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How To Use Accretion In A Sentence

  • Accretionary lapilli was the previous entry in this blog. Ada Lovelace Day - The Panda's Thumb
  • Unfortunately it's weighted down with accretion upon accretion of utterly self-indulgent pomposity.
  • Once this was done, and the buildings cleared of unnecessary accretions, the architect was left with an enormous double-height volume, requiring a new first floor, and a smaller vaulted one with a chamber above.
  • The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
  • These details support the theory that the two stars are close enough for accretion to take place and that the companion star is being cannibalised.
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  • This has the added bonus of dissolving those crusty accretions that make one's toothpaste tube a complete social disgrace.
  • Objective:To investigate the interaction effect of parathyroid hormone(PTH) gene polymorphism with calcium intake on bone mass accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.
  • The surface of the Moon is the result of accretion and of subsequent impacts and slow-acting erosional processes.
  • The room hadn't been cleaned for years and showed several accretions of dirt and dust.
  • One technique, called "fabula," or "fable," allowed Mr. Sundberg to apply commercially sold decals to a sub-layer of glass, which he then covered with irregular layers of transparent glass; the result was an accretion of odd, watery images that referenced everything from flowers to sexuality. Per B Sundberg
  • She mounts a scholarly exposition of the widely held doctrines of Trinity, original sin, and divinity of Christ, relegating them to later accretions in history.
  • One process is accretion under water - ‘the idea that grains on the sea floor or in living water roll around and sometimes they accrete or grow by adding layers of material,’ explained McSween.
  • In this region they would have been safe from late meteoritic and cometary impacts after the accretion of the Earth.
  • By measuring the energy lost from the photoionization, the researchers could measure total energy emitted from the implosion and use it to improve their understanding of the behavior of x-rays emitted by accretion disks. Could a Black Hole Fit in Your Computer or In Your Pocket? | Universe Today
  • Usually when one talks about a Darwinian explanation for something, the intention is to explain how the prolonged action of natural selection led to the formation of a complex structure through a process of gradual accretion.
  • Ideas can add to knowledge in an accretionary manner, or in a revolutionary, paradigm-shifting way, depending on their influence.
  • The most negatively affected birds are those characterized by the otherwise desirable traits of rapid growth and muscle accretion.
  • Indeed, a sense of hasty abridgement endures throughout the first half: incident follows incident in a breezy sequence at odds with the novel's steady accretion of narrative.
  • Gemmes, what are they, but gums or the accretions or congelations of brighter water and earth?
  • This scenario proposes that a jovian gas giant forms when, by gradual accretion of rock or ice, a solid planetary core has reached a critical mass of perhaps 10 M.
  • He had found a dozen identifiable Spanish gold coins and a collection of objects that might prove interesting when the restoration experts at the museum in Barnstaple had removed accretions gathered over several centuries.
  • Unnecessary and unsightly accretions have been stripped away and the building replanned to accommodate new teaching spaces and laboratories.
  • Painted in 1520 on thin wood which is now badly warped, it will require delicate and major surgery over the next few months to remove the accretions of time, coal dust and candle smoke.
  • This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture.
  • Her paintings become accretions, spiritual and physical.
  • What we know so far about FU Orionis-type stars is they flare with abrupt mass transfer from an accretion disc onto a young, low mass T Tauri-type star. Capture A FUor! | Universe Today
  • Seliger's labor-intensive techniques of accretion and abrasion often mimic geologic processes.
  • All the planets should have started warm, when gravitational energy was transformed into heat during planetary accretion.
  • An accretional growth system that builds the special logarithmic curve of the coiled conch requires a suite of parameters, which are maintained in a very narrow zone of tolerance.
  • By the time Bugs Bunny picks his way through the smoking wreckage to have the last word in your shell-like, the dizzying accretion of events has pulled you through so many emotional states you might not even know what day it is.
  • But the heavy, true alluvial gold, in great pure masses, mammillary, or botryoidal (like a bunch of grapes) in shape, have assuredly been formed by accretion on some metallic base, from gold salts in solution, probably chloride, but possibly sulphide. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Beyond these accretions and intentional change, the space, the vistas, the juxtapositions and potential paths generated by the new building are probably the greatest difference.
  • Bands of sheared sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate locally form broken units indicating deformation prior to full lithification of sediment, consistent with an accretionary complex origin.
  • Models of planetesimal disks suggest that low relative velocities between the bodies produce accretion (objects hit and stay together) rather than fragmentation (objects break up and disperse).
  • That's not what geologists expect from the gradual accretion of crust at plate boundaries, but it could be the handiwork of episodic volcanic outbursts, fed by broad plumes of rock that rose periodically from deep in the mantle.
  • In Smithson's work, seriality involves not pure repetition or reiteration (he is not prone to setting up series of identical objects) but rather accretion, concretion, and diminution.
  • This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture.
  • And since that time, we've seen the gradual accretion of confidence in intervention in the cause of human rights, plus a fairly impressive armory of techniques and accomplices.
  • Central agencies use blotting paper and distilled water to remove the salt accretions and clear the micropores on the rock tablets, which is why visitors see a creamish mush plastered on the walls.
  • a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface — offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. The Portrait of a Lady
  • This accretion of the gaseous layers is often referred to as the ‘runaway’ stage in the planet's formation, since theory says it is much more rapid than the formation of the core.
  • The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
  • Now, of course, I knew that most astronomers think a quasar is a black hole with matter falling into it from an accretion disk, and that for some reason it is ejecting charged particles along its magnetic poles.
  • Accretionary lapilli from the area around an extinct shield volcano in Idaho. The Panda's Thumb: March 2010 Archives
  • If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.
  • These details support the theory that the two stars are close enough for accretion to take place and that the companion star is being cannibalised.
  • In these pieces, which suggest, among other possibilities, Aztec or Mayan reliefs, Toledo inscribed fine traceries of animal figures on caked, mortarlike accretions of sand and pigment.
  • Their surfaces are accretions of controlled gestures, spatters of paint that lead from one stroke to another, singular and serial actions.
  • Of course, anybody familiar with the way that planets are formed by the gradual accretion of matter in orbit around a star will be aware that this couldn't happen.
  • PTC believes that the transaction provides a compelling earnings and operating margin accretion opportunity.
  • The objects are most likely very primitive: detritus from the early accretion phases of the solar system.
  • Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.
  • In collapsars the accretion flow toward the black hole has been studied in detail by Popham et al..
  • If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.
  • The city of real buildings is being supplanted by a city of stalls and kiosks, a city made entirely of accretions.
  • The case was beginning to be a case, beginning to get accretions, have reverberations. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • In the study area, the surface geology of the foreland fold and thrust belt is dominated by the south Urals accretionary complex.
  • But at least when I looked I couldn't find any allowance for the vastly greater economic value of the accretion of knowhow that is each generation's free gift to the next.
  • Oxide manganese deposits in east-northern Guizhou are of exotic weathering deposits, further may be subdivided into two kinds of the eluvial ore deposit and the leaching-accretion deposit by genesis.
  • Unnecessary and unsightly accretions have been stripped away and the building replanned to accommodate new teaching spaces and laboratories.
  • In yet another scenario, the so-called binary planet, or co-accretion, hypothesis, the Earth and the Moon all formed at the same time by the accretion of small bodies.
  • Before the Apollo samples became available, many planetary scientists had favored an early, intense bombardment associated with the late stages in the accretion of the planets.
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface—offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. Chapter XXI
  • I think it is less about how the black hole came to be rotating oppositely directed from the accretion disk, but rather visa versa. Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today
  • Martaban, and near its mouth its course is constantly changing owing to erosion and corresponding accretions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • What is termed batture in Louisiana is the land made by accretion or deposits of the Mississippi. The Memories of Fifty Years
  • Our attitude towards the religious beliefs of others should, therefore, not be that of iconoclasts, breaking down ruthlessly whatever from _our_ point of view we see to be merely traditionary idols (in Bacon's sense of the word), but rather the opposite method of fixing upon that in another's creed which we find to be positive and affirmative, and gradually leading him to perceive in what its affirmativeness consists; and then, when once he has got the clue to the element of strength which exists in his accustomed form of belief, the perception of the contrast between that and the non-essential accretions will grow up in his mind spontaneously, thus gradually bringing him out into a wider and freer atmosphere. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
  • The obligor may exercise aaccretionst the assignee any right of set-off accessible to the obligor against the assignor up to the time notice of assignment was accustomed.
  • However all conodont elements grew by accretion on their margins or external surfaces, whereas Eurytholia sclerites show only a limited degree of accretion on their internal surfaces.
  • The theory of core accretion supposes the collisional accumulation of solid bodies, the process that is universally accepted as the formation mechanism of the terrestrial planets.
  • Gentle but steady water movement produced by slow flow through lakes and meandering backwater stream channels provides aeration and slow accretion of alluvial sediments.
  • The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
  • The mechanism involves a gravitational resonance between the Moon and accretion-disk material, which can increase orbital inclinations up to approx 15°.
  • Every culture is an accretion.
  • The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
  • The stars are replaced by a homogenous sea of glowing hot gas with embedded jewels of stellar accretion disks, neutron stars and super nova remnants.
  • This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture.
  • They differ from Eurytholia sclerites in having marginal and ventral accretion of the lamellate shell, in their bilateral symmetry, dorsal ornament of ribs and ridges, and shell folded under a posterior apex.
  • Instead of demolition, however, Swan Hall enjoyed the most devoted restoration of its long life. The team working for Rochford Hall Ltd stripped out the uglier accretions of the centuries, exposing the wondrous oak framework.
  • And what this work shows, the work of historians of religion, is that in fact these kinds of texts are accretions that develop over time, they come out of arguments - you can show what those arguments are.
  • Accretionary lapilli are formed in an eruption column or cloud by moisture or electrostatic forces, with the volcanic ash nucleating on some object and then accreting to it in layers before the accretionary lapillus falls from the cloud. Accretionary lapilli - The Panda's Thumb
  • The list of international crimes, that is of the acts for whose accomplishment international law makes the authors criminally responsible, has come into being by gradual accretion.
  • We also need to know which clusters have experienced a recent substantial gravitational accretion of mass, and which clusters are in a stage of collision and merging.
  • On the other side of the coin, if we hypothesize that complex structures arise by gradual accretion and natural selection, then we would expect those structures to bear evidence of history.
  • Bands of sheared sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate locally form broken units indicating deformation prior to full lithification of sediment, consistent with an accretionary complex origin.
  • There are two main theories concerning massive star formation accretion and merger.
  • The desert ends with a steeply shelving cliff against the ocean, where layers of alluvial accretion are exposed like a lesson in geological stratification.
  • Accretionary lapilli is the next entry in this blog. Life on the Discovery Channel - The Panda's Thumb
  • For example, some accretion disks in binary star systems occasionally undergo large, temporary increases in luminosity.
  • Further to the west the tidal shoreline contains sandy accretions, silt and large detrital mats at the outfall of marshes.
  • Accretionary lapilli are formed in an eruption column or cloud by moisture or electrostatic forces, with the volcanic ash nucleating on some object and then accreting to it in layers before the accretionary lapillus falls from the cloud. Accretionary lapilli - The Panda's Thumb
  • That bone grows through accretion, and is not extensively remodeled as the animal matures.
  • The large 1-s spin period is close to its equilibrium value, suggesting Eddington-limited accretion at some time in the near past.
  • Atmospheric aggregates include: fine particles lodged in the vesicles of larger grains; ash clots and flakes bound by electrostatic forces; accretionary lapilli, pellets or mud-drops formed by wet particle adhesion.
  • The thickening of the crust beneath the Cordillera Blanca was by magmatic accretion since the Miocene.
  • Patterns of this type can be readily explained by accretionary tectonism, whereby a packet of sediment accreted at the toe of the prism is underthrust and buried beneath an overburden of older strata.
  • It is like a country house, with wings and accretions of differing styles and periods clustered around the original 17 th-century core.
  • Los Angeles itself grows by accretion, creeping eastward through the San Gorgonio Pass along the line of the San Andreas Fault, bulldozing further and further into the Mojave Desert.
  • During the next 60 million years, about one-third of California was built up by accretions.
  • As the pulsar picks up speed through accretion, any slight distortion in the star's dense, half-mile-thick crust of crystalline metal will allow the pulsar to radiate gravitational waves.
  • The interior appears to have grown organically over time by a process of accretion similar to the formation of mould.
  • The immortality of books may, from this point of view, need less attention than efforts to contain the costs associated with their immortal accretion.
  • The leaves and stems of plants in brilliant primaries, created by the gradual accretion of six single-colour woodblocks, reach out across the space of the fabric.
  • This energy input could have a profound effect on the evolution of the galaxy by triggering the formation of stars, or inhibiting the growth of the galaxy through accretion of matter from intergalactic space.
  • Turns out, fortunately, that the steady and essentially unending accretion of interplanetary and intermoon particles may replenish the rings.
  • The particles come from the accretion disk and are collimated into the jets. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • The crescentic sweep of the wavelets rolled fragments of shell or coral in the mud, successive revolutions adding to the respective bulks by accretion. My Tropic Isle
  • Those involved in the reform after Vatican II would have seen themselves preserving the basic core of the Roman rite, as they pruned back some of the historical accretions that kept that core from shining through.
  • The prevalence of Late Jurassic subduction-related igneous rocks indicates that arc formation and accretion orogeny were the most important processes during the evolution of this part of the Internal Hellenides.
  • If the scattered remains of the pithecanthropus were found in the sand only 40 ft. below the surface, and the rate of accumulation were no greater than the slow accretions that buried the mountain city of The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
  • The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
  • Subsequent accretions were dismissed as degenerative.
  • The Thick Accretion Disk Model and Self - gravitating Accretion Disk Model of QSOs.
  • However these fossils are calcitic, and also differ from Eurytholia sclerites in their marginal accretion, rugate ornament, and granulated ventral surfaces with distinct muscle scars.
  • Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
  • They were going to drill down into the ice pack and measure the accretion of ice year by year.
  • You just don't get giant rotating disks from the accretion of small galaxy fragments.
  • The idea of planetary accretion from cold matter was subsequently to be developed by several other geologists and cosmologists.
  • The past falls open unexpectedly, and its wider accretions and effacements – the lost forest of Andredesleage, the iguanodon bones Gideon Mantell discovered in the Wealden sandstone, the Piltdown Man forgery a century later – loom over the landscape she walks through. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface by Olivia Laing – review
  • A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
  • Now, of course, I knew that most astronomers think a quasar is a black hole with matter falling into it from an accretion disk, and that for some reason it is ejecting charged particles along its magnetic poles.
  • So it retains the original natural nourish ingredients, no chemical accretion . It is safe to enjoy.
  • Dr. Livio has done much fundamental work on the topic of accretion of mass onto black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs, as well as on the formation of black holes and the possibility to extract energy from them.
  • Nonetheless both types of sclerites lack evidence for marginal accretion, and both clearly accreted ventrally.
  • It could only have been relatively cool gases that could initiate accretion processes.
  • A sample curve would probably be organised in a series of steps - with gradual accretion of insight being the normal, but with occasional significant massive leaps also occurring.
  • The sole remaining source is tradition, which, though constantly receiving unhistoric accretions, seems to preserve a kernel of truth in the legend that the apostle went to Rome toward the close of his life and there suffered martyrdom under Nero.
  • This formation, called an accretion disk, may be very important in some stellar birth sequences.
  • The most conspicuous outboard structure is the accretionary wedge that lies just continentward of the ocean trench, the bathymetric manifestation of the subduction zone.
  • Admittedly, a lot of Blade Runner's architecture is megastructural, but the overall look is one of layering - accretions built up over the decades.
  • A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
  • Part of the difficulty is a process called photoionization, in which the high-energy photons conveying the x-rays strip away electrons from atoms within the accretion disk. Could a Black Hole Fit in Your Computer or In Your Pocket? | Universe Today
  • Sponges grow by accretion and therefore lack a fixed primary axis.
  • Another way to succeed is to educate people about what the Bill of Rights said and to instill values that lead most to the most libertarian readings of those rights, and do one's very best to marginalize those voices that look to erode civil liberties accretionally. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • We are told that the earth formed by accretion of cosmic dust billions of years ago.
  • The theory of core accretion supposes the collisional accumulation of solid bodies, the process that is universally accepted as the formation mechanism of the terrestrial planets.
  • To this end, the State Apartments were stripped of recent accretions with the exception of the Bedchamber, which remains to this day more or less as used by Princess Victoria.
  • He has some (very large) movie files, along with selected stills of the formation of a ‘lunar seed’ through the rapid growth and accretion of particles.
  • The individual crystal grains that comprise these rocks have grown by molecular accretion, and the resultant interlocking structure is commonly extremely strong when the crystals are randomly orientated.
  • XMM-Newton detected what the astronomers call "quasi-periodic oscillations," a nearly regular "flickering" caused by the pile-up of hot gas deep within the accretion disk that forms around a massive object. Finding the Mama Bear of Black Holes | Universe Today
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface -- offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. The Portrait of a Lady — Volume 1
  • All she was doing was peeling away some of the years of socialist accretions.
  • So instead of joining into a single big object, asteroids began to strike each other at high speeds, several kilometres per second, often resulting in catastrophic fragmentation and disruption rather than accretion.
  • The sheer accretion of information about things is not enough.
  • Hospitals, in this country at least, tend to be accretions, as various periods of architecture and expertise are layered one on top of another: here a block of airy Victorian wards, there a rigorous piece of post-war functionalism.
  • he scraped away the accretions of paint
  • Coral growth and the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves will compensate.
  • War strips us of the later accretions of civilization and lays bare the primal man in each of us.
  • Accretionary lapilli are like volcanic hailstones that form by the addition of concentric layers of moist ash around a central nucleus. Accretionary lapilli - The Panda's Thumb
  • The usual model for these events is that a white dwarf star is gaining mass by accretion from a companion.
  • Theoretically, the result over time is the accretion of enough additional muscle mass to create both a visual difference and an increase in strength.
  • That's consistent with the theory that the moon formed not from the accretion of smaller bodies but by the collision of a planet with the newly formed Earth.
  • A quiet work that slowly gathers momentum through accretion of personalities and individual histories, Homestead is the story of a small valley in Austria between 1906 and 1977.
  • His auspicious debut might have given him the leverage to realize some of his grander plans, but the Simon Fraser film grad says his films have grown by steady accretion of ideas and details, rather than an overarching scheme.
  • Many of the genera in this large clade contain stone cells, accretions of sclerenchyma that occur in the fleshy part of the berry.
  • the central city surrounded by recent accretions
  • In other words, accretion occurs by the gradual acts of the sea or the water in a tidal area, and if something dramatic happens, like a reclamation, that cannot add anything to anybody's land.
  • The slow accretion of shanty towns to the shell of the city is punctuated by storms of poverty and sudden explosions of slum-building.

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