How To Use Accordance In A Sentence

  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • It is a recognition for the native title right to possess which can only be exercised in accordance with currently acknowledged laws and customs.
  • The beauty he has perceived must in accordance with our human needs find expression concretely, because it is only as he manifests himself in forms which we can understand that we are able to recognize him. The Enjoyment of Art
  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • And then you've got the work in the luxury saloon sector, where people are phoning out for still bigger pieces of aluminium and ordering up even larger chunks of birchwood, in accordance with a mission to go faster, fatter.
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  • So judged the leader of the 'cognoscenti', and, in accordance with his views, Elgin and Aberdeen are held up to ridicule in 'English Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • In accordance with Islamic law, the prophet will not actually be depicted on screen.
  • With the ink jet recording head, the relationship between the amount and the speed of ejected ink droplets can be optimized in accordance with the size of areas of the electro-thermal transducers.
  • Legio (acc. legionem) was formed, in accordance with the nature of the Romance-Castilian language, the name León, and the identity of this name with that of the king of beasts (león, from leo, acc. leonem) perhaps explains how, by what in German is called a The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Has the treasurer acted in accordance with the law? Christianity Today
  • Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in accordance with the trust deed and for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
  • God then willed the revolution of the outermost sphere, known as the diurnal sphere, which caused all the other spheres to revolve with it, thereby producing changes in the hyle in accordance with the motions of the sphere. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • His son Brian had, in accordance with an old Irish custom, passed his boyhood in "fosterage" at the court of Callaghan, King of Cashel, in East Munster. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • Shipowners and salvors, as hereinafter defined, may limit their liability in accordance with the rules of this Convention for claims set out in Article 2.
  • All the conveniences that modern ingenuity has excogitated -- in accordance with the requirements of the present era -- have been introduced into this huge structure. By Water to the Columbian Exposition
  • Now obedience to a superior is due in accordance with the divinely established order of things, as shown above A. 1, and therefore it is a good, since good consists in mode, species, and order, as Augustine states.6 Again, this act has a special aspect of praiseworthiness by reason of its object. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • On heating orthophosphoric acid to about 225° pyrophosphoric acid is formed in accordance with the following equation: An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law .
  • In general, most rennet produced in the US comes from calves that have not been processes in accordance with Islamic requirements, so the rennet produced is not acceptable.
  • As she recited the prayer with a mien as dark as fate, the supplicant rolled her long neck from side to side, and nodded her ophidian-shaped head in accordance with a sort of regular, lethargic rhythm. Through Russia
  • One of my campers, a brilliant programmer named John Bruns, programmed the Impulse system for several popular software packages, coloring each bar in accordance with the Impulse system.
  • Both gifted swordsmen, and both left-handed, uncle and nephew were putting on a skilled display-a show made more impressive by the fact that they were fighting in accordance with the most exacting rules of French dueling, but using neither the rapier-like smallsword that formed part of a gentleman's costume, nor the saber of a soldier. Dragonfly in Amber
  • In the phase processing circuit 200, a phaser 214 varies the phase of the signal in accordance with its frequency, and a phase inverter 218 inverts the phase of the phase-varied signal by 90°.
  • He commented on the ease with which slabs were removed, demonstrating that they were not firmly bedded to 75% depth in accordance with our printed recommendations.
  • In this domain we categorize incoming stimuli, and once categorized we respond in accordance with predefined procedures.
  • precisian" zealots held, by the governor-general's permission and under his protection, a synod at Dort, June, 1586, and endeavoured to organise the Reformed Church in accordance with their strict principles of exclusiveness. History of Holland
  • Living in rows, conducting our movements and our apparel as nearly as possible in accordance with the hitch of the moment, singing the songs our neighbours sing -- this is Order, but gregarian order. Child and Country A Book of the Younger Generation
  • In accordance with the testing items and technologic al data of conditioned weight of nylon 66 precusor, substantial raw data were collected and some concerning researches were made.
  • How to succeed and make the most of prosperity might be called the pervading theme of the essays, and subjects which in themselves suggest spiritual treatment are actually considered in accordance with a coldly intellectual calculation of worldly advantage. A History of English Literature
  • But, however we may now regard it, it was in perfect accordance with the trickish spirit of the age; and the French king resigned all right of rebuking his antagonist on this score, when he condescended to become a party with him to the infamous partition treaty, and still more when he so grossly violated it. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • If, therefore, the issue of inconvertible paper were subjected to strict rules, one rule being that whenever bullion rose above the Mint price gold parity, the issues should he contracted until the market price of bullion and the Mint price were again in accordance, such a currency would not be subject to any of the evils usually deemed inherent in an inconvertible paper. A Return To Basics: What Is Stable Money?
  • This is strictly prohibited in accordance with international civil aviation law. Times, Sunday Times
  • In accordance with the modular programming ideas, standard COM components of fault location are generated using MATLAB language. It is convenient to transplantation and debugging.
  • It involves a relation between me as the donor (donans), and another person as the donatory (donatarius), in accordance with the principle of private right, by which what is mine is transferred to the latter, on his acceptance of it, as a gift (donum). The Science of Right
  • Article 32 Where a taxpayer has no payable tax within a taxpaying period, it shall handle tax filing in accordance with the relevant requirements as well.
  • The House held that the discretion, being a discretion conferred by statute, must be exercised in accordance with the statutory intention.
  • For example, a delegation from Texas could go to California and show the Californians how to do some traditional Texas thing such as castrate a bull using only your teeth, and then the Californians could show the Texans how to rearrange their football stadiums in accordance with the principles of "feng shui" (for openers, both goalposts should be at the west end of the field). Dave Barry on Red and Blue States
  • This paper tries to study systematically the principle of taxing in accordance with statute and perfectness of tax lawmaking from the theories and fulfillments.
  • The only if was who got to him first: some religious bampot avenging the murder of a priest, or the hired hand of whoever set him up, in accordance with the second rule of assassination. It's October, 1956.
  • In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.
  • First, we must distinguish between morality in the sense of conscientiousness, that is, steadiness in acting in accordance with one's sense of duty, and morality Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The government would sanction courts that carry out proceedings in accordance with Islamic law.
  • The aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith, or hold the party liable for tort in accordance with any other relevant law.
  • This method determines pavement deflection when undersealing, in accordance with the specifications.
  • The headline and standfirst of this article were changed in accordance with editorial guidelines.
  • The fear of revenge by the Stalinist system against turncoats and prisoners of war was dispelled by references, in German Wehrmacht propaganda - in accordance with the claims of the Goebbels Propaganda Ministry - to the near collapse of the Stalinist state, brought about, if not directly by German victory, then at least by inner opposition inside the country. The Civic Platform - A Political Journal of Ideas and Analysis
  • He could face trouble if it is proved his instructions to the rider were not in accordance with the rules of racing.
  • The attack blinded Bahrami, who sought to have authorities render the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.
  • As the demand increasing steadily for small volume, high density and high heat-dissipation rate IC, the key parameter of wire bonding----pad pitch has to shrink in accordance.
  • What also draws regret and deploration is that the secretary-general did not make any statement condemning or deploring this attack, and the secretary-general did not, in accordance with Article 99 of the charter, namely the submission of a letter to the Security Council, alerting that the attack threatens international peace and security with the gravest of dangers, and it threatens the fate and the future of the United Nations at the heart. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2003
  • An egress window with any point of clear opening below adjacent grade shall be provided with an areaway in accordance with this section.
  • Mine was frequently decorated in accordance with my father's occupation.
  • The cataloging is said to be in accordance with Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed., Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: The Virtual Gramophone: Canadian Historical Sound Recordings
  • I have reviewed this subject in accordance with my findings in an appendix to a work that I propose to publish when circumstances permit.
  • The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount.
  • A certain mystique attached to the word as a result of analogies often drawn between the creative activity of the artist and the creation of the world by the deity or by a Platonic demiurge in accordance with Ideas or prototypes.
  • Water vessel shipments must also be prepared in accordance with the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) regulations.
  • Through learning, children acquire not only their parents' moral code but also a willingness to act in accordance with the rules.
  • It was thenceforth no longer a question of whether this or that theorem was true, but whether it was useful to capital or harmful, expedient or inexpedient, in accordance with police regulations or contrary to them.
  • P Eng., a Qualified Person ( "QP") in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 ( "NI 43-101"). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • her mood changes in accordance with the weather
  • Proving was no longer a matter of transforming terms in accordance with rules, but a process of logical deduction from concepts.
  • Binding and catalytic events are assumed to occur in accordance with their reaction stoichiometry.
  • A logical, progressive sequence is followed, in accordance with how I was trained in the Vaganova school.
  • In the British system of local government, gradually evolved from the experience of the past and carefully upbuilt in accordance with modern democratic institutions to suit every local condition, we have a system which contains all the wisdom of the old with all the utilitarianism and democratic vigour of the young, combined with a remarkable adaptability to local conditions and even local prejudices. Britain's Experience of Public Ownership
  • The Court shall exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression once a provision is adopted in accordance with articles 121 and 123 defining the crime and setting out the conditions under which the Court shall exercise jurisdiction with respect to this crime. 2009 May : Law is Cool
  • So from this day forward, in accordance with his thesis, the human race will be unswerving in its dedication to fulfilling this end; all human efforts will henceforth be directed towards blowing up the sun.
  • He retightened all hubs in accordance with technical order instructions.
  • Meanwhile, in accordance with the principle of honesty and fairness, the doctrine of prosecution history estoppels and plea known technology shall be taken as the exclusion principle.
  • In accordance with these facts, we find the scale-formed plumes of the throat, the crests of the head, and the long cirrhi of the tail, all fully developed before the plumes which spring from the side of the body begin to mane their appearance. The Malay Archipelago
  • To that one in the solution of which the latter could do nothing but commit paralogisms (namely, that of immortality), because it could not lay hold of the character of permanence, by which to complete the psychological conception of an ultimate subject necessarily ascribed to the soul in self-consciousness, so as to make it the real conception of a substance, a character which practical reason furnishes by the postulate of a duration required for accordance with the moral law in the summum bonum, which is the whole end of practical reason. The Critique of Practical Reason
  • Here, it should be noted that the division of the memory into separately associable zones, provided in accordance with the invention, exists only in an organizational respect.
  • It was determined that the airplane was properly certificated and equipped in accordance with federal regulations and approved procedures.
  • This program has been approved for 14 Approved Entity Continuing Education hours for relicensure, in accordance with 258 CMR. Feed of Eventbrite Events
  • Fig. 1 is a plan view of a sheet of paper on which has been impressed a revealable concealed identifier pattern in accordance with the invention.
  • 4In accordance with Casio's own standard with reference to the US MIL-STD-810F Method 516. 5-Shock, the camera passed a test in which it was dropped from a height of 2.13 meters (7 feet) onto lauan plywood at 26 different angles. EPHOTOzine News Feed
  • Look at Ephesians 1: 5, ‘He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.’
  • Result Three finite element models of different post crown complexes were rebuild except for the morphon of post crown, other parameters were all in accordance.
  • It is not clear whether judgment was formally entered in accordance with the terms of settlement.
  • These charges are set in accordance with FSA regulations and have been independently ratified by external auditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disposal of waste in accordance with the law involved significant costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • To point out yet another contrast between organic and biodynamics, most of the technical manipulations mentioned above would be completely in accordance with organic requirements.
  • The drink is also spiced with geera or pepper in accordance with the taste of the customer.
  • In accordance with N.J.A.C. 7: 7E et sq., up to one acre of disturbance is permitted under the various Statewide General Permits. 2009 March « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • Characterized by symbol, simplicity, hint and mystery, its aesthetic feature is in accordance with the aesthetic taste of eastern people.
  • Signatory" means either a Party or an entity designated in accordance with Article 2 (3), for which the Operating Agreement has entered into force.
  • He discovered that the agreement, far from being in accordance with the papal Brief, was in direct opposition to it.
  • People often act in accordance with the images and patterns they find around them.
  • Cancelation charges will apply in accordance with paragraph 4 above.
  • Even the question of what 'further co-ordination is required is left to be considered in accordance with the existing situation. The International Situation and the Protocol
  • But as generations proceeded, and the relationships within the family diverged beyond the degree of second cousin, a natural breaking up seems to have taken place, though in the direction of subinfeudation under the feudal enforcement of the rule of primogeniture, instead of the practice, more in accordance with tribal instincts, of equal division and enfranchisement. On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
  • The CFO must manage and operate imprest funds in accordance with Treasury and Departmental regulations.
  • The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
  • He went on to relate how only four months later, in August 1958, the Netherlands sent an aide memoire to the British proposing that the division of the territorial seas and continental shelf should be defined in accordance with this principle of equidistance.
  • Kant's criticism of the metaphysical disciplines centers on his efforts to show that the ideas of reason (the soul, the world and God), which are thought in accordance with the demand for the unconditioned, get erroneously “hypostatized” by reason, or thought as mind-independent “objects” about which we might seek knowledge. Kant's Critique of Metaphysics
  • And hence perfection of virtue, which is in accordance with right reason, does not exclude passibility of body; yet it excludes the _fomes_ of sin, the nature of which consists in the resistance of the sensitive appetite to reason. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The University will provide accurate and timely acquittances to granting bodies in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in each grant contract or agreement.
  • In accordance with the form in Emergency Plan White, a presidential proclamation extending federal aid was drafted.
  • Private property is in essence a cluster of rights inuring to the benefit of the owner, freely exchangeable in accordance with the terms of private agreements, and recognized and protected by common consent.
  • It can no longer present its warlike policies as being in accordance with the political will of the whole nation.
  • Does she believe that Parliament is acting in accordance with the intention of the New Zealand waste strategy, and is it leading by example when it refuses to purchase recycled paper for use in its printers and photocopiers?
  • Staff changes were not notified to the Respondents in accordance with the National Standards.
  • In accordance with the form in Emergency Plan White, a presidential proclamation extending federal aid was drafted.
  • Let the people vote for the president and vice president of their choice, in accordance with their consciences.
  • In accordance with our normal procedure, we promptly placed a seven-day notice on the car.
  • In accordance with tradition, the Cathedral offered the full range of services every day. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • In a similar vein, it has been questioned that pragmatic phenomenalism manages to account for the difference between mere accordance with these rules and The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • The Municipal Government may, in line with public interest requirements, expropriate land in accordance with legal provisions.
  • In accordance with custom, the casket remains closed and there is no embalming or cosmetology performed.
  • To be stamped ‘official’ in accordance with the International Tennis Federation, a ball must meet rigid specifications for deformation and bounciness.
  • Events, however, were precipitated in such a way that, without waiting for the opening of hostilities, the Turkish general in command of the fortress of Belgrade turned his guns on the city; this provoked the intervention of the powers at Constantinople, and the entire civilian Turkish population had to quit the country (in accordance with the stipulations of 1830), only Turkish garrisons remaining in the fortresses of [) S] abac, Belgrade, The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • —The employer provides for autoenrollment of the employee in accordance with subsection c. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Paranoid Conservatives”:
  • Superior claims may baulk inferior ones, but the liquidator's duty is to realise the assets of all in accordance with their rights.
  • Members voted to approve the plans claiming the proposals were in accordance with policy and that there was both local and historic interest.
  • For example, a third party may claim the right to accede to a treaty in accordance with its terms.
  • I have acted strictly in accordance with the regulations at all times.
  • The attempt to act in accordance with a system of ideas is invariably denounced as ideological, fanatical, utopian or millenarian.
  • I find, however, that the Respondent's action in seeking to remove the Appellant is in accordance with the law and has the legitimate aim of the maintenance of immigration controls.
  • We tried by radio and by heliograph, in accordance with internationally accepted means. The Attack on the Liberty
  • The contract claim turns on clause 17 which may be described as payment in accordance with ministerially determined rates.
  • In accordance with a page processing mode, there are no back - spine of slots and slot type.
  • We established the proportion of participants at high risk of cardiovascular disease in a stepwise manner, in accordance with the guidelines.
  • Incandescent ceiling lights, when properly installed, are reasonably safe if the bulb wattages are in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
  • In accordance with the mathematical hypnoses of his era, he studied these six transits. The Book of the Damned
  • Because of the complexity and uncertainty inherent in spatial space, the description and reasoning of spatial relation often use qualitative method in accordance with spatial cognition.
  • These are developed in accordance to the International quality standards to ensure high endurability, strength and longer life.
  • If, by contrast, impenetrability, extension, and movability are deemed the basic traits of the concept of matter, then how can one know a priori that any object we might encounter in outer sense must behave in accordance with the laws that would govern matter so defined? Kant's Philosophy of Science
  • This is in accordance with many previous studies, which have noted that endemics tend to be more susceptible to extinction than cosmopolitans.
  • Now when protoplasm had been discovered as the "physical basis of life," and, when it was further conceived that this substance is a proteid related to albumens, it was inevitable that a theory should arise which found the explanation of life in accordance with simple chemical laws. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and such other persons as the Council shall admit to membership in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained shall be members of the Company.
  • This result is in accordance with functional data showing that axon growth inhibitory molecules are less prominent in fish oligodendrocytes and CNS myelin compared to mammals.
  • The term computing machine, used increasingly from the 1920s, refers to any machine that does the work of a human computer, i.e., any machine that calculates in accordance with effective methods. The Modern History of Computing
  • In accordance with instructions, the officers took no action to defend themselves, although they were armed.
  • The notice is in accordance with Regulation 7.
  • The haulier should look for an insolvency practitioner able to give up-to-date and detailed advice in accordance with the new law.
  • Early in the second innings, Best had bowled a beamer at Sangakkara and when he followed that up with another one to tail-ender Rangana Herath the umpire had to remove the bowler in accordance with the playing conditions.
  • particularise" the programme in accordance with the character and specific needs of a school community. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The donor should fulfill the donation agreement according to the law, and turn over the donated assets to the recipient in accordance with the time and the form agreed in the donation agreement.
  • The justices said in a brief order, ‘In accordance with its historic practice, the court refers the motion to recuse in this case to Justice Scalia.’
  • This Option Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.
  • It is unfortunate that, only after having occupied ourselves for a long time in the collection of materials, under the guidance of an idea which lies undeveloped in the mind, but not according to any definite plan of arrangement -- nay, only after we have spent much time and labour in the technical disposition of our materials, does it become possible to view the idea of a science in a clear light, and to project, according to architectonical principles, a plan of the whole, in accordance with the aims of reason. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • In accordance to our laboratory studies, Bambawale et al. [35] observed no difference in cotton aphid abundance between Indian fields with Bt cotton (MECH 162) and its corresponding near isoline under integrated pest management. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In accordance with the Report of the Public Service Commission (1886-7) the terms 'covenanted' and 'uncovenanted' have been disused. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
  • In accordance with instructions, the officers took no action to defend themselves, although they were armed.
  • In accordance with Dickson's analysis in Rio, I must first classify the legislation either as a valid provincial Act or a colourable attempt to legislate on matters restricted to Parliament.
  • The existence of a hatchment showing particular arms does not necessarily mean the person was entitled to bear them in accordance with the rules of the College of Arms.
  • The use and display of our insignia and pathes are in accordance with AR670-1 in regards to being a historical recreationist participant. Heroes or Villains?
  • The printing work done in accordance with the research results shows that this new collotype sensitive glue can improve significantly the film quality of sen...
  • The word Sais, Colonel Temple states, [486] is Arabic and signifies a nobleman; it is applied to grooms as an honorific title, in accordance with the common method of address among the lower castes. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
  • In order to conduct the exhibiting evaluation of students' homework by symbol, perception and interaction, we should design personal and actual homework in accordance with students' differences.
  • Tembo said the tournament was deferred in accordance with the Boxing Board of Control rules which state that after a knock-down, a boxer could only return to the ring after 55 days.
  • I try to pay in as much as I can every year in accordance with the rules on how much you can invest relative to your income.
  • The goose preserves are poached in melted fat and the bases of stocks and fumets are made in accordance with a precise scale and according to western norms.
  • Constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program.
  • Application Generator accordance with the work flow diagram editor of work created by the flow diagram can be automatically generated application framework.
  • Income can be withdrawn at irregular intervals to suit individual circumstances as long as the payments are in accordance with the above limits.
  • Only it had worn him down, until, eventually, he discovered that what he really wanted was peace and accordance, stability and a degree of quietude.
  • They poured wine round the trees in accordance with local custom.
  •   My wife would say, “Bill, this isn't fair, we did what we were asked to do,” and Bill would reply, “Yes, I understand, but it's in accordance with our company rules and regulations, in abidance with the provisions set forth by the laws that govern insurance policies nationwide.” The Insured
  • When a solution of cane sugar is heated with hydrochloric or other dilute mineral acid, two compounds, dextrose and levulose, are formed in accordance with the following equation: An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • It is a fight for democracy and social justice and it must be led in accordance with the law.
  • Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.
  • Article 44 The management of export license under the item of frontier trade is implemented in accordance with related current regulations.
  • Diaghilev, in accordance with decadent tradition, drank champagne during the first world war, and made do with his own plots and incendiaries. Diaghilev: Lord of the dance
  • There is no issue as to the decision in the present case being one taken in accordance with the law and in pursuance of a legitimate objective, namely the maintenance of control over immigration.
  • Using the media richness concept implicates that the content of messages conveyed through the different electronic media should be in accordance with their specific characteristics.
  • Such laws must be "harmonised" in accordance with China's WTO commitments, he said, warning that failure to do so might lead to disputes with its trading partners in the global body. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • After July 10, the process of admission in accordance with merit was initiated in the colleges.
  • General Third Party Liabilities including Contractual Liability, it being understood and agreed that coverage hereunder in this respect shall be in accordance with the following.
  • The United States consented to that treaty in accordance with our own representative processes.
  • They were advised to use topical steroids only on severely affected areas of skin, in accordance with our usual practice.
  • Yet no one can deny that God foreknew what end man was to have before he created him, and consequently foreknew because he so ordained by his decree… God not only foresaw the fall of the first man, and in him the ruin of his descendants, but also meted it out in accordance with his own decision. Why I am not a Calvinist « Anglican Samizdat
  • The matter should be brought before the courts so that the evidence may be tested in accordance with the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is very necessary for the legislative body or competent authority to make uniform laws or regulations in accordance with the international practice.
  • Equally, we do not doubt that prosecuting counsel would have acted in accordance with their duty.
  • Due dates tracked by this measure were dates for direct mail drops in accordance with the marketing schedule.
  • Miss Irwin repainted the roof in accordance with conventional perspective, thus spoiling the composition, which needed the angle of the roof to slope sunward. Alasdair Gray: My life in pictures
  • Any such ruling may be challenged by any available arbitral process of appeal or review or in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
  • Aesthetic education, that is aesthetic, is a standard of beauty culture in accordance with the visualization of the emotional education of people.
  • He and his scruffy band of followers held that life should be conducted in accordance with nature to the point of performing bodily functions in public like dogs hence the term cynic, from the Greek word for dog. Alexander the Great
  • In accordance with Wyatt etal we found a significant association between the extent of gastric metaplasia and microscopic signs of duodenitis.
  • The moneys of this fund are to be paid in accordance with instructions handed down by the transitional government.
  • Not many things will burn in carbon dioxide, but silane will, in accordance with: The Case for Mars
  • These conclusions are in accordance with the experimental facts, and, taken together with the new evidence we have accumulated from a study of the lignocellulose esters, we may sum up the constitutional points as follows: The lignocellulose is a complex of Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Decision level determines target instruction in accordance with the intention of the driver, vehicle and driving environment; execution level controls the actuator according to the target instruction.
  • In cases of necessity, as where a combination is presented for which no class has been definitely provided, but classes exist into which the several parts would fall if separately claimed, the same practice that obtains in similar situations with respect to two or more _subclasses_ of a class may be followed with respect to two or more _classes_ and the patent placed in that class which, in accordance with above-stated principles, should be deemed the "superior. The Classification of Patents
  • In this case she was acting in accordance with established practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • A council spokesman said: 'We acted in accordance with procedural requirements. The Sun
  • And while I plan to keep handling apostrophes in accordance with the principles I was shown as a child, I am confident that they will either disappear or be reduced to little baubles of orthographic bling. Is This the Future of Punctuation
  • In the following paragraphs, I have drawn freely from materials in Sornig's book -- but for my own purposes in this article: the book itself uses the examples to illustrate a variety of sources of slang in accordance with the author's analysis of the "nether" reaches of the language, an analysis I shall only touch on here and there. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • They are killed quickly and humanely in accordance with approved veterinary practices.
  • And in strict accordance with this, we find that their government, literature and art are infantile also.
  • Any default in payment of the arrears in accordance with the scheme shall disentitle the consumer from the benefits of the scheme.
  • The social and moral landscapes of the world must be reordered in accordance with this ‘new reality’, this revelation, this vision of the cosmos.
  • These pressure transducers are connected with the dampers via a control unit which changes the position of the dampers in accordance with the airflow condition.
  • Electricity rates are also set to increase by 5 satang per unit with another increase between February and May 2005 in accordance with the rise in diesel prices at the pumps around March.
  • The basis for successful use of Implanon is a correct and carefully performed subdermal insertion of the implant in accordance with the product instructions. Hundreds become pregnant despite contraceptive implant Implanon
  • The term in question was first used by Zeno, and was explained by him, in accordance with its etymology, to mean what it came to one to do, so that as far as this goes, 'becomingness' would be the most appropriate translation. Guide to Stoicism
  • The disposal of waste in accordance with the law involved significant costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the Corps issues the permits, the state regulates when the work can be done in accordance with fish migration and spawning seasons.

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