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How To Use Accomplishment In A Sentence

  • Brady uses this horrid incident as a Rosebud inspiration for a life of flurry and accomplishment, but this is pure speculation.
  • Cutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment.
  • The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from one molecular system to another should make any short-list of Mother Nature's spectacular accomplishments.
  • Why would someone who is caught up in prestige want to work at a University where connections count for more than accomplishment or ability?
  • His accomplishments were formidable during the first three decades of his reign.
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  • We salute his many accomplishments as an astronaut and as a husband and father.
  • Enterprise business structure appraisement system is built up on the base of enterprise business assessment technique and related theoretical accomplishment.
  • But thank you for acknowledging that the principle accomplishment of carbon credits is the assuagement of guilt.
  • And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues. Desert Love
  • The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment. Undefined
  • We have also learned that many of the featured biographees order personal copies to keep as a cherished record of their accomplishments.
  • Just getting through each day is a major accomplishment. Christianity Today
  • Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness. George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
  • By choosing just one area of the attic for one dejunking session, and saving the rest for the next time, you'll do the job more thoroughly and you'll feel a greater sense of accomplishment.
  • It is nice to get a bit of the "other side" of the story ... my version of World History taught in freshman year of High School, al; though not strictly anti-Catholic, nevertheless really downplayed the accomplishments of the Church. Weird Things
  • Oh, did I mention the mausoleum is a virtual granite resume, since Mr. Burris has etched in great detail his every job title, accomplishment, award, and entire life as a permanent monument to ... himself? Blago Has Been Impeached
  • In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment.
  • Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, "with us or against us" approach that we saw first term. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
  • Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.
  • With a supreme technique, he matured into an artist of solid accomplishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fishing was the latest accomplishment which Miles thought the young executive should not be without.
  • Goss defines military effectiveness as the fulfillment of assigned missions and the accomplishment of political objectives.
  • While not to minimize their accomplishments, when you see the climbers being shot by other men from above, you realize the cameramen might be the real heroes here. Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
  • Presumably, your boss wouldn't be where he is without some measure of ability and accomplishment.
  • Arjun Rajkhowa The annual Union budget is a document that states the various accomplishments of the government in itinerated form. WSJIDEBATE: Does India Need an Annual Budget Speech?
  • In our euphoria over the public demonstration of airpower's considerable abilities and accomplishments, we should not oversell it or lose sight of its limitations.
  • The accomplishment was fine no matter how it is put, but the factor that made it historical was that Ruiz had a title belt.
  • It would seem that, although the Knight had the accomplishment of that result as much at heart as the priest himself, his national pride and patriotism relucted at the idea that English colonies should become possessions of the hereditary enemies of his nation. The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
  • May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
  • McCain started off his campaign stacking his long resume against what he characterized as the meager accomplishments of slick talking Ivy League upstart. Capitol Hill Blue - The oldest political news site on the Internet
  • My cousins were mere cubs, in whose company I might, if I liked it, unlearn whatever decent manners, or elegant accomplishments, I had acquired, but where I could attain no information beyond what regarded worming dogs, rowelling horses, and following foxes. Rob Roy
  • No one would issue such a direct order, but cloaked in silence is intent, and in a system of "clubbish" cronyism, accomplishment of inferred intent is richly rewarded. Speaking the Unspeakable
  • The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment
  • His accomplishments belong outdoors in military feats as vassal of the King and crusader for God.
  • Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment.
  • Back in the day, those comfortable with his modern classical accomplishments were baffled by his acetates of loopy leftfield disco.
  • The major accomplishment involved selling the council and some of the staff on several new housing rehabilitation and repair programs.
  • Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson 
  • With the accomplishment of that grand end, said he, "our voices will ascend to Heaven over a country re-united, over a people disinthralled, and God will bless us. Twenty Years of Congress, Vol. 1 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
  • Thirdly, Wherein this giving consisteth; of which I cannot find whether they mean by it the appointment of Christ to be a recoverer, or his actual exhibition in the flesh for the accomplishment of his ministration. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • It is great if you have it and a great accomplishment and experience but... get the points. The Sun
  • As such, in general lexicons the concept has the attributes of a power-play, oriented to the accomplishment of willed ends, albeit in the limited bounds of conversational interaction and behavior.
  • This is a Republican sending in a statement listing Ted Kennedy's accomplishment like the "Orphan Drug Act" which provided tax credits for encouraging the development of medicines for rare deceases. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
  • I see you for what you are, an uncooperative Domer, one who cares little for our accomplishments and even less for human progress. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • The release goes on to list a number of chest-thumping accomplishments guaranteed to induce yawns among anyone who knows better.
  • The remarkableness of this accomplishment was that Smith also gentled these horses with a broken foot in a cast.
  • She was pausing a moment with that easeful sense of accomplishment which follows work done that has been a hard struggle in the doing.
  • Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn 
  • For Phan, the park is their most important accomplishment.
  • Some men like to ride the crest of their accomplishments, but Henry looked over the hori zon to further challenges. Incubus
  • The unravelling of its structure and bioenergetic role in glycolysis clearly stands out as a major scientific accomplishment. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • The Times critic described her dancing as 'a virtuoso performance of quite dazzling accomplishment'.
  • Against its own standards, it is a remarkable accomplishment.
  • Macbeth had a wife, to whom he communicated the strange prediction of the weird sisters, and its partial accomplishment.
  • She attributes her accomplishments to the far-sightedness of her father who not only encouraged her in academics but also stood steadfast in his support of her profession that was dubbed unfeminine.
  • It aims unchangeably at popularizing the knowledge in natural science and improving people's scientific accomplishment.
  • Among numerous accomplishments, he ushered in the Jazz Age and heralded the fabled Harlem Renaissance.
  • In other words, I suggest that accomplishment may again outstrip expectations. Some Economic and Financial Consequences of Defence
  • She's one of the original beatniks, a personal correspondent with Ezra Pound - her list of accomplishments just goes on and on.
  • Motivating oneself . Emotional self - control -- delaying gratification and stifling impulsiveness -- underlies accomplishment of every sort.
  • OrenWithAnE: What price do you think will be exacted by voters if they go to the polls in Nov with no legislative accomplishments atall? The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • It is speculated that teachers reporting relatively high levels of stress and burnout, may employ coping strategies or have personality attributes that mediate their feelings of accomplishment.
  • He's trotted out today not only a new ad, but also a new stump speech, really focusing not only on his record of accomplishment but on a broad vision for the future.
  • The avatar customization is embarrassingly low-fi, there's no support for playing your own music from an SD card, and every so often you're mistreated to the grinning, spastic image of Bob Greene, pretending to congratulate you on your incredible accomplishments. Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
  • Jaime was not a melomaniac, but his vagrant existence forced him with the crowd, and his accomplishment as an amateur pianist had led him to make his musical pilgrimage for two consecutive years. The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
  • The administration's recent exposure of the mole inside al Qaeda - an incredible fubar accomplishment - highlights what happens when everything is run by the political arm.
  • The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds, the hallmarks of which were professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.
  • To accomplish this task, doctrine would clearly lay out who is responsible for accomplishment of the separate tasks involved with each of these functions.
  • You are absolutely not going to believe this, which takes us here, where irredeemably useless CPoC shill and Stephen Harper fluffer Sandy Crux has added the re-patriation of Suaad Hagi Mohamud as an official Harper Government "accomplishment" and part of his "record. You have GOT to be fucking kidding.
  • But for all this effort, meaningful accomplishments are few and far between.
  • This becomes an accomplishment that deserves commendation.
  • Then, of all things, she'd taken up spinning and needlework and all those feminine accomplishments she'd always scorned in favor of roping and riding.
  • As a result of these gifts he was ever hitting something with either the arrows of speech or the slungshot, which produced a public impression of ceaseless activity and of material accomplishment. The Autobiography of Methuselah
  • It represents the peak of Hollywood technical accomplishment, the collaborative effort of an army of specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her work and accomplishments have led to numerous honors, dance awards, grants, and fellowships.
  • To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • Achievement - feeling of accomplishment/personal growth/opportunity to actualise potential
  • After entering the 21 st century, it will grasp new opportunities and attain even grater accomplishment.
  • When this happens, you lose your feeling of accomplishment and you fall by the wayside.
  • But along with this great accomplishment disaster also struck. The Sun
  • Awarded annually, the Gold Medal of the Society recognizes outstanding engineering or scientific accomplishments in optics, electro-optics, or photographic technologies or applications.
  • The accomplishment of stock split reform can't delete the conflicts between the major and minor stockholders.
  • He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments.
  • Like all women, she suffers from male-dominated historiography in both ancient and modern times and was often seen merely as an appendage of the men in her life or was stereotyped into typical chauvinistic female roles such as seductress or sorceress, one whose primary accomplishment was ruining the men that she was involved with. NPR Topics: News
  • God that made me, you might give a couple of brays odds to the best and most finished brayer in the world; the tone you have got is deep, your voice is well kept up as to time and pitch, and your finishing notes come thick and fast; in fact, I own myself beaten, and yield the palm to you, and give in to you in this rare accomplishment. ' Don Quixote
  • The accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor takes hard work and over coming of many hurdles.
  • But graces and accomplishments like yours, dear Mrs. Hopkinson," he said oleaginously, "belong to the whole country. The Story of a Mine
  • Commodus was proud of these accomplishments and had them recorded on official inscriptions; as a marksman he was remarkably accomplished.
  • The annual Union budget is a document that states the various accomplishments of the government in itinerated form. WSJIDEBATE: Does India Need an Annual Budget Speech?
  • Bly is a native Minnesotan and the roster of Minnesota poets of any accomplishment is not long.
  • I have written before that any history of poetry is inevitably a history of change in poetry, and that an inevitable consequence is that the well-wrought urn is almost invariably a trivial accomplishment. Only Change and No Urns?
  • The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
  • The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment
  • May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
  • The annual seasonal blowout is a chance to display and celebrate the accomplishments - and puppets - neighborhood groups have made over the past year.
  • Her dead body wears the smile of accomplishment.
  • Past accomplishments include in-situ sampling of atmospheric and magnetospheric regions that neither orbital spacecraft nor standard aircraft can reach, examining physical phenomena in microgravity conditions that are unattainable on the ground or only briefly available in drop towers and zero-g aircraft, using instruments too massive for spacecraft to detect cosmic rays that cannot be detected from the ground, and testing scientific instruments before committing to orbital or interplanetary flight. Next Generation: NASA Offers Grants for New-Space Research Concepts
  • Biggest accomplishment: Probably winning three national titles in AAU and winning the Boo Williams Tournament (in Hampton, Va.). All-USA girls hoops team stands tall
  • Thus politics becomes an arena for power manipulation and personal reward, not for the accomplishment of major goals.
  • Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major accomplishments.
  • If one may judge from the experience of Bougainville, this kind of subornation would be somewhat difficult of accomplishment. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
  • Young soldiers respect a soldier wearing the EIB as a man of accomplishment and skill.
  • It is almost as if the more amazing our accomplishments, the more we must deprecate them.
  • Playing is her superb accomplishment, not her mission.
  • Among his many accomplishments, he developed the technology behind the flatbed scanner, and he is a leading expert in speech recognition.
  • The sheer scope of Boulez's accomplishments means that his shadow is virtually inescapable.
  • Sure, climbing to 2-0 in the division is a huge accomplishment for the Redskins, but in the locker room, every player seemed to know just what the win meant for one player in particular. Redskins win one for their leader
  • Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.
  • Similar accomplishments can be found in the raising of many almost-extinct species of game birds, such as wild turkey.
  • This connection between history and memory is what makes this such an important literary accomplishment.
  • The hall reverberated with applause each time the guest went down memory lane recalling the college's accomplishments.
  • Nothing builds self- esteem and self- confidence like accomplishment. Thomas Carlyle 
  • Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.
  • Perhaps that explained the sense of pride and accomplishment at Friday's opening ceremony, when the Princess Royal was helicoptered into town and met by local dignitaries and fund-raisers.
  • As children gain mastery in real skills, they should take pride in their accomplishments.
  • Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as possible .
  • No accomplishments are important than self realization of self satisfaction. Santosh Kalwar 
  • Rite body now the accomplishment, body of a person now a character of race, understanding of own quantity and its application.
  • Party spirit accomplishment is the Party member's lifetime obligatory course, have rich thought intention.
  • The fourth part regards the Assize of Novel Deseisin as an exemplar, makes brief illumination for development and accomplishment of early royal writs or actions of form.
  • Some of the men now coming over it with the police had travelled it with Wolseley a few years previously and would have vivid recollections of the flies and mud and portages and the need of manufacturing skidways over the bogs, but they would also recall the irrepressible and uproarious spirit in which they used to sing of their additional accomplishments in the rollicking "Jolly Boys" chorus: Policing the Plains Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous North-West Mounted Police
  • Accomplishment of Singing, under the auspicious smile of the goddess, take possession, sundrily, of her children; and the two great arts of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
  • Of all his related accomplishments, this was still his chief joy. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • The designing process for the accomplishment of double axial steering of heavy loading vehicles was achieved by the use of a kind of new typed six-bar mechanism.
  • Republicans are doubling down on a legislative agenda that resembles last year's efforts to shrink the size and scope of government, and Obama is prepared to exploit a lack of legislative accomplishments as he runs against a so-called "do-nothing" Congress. News -
  • This great soldier was a man of many accomplishments, an ardent musician as well as a poet; and his leisure was passed chiefly in composing ballads, rondeaux, and virelays. The Book-Hunter at Home
  • Some people call two hours of sleep a midday nap; I call it an accomplishment.
  • Among NPA accomplishments from the past term in office are the creation of a network of new bikeways, greenways, and seawalls and the development of 136 acres of new parks and 166,000 square feet of new community centre space.
  • In his televised farewell speech, he said he was proudest of two accomplishments.
  • An additional approach would be to encourage private civic organizations that facilitate translation in the accomplishment of their mission.
  • Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, with us or against us approach that we saw in the first term. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
  • He had seen women of sixty, rouged, and jewelled, and furbelowed, foot it deftly in the halls of the Faubourg St. Germain in his earliest youth; and this cheery, healthy woman, with lingering blooms on either cheek, and uncapped head of curly black hair but slightly strewn with silver, seemed quite as fit a subject for the accomplishment. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • It was a lovely accomplishment, of course, but nothing to set the world on fire with.
  • LICORICE! that S had a safe trip back that my DSL is way faster than stolen wifi the lesson to ask WHY NOT ME? when faced with a desirable experience or accomplishment taking better care of myself that AKS was right (so far) re: European men and my handwriting impulse control (repeat) chocolate with chili (repeat) … Archive 2009-08-01
  • Do selling agent of conducting electricity the words card, obtained a quite good accomplishment.
  • The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment
  • I want each of you to understand that mission accomplishment means both war-fighting effectiveness and resourcefulness.
  • You have a wide circle of devoted buddies and admirers, and you take vicarious pleasure in their successes and accomplishments while inspiring your friends with your own passion for life.
  • The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment
  • This, then, is that end that he is dismissed unto, -- The appointed season for the accomplishment of those glorious things which he had foreshown. The Sermons of John Owen
  • In many ways it was vintage Hillary -- talking about herself, her own accomplishments, and how dedicated her supporters are to * her* (the deathbed story). Hillary: Time To "Write The Next Chapter In America's Story"
  • Investors value that accomplishment at $ 168 billion ( the company's market capitalization ).
  • Among the accomplishments cited in his Time magazine obituary are debunking “such myths as the need to wash mushrooms, devein shrimp and press garlic” and preaching the “imaginative use of leftovers.” Archive 2008-04-01
  • The officer's strengths and weaknesses in terms of aptitude for senior assignments should be cataloged; specific, positive accomplishments should be included.
  • The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
  • They are a mark of respect and accomplishment, which only the initiated truly appreciate.
  • I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.
  • Yet their puny efforts to resist the invader brought upon them death and destruction out of all proportion to any military accomplishment. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Mcpherson had made his mark with sparkling accomplishment in that most difficult areas.
  • Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson 
  • The term combines several German words, encompasses elements of legal protection for accomplishments, services and products and is intended primarily to aff … Top-Meldungen -
  • His capabilities and accomplishments in business, government, and humanitarianism are too numerous to mention.
  • Historical eras of anglicizing names and more than 300 years of intermarriage make it impossible to truly track "Hispanic accomplishment" in the U.S. Ed Hooper: Immigration Furor Eclipsing Hispanic Achievement
  • Imagine a warrior society in which only martial prowess and accomplishment confer status and reward.
  • Just getting through each day is a major accomplishment. Christianity Today
  • Exercise gives a feeling of accomplishment.
  • I refer to the direction of physical and mental activity toward the accomplishment of a major task.
  • He grew into a young man of great accomplishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • the tragicomic disparity...between's man's aspirations and his accomplishments
  • Certainly, their biggest achievement was a six per cent wage increase over three years, an accomplishment which will raise their hourly wage to over $29 an hour.
  • For all its faults and idiosyncrasies, the Labour party has important accomplishments to its credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you know, my kind sir, I make rounds of the pupils once a year, checking their grades, and their accomplishments.
  • She kittened and frivoled through the Reign of Terror with an archness that was commendable, though somewhat misplaced, and she let loose a lay figure labeled _Marie Antoinette_ that was designed to frame her own accomplishments. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
  • Of course, two days 'work was required for the accomplishment of this part of my task, and it was not till the morning of the third day that I swung the foremast from the deck and proceeded to square its butt to fit the step. Chapter 37
  • Allan-a-Dale could pick a pocket or cut a purse, accomplishments in which I am altogether deficient. Ayala's Angel
  • Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as .
  • Their rapid scherzos, fugal finales, and dependence on four equally engaging string players attest as much to the virtuosity of the instrumentalists employed at court as to Haydn's accomplishment.
  • Attitude is that little thing that will make the most difference in the accomplishment of your goals. Dr Roopleen 
  • People could be advertising accomplishments and ensuring their status and acceptance within their social group.
  • The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.
  • The best blessing is the peace of mind, which a person derives by the accomplishment of his duty to Allah by fulfilling an obligation.
  • Mechanical imagery assumes that organizations exist as instruments for task accomplishment.
  • What price do you think will be exacted by voters if they go to the polls in Nov with no legislative accomplishments at all? The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • The Maslach Burnout Inventory, which screens for emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment.
  • Beginning in 1889, what is now recognized as one of the earliest attempts to record music, Block organized phonographic soirees, which resulted in his greatest accomplishment: documenting some of the most important artists and personalities of his time on cylinder. Archive 2008-10-01
  • There were even curraghs, composed of ox hides stretched over hoops of willow, in the manner of the ancient British, and some committed themselves to rafts formed for the occasion, from the readiest materials that occurred, and united in such a precarious manner as to render it probable that, before the accomplishment of the voyage, some of the clansmen of the deceased might be sent to attend their chieftain in the world of spirits. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Fishing was the latest accomplishment which Miles thought the young executive should not be without.
  • Both Jefferson and Madison numbered the act among their greatest accomplishments.
  • Nero fancied himself an artist of some accomplishment.
  • Reciprocal formal evaluation of the program and the fellow's accomplishments by the fellow and the attendings at the end of the 12 months Orthopaedic Surgery Research Fellowship
  • We constantly stress the sense of accomplishment they should carry away from practice.
  • It is a wonderful celebration honoring the accomplishments of outstanding nurses.
  • He himself cites no such accomplishments and concedes, as unemphatically as he can, that the U.N. “may be failing” in the Sudan, where its simulacrum of a “rules-based system” lets the government indulge in slaughter without penalty. Stromata Blog:
  • Second, because the transition in Cuba will inevitably include an assessment of the regime's fiascos -- its failures, its deceptions and disappointments, its complicities and crimes and also, undoubtedly, its presumed accomplishments in education and health. What Else Ends With Castro
  • He was too near the Accomplishment of the Purpose to brook any distractions.
  • It represents the peak of Hollywood technical accomplishment, the collaborative effort of an army of specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • One needs a spouse to keep accomplishments like these from assuming unseemly proportions.
  • It was probably the most astute financial accomplishment of the Herrera administration.
  • How else to explain the accomplishments of a warrior such as Artemis Entreri, who could outfight many drow veterans ten times his age?
  • Like others of that generation, which grew up in the aftermath of World War II, Mr. Trichet is emotionally attached to the project of European integration and proud of its accomplishments in overcoming the Continent's historic enmities. Europe's Central Banker Seeks Deeper Fiscal Union
  • May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
  • Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as possible .
  • The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds, the hallmarks of which were professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.
  • Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments.
  • Gina had no problem getting her putts to the hole, which is a rare accomplishment for a new golfer.
  • To account for recognition of theater women's accomplishments, Berlanstein cites the impact of republican anticlericals, who promoted new secular models for womanhood.
  • They also felt that providing care brought a sense of accomplishment.
  • And thy chiefest accomplishment is taking snuff with a bel air, patching, painting, powdering like a woman, and squeaking like an eunuch, gadzooks. The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother
  • Were he to become a copartner, he would, in engaging in the conjoint activity, have the same interest in its accomplishment which others have. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • In addition to getting the university kick-started, Stacy cites his greatest accomplishment as hiring a top-rate faculty.

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