How To Use Accomplish In A Sentence
Most men have ability enough, if they could only focalize it into one grand, central, all-absorbing purpose, to accomplish great things.
How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
Primarily they reproduce asexually, which they accomplish by binary fission, or simple cell division.
Brady uses this horrid incident as a Rosebud inspiration for a life of flurry and accomplishment, but this is pure speculation.
It is mainly accomplished by using text in the same color as the background color of the page.
Your Manager will probably also want to comment on how you prepare for, accomplish and present completed tasks.

Something of an all-star outfit, each band member is an accomplished musician with an impressive r sum and enormous talent.
I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents.
Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator.
Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
The group, composed of four brilliant and accomplished musicians playing the guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, piccolo and violin, will bring their highly original sound to the stage.
Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
Cutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment.
If you desire something strong enough and are determined to get it, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. Dr Roopleen
The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass.
Brittany & Its Byways
And yet, we have a whole bunch of people, serious, accomplished scientists, telling us that the seas will rise in some places while deserts will be created in others.
Extant birds are accomplished endotherms and many maintain the highest body temperatures.
Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.
The exuberance with which he engages every topic attests to the wonders he can accomplish with his prose.
Some of the components of the bioregenerative farm considered for application in rural regions of developing countries stem from results and experiences accomplished by using sophisticated techniques, such as algal systems for life-support space applications (3), for food production (4), for treatment of municipal wastes (5), etc.
Chapter 17
Since I clearly am still unable to accomplish the feat of bilocation, the bank was most cooperative.
Ripped off Prevention Tactics
Something of an all-star outfit, each band member is an accomplished musician with an impressive r sum and enormous talent.
The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from one molecular system to another should make any short-list of Mother Nature's spectacular accomplishments.
Why would someone who is caught up in prestige want to work at a University where connections count for more than accomplishment or ability?
He was and remained an accomplished cook and gourmet.
Times, Sunday Times
When they take that habit back to their own office, they often dream up better ways to accomplish their goals.
His accomplishments were formidable during the first three decades of his reign.
To accomplish this result it was only necessary to invent a township.
It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage.
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
We salute his many accomplishments as an astronaut and as a husband and father.
Enterprise business structure appraisement system is built up on the base of enterprise business assessment technique and related theoretical accomplishment.
How shall we accomplish this divinizing task in our preaching?
That divine spirit whose course is marked with black and white stains, who is the supporter of fire, and who, though free from sin, is the accomplisher of desired karma, whom the wise regard as a great Rishi, is the fire Kapila, the propounder of the Yoga system called
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
Feats that are usually demanding and taxing are accomplished with ease.
But thank you for acknowledging that the principle accomplishment of carbon credits is the assuagement of guilt.
Weight loss is accomplished both by restriction of food quantity and malabsorption of nutrients.
It is uncharacteristically diligent of a minister to seek precisely to understand what money spent will accomplish.
We first must decide why we choose to accomplish our single task in a particular way.
Christianity Today
And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues.
Desert Love
Gastrulation and neurulation are accomplished early in development and they affect the whole shape of the embryo.
The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment.
In case of Master Pages, if you use META tag then all pages that use this master page will be refreshed, which is not desired, to accomplish this, add the following c# code in code behind page, the particular page you want to refresh: New Blogs and RSS Feeds
We have also learned that many of the featured biographees order personal copies to keep as a cherished record of their accomplishments.
Just getting through each day is a major accomplishment.
Christianity Today
The ordinary manipulation of the shoulder can be accomplished with the patient lying down; but if special conditions, such as articular stiffening, call for unusual care or unusual force, it will be found best to treat the shoulder with the patient seated.
Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria
But I drift from the point, which is: what is a sane, accomplished, professional clarinet player to do while stuck out in the boondocks?
All this is accomplished through one master program. and several subroutines, and requires no conscious grasp of the problem.
It is amazing for a person who later expounded the doctrine of maximum efficiency to have accomplished such a feat.
But there are better ways to accomplish the same ends, such as fiscal policy and retraining.
Times, Sunday Times
They spin it and say “empathy for fellowed disfavored” but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here.
You Are Nothing Without Your Robot. Nothing. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness.
George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
By choosing just one area of the attic for one dejunking session, and saving the rest for the next time, you'll do the job more thoroughly and you'll feel a greater sense of accomplishment.
The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do.
It is nice to get a bit of the "other side" of the story ... my version of World History taught in freshman year of High School, al; though not strictly anti-Catholic, nevertheless really downplayed the accomplishments of the Church.
Weird Things
In a flash he knew he could accomplish through basketball what he could not do with painting.
Oh, did I mention the mausoleum is a virtual granite resume, since Mr. Burris has etched in great detail his every job title, accomplishment, award, and entire life as a permanent monument to ... himself?
Blago Has Been Impeached
In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment.
The apostle Paul has a great passage in the book of Romans, chapter 7 I believe, where he anguishes over the fact that the good that he knows and wants to do he finds difficult to accomplish because of his flesh (in neuroscience, brain).
Testing the Freedom to Choose, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
This accomplished, they must then bespeed them to the top of the hill again, where two loaded rifles yet remained, in whose leaden bullets lay, as they trusted, the golden chance of victory.
The crossdating of white cedar and jack pine snags was accomplished using previously developed chronologies from the same area.
[Page 67] * This accomplished comment to human nature was the widow of the late Willoughby lord Middleton of Woolaton in Nottinghamshire, and wife of Edward Miller Mundy, Esq. of Shipley in the county of Derby, by whom her ladyship had one daughter now living.
Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson
Behavior change is best accomplished through repetitive experiences, especially in performance contexts that matter.
Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, "with us or against us" approach that we saw first term.
CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
For the homeschooling family, continuing the quiet time will reinforce naps for the little ones (if there are any) and may allow older children to accomplish the heavier "brainwork" of school, or just give them some "down time" after a busy morning.
Making Home
This task being finally accomplished, the ropes were taken off, the sails run up and the two sloops, closehauled to starboard, set about beating off shore.
The Black Buccaneer
Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.
We do not agree, however, that the trimester approach is necessary to accomplish this objective.
a small set of men, some of whom are possessed of great ability and have accomplished much, but as a religion in any adequate sense of the word positivism will be admitted a failure by its most sincere adherents.
Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.
All that has been accomplished tonight is that one party have vented their spleen by trying to have a crack at another.
Whether in spite or because of its humor and bawdiness, Son of Schmilsson actually went gold and reached number 12 on the charts, feats Nilsson would never again accomplish.
Midweek Music Moment: Son of Schmilsson, Harry Nilsson « A Progressive on the Prairie
And sometimes all that is needed to accomplish this transformation is a change in the attitude of the executives.
Now modern science has unearthed archaeological evidence of where he accomplished this feat.
Times, Sunday Times
With a supreme technique, he matured into an artist of solid accomplishment.
Times, Sunday Times
In order to accomplish peeling off between castor capsule and castor bean, the bulk loads and direction are very important.
Now most work is accomplished via Internet meetings, video teleconferences, e-mail, and other electronic media.
If yes, definitely give it a try, but don't think only in terms of accomplishing anything.
Fishing was the latest accomplishment which Miles thought the young executive should not be without.
It took us a month to accomplish the journey.
Snow was an accomplished author as well, having published a biography of Anthony Trollope as well as several novels, including a whodunit.
Outside medicine he was an accomplished pianist and loved his garden and the nearby Lake District.
As these three examples demonstrate, the "one-China principle" has been used by the PRC as a means of waging its "legal warfare" to incorporate Taiwan and to accomplish its bottom-line goal of de jure unification, as explicitly stated by its declared intent to use military force if necessary under the "anti-secession law" of 2005 to "reunify" Taiwan.
Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
Goss defines military effectiveness as the fulfillment of assigned missions and the accomplishment of political objectives.
This was accomplished by the trades of buying September for £59900, and selling March for £62025.
At a moment like that, we don't worry about anything else other than accomplishing our specific mission.
While not to minimize their accomplishments, when you see the climbers being shot by other men from above, you realize the cameramen might be the real heroes here.
Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
It has to be accomplished manager by manager, work group by work group.
Here were five hugely accomplished musicians who were listening to each other as intently as members of a string quartet.
Times, Sunday Times
He accomplished this task by treachery, secrecy, speed and dishonesty.
We have known a foreigner, dissatisfied with the slow progress of his carpenters in lathing, accomplish while they were eating their dinner as much work as all four of them had done in half a day.
Though an old man at the time, he was an accomplished violoncellist, and a patient teacher.
Reproduction and dispersion are doubtless accomplished by the caducous branchlets.
Five accomplished Hispanic nurses who just happen to be guys talk about the special challenges they face and the unique strengths they bring to the table.
This is technically accomplished stuff, but more importantly, it is utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
Another characteristic of aquatic and semiaquatic mammals is that they are often well insulated; beavers accomplish insulation by a pelage that consists of long overfur (guard hairs) and dense underfur.
What led you to undertake the reinstallation, and what do you hope to accomplish?
Freezing must be accomplished slowly and at a steady rate to maintain the structural integrity of the skin.
Not surprisingly, Chloe is a gifted musician, studying piano, guitar and recorder, as well as being an accomplished singer.
It is a polished film by an accomplished director, able to hold its own on the international stage.
It would appear that although the above was accomplished, the state of the calaboose and the security it provided continued to deteriorate.
We accomplished this by simultaneously establishing two dramatically different, yet complementary, therapeutic environments in the context of conjoint therapy.
From plastic abstraction to documentary reportage, from psychic investigation to political pamphleteering, from the autobiographical essay to a demonstration of the powers of montage, from graphic and textural work to militant revindication - Whitehead's work accomplishes an exceptional synthesis, open to every different dimension of avant-garde cinema, tending towards percpetual explosion and euphoric fusion with phenomena.
GreenCine Daily: Rouge. 10.
Presumably, your boss wouldn't be where he is without some measure of ability and accomplishment.
Yes, if the athlete is dehydrated, any water will accomplish that, dumbo!
There are two different ways of accomplishing this objective.
Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.
Platonism accomplishes the intellectual love of God through the mathematical mediation; Christianity renders this intellectual love flesh in the incarnation.
Arjun Rajkhowa The annual Union budget is a document that states the various accomplishments of the government in itinerated form.
WSJIDEBATE: Does India Need an Annual Budget Speech?
Put a price tag beside each tactic and schedule the date you hope to have that tactic accomplished successfully.
In our euphoria over the public demonstration of airpower's considerable abilities and accomplishments, we should not oversell it or lose sight of its limitations.
A friend of mine said recently, what has Obama accomplished that McCain wouldnt have to?
Drug companies spending $3 million a week on lobbying (Jack Bog's Blog)
The accomplishment was fine no matter how it is put, but the factor that made it historical was that Ruiz had a title belt.
It would seem that, although the Knight had the accomplishment of that result as much at heart as the priest himself, his national pride and patriotism relucted at the idea that English colonies should become possessions of the hereditary enemies of his nation.
The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
I ran, in as dignified a manner as one does when late for a train, while the guard waved a red flag like an accomplished toreador on amphetamines.
Her mother, Clytemnestra, has been driven mad by dreams of her own death at the hands of her son, Orestes, who accomplishes that matricide as revenge for his mother's murder of his father, Agamemnon.
The sail was clewed up, and in a few seconds I was clinging to the sliding gunter royal mast, and gathering in the canvas, while the captain was denouncing me for a lubber, for not accomplishing impossibilities.
Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
McCain started off his campaign stacking his long resume against what he characterized as the meager accomplishments of slick talking Ivy League upstart.
Capitol Hill Blue - The oldest political news site on the Internet
Dame Judy Dench, when asked by a British newspaper what she still wanted to accomplish in life, replied without skipping a beat: "The only thing I want to accomplish is to go back to Newfoundland.
My Canada - Today and Tomorrow
Whatever we accomplish belongs to our entire group, a tribute to our combined effort. Walt Disney
Printing on aluminum foil can be accomplished by any commercial process, including rotogravure, flexography, lithography, and letterpress.
My cousins were mere cubs, in whose company I might, if I liked it, unlearn whatever decent manners, or elegant accomplishments, I had acquired, but where I could attain no information beyond what regarded worming dogs, rowelling horses, and following foxes.
Rob Roy
No one would issue such a direct order, but cloaked in silence is intent, and in a system of "clubbish" cronyism, accomplishment of inferred intent is richly rewarded.
Speaking the Unspeakable
And it's been used for centuries by accomplished writers.
Times, Sunday Times
These obstructions can sometimes be removed by careful manipulations with the hand; but, where this can not be accomplished, the flexible probang should be employed.
Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
If whole generations -- whole cultures -- were enabled, by such artistry, to see their own illusions as artifacts in vellum (or celluloid, or CRT), much would have been accomplished.
Life of Letitia Landon
So my thought was to replace the flower over-abundance with a solid blue color to accent the nice yellow, by whatever means was the easiest and best way to accomplish this task.
This was accomplished by cross-breeding regular chickens with chickens naturally balding because of a ‘naked-neck’ gene.
History is full of truly accomplished people who have expertise in many subjects.
The vulgar always knew what General danced with the lovely Miss A., and how they looked, and what they said to each other; how many jewels Miss A. wore, and the material her dress was made of; they knew who polkaed with the accomplished Miss B., and how like a duchess she bore herself; they had the exact name of the colonel who dashed along so like a knight with the graceful and much-admired Mrs. D., whose husband was abroad serving his country; what gallant captain of dragoons (captains of infantry were looked upon as not what they might be) promenaded so imperiously with the vivacious Miss E.; and what distinguished foreigner sat all night in the corner holding a suspicious and very improper conversation with Miss
An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
Small tucks or soft gathers can accomplish the same thing.
The prospects for Alan Hollinghurst's awesomely accomplished but languidly paced The Stranger's Child, for example, were surely inferior, in a game of zippy-style bingo, to yarns that Chris Mullin's mates would hail as bona fide page-turners.
The Man Booker judges seem to find reading a bit hard | Catherine Bennett
The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment.
May 9, 2006, 8: 50 pm experian login says: experian login streamliner taken! blasphemously samples interplay accomplishes?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Classic ScrappleFace:
The joy of new experiences, the difficulty of learning Spanish (which I'll never accomplish with any degree of fluency), discovering a totally new culture, and dealing with the problems of living here all make my brain ache, but also keep it active.
Page 2
Thus, in seven months and four days, the first circumpolar periplus had been accomplished by a navigator of only twenty-two years of age.
The Waif of the "Cynthia"
His accomplishments belong outdoors in military feats as vassal of the King and crusader for God.
When there is ending work-in-process inventory, the measure-ment of work accomplished in a period requires that partially completed units be converted to a smaller number of equivalent units.
Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment.
It is an accomplished film that uses dark humor to leaven its serious topics.
It would not have helped if he had turned out to have been a pretty accomplished rock climber.
Times, Sunday Times
Illustration by analogy helps, but we should not overclaim what it can accomplish.
The Times Literary Supplement
Back in the day, those comfortable with his modern classical accomplishments were baffled by his acetates of loopy leftfield disco.
The major accomplishment involved selling the council and some of the staff on several new housing rehabilitation and repair programs.
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
With the accomplishment of that grand end, said he, "our voices will ascend to Heaven over a country re-united, over a people disinthralled, and God will bless us.
Twenty Years of Congress, Vol. 1 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
If you have strong motivation that you will accomplish your work, you will not care about overtime hours.
Times, Sunday Times
Thirdly, Wherein this giving consisteth; of which I cannot find whether they mean by it the appointment of Christ to be a recoverer, or his actual exhibition in the flesh for the accomplishment of his ministration.
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
Whatever he wills he may accomplish.
At whose arriuall there, as I do perceiue, the Captaine would not accomplish his bargen to take them, but saith, hee hath no need of them; such is the constancie of all men in the countrey, with whomsoeuer you shal bargen.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The church culture provides avenues to accomplish ministry goals.
Christianity Today
I tried to cheer him by reminding him we might yet find chances to enrich ourselves before returning home, but I could see he was troubled by the thought that the voyage he had accomplished with so much skill and daring might prove resultless in the accumulation of wealth.
Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
I do make my complainte, and whether you geue me cause to aduaunce my cries vp into the heauens, your selfe shall be the iudge: for, if like a iudge in deede you doe geue ouer your disordinate affection, I then appeale to the iudgement of your inuincible minde, of late accomplished with all curtesie and gentlenesse.
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
Consideration may also be said to be illusory where it is clear that the promisee would have accomplished the act of forbearance anyway, even if the promise had not been made.
If you're afraid of what a neutral redistricting will do, just imagine what a genuinely partisan gerrymander could accomplish.
It is great if you have it and a great accomplishment and experience but... get the points.
The Sun
He knows he has to push himself to make a great fifth album and reading accomplished poets can only help.
The Sun
I am sympathetic to arguments that Kyoto, as implemented, is not the most effective means to accomplish its stated aims.
Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Do you think that much can be accomplished in this interim period, given the level of worry that's going on?
One was a chandler from Co. Louth, and the other was the accomplished Dublin artist Anthony Lee.
Whatever inner resources people need to mobilize for recovery, they still can not accomplish the task alone.
Holbrooke returns to his Wall Street investment banking job with mission accomplished.
Traditionally, this cooling requirement has been accomplished using slices of solid carbon dioxide, better known as dry ice.
Coach Tony Dungy, once an accomplished defensive coordinator, likes to apply pressure.
My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life.
The essence of slacktivism is the sensation that you've accomplished something of political impact when you've done nothing.
But already, it looks as though the Canadian Space Agency's robot could accomplish most if not everything that spacewalking astronauts were meant to do.
They are not activities which can be accomplished with a slide rule or computer or calculator.
SOLOMON: Well, certainly, snail mail still exists, however, as suggested by the term snail mail, it is a slow process and parents do like to hear from their children on a more regular basis and certainly e-mail can accomplish that.
CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2004
As such, in general lexicons the concept has the attributes of a power-play, oriented to the accomplishment of willed ends, albeit in the limited bounds of conversational interaction and behavior.
To make a film relying on personal financial means is a courageous task that shows dedication to the art: how did you manage to accomplish it?
This is a Republican sending in a statement listing Ted Kennedy's accomplishment like the "Orphan Drug Act" which provided tax credits for encouraging the development of medicines for rare deceases.
CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
I see you for what you are, an uncooperative Domer, one who cares little for our accomplishments and even less for human progress.
If you allot your time, you can accomplish fantastic things.
The release goes on to list a number of chest-thumping accomplishments guaranteed to induce yawns among anyone who knows better.
On another occasion, at the same theatre, the prima donna was taken suddenly ill in the midst of a terzetto, in which Tamburini had the bass, and, while supporting her on the stage, this accomplished musician actually took the soprano in his falsetto, and performed the part of the indisposed lady in a manner which drew down universal applause.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got down to work.
However, this technique is imprecise and can be messy and difficult to accomplish.
While the fundamental risk remained Global Thermonuclear War prosecuted by one or both of the only nation-states capable of accomplishing such a civilization-threatening feat single-handedly or 'cooperatively', the contributing risks represented by escalation and alliances opened a larger number of paths from the status quo to the unthinkable outcome and some of those paths had distinctly lower thresholds standing between origin and outcome.
The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
The remarkableness of this accomplishment was that Smith also gentled these horses with a broken foot in a cast.
She was pausing a moment with that easeful sense of accomplishment which follows work done that has been a hard struggle in the doing.
Understand their own strengths, to choose the life occupation orientation; practice their strengths, to accomplish his career.
Yes, if the athlete is dehydrated, any water will accomplish that, dumbo!
Which, when it was full, they drew to shore -- for the separation will not be made till the number of the elect is accomplished. and sat down -- expressing the deliberateness with which the judicial separation will at length be made. and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away -- literally,
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Mission accomplished. Let's go and have a drink.
It will accomplish this by beginning to replace traditional central office switches with packet switches.
Many catfishes are accomplished suction feeders with high volume expansion of the buccal cavity and fast jaws, whereas other taxa maximize bite force.
They were always joking about the battle ahead and talking about the great deeds they would accomplish.
BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
But to accomplish this work, which we may also call diabolic, isn't an androgynous genius necessary?
If we'd all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.
Is our investment portfolio on track to accomplish our retirement goals?
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn
While abstinence may be a desirable goal for these individuals, not many accomplish it.
For Phan, the park is their most important accomplishment.
The judging favored the American style of diving, a style placing as much importance on entry or finish of a dive as what was accomplished acrobatically in the air.
Some men like to ride the crest of their accomplishments, but Henry looked over the hori zon to further challenges.
Emperor Charles V., an accomplished soldier and a learned historian -- such was the creator of the hungry rogue Lazarillo, and the founder of the "picaresque" school of fiction, or the romance of roguery, which is not yet extinct.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
To one possessed of wisdom, the acts of a former period (thus washed off) and those of this life also (which are accomplished without expectation of fruit), do not become productive of any disagreeable consequence (such as immurement in hell).
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
The newborn can also accomplish this at a later time.
The unravelling of its structure and bioenergetic role in glycolysis clearly stands out as a major scientific accomplishment.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
Channing believed that the hardness of the city's well water made cleaning almost impossible to accomplish, since soap would not lather with water that contained impurities.
Honestly, we made the target because we managed, for once, to keep our ambitions closer to something realistically accomplishable.