we were a fast paced, racing generation more interested in accumulated things and entertainment, going after our own fulfillment, or a sacrificing people who left something that will really be valued? Get in on Life...
  • According to the Daily Herald, "in lieu of taking unpaid days off (furlough days), an employee may also choose to have the accumulated monetary value of the furlough days prorated on an annual basis, and then deducted in equal amounts over the 26 pay checks they receive during the year. City of Aurora Agrees to Retroactive Raises and Guarantees of No Layoffs in Exchange for 2 Weeks of Furloughs for AFSCME Local 3298
  • A sack of empty tins lay beside each aircraft: accumulated cookhouse waste.
  • Continuing for two years, he accumulated enough money to return to medical school.
  • The weight of the water accumulated at the drain, where it overstressed the deck and the structure, and the building came down at a cost of about $2 million.
  • During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
  • Equally the constituents face the dilemma that the ruler at some point may renege on his promises and confiscate the accumulated wealth of his constituents.
  • These monasteries preserved the cultural riches of Greece and Rome, as well as the growing wisdom accumulated by the Church herself.
  • By the time they had gotten there, a small herd of young Pegasus, centaurs, and dragons had accumulated behind them, amazed at the two strange creatures.
  • I felt that weakness and unmanageableness of knee which comes with strong mental anguish, and I sank back impotent upon the baron, whose lingering legs repudiated the pressure, so that we both accumulated miserably upon Grandstone. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • She revealed that the country's total imports had begun to drop since the third quarter, thanks to a high-level of accumulated stock of oil, steel and other raw materials.
  • Suppose such deposits, composed of albumen and fibrin, prepared in the liver should be deposited in the lining membranes of veins leading to the heart, and by some other chemical action this accumulated mass should come loose from the veins, would we not expect what is commonly called clots enter the heart, and shut off the arteries, supplying the lungs, stop the further circulation of blood and cause instantaneous death called heart failure, apoplexy and so on? Philosophy of Osteopathy
  • You can also lightly mist a natural basket and use a vegetable scrub brush or toothbrush to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
  • Eventually, as deficit piles on deficit, the accumulated debt starts to grow more rapidly than the economy.
  • Hale accumulated enough names to suggest tribal acceptance despite the absence of every anti-treaty chief.
  • Oddly enough, in contrast to Mr Anonymous's (teeth achingly-patronising) suggestion that rebellion against Empire leads inevitably to children growing up in a meaningless, nihilistic world (the children! think of the children!), I'm quite happy to judge myself by the accumulated affection and/or scorn that I manage to evoke from the people that matter to me. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
  • [Loop scrubbing, incl. iodination of the LCVG (Liquid Cooling & Ventilation Garment) for biocidal maintenance is done to eliminate any biomass and particulate matter that may have accumulated in the loops.] SpaceRef Top Stories
  • It clears all the accumulated nard down there and releses energy, so that I can be creative again. Archive 2009-02-01
  • We need to rent a small van for the weekend of January 20 so we can nip up to London and fetch down the stuff that's accumulated in the flat over the past year.
  • By then they had accumulated enough weapons to achieve this.
  • Infiltrating MØ scavenge oxidatively-modified self-compounds accumulated in the arterial wall and are converted into foam cells, the first cells forming atherosclerotic lesions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This is funny because of the errant values Bob has accumulated over the course of his miserable life, and because of the extreme situation to which it is applied.
  • George believed that the Grand Canyon had a soul, that it wasn't merely rocks, strata, and accumulated layers of lava and sediments.
  • A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
  • In domain B, the viscous substrate was displaced by the moving backstop and accumulated as a thick wedge against the frontal ramp.
  • Its accumulated knowledge will decay and the order it has imposed will vanish.
  • We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.
  • Although the profits are still smaller than the accumulated losses, at least the downward curve has been reversed.
  • The floor mats have also accumulated their share of dirt and crumbs, the paint job and hubcaps have a few minor road dings, and the dashboard is dusty.
  • His main goal in life seemed to be the procuring of prostitutes in as many nations as possible, and he was keen to share his accumulated wisdom on this arcane topic.
  • Almost half the reserve area is formed of marismas - freshwater marshes on accumulated clayey silt - where the Guadalquivir river delta has been deflected and ponded by a coastal sand spit (~27,000 ha). Doñana National Park, Spain
  • The deposited material was a mixture of old reworked sediment from previous beach face deposits and what fluvial sediment that had accumulated after the last high stand.
  • It comes as a very nasty surprise to many of us to find that so much crud could have accumulated where we put our nice clean bodies to rest.
  • Thus, far from being dispersed sparsely, haphazardly, and inefficiently within a sea of nonfunctional sequences (one that supposedly accumulated by mutation), functional genetic information is densely concentrated on the DNA molecule." (p. 461) "Far from containing a preponderance of" junk "— nonprotein-coding regions that supposedly perform no function — the genome is dominated by sequences rich in functional information." (p. 461) The Memory Hole
  • A more likely source of minerals other than drinking water is provided by the food we eat, in which plants and animals have already accumulated what is necessary.
  • Basically, it's just a dam built across a bay, which opens as the tide is coming in, and then closes and traps the accumulated water as the tide moves out.
  • Accumulated dust and dirt had been washed off all growing things, so any trees or shrubs were at their greenest.
  • In addition to the hundred acres of decent bottomland, McGinty's old man also accumulated a little highland pasturage to the north of the valley, where he kept a few fat, lazy sheep.
  • More recently, evidence has accumulated to suggest that an intriguing consequence of a multipartite genome configuration is the somatic modulation of mitochondrial genotype.
  • Comte had also no small sympathy with the Oriental theocracies, as he calls the sacerdotal castes, who indeed often deserved it by their early services to intellect and civilization; by the aid they gave to the establishment of regular government, the valuable though empirical knowledge they accumulated, and the height to which they helped to carry some of the useful arts. Auguste Comte and Positivism
  • A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.
  • Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms! yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Venezuela\'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!' Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!
  • Even though a strictly mechanistic explanation of this phenomenon is still outstanding, evidence has been accumulated indicating a plasticizing action of certain organic compounds on the physical structure of plant cuticular wax.
  • This had the effect of virtually halving the magazine's accumulated losses to €129, 294.
  • We’ll be able to compute from the knowledge that our civilization has accumulated. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • Among the different pools of N, amino acids and soluble proteins significantly accumulated in autumn and were extensively mobilized from taproots when meristem reactivation occurred in the spring.
  • This run of pointed paronomasia comes to a head in ‘fetters,’ which gathers to itself the accumulated sense, minted in the interests of others, of discursive abstractions that bind.
  • But, after a considerable amount of said hanging about, Humphries accumulated enough material to write a book.
  • Pour off any accumulated juices from the greens and tomatoes. Chard and Tomato au Gratin
  • Virtually all of the carbohydrate accumulated as starch and sucrose during the day was degraded at night.
  • This sensory receptor with its cerebral perceptor has in the long process of time, aided by vision, under the influence of natural laws of the survival of the fittest, educated and developed an instrument of simple construction (primarily adapted only for the vegetative functions of life and simple vocalisation) into that wonderful instrument the human voice; but by that development, borrowing the words of Huxley, "man has slowly accumulated and organised the experience which is almost wholly lost with the cessation of every individual life in other animals; so that now he stands raised as upon a mountain-top, far above the level of his humble fellows, and transfigured from his grosser nature by reflecting here and there a ray from the infinite source of truth. The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song
  • Modi Rubber, the V.K. Modi -owned company, was referred to India's Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction in 2003 after its accumulated losses exceeded its net worth. Continental in Talks to Buy Majority Stake in Modi Rubber
  • Sure enough, when the researchers inhibited GlgE, the bacteria underwent "suicidal self-poisoning": a sugar called maltose 1-phosphate accumulated to toxic levels that damaged bacterial DNA, causing the death of TB bacteria grown in Petri dishes as well as in infected mice. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In civilization the philosopher presents us the science of astronomy with all its accumulated facts of magnitude, and weights, and orbits, and distances, and velocities -- with all the nice discriminations of absolute, relative, and apparent motions; and all these facts he is endeavoring to classify in homologic categories, and the evolutions and revolutions of the heavenly bodies are explained as an orderly succession of events. Sketch of the Mythology of the North American Indians First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879-80, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1881, pages 17-56
  • Its purpose was to rectify an accumulated error between the solar and calendar years since the modifications introduced by Augustus.
  • It is her thesis that theory and practice are linked in classical Chinese medicine by the archive of accumulated medical lore.
  • A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
  • Nowadays the middle classes are just as likely to have accumulated quoted investments, like stocks, bank accounts and other assets.
  • Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
  • The truck's underbody was snowplowing the whole time, and we made it about half-way before the snow accumulated into a solid wall through which we couldn't pass.
  • During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
  • It was only with Herculean effort did I manage to sum up the courage to net that fish and put him in another bowl in order to deal with the sludge that had accumulated in the tank.
  • That's saying bye-bye to all the accumulated wisdom of the human race.
  • Achelous, and he thought that a place sufficient to support life must have accumulated in the long time during which he had been wandering since his mother's death. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Conclusion Do our best to try to remove the accumulated water and sullage in these tyres before the first generation of larva emergercing in early spring.
  • Interest on these bonds is accumulated monthly and compounded every six months.
  • The so-called slops were in fact a toxic mix of petroleum residues, sulphur and caustic soda which had accumulated in the ship. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With the money she accumulated she bought colouring books and colouring pencils.
  • The accumulated geyserite constituted small, cone-shaped hills here and there, which are called geyser cones today.
  • When enough good karma is accumulated over many lifetimes, the jiva-atman is released from this eternal cycle of samsara and attains moksha.
  • Years of accumulated detritus and geegaws have been successfully palmed off onto relatives and neighbours.
  • We aim to expand our business by providing the special purpose machine and precision parts processing service best suited to our customers while maximizing our accumulated expertise.
  • The archdeacon added: ‘These personal debts were accumulated over a period of years.’
  • In 1910, 16 other Britons accumulated 16,000 taels and bought the Dalla Horse Repository, located at the present crossroad of Hongqiao Lu and Hami Lu, to change it into a club.
  • By Hammurabi's time, in Mesopotamia there had accumulated literally centuries of archived legal decisions and property deeds.
  • The jump was due largely to a redefinition of karoshi to encompass up to six months of accumulated work-related stress and fatigue instead of the previous standard of just one week.
  • At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom.
  • The accumulated data is recorded and stored because the material flow must be traceable.
  • But, after a considerable amount of said hanging about, he accumulated enough material to write a book.
  • The existing provisions relating to amalgamation of companies were rationalised by relaxing the existing conditions for carry forward and set off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation.
  • These were carrying bags made of buckskin or rawhide and were used to carry clothing, food and all the little objects that the people accumulated.
  • This writer, in his repellent movies and plays, has consistently exhibited not mature insight into the nature of evil but a prurient burrowing into gleefully accumulated muck.
  • In contrast, the talus, or rock rubble, accumulated beneath cool, north-facing cliffs sometimes provides a very different kind of habitat, one that biologists call algific talus slope, or simply algific slope.
  • All the real understanding of the Universe accumulated by Esotericism throughout the ages has come to man via the higher mental centre.
  • That the deposit accumulated in a relatively short period of time and was not built up gradually as the result of daily disposal of rubbish is indicated by several lines of evidence.
  • Whether or not ear mites are present, accumulated ear wax in a dog's ear can lead to ear canker and other serious infections.
  • They work hand in hand, one after the other and act like scissors, cutting up this [APP] protein into smaller bits and smaller bits called amyloid peptide, which we think is the cause of Alzheimer's disease when it's abnormally accumulated in the brain," explained study senior author Philip C. Wong, a professor of pathology and of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A swan is also not quite as lily-white as you'd expect - he has some black feathers and a little bit of accumulated grime.
  • These are accumulated over many years and may vigorously colour the way we respond to all kinds of situations today.
  • Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?
  • Uh, for a comfortable retirement you should plan on having accumulated at least ten times your peak annual income.
  • In one dock, enough solids accumulated during a single year to advance the low water line 5.4 meters.
  • One by one, plump little bodies accumulated, tied to the cantles and pom'mels of saddles. Elvenborn
  • These areas need developing, so entrepreneurs pump in investment: capital accumulated from the slave trade, sugar and cotton.
  • In the light of the evidence which has thus accumulated, we may conclude that the existence of an annual ecbolic curve, with its spring and autumn climaxes, as described in the first edition of this book, is now definitely established. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The core of the collection is the hoard of copper British pennies and ha'pennies I accumulated during the family's trip to Scotland in 1970 when I was eleven. Antiquities
  • It is a role which, as a result of their accumulated experience, the judiciary is well qualified to perform.
  • To date, Apple and their label partners have only accumulated data based on user download purchases frequency, territory, volume etc. Cedric Perrier: Is Apple's iCloud a Game-Changer for the Music Industry?
  • More saliently, however, this positioning of himself in such a way was, in part, because of a deep melancholy over all those who were gone from his life and regret for all the experiences that they had given him -- experiences that had accumulated and embedded carvings onto the walls of his brain until there were reliefs of inexpugnable, defunct memories, aggravating the past so that it was alive in him still. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • Its driver, insouciant about having one more dent to add to the several he had already accumulated, waved an airy palm of instant forgiveness.
  • The accumulated rage, hurt and self-doubt become so entrenched that even teens from loving homes may never recover.
  • Pigment accumulated throughout the shaft of the silks and was not limited to the silk hairs as is typical of anthocyanin pigmentation.
  • He spent much of the fortune accumulated by him and his father in promoting air and road racing in England and France and generally being the playboy.
  • Chamber of Commerce: "The Americans, with their vast and almost incalculable resources, their acuteness and enterprise, and their huge population, which will probably be 100,000,000 in twenty years, together with the plan they have adopted for putting accumulated wealth into great cooperative syndicates or trusts for the purpose of carrying on this great commercial warfare, are the most formidable ... rivals to be feared. THE QUESTION OF THE MAXIMUM
  • In this way you will avoid the stroke of the glottis which is caused by the sudden and uncontrolled emission of the accumulated breath. Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing
  • Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
  • Today, the accumulated amount of oil emulsions and sludge in the environment is estimated to be 1.2 billion tons.
  • Most likely, firedamp had accumulated in a sealed-off area of exhausted workings, then an old wall had cracked and was rapidly leaking the dreaded gas into the occupied tunnels. A Place Called Freedom
  • These conclusions are in accordance with the experimental facts, and, taken together with the new evidence we have accumulated from a study of the lignocellulose esters, we may sum up the constitutional points as follows: The lignocellulose is a complex of Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Both sites are currently occupied wood rat middens that contain specimens accumulated over the past 3000 years.
  • With pay accumulated in the hospital, and six weeks ' severance money, he had thirty pounds in the bank. THE OPEN DOOR
  • The Raiders accumulated 553 yards of total offense, the most San Diego has allowed in franchise history.
  • A commemoration room in the service wing is to be created, where all the accumulated plaques and commemoration panels are to reside.
  • Thomas Cech and his group initially attributed the activity of their Tetrahymena RNA to a protein contaminant, and they only slowly succumbed to the weight of the accumulated data that argued for the RNA. Sidney Altman - Banquet Speech
  • A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
  • Similar deposits that accumulated during earlier glaciations occur at various levels in the geological column.
  • By 1429 he had accumulated almost £130 in debts owed to fellow townsmen, other Essex men, and several Londoners; among the creditors were two fishmongers, two drapers and two ironmongers.
  • Another tear escapes, tracing clean a second path through the accumulated dirt on his face.
  • Pulses of bright crimson light began to melt a passage through, and the bright shots of incandescent light blasted through the accumulated ice of aeons.
  • By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
  • The accumulated differences in the vowels, consonants, and syllable lengths gives dramatic speech a totally different pace.
  • That which is accumulated on the surface of smooth glass, when it is rubbed with a cushion, is here termed vitreous ether; and that which is accumulated on the surface of resin or sealing-wax, when it is rubbed with a cushion, is here termed resinous ether; and a combination of them, as in their usual state, may be termed neutral electric ethers. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Following this path of gradual introduction to public exhibitions through accumulated experience is the best way for anyone.
  • Besides removal of mud and mire which had accumulated since long at the bottom of the spring a number of gold ornaments and silver pieces offered to the Goddess were recovered.
  • The ‘choke tube thread cleaner’ not only removes all the accumulated crud from the barrel threads, but also functions as a large tap to restore damaged threads.
  • During this period, Germanys expansionist policy of trade with China and the economic power it had accumulated heralded a large-scale aggression against China in William II administration.
  • His words inflamed, and helped fuel the violent unrest of the days to come, an ugly venting of accumulated African rage.
  • MeHg accumulated in the hypolimnion of Lake 240 when oxygen was present.
  • Hassium does not occur in nature, and it has no isotopes that last long enough to allow significant quantities to be accumulated.
  • Originals or copies of Greek statues, objects of gold or silver, ivory or tortoiseshell, intaglios, cameos, and vases of precious stone accumulated in Roman palaces and villas, and statuary adorned their gardens.
  • There is at least one example where PA accumulated by aphids from their host plant are in turn sequestered by the aphid's predator, ladybird beetles.
  • An extoller of the simple, rooted life, he nevertheless accumulated a sizable fortune and lived very well indeed.
  • Jockeys also weigh in afterwards, but riders may actually weigh more if they have accumulated mud or excessive dirt on their pants or silks during the race.
  • Over the past three decades a great deal of evidence has accumulated in favor of the hypothesis that steroid receptor hormones act via regulation of gene expression.
  • Carotenoids are taken up from blood circulation by rhamphothecal keratinocytes in the bill, accumulated in lipoid droplets, and distributed diffusely through the horny, keratinized beak tissue.
  • The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses.
  • Reading, absorbing and finally refolding Jess's letter, I placed it between my literature textbooks and the CDs that had accumulated into an untidy pile when I'd neglected to put them in their proper place.
  • Farther south in Colorado, sediments accumulated in deeper-water submarine fans deposited by subsea, sediment-laden, density flows.
  • Grumbold's will indicates that he accumulated considerable wealth, acquiring a substantial amount of leasehold property in Cambridge.
  • Since then he has accumulated more than 600 pairs of sneakers he keeps in storage lockers, closets and at the houses of his parents and friends.
  • Dirt had accumulated in the corners of the windows.
  • The public dinner was already over, being Sabbath; but the proprietor of our hotel, a worthy Quaker named Potter, got us a very comfortable meal at five o'clock, according to our wishes: meantime we rid ourselves of the accumulated dust of two days, and were comfortably established in out-quarters, the hotel being full. Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
  • In order to improve the accuracy of integrated navigation system to a sub-pixel level, and to implement SM correction to INS accumulated error, a multi-point continuous correction method is presented.
  • If any water accumulated on the streets, it may be attributed to blockages of the water passage.
  • But due to nearly five years of accumulated words residing on this domain, I didn't have enough webspace available to host them.
  • These companies have either accumulated a current year's profits that are represented by cash or other readily realisable assets.
  • The developmentally accumulated proteins localized to early differentiating, but not the highly dividing, regions of the root and shoot apical meristems.
  • It is overlain by the lower shale member, which consists of interbedded carbonaceous shale and lignite that accumulated in coastal marsh and swamps landward of the shoreline.
  • Meanwhile, Pasar Minggu market in South Jakarta looked dirty due to accumulated piles of garbage at several places.
  • Il Capitano finished top of his heat having accumulated all the low-denomination chips, meaning that he had won a great many small pots uncontested.
  • It's accumulated about a million words of burble over nearly four years.
  • On the seashore, near the spa called ‘Sulfurea’, there is a swimming pool with sulphureous waters containing bromine, sodium chloride and sodium iodide: a pleasant immersion, together with some natural aesthetical treatments, can eliminate the tiredness accumulated during a year of work.
  • I would dearly like to be able to tally the total amount their varied and many fundraisers for deserving causes have accumulated over the years.
  • The traits the character has accumulated since that point, however--aggression, ambition, promiscuousness, self-loathing--were predictable almost from the first moment of her introduction, and if Katee Sackhoff's not-inconsiderable charisma and talent were enough to give the character depth and appeal, they weren't up to the task of making Starbuck any less of a stereotype. This is Not the Post You're Looking For and Other "Maelstrom" Thoughts
  • Layers of paint accumulated over centuries were carefully dry-scraped away to reveal the original colour, a greeny-grey blue.

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