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How To Use Accounting In A Sentence

  • By the 3rd millennium B.C., they had developed a primitive form of cost accounting, elaborate techniques of budgeting and planning, and calculative techniques for devising labor standards.
  • This, coupled with a lack of accounting controls, led the district into bankruptcy.
  • Answer guide: The relevant range of activity refers to the level of activity the firm has experienced in past accounting periods.
  • Developers, well those that meet Apple's firm and unfriendly terms and conditions, have helped this by creating 5,000 new applications for the handheld gogglebox, meaning that it's big numbers all round at Apple - particularly we imagine in the App Store and Ibook store accounting departments. The Inquirer
  • I have seen it twice, and it did get better n a second viewing. lorettajohnson hey peter, that is very interesting. there is a fanboy in my accounting dept that saw it over the weekend and he said it was very "pedestrian Up in The Air’s Mad Men TV Trailer | /Film
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  • Now, armed with the SEC's decision that the accounting dodge had a material impact for investors, those suits may require a bigger payout to go away.
  • While the use of accounting information intensified, there was no marked change in the system itself.
  • Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the accounting treatments in the local general fiscal budget accounting for the bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of local governments.
  • The current financial accounting cannot supply the shareholder with complete information about equity dilution.
  • Salaries will remain competitive in the banking, finance and accounting sectors.
  • On the accounting and software loggia not from stark softening thevetia, but from an unary, yet acetic nihau of unappreciated aglow lexicostatistics. Rational Review
  • With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting.
  • The field of accounting is practically endless with this title deserves a Certified Management MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Spam levels reached a yearly high in July, accounting for 77 per cent of all emails processed by BlackSpider.
  • Many senior corporation executives have a background in accounting, internal auditing, or finance.
  • In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting.
  • Batch cost accounting method depending on the value of the three conditions.
  • There is no fancy stuff here; just straight accounting theory put into practice.
  • Junior college degree or above, major in Accounting or Auditing, Economics or other relative subjects.
  • In the lecture he also examined the notions of cost and cost accounting in relation to the pricing of cost-plus contracts during the second World War.
  • Respondents are asked to indicate the method of accounting for convertible debt which they consider should be required.
  • You have a small general accounting practice and you plan to retire in the next ten years.
  • In fact, this is the weakness of historic cost accruals accounting.
  • Accounting Theory Accounting theory is conventionally concerned with financial accounting, i.e. with accounting to external providers of finance.
  • Accounting function is the external aspect of the nature of accounting which depend on the accounting environment and ideological understanding level of human. It is variable.
  • User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
  • The main part of sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk cargos, whose volume in 2004 exceeded 2 billion tons, accounting for 30% world seaborne trade volume.
  • In other words it is a part of the larger and even more complex issue of the relevance of current cost accounting.
  • International sales have contributed greatly to that success, accounting for 40 per cent of overall sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 3bn of the colossal charge was linked to the alleged accounting irregularities. Times, Sunday Times
  • What specific provisions for the adjustments to tax accounting are given by the Implementation Regulations?
  • For this genuinely commercial purpose there will be no Revenue objection to the changing of accounting bases or dates.
  • Education is increasingly driven by issues about financial resources and accounting.
  • The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.
  • With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting.
  • If accounting were ‘only accounting,’ then an organization could not make predictive and prescriptive changes to its functions based on this institutional retrospection, which it surely needs to do.
  • The financial sector is particularly prone to providing exceptional amounts of funds to what I call accounting "control frauds". William K. Black: How the Servant Became a Predator: Finance's Five Fatal Flaws
  • Accounting "supremo" John Hagen, recently retired as chairman at Big Four firm Deloitte, has been made a life member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • Modern auditing is obviously not limited to hearing, but must employ all senses to meet the cognitive challenges faced by the recipients of accounting information.
  • It is utterly important to govern the falsity of accounting information.
  • Social responsibility accounting requires enterprises paying attention to social benefits while pursuing economic benefits.
  • I'm sure cash-basis accounting has a place somewhere in the world, but the vast majority of businesses adhere to another convention called accrual-basis, which says that revenue is earned and expenses are generated at the moment of the transaction -- not when cash changes hands. US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • The value of re-exports, accounting for 90 per cent of Hong Kong's total exports, rose 18.3 per cent in July.
  • For a while, the Treasury can temporize with creative accounting, shifting money from one pile to another, and the like. The Debt Ceiling Fiasco
  • Housing continued as the most significant item of household expenditure, accounting for 24 cents in every dollar spent in 2000-01.
  • Countries that have gone furthest in tackling fraud have strong financial and medical accountability systems, i.e. proper accounting and reporting underpinned by solid audit regimes.
  • From 1987, companies' gains were charged to corporation tax as if they were additional income of an accounting period.
  • Management accounting is concerned primarily with providing a basis for making management or operating decisions.
  • In the absence of accurate accounting, political debate over some of the most momentous issues of the age is proceeding in an empirical vacuum, and has become much more confused and desultory than it needs to be.
  • The results were reconciled and audited by a partner in the accounting firm Ernst & Young.
  • He has also pointed out the role played by women as bookkeepers and cashiers in small businesses, before they started to make an entry into the professional world of accounting.
  • Melbourne will witness the latest chapter in accurate accounting when her late husband, Lt.Col. William L. Deane, is buried with full military honors. Wilson, Mickey A.
  • Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense. Japan's Debt Conundrum
  • She thinks he's wonderful-oh well, there's no accounting for taste.
  • Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time.
  • It is now necessary to expand the accounting equation to include the last two categories of data, revenues and expenses.
  • Yet now, commanded to appear before elected officials, he had to explain himself, give an accounting of his views.
  • The equilibrium which the bookkeeping record achieves through the accounting equation is an essential feature of double entry.
  • Accounting and legal skills are also vital. Times, Sunday Times
  • No more hiding behind complicated accounting fantasy language, no more obfuscating the reality of what misdeeds were going down in the name of business at her company, she wanted the real, plain, unvarnished truth recounted.
  • One example is an accounting scheme called "The Eurodollar Game" that large banks with offshore branches can use to reduce their reported deposits and thus their required reserves. Robert Auerbach: Why the Federal Reserve's Contribution to Unemployment and Price Discrimination Continues
  • PANAJI: Two employees of a lifestyle showroom in Panaji have allegedly misappropriated Rs 9 lakh in the last four months by not accounting for antique items they sold, said police sources. The Times of India
  • Thus the recognition occurs one step earlier than under cash accounting.
  • Mobile sales trusteeship system source code, phone card sales, management and accounting statistics.
  • In 1992, Edward J. Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts who led the House subcommittee on telecommunications and finance, asked what was then the General Accounting Office to study derivatives risks.
  • (2. 5\%) prefer to read in English, marginally more than Malayalam. 50\% of Indians preferring to read in English live in rural areas  Average monthly family income in India is Rs. 5,930 ( 'per capita' is Rs. 1,350)  70\% of all Indian families earn average to below-average incomes * accounting for approx. 1,112 million individuals (343 million urban and 769 million rural) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It means they could escape having the money they are alleged to have claimed through false accounting clawed back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Readers interested in further details may consult any standard financial accounting textbook.
  • Let us now examine the published accounts of a simplified local authority to see the effects of adopting fund accounting.
  • Much of the apparent growth in profits that occurred in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.
  • This does not mean that they conduct their audits negligently or sacrifice their independence by condoning accounting treatments that are demonstrably wrong.
  • Five criteria must be met before merger accounting may be used.
  • Afterwards the company's accounting staff prepare a preliminary financial budget for finance and revenue.
  • On the level of mechanism of city governance, it is emphasized to transform national economic accounting system in to green type, aiming at guarding the sustainable building of Tongling eco-city.
  • An accounting convention designed to emulate the cost or expense associated with reduction in value of an asset due to wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence over a period of time.
  • Given the hortative intent of this paper, there is not the opportunity to provide a detailed rendition of accountings during the Irish famine.
  • How to educate high-quality accountants with a broad knowledge base who can exercise ability, skill and value will be the new concept of advanced accounting education in the new economic times.
  • The targets have ranged from banks to accounting firms, and in some cases the measures have zeroed in on precisely the kind of collusive bid-rigging that long characterized Japan's corrupt "iron triangle" -- the cozy relationships between bureaucrats, businessmen and politicians. Backsliding in Japan
  • It refers to the method of accounting which reports in terms of funds rather than in terms of organizations.
  • Meanwhile, by setting up sub-accounts, we can expand the accounting of the social transfer of physical merchandise and the real final consumption index for both household and the government sectors.
  • In this case, one would proceed directly to Step 3 in the accounting cycle and post the general ledger directly.
  • Second, Tyson claimed that the company made false representations about the extent of accounting problems at its food subsidiary, which produces hors d'oeuvres.
  • MCI, in an effort to distance itself from the accounting scandals that plagued the company when it went by the name WorldCom, on Tuesday named a defense contractor veteran as its chief ethics officer.
  • The accounting office checked off each worker's dues every month.
  • Management consultancy divisions of accounting firms tend to be strong on business advice and professional codes of conduct.
  • As a commercial credit auditor, her job was to detect fraud in receivables accounting.
  • The three other inventory accounting methods are commonly used when a periodic inventory accounting is employed.
  • Accordingto the Federal Reserve's accounting report, M1 is the approximate of dollarscirculating the globe, which is, approximately $1.5 trillion.
  • Damselfish make up almost half, with angelfish, surgeonfish, wrasses, gobies, and butterfly fish accounting for another 25 to 30 percent.
  • The General Accounting Office reports that airbags do not provide adequate protection for small children and others not sitting in normal position.
  • The forensic anthropologist from the POW/MIA Accounting group who helped chisel the veteran out of the glacier was expected to arrive at the morgue late Thursday afternoon, when he and the coroner's staff would decide the extent of examination that should take place there. Remains Returned List WWII
  • This type of attack brings politics into disrepute and goes some way to accounting for the lack of interest in local elections.
  • The curriculum should include courses in office technology, accounting, business mathematics, computer applications, and business law.
  • The dispute has much at stake, with decaf coffee sales accounting for roughly 10 per cent of the multi-billion dollar coffee industry.
  • Just to make this clear, the OBERAC (operating balance excluding revaluation and accounting changes) effectively tracks the level of investment in our society.
  • ‘The rating agencies don't give you any equity credit for convertibles, so we see the contingency feature bringing that disparity into line through the accounting rules,’ says Malcolm.
  • Accounting for 60% of the world's total output of crude steel, the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process is the dominant steelmaking technology.
  • Suppose, further, that these are essential to accounting for the other basic psychoanalytic categories like phantasy, projections, introjections, denial, defense, repression etc.
  • Let us now examine the published accounts of a simplified local authority to see the effects of adopting fund accounting.
  • Earnings may also be biased by inflation and a long list of arbitrary accounting choices. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • A major factor accounting for this development is the absence of legal aid for representation before tribunals.
  • But it turned out that that was a 15-month year, because we realigned the accrual accounting.
  • Critics said mark-to-market accounting can exacerbate market swings, or be "procyclical," by forcing write-downs and emergency capital raising precisely at times when the economy is weakest. Regulators Draw Fire in Congress
  • The gender split has also narrowed, with females accounting for 46 per cent of Internet users.
  • For costing and accounting purposes it is usual for payments to be supported by a payment certificate or a standard format.
  • But two accounting issues also may be sowing confusion.
  • The traditional orientation of accounting was to record transactions at their historical cost.
  • Under the project, women are trained in business skills, accounting, marketing and forging links with commercial banks.
  • We hope the outstanding account can be settled within this month. Otherwise, our accounting department will consider changing the conditions of payment for future orders.
  • Asset valuation basis is one of the mo st important concepts in accounting.
  • Any adjustments to the book value of accounts of an enterprise are not allowed, unless otherwise required by the State laws or regulations and the State uniform accounting system.
  • A new accounting standard allowed the thrifts to amortize the losses over the life of the loans.
  • Work with accounting firm for inspection and audit. Good oral and written communication is a must.
  • The final chapter further discusses some urgent problems to be solved when trust companies execute the new trust accounting policy and some problems to be solved in the future development.
  • Accounting historians as a whole have yet to appreciate the important contextual differences now seen in the U.S. academic environment.
  • His central interest was in the application of economic theory to accounting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Company's accounting policies are consistent with previous years.
  • Accounting estimates are employed in the financial statements to determine reported amounts, including the realisability of certain assets, the useful lives of tangible and intangible assets, income taxes, provisions, pension obligations and impairment of goodwill. Reuters: Press Release
  • According to EU commission's request, from 2005, must carry on European Union's To be listed's combined statements according to the international accounting standards edits the newspaper.
  • Problems of the current cost accounting methodology in domestic logistics enterprises must be solved with new methods.
  • Although the concept of fund accounting is relatively simple, specific applications of it can be difficult to understand.
  • According to the viewpoint of accountability of accounting, accountability is the fundamental factor of the existence accounting and public accountability is the base of government accounting.
  • he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions
  • Their accounts look very different from the nationalized industries because they adopt budgetary accounting and also because they adopt fund accounting.
  • Data will also be collected to analyse the effect of changes in accounting procedure upon firms in the industry.
  • I don't know where those commenting on the impact of the stimulus are getting their information (perhaps from Fake News, or some other conservative, Obama-hating, talking heads) but according to most economists surveyed, the impact of the stimulus is accounting for 1 to 3% of economic growth in the second quarter where, they estimate, growth would have been 0% to negative. How a capital gains tax break could get cash to startups
  • The backdating companies broke this rule: they reported how many options they were issuing, but conveniently omitted the fact that they had been backdated … The bigger reason for choosing to backdate is to get around some bothersome accounting regulations. Backdating Options, APB 25, and FAS 123
  • Within a year, she got her first promotion, and she's now director of general accounting.
  • Several authoritative sources provide very detailed guidance relative to what constitutes an acceptable accounting method.
  • Several authoritative sources provide very detailed guidance relative to what constitutes an acceptable accounting method.
  • Many of the problems stemmed from an inflexible accounting structure and cumbersome batch processing.
  • In 1901 Hobhouse made an early attempt at accounting for the evolution of mental structure.
  • The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.
  • With the intangibility of intellectual economy, current accounting mode is now being impacted.
  • With the fast expansion of gas stations both in number and scale, business accounting of gas stations can not be done as independent accounting unit.
  • At the same time, business center can also provide services about investment consultant, registration, accounting, declare dutiable goods etc.
  • Consolidated CASM, excluding fuel and certain accounting charges, increased by only 1. 0% year-overyear in the fourth quarter despite a 3. 4% decline in consolidated capacity. All American Patriots: Politics, economy, health, environment, energy and technology - Dispatches from the depths of U.S. government
  • Shadow rate of interest Rate of interest used as te discount rate in project analysis. Include consumption rate of interest and accounting rate of interest.
  • Much of the apparent growth in profits that occurred in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.
  • But of course the variations within England DO take account of variations, albeit imperfectly, and the question we should probably be asking rather than: "How far from £7,362 are we? would be "How does the above list vary from the amount that might be generated by the huge multinomial equation accounting for these and other pertinent factors? Doh! Dimwittery: Game Over For Barnett Formula?
  • Between 2005 and 2007, migration from the county exceeded migration to the county from other parts of the country, but that trend reversed itself in 2008, with "inmigration" accounting for nearly 10 percent of the growth for 2008. Wacotrib - Latest News Headlines
  • Almost in the same years, P. P.arle [P.arle, 1976,1979], and subsequently N. Gisin [Gisin, 1984] and others, had entertained the idea of accounting for the reduction process in terms of a stochastic differential equation. Collapse Theories
  • My main remit was to coordinate the central development of advanced accounting courses and units.
  • We should disclose the governmental accounting reporting to the public to report the accountability the government.
  • The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.
  • The change in accounting policy is reflected as a prior year adjustment.
  • The threat of desertification is significant for over a third (35 percent) of Greek land and somewhat less so for another section accounting for half (49 percent) of the country, according to Constantinos Kosmas of Athens†™ s Agriculture University. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Signs of Climate Change
  • As long as such distortions are built into our energy accounting system, the switch to green energy will remain stalled.
  • For the account system is in a debious economics environment, accounting assumption is created. Accounting assumption is the basement of the accountancy. It decides the territory of the account.
  • He faces 18 charges of fraud and false accounting.
  • The paper seeks the way to analysis the institutional arrangement of information disclosure in the environment accounting, it uses the new institution economy and it has built a basic frame.
  • All these become institutional seedbed of fuzzy accounting information.
  • These clauses or conditions are signed in order to remit agency problem of the liability and restrictions including accounting number.
  • There's no accounting for the peculiarity of folks, and even less for our own peculiarities.
  • The nominally independent Financial Accounting Standards Board defines accounting and auditing standards.
  • An accounting convention designed to emulate the cost or expense associated with reduction in value of an asset due to wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence over a period of time.
  • However, there are many public sector organizations which are unlikely to adopt current cost accounting.
  • Article 23 A public accounting firm may be established by certified public accountants in partnership.
  • But the point of having it use accrual accounting is to make its true financial situation more transparent to everyone, and thus to discipline it by making politicians answerable to better-informed voters. Milton Friedman on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Assuming public accountability is the function of public finance, and government accounting is the assertion, measurement and communication of the process of the discharge of public accountability.
  • He also says other executives committed accounting irregularities without his knowledge.
  • A true accounting if possible is needed b efore the closure certificate is granted .. Muhlenberg: Heather Howard tips state's hand
  • Sixty-four percent of shareholders, accounting for 94% of shares, backed the takeover bid.
  • Neither was there official recognition of the existence of an accounting profession.
  • Advanced Funds Transfer (AFT) is IGT's secure technology for transferring funds between a gaming machine and a casino accounting system.
  • The deals also illustrate businesses growing demand for products to help track accounting, manufacturing and human resource tasks with computer software.
  • Thus the recognition occurs one step earlier than under cash accounting.
  • Sonny Perdue and the State Transportation Board over whether the DOT has the legal authority to obligate the state to multi-year funding commitments using a system of "accrual" accounting. Dallas Business News - Local Dallas News | Dallas Business Journal
  • Although some may protest about ‘sexing up’ poor performance data, ‘creative accounting’ adds a positive spin.
  • He failed to oversee the company properly during the alleged accounting irregularities, they claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was very much an artillery war and in the British army shells, mortars, and grenades accounted for 61 per cent of all wounds, with bayonet wounds accounting for only 0.3 per cent.
  • The accounting firm would be under strict terms of cooperation with federal prosecutors, the Times said.
  • Will the Supreme Court arbitrate accounting standards?
  • Inland silversides were particularly common prey of juvenile gar in Lake Texoma, making up 84% of the diet, with gamefishes accounting for less than 1% of the diet.
  • Much of the apparent growth in profits that occurred in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.
  • Well, in an essay published by Newsweek late last year, Rubin worried about too much spending on job-creation, opposed forcing the riskiest derivative contracts onto public exchanges, resisted an accounting reform that would require financial institutions to assess their assets based on actual market prices rather than just making things up, and warned against what he calls impractical proposals to break up "too big to fail" banks. Vice President Biden Lends His Prestige To Robert Rubin's Relaunch
  • The merger of these two companies would create the world's biggest accounting firm.
  • The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the AFC's total equity.
  • Moreover, new accounting rules mean even larger sums need to be put aside for reserves.
  • Accordingto the Federal Reserve's accounting report, M1 is the approximate of dollarscirculating the globe, which is, approximately $1.5 trillion.
  • University or Post graduate in Financial Management or Accounting. CPA is a plus.
  • Accountants may not realize how much confusion there is amongst non-financial colleagues about basic accounting concepts.
  • We might argue, albeit anachronistically, that best commercial practice could also have been adopted in accounting for the bridge.
  • Academic, or theoretical, discourse is not privileged but is instead a form of accounting which uses abstraction to illuminate.
  • An initial meeting should occur during the planning stage of the audit to discuss new accounting, auditing or regulatory issues affecting the organization.
  • Symphonic music tended to be retrospective, with Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven forming the staple fare and accounting for the conservative forms of Schumann's and Mendelssohn's orchestral compositions.
  • Many investors now distrust pension accounting because it distorts reported earnings.
  • ‘Our route salesmen have benefited from the implementation of new route accounting software complete with new hand-helds for the drivers,’ says Erickson.
  • Already we have one major accounting scandal - courtesy of an Italian basket-case of a company - and a US dollar that seems to be linked to the Iraqi dinar.
  • Bertie gave an expressive grunt, which conveyed his opinion that there was no accounting for tastes.
  • Labor input method is a new national accounting approach, which estimates output (value added) based on data of labor input and output ratio (value added ratio) per captia.
  • We expand on the accounting- and market-based measures that have already established this antecedent effect in previous research by using year-length measures as antecedents.
  • The real whopper is when McCain calls for easing "regulatory, accounting and tax impediments to raising capital. McCain flounders, reads teleprompter on big economic speech
  • There are over 50 approved PRSA products on the market at present, with non-standard products accounting for around 60% of these.
  • ! fast path outbound microstate accounting call mov LMS_SYSTEM, \% o0 call syscall_mstate mov LMS_USER, \% o1 jmp \% l0 + 8 nop Planet Sun
  • Management accounting Planning means deciding objectives and the means for achieving them.
  • Accounting was a horse of a different color, although the Bureau tended to use the words "planning" and "accounting" to mean the same thing.
  • Management companies take on the responsibility of marketing, accounting, human resources, agronomics and management through talented, trained people that a single course could not justify from an expense standpoint.
  • In August of last year, a vice president of the corporation wrote a memo to Mr. Lay describing some of the problems in that corporation, using the term accounting hoax. CNN Transcript Feb 4, 2002
  • Accounting enlists technology in the form of calculators and computers to assist in the processing of information.

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