How To Use Acculturative In A Sentence
It appears that other stressors such as alienation, racial discrimination, and challenging life events that are not associated with acculturative stress might have a negative impact.
Furthermore, the relevant theory model of acculturative stress and mental health may have a certain enlighten effect to the practice of cross-culture counseling.
Several studies have found that first-generation Asian Americans experience significantly more acculturative stress than second or later generations.
The second limitation was that measures of acculturative stress, such as parent-child intergenerational conflict, were not available in our study.
Baseball should still be playing that acculturative role with the current wave of immigrants, including those from Muslim nations.
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The influence of adaptive behaviors resulting in changes to lifestyle and cultural loss further influence acculturative stress in arctic communities.
Environmental change and social, cultural, and mental health in the Arctic
Immigration and acculturative stresses also may have a combined effect, placing them at greater risk for psychological distress (Harris, in press).
Several studies have found that first-generation Asian Americans experience significantly more acculturative stress than second or later generations.
Through potential increases in factors influencing acculturative stress and mental health, climate-related changes may further stress communities and individual psychosocial health.
Human Health and Climate Change in the Arctic
As Scheder found among mobile Mexican laborers, acculturative stress may also have played a role in Pima weight gain and increased incidence of hypertension, two factors in diabetes.
In contrast, ethnic identity conflict, stemming either from acculturative stress or from adolescents' perception of racial discrimination, has a negative effect on adolescents' psychological and behavioral adjustment.
Indeed, previous studies have shown the negative relationship between acculturative stress and self-esteem among Hispanic youth.
Our interpretation of the Mississippian emergence is acculturative in nature rather than adaptive (Pauketat, this issue), and it deemphasizes the importance of technology and trade as causal factors.
Adopting a Yanesha perspective as a departure point, I argue that what appear to be expressions of acculturative processes are the result of a long‐standing indigenous openness to the Other-particularly the white and mestizo Others-and the native conviction that the Self is possible only through the incorporation of the Other.
It was found that adolescents' level of acculturation and acculturative stress did not appear to have a significant influence on their problem behaviors.
I, for one, who sent a son through that university and have dealt with the Temerlin Advertising Institute since its inception, strongly believe that SMU is an acculturative institution taking the best of “eastern academia” melded with midwestern practicality and common sense.
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Some of these studies have focused on acculturative stress and affect, and are therefore potentially relevant to the direct link between acculturation and occupational satisfaction, in our model.
The concept of acculturative stress refers to stress in which the stressors are identified as being rooted in the process of cultural change or acculturation.
Environmental change and social, cultural, and mental health in the Arctic
To be sure, the complications are not strictly lexical or even lexicographical: they stem chiefly from the differences between the kind of lexical alternation of the bonnet/hood, roundabout/traffic circle, dustman/garbage collector type and the type that is sociolinguistic and meaningless without some sort of acculturative comment, like tea, which occurs in both varieties of English but means quite different things in each, the Ashes, which doesn't occur at all in American English, and back bencher,
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
In a study of high school students enrolled in a California bilingual program, acculturative stress was significantly associated with both depression and suicidal ideation.