
How To Use Accoutrement In A Sentence

  • I had visions of quiffs and highlights and all manner of strange accoutrements being used to make me look like a complete twat.
  • Just like the rock art, Pharaonic Egyptian art emphasises the clothing and accoutrements rather than the physical features.
  • And speaking of toys of a sexual nature, we also asked what kind of accoutrements we might find in the drawer of your bedside table. Portland Mercury
  • The implicit message of these strategies is that music is an accoutrement to the liturgy, an embellishment, a soundtrack that should pick up on messages and themes and capture some kind of mood, lesson, or sensibility. Laetare Sunday is a real thing
  • How did they cope in the'bad old days' without all the modern accoutrements of industrial life? Times, Sunday Times
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  • We toured the city and marvelled at the specialist shops that occupied specific streets; one street specialised in supplies for chapel selling vestments, candles and other religious accoutrements.
  • They do it cheerfully, and, strange to say, are as careful not to be "hived" as the cadet whose accoutrements they are cleaning. Henry Ossian Flipper The Colored Cadet at West Point
  • What we know is that the ejectees say they were removed by men whose dress, accoutrement and bearing appeared to them be those of Secret Service agents.
  • Fine kid leather gloves often appear among the accoutrements of fashionable ladies.
  • They are notable for their realism: masks are depicted in fine detail and as part of total ensembles, with all the props and accoutrements, not as disembodied head pieces sold to tourists.
  • Their voracious appetite for bird plumes having exhausted all the worthy species of that family, the fashionistas moved on to cephalopodic accoutrements during the early 20th Century. Save the endangered tree octopus « raincoaster
  • M finally stopped fiddling with her BlackBerry and examined the accoutrements with an expert eye, pulling and buckling the straps against my flesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bedecked in chains and leather studded collars, their ears hacked down to nubs, these dogs served as accoutrements in the young locals' tireless cultivation of their personal menace.
  • Fine kid leather gloves often appear among the accoutrements of fashionable ladies.
  • Many young men (who were suspected of ‘effeminacy’ as a result) joyfully embraced its use of beautiful vestments and accoutrements.
  • He certainly seems uneasy with the accoutrements of fame and says he hates being mollycoddled.
  • Both create diaristic work steeped in the symbols and accoutrements of Afro-Cuban religious ritual.
  • Again, the undertaker offered two choices to the client: outright purchase of all the accoutrements or the hire thereof.
  • This may be seen in the figure of Adonis, naked and bareheaded in some other examples, but here at least partially dressed, and equipped with a broad-brimmed hat and various accoutrements, including his hunting horn.
  • NFL football is not just a anatomy of action and entertainment, but it is acknowledged in bringing calm families and friends, accession all of them into adherence appear the game, you have to acquire the accoutrement of your aggregation like a jersey, a T-shirt, ae your diaphoresis shirt, a alone abu Think Progress » Shareholders call on Massey Energy to fire Don Blankenship.
  • You must keep your buttons, accoutrements, and rifle speckless, and have your hair cut in a style which is not becoming to your particular type of beauty.
  • While the incident was clearly a set-up, it does demonstrate that the public expects at least to be sparkled and awed by the splendid attire and accoutrements of royal women, if not by their dazzling beauty.
  • Again, the undertaker offered two choices to the client: outright purchase of all the accoutrements or the hire thereof.
  • He was in attendance on the Duke at the marriage at Dover in 1673, and was given the suit and a waistcoat (now missing), together with a saddle and bridle, which were also among the nuptial accoutrements.
  • Then there's the usual dotcom accoutrements such as ping pong and table football scattered around the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first the pharaohs were buried in underground chambers over which were built rectangular mastabas; these were stone structures housing the food and accoutrements the pharaoh would need in the afterlife.
  • The sabers and accoutrements clank, and the entirely unornamental cortège as it trots toward Lafayette Square arouses no sensation, only some curious stranger stops and gazes.
  • Mr. Ragusa acknowledged that little data existed that definitively ties lab coats and other accoutrements to the infections that kill nearly 100,000 hospital patients in the United States annually.
  • There was the waiting surgeon, green-gowned nurses and all the alarming accoutrements of modern medicine.
  • It's worth contemplating that the most powerful and substantive works are not those in which Zoffany awes us with his considerable skill at painting frothy fabrics and other accoutrements of the era's formal portraiture, but rather the substantive studies of interesting sitters. On the Strength of His Portraits
  • A large kennel of dogs was simply another accoutrement of the landed upper class.
  • Dressed in livery, they were a common accoutrement of ladies and gentlemen of rank, but also accompanied sea captains and colonial officials.
  • From the Day-Glo color of the carpets, the plastic decorative accoutrements to the long Formica counters, it is literally the 1960's redux.
  • The movie was filmed on location in Oregon and the period clothing and accoutrements are generally right on.
  • Besides, I don't have the cold weather accoutrement of hats, gloves and coats; I also don't relish schlepping them around the Continent.
  • You had an Instruction Book, all your various accoutrements at home.
  • Every building, road, tree and "accoutrement" pieces depicted in these pictures were made by Herb. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Advertisements, particularly those of cigarettes, should not appear on the clothes, footwear or other accoutrements of the contestants.
  • Rain, fog and mist are the acceptable accoutrements of northern gales.
  • Children whose entire existence has been saturated with these accoutrements reached college age during the 1990s.
  • Civil -- well-horsed, conspicuously armed and point-device in their accoutrements -- sat stiff, silent, and vigilant in the mouth of an odd by-road. Jonah and Co.
  • Corruption, cronyism and all the usual accoutrements came in tow.
  • If you have purchased a new ‘interview outfit,’ you would be wise to wear the suit, shoes, shirt, tie and other accoutrements before the day of the interview.
  • With a poncho, the correct accoutrements are a sombrero and some tequila; with matching hats and scarves, facial hair and a job at Santa's grotto is recommended.
  • All the accoutrements of the locusts who swept into power and gave carte blanch to their investor bank buddies. Think Progress » Romney Struggles To Distance RomneyCare From ObamaCare: Ours Was ‘Bipartisan’
  • For his dearest, hath spent much less in her apparelling and maintenance, then she could have done, so that there's not only mony in stock, but rents of her real estate that are yet to be paid unto her, though there was very much consumed for her Brides apparel and the other accoutrements. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • There was the waiting surgeon, green-gowned nurses and all the alarming accoutrements of modern medicine.
  • Trusting his word, I step into the bedroom, most of my stuff still littering the floor right where Adele set it, and begin tossing various articles of clothing and other accoutrements onto the bed.
  • He slumped heavily into his armchair and busied himself with his smoking accoutrements.
  • They would be fairly typical accoutrements of a physician's office—except for the 20 or so oversize, flouncy straw hats and the tea cart loaded with cups and saucers .
  • At first the pharaohs were buried in underground chambers over which were built rectangular mastabas; these were stone structures housing the food and accoutrements the pharaoh would need in the afterlife.
  • They came swarming downstream, transports filled with palace servants and slaves and all their accoutrements and paraphernalia, barges laden with oxen and goats and chickens for the kitchens, gilded and gaily painted vessels bearing cargoes of palace furniture and treasure, of nobles and lesser creatures, all uncomfortably jumbled together in a most unseamanlike fashion. River God
  • Then there's the usual dotcom accoutrements such as ping pong and table football scattered around the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zulu nation without their cultural "accoutrements". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is time to re-dress the body and allow it to be read with its full accoutrements of clothing, jewellery and cosmetics.
  • Violence could scupper KwaZulu-Natal's local government elections if President Nelson Mandela used an existing proclamation to ban Zulu cultural "accoutrements", Inkatha Freedom Party leader ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We load the Bee with our picnic supplies, rain gear, sturdy shoes, and other accoutrements of mountain exploration, slather on the sunscreen, and begin the adventure.
  • The result was that in the end the Valiant Soldier, of the Christian army, was distinguished by no peculiarity of accoutrement from the Turkish Knight; and what was worse, on a casual view Saint George himself might be mistaken for his deadly enemy, the Saracen. The Return of the Native
  • She does not write graphically about sex, but it is in the margins of her pages and her character's consciousness as she is on a crash collision course with womanhood and all its joys, accoutrement and heartaches. Carole Mallory: Book Review: The End of Everything by Megan Abbott
  • The room, with its unusual decor and accoutrements, was always kept locked.
  • The next song, ‘All the Arms Around You’, wraps Diers's deadpan vocals with the ideal accoutrement: ringing chimes!
  • The glitter and the silver are more than superficial accoutrements; if there's substance to be found here, it's in the veneer.
  • Corbett later recalled that belts, coats, hats, and canes, and flowers from buttonholes - the accoutrements of gentlemen - are all flung his way.
  • Instantly recognisable by their white outfits and strange accoutrements, all Morris dancing groups have their own identifying quirks.
  • Corbett later recalled that belts, coats, hats, and canes, and flowers from buttonholes - the accoutrements of gentlemen - are all flung his way.
  • The formula in brief: mid-tempo rockers and acoustic weepers with tasteful violin, banjo or other country accoutrements.
  • They were, I thought, vulgarisms: just fashion and status accoutrements.
  • A joke must have an end; and the captain, seeing that the best way of bringing this to a conclusion (it being somewhat subversive of discipline) was to call the midshipmen down, they were allowed to return once more on deck, while Quirk's new red coat and accoutrements were seized and hove overboard, to appease the rage of the marine officer. The Three Midshipmen
  • In accordance with his wish all counsel in court the next day appeared without the usual barristerial accoutrements. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first you distinguish him by his outward accoutrements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accoutrements were a bullet-pouch, made from the undressed skin of a tiger-cat, ornamented with the head of the beautiful summer-duck. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Again, the undertaker offered two choices to the client: outright purchase of all the accoutrements or the hire thereof.
  • At first you distinguish him by his outward accoutrements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The various accoutrements that comprise his inventory may be viewed via the middle icon, and activated by pressing the enter key.
  • I used a card, because the helmets and other accoutrements boosted the total past the contents of my lean wallet.
  • Hastily organized units soon bombarded the War Department for requisitions and instructions; with limited resources, the government could not provide the necessary arms and accoutrements for its troops.
  • Have students create a contemporary commemorative sculpture with the accoutrements and adornments appropriate for today.
  • The cabinet contained drawers full of miniature soldiers - armies which went back to Roman and ancient Greek times, with all the accoutrements of war through the ages, from siege towers and ballistae to the howitzers and field gunsjust coming into service before the First World War. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • (Ibid., p. 27, et passim); (5) the reversion to animal state is seen in his abandonment, one by one, of the accoutrements of civilization: the rifle, pack, gold. Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • The movie was filmed on location in Oregon and the period clothing and accoutrements are generally right on.
  • Brummell and Byron did, Robinson and Caroline employed gendered expectations of indecorous feminine behavior to straddle the divide between woman as décor and woman as actant by toying with the doubling nature of revealing fabrics, suggestive accoutrements, or outlandish getups. Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
  • Other additional accoutrements such as wedding veils, fairy wings etc will also garner bonus points.
  • Why pollute the truly urban with "resort chic" accoutrement? Laura L.M. Hill: When Did NY Become LA?
  • Undoubtedly his most distinguishing artistic trait, Okazaki's graphic style is a peculiar syncretism of cultural and stylistic elements from the East and West that favors funky portmanteaus like a hip hoppish samurai, cybernetic villains decked out in Japanese accoutrement, a seasonal matsuri float carrying a DJ atop a massive PA. Anime Nano!
  • And in the other bedrooms filthy mattresses, blankets, bowls and all the accoutrements of the sickroom. GALILEE
  • Actually, what should have been discussed -- and should be at another time -- is how the emphasis on housing as well as upscale accoutrements has not been good for the country (besides being another fixed game in taxing schemes). Home Building Trends, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • No way were they going to dare attend a Cure gig without their full make-up, leather jackets, hats and various other accoutrements.
  • To all of which a seeming contradiction was given by the ferociousness of their accoutrement. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Pick up food here for birds, dogs, cats, pot-bellied pigs, ferrets, rabbits and horses - as well as all the "accoutrements" you may need to keep the furries (and featheries) in your family happy and healthy.neptunesrealm. com Colorado Springs Independent
  • Was a second apartment an accoutrement of literary celebrity, or had the family carted its furniture and belongings into other rooms we couldn't see? Sean Carman: Saint Christopher
  • Dio's latest lineup certainly made up for the lack of onstage accoutrements this time around.
  • Rain, fog and mist are the acceptable accoutrements of northern gales.
  • You don't need neon zodiacs and other accoutrements either.
  • Among his accoutrements was a flashlight, and with this and a lard can The Dude Wrangler
  • Here's some affordable equipment and accoutrements to add to your wish list this holiday season.
  • Medals and ribbons are NOT considered to be interchangeable uniform accoutrements by anyone who served or is serving on active duty.
  • Then there's the usual dotcom accoutrements such as ping pong and table football scattered around the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staff Nurses were goddesses and we had started to covet these accoutrements on day one, frilled cuffs, petersham belt, badges and a strings cap. 65 entries from December 2006
  • At first you distinguish him by his outward accoutrements. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is usually tied up with an absence of other stuff - not just noise, but all of the despised accoutrements of daily life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moulsworth's frank concern with worldly accoutrements is similarly evident in her next lines, which emphasize her third husband's lineage and social standing: "ffrom Mortimers he drewe his pedigre/their Arms he bore, not bought wth Heraulds fee" (ll. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • And the eye moves onwards and inwards, past sartorial accoutrements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Committed to preserving national secrets, guns embedded in lipstick, maps hidden in decks of cards and other accoutrements of the spy trade (or, "tradecraft," as spies over here call it), you have to have the right passport. Gadling
  • What an adventure it must have been for these boys, most of whom had probably never been far from home, to be given weapons and "accoutrements" and an expansion of their vocabulary and to find themselves on the parade ground in Wytheville learning how to conduct themselves in battle and about "Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. Archive 2004-08-01
  • M finally stopped fiddling with her BlackBerry and examined the accoutrements with an expert eye, pulling and buckling the straps against my flesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • We begin to narrativize our lives through our accoutrements, through our objects, as if they are the constitutive elements of subjecthood.
  • The enlarged surface and finer occlusion also permitted the development of complex series of subsidiary cusps and other accoutrements.
  • Moslems, fared forth to meet him, mounted on a sorrel horse worth a thousand pieces of red gold with accoutrements purfled in pearls and precious stone; and he bore in baldrick a blade of watered The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Financial constraints came in the way of the project and the king sold elephant accoutrements, mainly caparisons which belonged to the Poornathrayeesa Temple, to fund the project.
  • Fossilized flower bracelets (multicolor buds in lucite) are fun accoutrements.

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