
How To Use Accrued In A Sentence

  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • The interest accrued over the months.
  • We desperately need a budget process in which respected, nonpartisan experts have real standing to publicly evaluate budget numbers, with less focus on meeting immediate spending or deficits and greater focus on long-term accrued obligations. - News
  • Within this top 1%, the largest wealth gains accrued to people with household net worth over $50 million.
  • Private loans are generally "unsubsidized" which means, once you begin repaying the loan, you will owe any interest that accrued while you were in school, and any that accrues during the grace period or deferment. Consumer Action
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  • Whatever benefits have already accrued to you, you'll be allowed to keep.
  • In these cultures no great harm can be seen to have accrued to the children.
  • While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.
  • Every policy has a minimum guaranteed value made up of the sum assured plus the bonuses accrued to date.
  • When he turned around, they were divvying up the pile they'd accrued.
  • Ask about pay, accrued vacation, overtime and sick pay, pension benefits, and eligibility for unemployment insurance.
  • The house accrued to the oldest son
  • Where is my money and the compound interest that will have accrued over that time? Times, Sunday Times
  • In truth the whole evening was testimony to the benefits that can be accrued from Transition Year.
  • Half a century later, with billions accrued by governments from selling airwave frequencies, the innovative perspective seems far from frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trees of mature growth are “_accrued_”; when with leaves, “_in foliage_” (but these two terms are so seldom used that they may be entirely disregarded); with fruit or seeds, “_fructed_” or “_seeded_”; if without leaves, “_blasted_”; and if their roots are exposed, “_eradicated_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • In addition, interest on overdue tax accrued indefinitely and not on a day-to-day basis even if it was so calculated.
  • There was no tax due on the money, but I may owe tax on the interest accrued.
  • This article exempts dividends received or accrued to any taxpayer from income tax liability.
  • In response the government need only point to the huge gain that has accrued to the exchequer from lowering corporation and capital taxes.
  • Nor were the Charms of her Conversation less amiable than those of her Person: Her indulgent Father, though in his Youth he had lavish'd the best Part of his Patrimony, and had little to depend on but what accrued from a Post he held at Court, was now so good a Husband in other Things, as to afford her a very liberal Education. The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress
  • If proceeds are accrued by the reduction (withdrawal) of investment on part of the foreign party, tax payment receipt on withholding income tax shall be presented.
  • The fee is accrued over the duration of your tenure in the property and is usually retained from the proceeds from the resale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note that the accrued liability for bond interest payable will be paid within a few months anD, therefore, is classified as a current liability .
  • A cause of action has accrued when the right to sue has become vested.
  • The difference is that accounts payable are for bills the company receives from other businesses. And accrued expenses are accounting entries a company makes in anticipation of being billed.
  • Losses had also accrued from discounts and subsidies to private and public banks, and from exchange rate speculation.
  • How did they ever manage the feculence that accrued during the voyage. What a load
  • The fee is accrued over the duration of your tenure in the property and is usually retained from the proceeds from the resale. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been impossible to quantify the benefit that has accrued for the millions spent on various projects and organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the luxury items she accrued over the years are still frozen assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • As if it were something cumulative that accrued around me, like the hardening shell of a crustacean.
  • That suggests your wife should pay tax only in the year in which the amount was accrued, not the year in which it was received. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accrued interest will be paid annually.
  • Mr. Revis, due to make $1 million this season, has accrued more than $400,000 in fines because of his holdout, which is in its fourth week. Liberty Aims to Make Some History
  • Stripping the IM force down to leader Tom Cruise -- aided and abetted by Paula Patton, Simon Pegg and new recruit Jeremy Renner -- and paring the story down to a struggle to prevent a megalomaniacal terrorist from triggering WWIII, the film under the direction of animation vet Brad Bird, here making his live-action debut unpacks some of the baggage accrued in the previous installments to become a lighter, wittier exercise in epic action. Dan Persons: Cinefantastique Spotlight Podcast: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
  • Perhaps it's because space opera requires a certain lexicon accrued over decades to truly appreciate its subtleties. MIND MELD: Keeping Space Opera Relevant [UPDATED]
  • A cause of action has accrued when the right to sue has become vested.
  • Long-term accrued expenses and other long-term liabilities 80,206 66,285 Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates Reports Fiscal Year 2010 and Fourth Quarter Results - Yahoo! Finance
  • He agreed to pay the full sum, half of which was tax and half accrued interest and penalties, and undertook to sell off family assets to meet the demand within six months.
  • Although they are the ones who do the dirty work, the actual attentat, to other men, their superiors in class and station, the lasting benefits of their simple-minded evil have always accrued. Women and the Invisible Fist
  • By activating the Analysis ToolPak add-in, you add over 30 specialized finan - cial functions that run the gamut from those that calculate the accrued interest for a security paying interest periodically and only at maturity, all the way to those that calculate the internal rate of return and the net pres - ent value for a schedule of nonperiodic cash flows. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In addition, interest on overdue tax accrued indefinitely and not on a day-to-day basis even if it was so calculated.
  • Other countries have auctioned the radio spectrum and vast inflows have accrued to national exchequers.
  • It argues that the Government cannot take away accrued redundancy rights for existing employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loan is secured against the property and interest is accrued annually until the point of payback. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, Length of time since the title accrued, which vras from the death of Lord Cowper*s first wife in reversion, if not Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
  • That suggests your wife should pay tax only in the year in which the amount was accrued, not the year in which it was received. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was also a significant interaction between recipient site and donor site such that some types of plants accrued higher numbers of hoppers at certain sites.
  • I then attempted to assess how much advantage accrued from each such possible use.
  • The loan is secured against the property and interest is accrued annually until the point of payback. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where is my money and the compound interest that will have accrued over that time? Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then much evidence has accrued that p53 is a tumour suppressor gene involved in a wide range of human malignancies.
  • It has been impossible to quantify the benefit that has accrued for the millions spent on various projects and organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while reducing accrued liability makes the balance sheet look better, there's no effect on expenses beyond the incidental savings of closing the office.
  • Most of the luxury items she accrued over the years are still frozen assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will it be stabilised by fiscal transfers from other member countries or should the European Central Bank be allowed to monetise the accrued national debt?
  • The real justification is wrapped up in ego and the desire to be seen as a successful alternative media and not to waste all that political capital accrued from the relative success of amplifying the pro-war case when they had a broad coalition. Somebody get these guys a mirror « BuzzMachine
  • Also, in capped seasons, a player whose contract expired became an unrestricted free agent if he had four accrued seasons. Goodell puts his focus on labor deal, not possible lockout
  • It would make such firms more competitive, both in the international and domestic markets, and it would increase the dollar value of profits accrued overseas.
  • As status and seniority accrued, so did responsibilities and honours. Times, Sunday Times
  • accrued interest
  • Over two years, let us say, £100,000 of income may have accrued to the settlement.
  • One of the most curious aspects to his story is the myths that accrued, myths that he fought hard to keep alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public sector workers have been badly squeezed by indexation changes for benefits already accrued. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wealth accrued by some churches made them powerful institutions and thus important political players.
  • Beyond all the emotions, there are tangible benefits that can be accrued.
  • One of the reasons Pittsburgh is nontrivially broken is that when it was a significantly bigger & younger city it accrued a large amount of pension obligations. Matthew Yglesias » The Other Public Sector Pension Problem
  • He had applied to make available some of his pension benefits accrued during his 20 years as a businessman.
  • Although bonus money is accrued during the course of the year, it can be clawed back again by the bank if the fourth quarter proves especially tough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
  • It has captured the imagination of the public and has accrued a loyal following of enthusiasts.
  • As his debts accrued, he was finally forced to sell his bassoon and take a job as an insurance underwriter.
  • The report also noted the negative effect of the depleted cash resources on the interest income accrued to the fund.
  • A further sum accrued to the canvasser's field manager.
  • Second, the bond price is quoted net of accrued interest. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • It has been impossible to quantify the benefit that has accrued for the millions spent on various projects and organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cllr Pat Kilbane said the Committee faced a daunting task but he hoped some benefits would be accrued from their work.
  • Accrued expenses have already been deducted in determining an entity's current tax liability for the current or earlier periods.
  • It argues that the Government cannot take away accrued redundancy rights for existing employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout the 20th century money and power that accrued to the northwest in the industrial revolution flowed south. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
  • And just as appealing are all the other benefits accrued. Secrets of the Soil
  • This will include taking into account accrued liabilities and assets.
  • And today may be a writing-and-paperwork day rather than a writing day, as I have somehow again accrued an awful lot of paperwork. I need a verb
  • If not, will he or she have to pay accrued self-employment taxes with interest and penalties? Christianity Today
  • It is possible to decompose the current market price P into accrued interest and principal using the formula.
  • A rate-and-term refinance will only include the current loan balance plus any accrued interest, closing costs incurred in the refinance, and any escrow or impound account. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • The previously discussed benefits of large size to a mammalian herbivore probably also accrued to large herbivorous dinosaurs.
  • The seller is compensated for not receiving the next coupon payment by receiving accrued interest instead.
  • If you deposit it, the interest accrued on savings will help offset the interest accrued on debt. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • If not, will he or she have to pay accrued self-employment taxes with interest and penalties? Christianity Today
  • The Company has no material liabilities, claims, debts or obligations (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, matured or unmatured) of any kind except.
  • Many other large debts of gratitude have accrued during the writing of this book. TOLKIEN AND THE GREAT WAR: The Threshold of Middle-earth
  • His account for all the years for which tuition was accrued appears in Figure 2.
  • Differences between estimated expenses and actual paid or received to settle those instruments in the future. costs are normally insignificant and are recognized as a Other long-term obligations primarily consist of income change in management estimate in a subsequent period. taxes, accrued compensation and benefits, and miscella - Our accrued trade and consumer promotion liability was neous liabilities. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • From the accrued points, I've mooched one title this past month -- Robert Dunbar's The Pines -- and that's not even a book I had on my wish list. Do You Book Mooch?
  • They have also accrued a vast amount of experience in the business of projecting their music into wide open spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six points accrued from the last 21 on offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the experience and savvy the Nets accrued is boosted by a roster that, while basically the same, has a couple of subtle changes. - Rogers enjoying Nets' run
  • Benefit usually accrued to the state in which the training occurred.
  • Interest accrued on the debt is also converted into common shares.
  • Every policy has a minimum guaranteed value made up of the sum assured plus the bonuses accrued to date.
  • The interest accrued to our account.
  • If passed, this bill will be yet another of the powers of Star Chamber accrued by the US Government in the name of homeland security: issuing search warrants through secret courts, accumulating personal records without warrant in a provision of the PATRIOT Act renewed by President Obama, and now protecting witnesses from legal recourse when they level dubiously factual charges. Feisal G. Mohamed: "See Something, Say Something" And Impunity for Profiling
  • However, as these are with-profits policies, bonuses accrued to date will be small.
  • No practical benefit has, I must confess, ever accrued from this compaign.
  • They have also accrued a vast amount of experience in the business of projecting their music into wide open spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • A debt can be garnished by a judgment creditor if it is accrued and payable at the time the order nisi is made.
  • The wife's dower entitled her to one third of the husband's property on his death; curtesy, a similar right of the husband in the wife's property, accrued only if children had been born of the marriage.
  • As a matter of fact, I feel sure, judging by the volume of business which accrued from the four-month period immediately before our last meeting, in February, that it will always be necessary to meet oftener that three times a year. Trustees of One Hundred Million Dollars
  • The interest accrued to our account.
  • Benefits already accrued will not be affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.
  • If you deposit it, the interest accrued on savings will help offset the interest accrued on debt. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • The only direct reward of sharing for the man would be his own emotional satisfaction derived from the benefits accrued to his young.
  • In defined benefit schemes, a member accrues pension benefits based on their service, the amount of pension accrued for each year of service and their pensionable salary.
  • The interest accruing between X and C takes the net accrued interest back to zero on the coupon payment date.
  • A cause of action has accrued when the right to sue has become vested.
  • Second, the bond price is quoted net of accrued interest. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The biggest bonanza, as ever when big projects are delivered under an unmovable deadline, has accrued to building contractors. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were not referred to any authority or principle justifying a conclusion that to be renounceable a right must be accrued in the sense of being both presently enforceable and indefeasible in amount.
  • Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
  • Current liabilities fell 6 percent, due to decreasing amounts of short-term debt along with other accrued payables.
  • The researchers reviewed data that has accrued in the intervening decades, and strengthened the correlation between Chicxulub, the iridium layer, and the extinctive aftermath. SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • Because Jane is leaving before she accrued any vested balance, she must forfeit the contributions that were made to her money-purchase-pension account at ABC Company.
  • Although bonus money is accrued during the course of the year, it can be clawed back again by the bank if the fourth quarter proves especially tough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the luxury items she accrued over the years are still frozen assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of the pensions that have accrued during your life will count towards this overall limit, and every penny over this amount will be hit with a 55% tax.
  • accrued leave
  • A seller will receive the accrued interest on top of the sale proceeds.
  • When his health began to fail, the family auctioned off the game collection to pay for the medical bills that he had accrued during a long illness.
  • Dr Mahathir's continued efforts at whipping up fear amongst Malays has now been taken up by some other Umno leaders, including former party secretary-general recently as saying that all the hard-fought privileges accrued by the Malays over the years would soon be lost if they are to be "disunited". SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Ask about pay, accrued vacation, overtime and sick pay, pension benefits, and eligibility for unemployment insurance.
  • He said operating firms would always arrive at their own price markups depending on the type of cost structure they have accrued but that this would be different for various firms unlike in a one entity operation with no competition.
  • As some coal producers fell by the wayside, more of the liability accrued to the remaining companies.
  • Frist should pay substantial reparations out of the vast fortune that has accrued from the Hospital Corporation of America, founded by his father and brother.
  • In regulated industries such as trucking and airlines, workers collected some of the rents that accrued from regulation.
  • And just as appealing are all the other benefits accrued. Secrets of the Soil
  • The benefits accrued to the State Legislative Office were mostly associated with the intern's contribution to the general functioning of the office.
  • No reconstruction contracts or trade benefits have accrued to these defiers of Old Europe and the President needs to show support for his staunchest ally this week.
  • I am persuaded that distinctive educational advantages have accrued from the establishment of this division in Ontario County. Your University and Canada's Finest Generation
  • Cash accrued can be exchanged for new funky outfits for your saved characters, but not a lot else. The Sun
  • Included in accrued liabilities at September 30, 2006 is accrued interest to the Company's CEO in the amount of $7,210 and accrued rent to the Company's Secretary in the amount of $3,600.
  • Six points accrued from the last 21 on offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Benefits already accrued will not be affected. Times, Sunday Times
  • I recently acquired a new phone number (not for nefarious purposes but thanks for asking) and with the new digits came all the collections-agency phone calls accrued by the previous owner of the number. Charlotte Hilton Andersen: Want to Lose Weight? Lose the Debt
  • The monies accrued from the site could then be used to build proper infrastructure in the barony of Erris - a priority being the upgrading of the main Castlebar road.

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