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How To Use Account for In A Sentence

  • The material you choose for surfaces including counters, backsplashes and floors can also account for variations in price.
  • Measurement Intangible assets, such as knowledge and learning, account for a large part of a company's value.
  • Genetic factors, scientists believe, account for 70% of cocaine addiction, making it as heritable as schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.
  • Wrist, arm or ankle fractures account for 50 percent of injuries.
  • But my eyesight," I asked, "how do you account for its unusual penetrativeness? Mizora: A Prophecy A MSS. Found Among the Private Papers of the Princess Vera Zarovitch
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  • Inbreeding may account for the fact that far fewer than half of all breeding mares foal each year.
  • He was unable to account for the error.
  • To account for the possibility of false negatives, a test should be done more than 3 months after exposure.
  • A persistent theme among people writing about the social aspects of weblogging is to note (and usually lament) the rise of an A-list, a small set of webloggers who account for a majority of the traffic in the weblog world ... Boing Boing: February 9, 2003 - February 15, 2003 Archives
  • Other rules would account for glide insertion and consonant sharing.
  • He could find nothing to account for these unless it were the instruments for giving enemata, which had been used in two of the former cases and were employed by these patients. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • They did have the horrible, driving wind and rain in their faces but that couldn't account for all the missed tackles and gaps aplenty.
  • False or malicious claims account for just three per cent of allegations. The Sun
  • Stanley's complaint is about the inadequacy of phyletic gradualism to account for the known facts of paleontology and the superiority of punctuated equilibria as an explanation for those facts.
  • Admitting then that gneiss, mica-schist, granite, diorite, &c, were once necessarily covered up, how can we account for the naked and extensive areas of such rocks in many parts of the world, except on the belief that they have subsequently been completely denuded of all overlying strata? X. On the Imperfection of the Geological Record. On the Poorness of Palaontological Collections
  • The two other plants where operations are suspended are the Takasaki plant in Gunma Prefecture and the Kofu plant in Yamanashi Prefecture, which together account for about 15% of the company's early-stage chip production capacity. Chip Maker Runs at Half Speed
  • North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.
  • The helicopters account for about half the available seats used to transfer workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The life expectancy benefit of heat is large, too: These longevity gains associated with long term trends in geographical mobility account for 8%-15% of the total gains in life expectancy experienced by the US population over the past 30 years. Climate Preferences: Seek Life, Seek Heat, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Improved quality of care may account for the decrease in mortality, through new technologies or improved perioperative and post-operative care, or both.
  • These two debacles take us right to the core of how service professionals handle and account for risk when they take on highly - lucrative contracts from clients.
  • This ancestry may also account for the difficulty of explaining the motives of Shakespeare's villains.
  • Some tickets were available in a 'presale' and may account for some of those available for resale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies must be held to account for the criminal activity that takes place within them. Times, Sunday Times
  • This corrupt and bureaucratized organization, which by its own account formally represents barely 12 percent of Venezuelan workers, is among the closest allies of the US AFL-CIO.
  • It became convenient to account for shifts in Freud's work by focusing on his early reliance on drawing and to cite the influence of painters from northern Europe such as Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Albrecht Dürer, or even to suggest a false comparison with the Neue Sachlichkeit painters active in Germany in the 1920s but unknown to the young Freud and overlook others as relevant as Paul Cézanne and Chaim Soutine. Lucian Freud obituary
  • Continuing, he explained that crush injuries involving animals or entanglement in machinery account for most farm accidents.
  • High penetrance susceptibility genes probably account for no more than 5-10% of cases.
  • Theories of origin Various theories have been proposed to account for the origin of pidgin languages, and fall into three broad types: monogenetic, polygenetic, and universalist.
  • The eastern plains, or llanos, account for 60 percent of the country's territory and are sparsely populated, as are the coastal lowlands.
  • Fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city.
  • The company is banking on China's growing use of hydroelectric power: The government is planning to increase hydro capacity to 350 gigawatts per year from just over 200 gigawatts at the moment, to realize its goal of having nonfossil fuels account for 15% of China's energy mix. Bankers Hurt as Chinese IPOs Struggle
  • Fuel accounts for only 5 percent of the operational costs for buses, while spare parts account for a much larger percentage.
  • I have looked at the seeds; I never saw in the British orchids nearly so many empty testae; but this goes for nothing, as unnatural conditions would account for it. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • According to forestry officials, five species known as tola, wenge, iroko, sapelli and limba account for close to 80 percent of the total timber exports in the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The collection will have a running time of 286 minutes, which would account for 13 22-minute episodes.
  • Fresh and processed apples account for over one-half of total OP exposure and risk for children.
  • This could account for the finer ash layers in the quarry sequence being dominated by T2 ejecta.
  • The Greek philosophical school known as the Stoics used the term to denote the 'world soul', the underlying principle that was thought to account for the order in the universe. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.
  • Such an explanation does not account for the distinctive ontogeny of interpositum, or for the absence of the improbable shell form which associates very thin and dense ribbing with globose general shape.
  • Children's multivitamins account for a large number of childhood poisonings because the vitamins are designed to attract children, are usually chewable and taste like candy. Safer Alternatives
  • Chapter 4 will examine some of the factors that might account for differences in the political beliefs of individuals within a society.
  • Please account for your disgraceful conduct.
  • Developing countries are expected to account for half the worldwide emission of greenhouse gases by 2035.
  • Has anybody been asked to account for these stop-go policies in relation to investment in residential accommodation?
  • There are also interesting distinctions between the religious traditions, even when we also account for our set of demographic variables and attitudes toward the construction of a Christian church—which controls away any antidevelopment or antireligion sentiment. American Grace
  • The increased numbers of respiratory and dermatological disorders in the triage group, therefore, do not account for the increase in costs.
  • Subgroup analyses can be misleading due to failure to prespecify hypotheses and to account for multiple comparisons. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Additionally, can anyone account for the difference between the commutated lump sum and the 15 years of the difference between the annual pension and reduced annual pension? even taking into account tax and NI the difference would amount to an overall loss of approx. 4000 pounds if you commutate. Army Rumour Service
  • It is a fact that we have got to render an account for the deeds done in the body.
  • The researcher says, ‘El Nino and Arctic Oscillation share dynamic features and may also account for regional warming and drought in Canada - teleconnections linking regions over the globe.’
  • We could have said we were heading down to the pool, which would account for the sun in which we were about to bask, but our parents could call there and have us paged… or worse, drop in and check on us.
  • Look around and ahead of and behind you when next you are caught in a traffic bottleneck on an expressway and try to account for the snarl rationally.
  • Fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city.
  • This restricted diffusional space would account for a decreased gH in various gA channels in GMO / decane in relation to GMO / squalene bilayers.
  • Because companies have limited liability, the staff and owners of a defunct company cannot legally be held to account for their past conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big drugstores sell over 200 types of antibiotics which account for 15 per cent of all the medicines sold and 20 per cent of sales.
  • That would account for someone deciding that the plural ending was i, not realizing that this was true only of masculine nouns, not neuters.
  • It is the years in between which account for the accent and body art.
  • Like Johnston, who handled the Palmer account for so long, he is a loyal and aggressive employee.
  • We can account for optimal states for acting, interior and exterior domains of both the leaders and those we lead, lines of development and personality types that constellate our organizations, to name a few key areas. Willow Dea: 7 Habits for Effective Teaching
  • That the Toibin review is of a novel while the Updike review considers a collection of stories may partly account for the greater reliance on plot summary in the former (as well might various editorial policies of which we as readers of the review cannot finally be aware), but the temptation to "review" mostly by condensing story and making a few unsupported critical remarks is apparently an inherent feature of journalism-based book reviewing. Book Reviewing
  • We can only presume that the index does not account for such complex concepts as sarcasm and irony.
  • A report by McKinsey Global Institute, the think-tank arm of the big consulting firm, estimates that multinationals account for 23% of the nation's private-sector output and 48% of its exports of goods. Big U.S. Firms Shift Hiring Abroad
  • Neither he nor Tom shows how their position-on their own premises-can account for any necessary differences without denying homoousian, because, they argue, all necessary differences are essential differences.
  • Mucinous cystadenoma: Filled with a thick fluid, these growths account for 10 to 15 percent of all malignant cysts. Getting Pregnant
  • If common sense and "real politic" can be taken into account for some caese then why not others? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Anyone who was anyone was namechecked in it, which may account for my absence.
  • The last term in this summation and the last summation account for the pairwise interdependence of the torsion and/or bond angle bending.
  • My aim is to account for part of these changes and show how superhero comics have been innovated.
  • More complex forms of congenital heart disease account for less than 10%. BMA Family Doctor Guide - Heart Disease
  • Because the Billboard Top 25 tends to "really de-emphasize the last half of the year," Mr. Roseman based the 2011 "United States of Pop" recording, also titled "World Goes Boom," on weekly charts, to account for late-breaking hits. Messages in 2011's Music
  • Aircraft overflying Irish airspace account for about 80% of the authority's revenue.
  • But there are records of Antony which represent him as a far more genial and human personage; full of a knowledge of human nature, and of a tenderness and sympathy, which account for his undoubted power over the minds of men; and showing, too, at times, a certain covert and "pawky" humour which puts us in mind, as does the humour of many of the Egyptian hermits, of the old-fashioned Scotch. The Hermits
  • Arts and social science students account for the biggest share of places but the physical and life sciences are not far behind. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also interesting to note that these are reported offences and do not account for people who are being threatened on a daily basis by gangs who entice businesses for protection money.
  • The penalty that followed did not account for the impact of the foul play.
  • Machinery sales, which account for about two-thirds of its revenue, are seen nearly doubling from a year ago, according to Goldman Sachs. Caterpillar Mines a Modern-Day Gold Rush
  • The fact that a substantial amount of Irish people do not actually have a bank account, however, is a major obstacle, as Laser cards work by debiting a person's account for the appropriate amount when they make a purchase.
  • Hong Kong's re-exports, which account for about 90 per cent of the territory's exports, rose 16.8 per cent to HK $155.5 billion in May, compared with the 20.1 per cent growth the previous month.
  • The store debited his account for the purchase.
  • If his legacy remains, like that of the beggarwoman, tenuous, it is because he offers us a lesson about the inability of our allegories of intellectual history to account for the linguistic structure of the events they strive to depict. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • That may account for his restless determination to get things done. Times, Sunday Times
  • The maker of McDowell's No.1 whisky, Romanov vodka and Four Seasons wines currently sells its products in about 38 countries, but exports account for an insignificant part of its revenue. United Spirits to Bid for Teacher's Scotch Whiskey
  • None of these theological features were observed in our cell measurements, thereby suggesting that F-actin models are too simple to account for the complex rheology of the cells.
  • It is the antioxidants, and particularly ellagitannin compounds like punicalagins and punicalins, which account for about half of the fruit's antioxidant ability, that are reportedly behind the proposed health benefits. NutraIngredients-USA RSS
  • Six big brewers account for about 75% of total beer sales in the UK.
  • Meanwhile, the Crown is held to account for every syllable uttered, all the while keeping an eye on the allocated budget, which tends to result in asinine decisions to only take to trial cases which are absolute slam dunks.
  • The use of containers significantly reduces the number of man-hours required to move and account for the items within the containers.
  • They account for nearly a third of economic output in the northwest, for example. Times, Sunday Times
  • And yet this high-tech portfolio looks strange beside pots and pans, which continue to account for 28% of its sales.
  • The CKHCI doesn't account for all of the "Rasta" models smuggled in from The Congo. No Getting Around It: Cycling and Religion Clash Again
  • But serious uncertainties remain about how to measure and account for estimates of net carbon.
  • The principle stress-bearing elements of the lung, which account for its tendency to recoil, are elastin and collagen fiber networks and surface tension.
  • While laws of nature can, and do, formally account for such cases, there is no explanation of E's nonoccurrence in terms of the natural forces that it is usually assumed to be the concern of laws of nature to describe. Miracles
  • We determined both unadjusted and Bonferroni adjusted significance levels to account for multiple group comparisons.
  • Inherited genes may lead to certain physiological effects, which could account for personality traits common among entrepreneurs, such as extroversion and openness to new experiences, Shane says. Latest Articles
  • Six big brewers account for about 75% of total beer sales in the UK.
  • The number of pregnancy-related discrimination cases against employers has doubled in the past 12 months and now account for 10% of all Equality Authority casework files.
  • Backyard farmers account for 60 percent of all poultry producers; commercial farmers, 25 percent; and semicommercial farmers, 15 percent.
  • His theory does not adequately account for the dual powers of divine conflagration and divine grace.
  • The difficulty of keeping soldiers from straying out of quarters by night, would have sufficiently accounted for the appearance of a straggling foot-soldier; but it was more difficult to account for a mounted horseman, in full armour; and such was the apparition which a peculiarly bright glimpse of moonlight now showed at the bottom of the causewayed hill. Castle Dangerous
  • I can't account for the missing money
  • Neither deductive nor inductive reasoning can account for the way in which we immediately see that such principles are true.
  • Impressed with this convergency of testimony from so many different quarters, they will be utterly at a loss to account for the unanimity of these early witnesses -- all sharing in the same delusion, all ignorant that a false Mark has been silently substituted for the true Mark during their own lifetime, and consequently assuming as an indisputable fact that the false Mark was received by the Church from the beginning. Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Now, the gene they discovered today doesn't account for all those cases.
  • In fashion-conscious Hong Kong, moisturizers account for 60 to 70 percent of the multi-million dollar skincare market.
  • It was founded in 1990 as a mail-order catalog, the sales from which still account for part of its $3 million in revenues.
  • It does not look for the factors that might account for an observed phenomenon. Critical Social Research
  • He could not account for the missing funds.
  • The fair, he said, generally ‘is the key to our business,’ producing deals that account for half of his company's sales.
  • Higher vapour pressures would be generated in sediments of low permeability, such as mudstones, which would account for sills being more commonly found in shale and greywacke.
  • Cars, minivans, pickup trucks and so-called sport utility vehicles (SUVs) account for nearly 60 percent of all transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.
  • Should you turbo-charge your healthcare flexible spending account for 2012?
  • Plato and the Stoics introduce divination as a godlike enthusiasm, the soul itself being of a divine constitution, and this prophetic faculty being inspiration, or an illapse of the divine knowledge into man; and so likewise they account for interpretation by dreams. Essays and Miscellanies
  • How does “non-naturalism” account for the possibility of knowledge? You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals - The Panda's Thumb
  • They encompass all kinds of visual material and account for both the aesthetic and non-aesthetic response.
  • Tubular adenomas account for 75% of adenomas but comprise only 5% of malignancies.
  • Listeriosis, brucellosis, and rabies could account for the symptoms and all three ailments were endemic to the area.
  • Higher vapour pressures would be generated in sediments of low permeability, such as mudstones, which would account for sills being more commonly found in shale and greywacke.
  • MiLB. com uses GO / FO, which is a measure of groundouts vs. flyouts, but that doesn't account for all balls in play, only outs. South Side Sox
  • The attraction between the conjectured planet and Uranus was to account for the latter's departure from its initially predicted orbit.
  • The System Drive is comprised of two sections, the core OS, which account for about 20 GB of your first hard drive in the system, the rest of the drive contain what they call the tombstone files, which act as file pointer to the actual locations of all your files. Anime Nano!
  • He could account for his isolation, his unlikeness to everything that existed around him. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • He was unable to account for the error.
  • They will be forced to account for their failures to tackle anti-social behaviour at public meetings. The Sun
  • Structural differences between the various drugs account for the differences in the potential side effects.
  • If each had this share, then together they would only account for a half of the total available smartphone market.
  • The advertising account for Dublin Bus is out to tender, and it is believed over 20 agencies are pitching for it.
  • Churches frequently provide employees with benefits whose value is so minimal that it would be impractical to account for it. Christianity Today
  • The mate observed regretfully that he could not account for that young fellow's whims.
  • In three at-bats he hit into two double plays and one triple play to account for seven outs.
  • It looks as though here, too, the hypothesis does not account for all the biological facts.
  • The explanation had to account for the homogeneousness of the snakes.
  • However, the author argues that the informality and amorphousness of these networks makes it difficult to account for, and engage with, the formal (centralised and institutional) aspects of politics.
  • Lucretius invoked the swerve (clinamen) not only to explain the creation of things but also to account for the freedom of the will. The First Quantum Cosmologist
  • Six big brewers account for about 75% of total beer sales in the UK.
  • Though they account for just two per cent of the Kuapa farmers’ total business, the $150 premium goes a long way in Ghana where the cedi is so devalued.
  • The wine-red field appears to bring intense coloristic pressure to bear on the central motif; and this pressure seems both to account for its ellipsoid shape as well as for its suspension at the heart of the field. Archive 2010-01-01
  • In the longer term, it says that there is an available resource from renewables to account for half of the UK's electricity generation.
  • This does not stop the person from giving a ‘sensible’ response: He or she examines the relevant output and invents a story to account for it.
  • First, because it fails to account for improvements in living standards over time, our poverty measure yields a significant undercount of those who are materially deprived compared to the rest of us.
  • About a year after his return, McBee began to notice a change in his personality, including what he describes as "blackouts" - periods of time he couldn't account for. Marine Corps Times - News
  • They want the money but don't want to have to explain their work, or account for their spending or even show results -- like the Northwestern researcher who has decorticated cats for 17 years. Vet School Defends Dog Labs as Pickens gift Withdrawn
  • The company will book sizeable exceptional items this financial year and next to account for the restructuring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could account for the pained expression on his face, the knitted eyebrows and his cross-eyed look of concentration.
  • Davis claims that hermaphroditism in polar bears and alligators shows that PCBs and various man-made ‘environmental estrogens’ account for reduced human sperm counts and may threaten the future of the human race.
  • Road traffic accidents alone account for an estimated five million head injuries each year.
  • One of that crook-necked, yellow kind with warts all over it, and a great, big, splurgy vine behind it to account for its being there at all. A Voice in the Wilderness
  • But it can cause cancer in the upper throat, too, and a new study says HPV-positive tumors now account for a majority of these cases of what is called oropharyngeal cancer. The Seattle Times
  • Since “actual economic quantities denominated in dollars” does not account for all the things that happen inbetweentimes of transactions, economists for many decades have studied various aspects of valuing the “extraneous, inbetween things” that still require physical effort and mentation: including neighborhood effects, externalities, public goods, transactions costs, asymmetric information, imperfect competition, monopoly, and institutions. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We are forced to rely on necessary truths because truth values cannot pick out synonymous pairs - otherwise you fail to account for coextensive terms.
  • Associated standard deviations include a variance correction factor to account for variability as a result of the imputation process.
  • To account for this effect, when there was more than one unaffected sibling we selected the one furthest in age from the index case.
  • That may account for his restless determination to get things done. Times, Sunday Times
  • The balance in our account for June includes £5000 carried over from May.
  • Gln gene, already associated to AD in early studies, was about threefold more represented in AD patients than in controls (2.0% vs 0.8%; p   =   0.031), and it might account for the increased frequency of H5 in AD patients (4.2% vs 2.3%). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • How else could one account for the astonishingly abrupt shift in the American horror film from the progressive, exploratory, often radical late '60s-'70s to the reactionary and repressive '80s?
  • My practice has always been to use 5 milliliters in 500 milliliters of water for the 1: 100 dilution, which may account for the lengthy developing times with some films, but it works just fine.
  • Methods such as ML account for both observed and unobserved changes.
  • An ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus is the best way to account for the sodium, says Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona in Tucson, a Cassini researcher not part of Kempf's team.
  • This may not suffice to account for the unhingement of his reason. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • After linear baseline subtraction, to account for the gradual decay of the synchrotron beam intensity, two kinds of treatments were performed.
  • Producers may also need to account for all animals, including dead ones, and feed mills will be scrutinized for cross-contamination of feeds and dual-purpose feedmills may be eliminated.
  • We tried to account for the possibility that silk composition might vary along a fiber by subsampling a cross-section of the dragline for amino acid analysis.
  • It was simply asked that she account for her actions at a public inquiry and the situation turned into a nightmare.
  • These same handicaps account for Germany's lack of success in imperialist combinations and alliances.
  • Our only refuge is in the worms, and how to account for the transmutation of any worm with which we are at present acquainted into a form like the Leptus, with its mandibulated mouth and jointed legs, seems at first well nigh impossible. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • Oil exports account for nearly 80% of the country's foreign earnings.
  • Walter explains to Astrid (and the viewers) that Project Elephant was a military experiment that looked for a way to camoflauge soldiers from the naked eye, but what the scientists didn't account for was that the experiments led to an incurable genetic disorder (aka the deformities). From Inside the Box
  • Two factors account for this: an excellent 5 speed automatic transmission, which ensures that the engine is always giving of its best, and the supercharger.
  • It will take her fifteen years in prison to account for such horrible crime.
  • But scientists worried that intergalactic dust, rather than distance, could account for the dimming.
  • But how can one account for the rash of four-baggers in today's game?
  • It did not offer any explanation for the sub-standard service you received, nor did it account for the delays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Detection of high blood pressure in the lungs may also account for the unexplained or mistakenly explained sudden deaths in adult patients with sickle cell disease.
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • But if New Orleans is to rebound, it must rekindle its carefree spirit and once again seduce the tourists and conventioneers who account for a significant portion of its economy.
  • Linklaters is on track with its plans to move to an almost all-equity partnership, with the firm expecting its salaried ranks to account for 10 per cent of the ­partnership at the year-end. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • But benign tumours account for nine in ten lumps. The Sun
  • Perhaps fear of being held to account for theories that pronounce on the nature of value in our culture have made the convention of the disclaimer so frequent in the prefaces or introductions of How To books.
  • The genus is emended to account for the nature of the central body wall, as well as new evidence of tabulation including details of the archeopyle.
  • Jet fuel expenses account for a large proportion in the total cost for airline companies. Fuel cost directly influences a company's ability to make a profit.
  • Another reader realised that a three-year personal loan which had matured, continued to be debited directly from his account for a further 12 months.
  • The courts and legislatures acknowledge this, that modern "piecework" medicine is nearly impossible to account for by reason of its complexity. Stephen Herrington: 'Cadillac Tax' Debate Shows We Don't Understand the Problem
  • It is also a fallacious argument that heavy vehicles alone account for the recurring accidents.
  • Altogether cereals account for 54 percent. of the total arable area.
  • In a similar vein, it has been questioned that pragmatic phenomenalism manages to account for the difference between mere accordance with these rules and The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • According to this theory, the most powerful element in this process is the superior explanatory power of science to account for the universe. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could not account for her mistake.
  • Of course, this would account for the native outflux contra Peri. Matthew Yglesias » The Wages of Immigration
  • The major objection to Malinowski's functionalism is that it cannot readily account for cultural variation.
  • We also account for the disposal of waste water polluted by fertilizers, as well as by pesticides and herbicides.
  • Some manufacturers use toxic chemicals like hexane or acetone and are not required by the Food and Drug Administration to list them on the label if they account for less than 2 percent of ingredients.
  • Using two highly variable microsatellites (heterozygosity H = 0.615-0.616), we show that this species is an apomict with rare sexual reproduction events that account for 0.5% of seeds pollinated in the wild.
  • The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.
  • She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
  • The very fact that they had never endured a blitz or an invasion seemed to account for the obsessive fears of a nation always irrationally jumpy about its own security.

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