
How To Use Accompany In A Sentence

  • Accompanying the exclusion from the labour market has been a policy of disenfranchising the underclass from full welfare citizenship.
  • The orchestrated escort and the accompanying police violence in clearing the picket reflected the involvement of city based police, the local constabulary having been cooperative with the workers.
  • About 7 o'clock tonight, we had a whopping great thunderstorm with accompanying light show, and the flipping garage got flooded again!
  • I am afraid to lose, I fear this time, and I love it but memories. I could not forget the sweat on the pitch with the sway of the brothers, forget accompany me cry close friend, and forget the bright Star of that everynight, and those words have touched me deeply.
  • Or you reach for the accompanying booklet to have a whole lot of stuff about psionics and sigils explained. Times, Sunday Times
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  • An experienced guide will accompany the trip to commentate on specific battles.
  • Loans of photographs and other illustrative items are being sought to accompany the displays of Silsden's old industries.
  • The precis accompanying the weekly summaries of incidents also make it possible to explore in more detail the deaths of individual policemen.
  • A catalogue has been produced to accompany the exhibition, which runs from 24 November to 18 December.
  • Maize is consumed as tortillas, which accompany rice and beans - typically eaten three times a day with eggs, cheese, meat, or chicken and with chayote stew or salad at lunch or supper.
  • An accompanying book becomes a bestseller. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Oregon story also illustrates some of the difficulties that will accompany legislative changes on such a massive scale.
  • The term smirting fulfils this requirement, but the new habit, and accompanying new word, may not end there. Times, Sunday Times
  • More homegrown products to enjoy include the legendary heroes of Lucha Libre: those uniquely Mexican wrestling creations who shifted their considerable weight from the lucha ring to the silver screen, and the accompanying lobby cards for their unabashedly shlocky movies are quite often classics. The lurid artistry of the Mexican lobby card
  • The accompanying labels says "One of the principal uses of the adz was in hollowing out dug-out canoes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • There are grunts, an accompanying triangle, and even something like be-bop drums.
  • Unlike a moving fibroblast, however, the extending axon also grows in size, with an accompanying increase in the total surface area of the neuron's plasma membrane.
  • I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.
  • For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
  • Green beans or stir-fried courgettes would be perfect to accompany.
  • Airs of bygone times accompany farandoles around the flames over which the boldest leap with a single bound.
  • He, too, was totally aware of the emotional content of each song and cut his musical cloth accordingly while accompanying with true artistry.
  • After a few minutes, there is indeed a warm glow to accompany the throbbing pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the battalion commanded by Gyges, there came young boys crowned with myrtle-wreaths, and singing epithalamic hymns after the Lydian manner, accompanying themselves upon lyres of ivory, which they played with bows. King Candaules
  • Current tradition requires dousing the beast in a liberal amount of whisky while accompanying it with an even larger measure.
  • The prostate can be affected by a variety of infectious and poorly defined non-infectious conditions that present as acute or chronic pelvic pain with a range of accompanying urinary and systemic symptoms.
  • Khem was considered the generating influence of the sun, whence perhaps the reason of his being connected with Amen-Ra: and in one of the hieroglyphic legends accompanying his name he is styled the sun; that is the pro-creating power of the only source of warmth, which assists in the continuation of the various created species. The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
  • The poem will be etched in the memorial stone - a tangible acknowledgement of the loss of life and accompanying grief, says Appleton.
  • Nahuatl terms written in alphabetical characters accompany the multitude of indigenous persons, places, and things listed and depicted in the codex.
  • Or it may be the removal of any self-consciousness that can often accompany public expression of Jewishness in the diaspora.
  • These year come such all the time, accompany anal fissure.
  • Also accompanying the typescript is a small rectangular piece of paper upon which Leinster has evidently typed an advertisement blurb. Antiquarian Weird Tales: Murray Leinster
  • Both are catalogues accompanying major exhibitions of Minimalism and Geometric Abstraction in the postwar period.
  • The accompanying vegetables, peas, carrots and broccoli disappointed a little because they seemed to be overcooked.
  • The Magic of America, a typescript of over 1,400 pages with approximately 650 accompanying illustrations, was written and compiled by Marion Mahony Griffin (1871-1961), architect, designer, delineator, and artist. The Magic Of America Now Online
  • I have a heart to accompany you to the old.
  • The accompanying editorial concluded that dual therapy was rarely indicated.
  • Google not only sells ads to accompany search results, but it is also becoming an online ad network, serving as the go-between for advertisers and site publishers across the Web.
  • The script does a poor job of explaining the complicated sociopolitical machinations that many believe will accompany the end-time.
  • The incipient rebellion was quickly quashed, however, when journalists received email notification of the enormous salary rises which will accompany the deal.
  • The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion.
  • Judd made no attempt to tidy up the sheer chaos of this music, presenting its many dynamic extremes without apology, never subduing its often seemingly random accompanying noises of bells, woodwind flutterings and bassoon growls.
  • And who knows what creep will be waiting on the roadside to accompany them.
  • A neonatal intensive care nurse will accompany the resident, as well as an intern.
  • A venerable and hitherto decorous old deacon of Roxbury not only left the church when the hated bass-viol began its accompanying notes, but he stood for a long time outside the church door stridently "caterwauling" at the top of his lungs. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • A taste of the political furore likely to accompany the bonus season comes today from a key Washing ton powerbroker.
  • The praiseworthy goal of the contemporary Italian order of antipasto, primo, secondo, contorno accompanying vegetables, and dolce is to separate tastes and arrange them so as to create a familiar and pleasurable sense of progress from the beginning to the end of the meal. Delizia!
  • I am waiting for a person to accompany me for a long time.
  • When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.
  • These food are also well know to improve dysphoric moods (anxiety, depression, and irritability) that typically accompany nicotine withdrawal. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Food Cravings, Mood, and Nicotine Addiction
  • Then the accompanying bouillon, a spicy broth scented with chilli and cumin with the customary soft, but not mushy, root vegetables and a sprinkling of firm, floury chickpeas.
  • Learning that on his return he would proceed to the same locality in quest of "beaver plew," I determined to accompany him. Seven and Nine years Among the Camanches and Apaches An Autobiography
  • We also raised the most obvious difficulties accompanying each. Christianity Today
  • Party hats, champagne at midnight and a whole lot of hoopla accompany the country pleasure of the Coyote Band.
  • Mr Harley is going to accompany his wife for a fitting on Wednesday.
  • Some of the children drew pictures to accompany the stories while others pasted pictures alongside them.
  • The third involves the undesirable externalities that may accompany productivity increases.
  • In the wild, the pygmy hog lives in small family groups of about four to five individuals, comprised of one or more adult females and accompanying juveniles, and occasionally an adult male.
  • Among the 'normal' Muslims interviewed were a woman in niqab (fewer than 1% of Muslim women in America wear the full face veil and accompanying robes), and Muslims in the Muslim 'hood', cities, like Dearborn, MI, and Patterson, NJ. Keith Ellison: Should we fear Islam?
  • A companion accompanying an ill member during repatriation will be covered up to a maximum of 955 euros in travel expenses.
  • I don't happen to believe that gender is an immutable, inherent quality: rather, it is a performed series of behaviours, with accompanying emotions and cathexes, with which, for unknown reasons, a handful of people from the "opposite" sex identify. Another human target for conservatives
  • Anti - static gloves is one of products to accompany the use of anti - static garment in clean room.
  • Assorted breads, piquant sauces and fine African wines accompany it.
  • In a label accompanying an article Friday, Accenture was incorrectly called a financial-services company. Corrections & Amplifications
  • You can check terra cotta for age by analysis and there are the accompanying documents. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • ‘Metal-tipped stiletto heels damaged floors and were often banned from public buildings’ says the text accompanying the display.
  • Fries and slaw, plus decadent garlic butter sauce, also accompany the more than a dozen charbroiled items.
  • Now, as it is not permitted for any young Lady or Nun, to receive Visitors there, without some Companion, this our foresaid Nun was appointed to accompany the other. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • ` ` Some degree of mental deficiency seems usually to accompany athetosis, even when uncomplicated by any other degenerating neurosis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • I thought I spotted you in Symphony Hall, Birmingham, last week, accompanying Nigel Kennedy.
  • It therefore follows the example of Stravinsky's Concerto for Piano in being scored for an accompanying wind ensemble plus double bass and timpani rather than orchestra.
  • Her work included accompanying unarmed civilians being threatened by an armed group, serving as a protective presence.
  • The article and accompanying cartoon were projected on a screen in front of a room of hacks and sub-editors, as the master dissected it.
  • Mr Harley is going to accompany his wife for a fitting on Wednesday.
  • Frau Anna Langenbach will be accompanying a police officer from this place. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The calmness of the music, too, contrasts with the snapshots of city life, making the potential freneticism of the image seem muted by the accompanying sounds.
  • Low backache and lower abdomen pain are common complaints and fever may accompany these symptoms.
  • -- A simple kind of forcemeat balls may be made according to the accompanying recipe. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
  • Such a person has surely crossed the threshold of blameworthiness, both in conduct and in the accompanying fault.
  • He said he would, but there were three more volumes of his biography and accompanying document collections to complete first. Times, Sunday Times
  • The numbers which accompany the letters in your code represent the actual amount of allowance you have, in other words tax free income, before you have to pay tax.
  • Mist was rising from the suddenly cooled ground, with the wonderful accompanying, earthy smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Materials and teaching practices may consist of commercial letter-of-the-week programs, math worksheets with accompanying workbooks, and mastery assessments.
  • Then why did so many military officials accompany the general on his farewell tour?
  • Howeever hard it'll be ahead of us, I will accompany you all the way.
  • Learners should participate in ward rounds and medical procedures, and accompany the doctor when a patient is being examined.
  • It consists of three parts; the germen, which is the rudiment of the fruit accompanying the flower, but not yet arrived at maturity; the style, which is the part that serves to elevate tjbe stigma from the germen; and the stigma, which is the summit of the pistillum, and covered with a moisture f (M* the breaking of the pollen, which is dis - charged by the anthorse. A View of Nature: In Letters to a Traveller Among the Alps
  • There were also passengers from the archaic Greek kingdom of Mycenae, likely to be merchants accompanying the cargo.
  • The colours of their canoes and clothes were softened by the dim air and long use, and there seemed to accompany each boat and each person an atmosphere within this other haze, a spiritual kind of exhalation; so that one might have thought them, with the crucifixes on their breasts, and that unworldly, distinguished look which comes to those who live much with nature, as sons of men going upon such mission as did they who went into the far land with Arthur. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • For a few moments she watched the movements of the orphans as they smote their breasts at the "Confiteor," or bowed their heads at the "Sanctus," accompanying the priests who, they knew, in thousands of churches, were engaged in offering sacrifice to God; and reading the The Cross and the Shamrock Or, How To Defend The Faith. An Irish-American Catholic Tale Of Real Life, Descriptive Of The Temptations, Sufferings, Trials, And Triumphs Of The Children Of St. Patrick In The Great Republic Of Washington. A Book For The Enter
  • The eighth is the identical in text, but not in music, to the Introit of the feast of the Holy Trinity, and has a different versicle accompanying it; the last of these nine is the famous “Ubi caritas.” Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • The piano is often in the leading parts, and the accompanying parts play piano dolce, that's almost an entire degree softer, on the way to pianissimo.
  • The island staff accompany us from the speedboat to the departure gate and ensure us all safe.
  • Soundtracks are designed to have a synergistic effect with the movies they accompany.
  • The accompanying exhibition will open next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we might remember too that the litter and discard which accompany decay are interesting in their heterogeneity: juxtapositions of fibula and quernstone, gold ring and ox scapula in sifting through the cultural rubbish tip.
  • Accompanying Melody on this journey is a deeply rewarding experience. Out of My Mind: Summary and book reviews of Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper.
  • All are afflicted with a rise in overcrowded classrooms, teacher layoffs, and the other crises that accompany financial cutbacks.
  • She left us in the company of an old man who served as guide and offered to come back for us in a couple of hours so that she could accompany us to the most sacred shrine of all - that of the orisha Oshun herself. Archive 2005-04-01
  • Nay, Miss Rothesay, do not quit your easel; Miss Van-brugh will accompany me through the garden, and besides, I wish to speak to her about her clematis. Olive A Novel
  • Platters piled with bunches of tarragon, marjoram, mint and basil accompany every meal, as does homemade cheese and just-baked bread. Marsha Mehran talks about Pomegranate Soup
  • This would prevent the crunchy, deep fried chunks of potato from going soft in the accompanying lemon garlic sauce.
  • Ann : Maybe through this method, the decedent can accompany with his families every day.
  • Accompanying the petition is a series of portraits of Icelanders holding up their own protestations of innocence. Icelanders protest terrorist label
  • The Company has carried out the system of keep the Score lease property right presentation and lease with drivers, and so on. Provide accompanying practice and technological consult relate to drive.
  • He is also alleged to have thrown a rubbish bin that hit one of the accompanying vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we explain in this video, the new site reformats the extensive information found in our iconic Ratings charts and their accompanying product pages to make them accessible and easily navigable on just about any phone that offers web access. New Consumer Reports mobile website offers complete Ratings
  • Materials include comprehension questions and ideas for discussion or accompanying activities and games.
  • The few adults who were allowed to accompany the children had too many demands on them to act as full-time baby minders.
  • She asks again as the cook starts to prepare the accompanying potato and garlic purée.
  • That is, close up, shut up, or, as is said now, "bung up," -- emphatically, "We kept true time;" and the probability is, that in saying this, Sir Toby would accompany the words with the action of pushing an imaginary door; or _sneck up_. Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
  • Accompanying the images are explanations of significant events in Earth's history at the time the light left the star, for example, light from the nearby Corona Australis constellation was emitted around the time Columbus came upon the Bahamas, while that from the more distant galaxies has been travelling towards us since the Earth's continents were one. New Scientist - Online News
  • For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
  • This lovely signorina was kind enough to accompany a lonely old man for an aperitif, Lucci went on. Hollywood Savage
  • The first use of language, is the expression of our conceptions, that is, the begetting in another the same conceptions that we have in ourselves; and this is called TEACHING; wherein if the conceptions of him that teacheth continually accompany his words, beginning at something from experience, then it begetteth the like evidence in the hearer that understandeth them, and maketh him know something, which he is therefore said to LEARN. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Unfortunately, the coming of Shakuni, accompanying his sister to her life-long immurement in darkness in Hastinapura compelled by Bhishma, changed the entire completion of the situation.
  • Part of the chaperone's motivation for accompanying her niece was to have access to the city's sizable spiritualist community.
  • I would sell the deer for sure. .but there would have to be certain stipulations that would accompany the sale. Would You Sell Your Rack?
  • And as Georgia, clutching a plastic punnet, tugs on her mother's sleeve and begs her to accompany her to the redcurrants, it's clear that the most enthusiastic fruit-pickers live on-site.
  • The trip is an exciting adventure for Alex and mum Karen who is accompanying him, especially as the location for the shoot was originally going to be Nottingham.
  • There is extensive use of place names without accompanying maps throughout the book, and many of the maps provided lack keys and scales.
  • Proof of authorisation shall be of a written Power of Attorney which shall accompany the tender.
  • Accompanying these threats, the actions indicated were symbolically performed by the exorciser on effigies of the witches made, in this case, of bitumen covered with pitch. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Ikebana is usually practised in contemplative silence, but on this tour it is accompanying a much noisier kind of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least one tweet was pretty braggadocious; it casually mentioned "my third sailboat" with an accompanying photo.
  • Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.
  • The accompanying music is pretty standard urban fare, with a touch of reggae thrown in for good measure.
  • Imagine you are practicing a piece for a forthcoming concert, for a church offertory, or to accompany a trumpet player down the street.
  • Infantile paralysis, which often appears suddenly, muscular atrophy, which develops slowly, _progressive and chronic atrophy_ of the muscles, are also forms of muscular disease, combined with destruction of the accompanying nerve tissue. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • The name of Adel Bundouq, who leads a militia that is allied with the National Transitional Council in Zuwara, Libya, was incorrectly given as Abdel Bundoud in a photo caption accompanying a World News article on Wednesday about Berber-Arab clashes in Western Libya. Corrections & Amplifications
  • And, however accurate, such transcripts are never complete, neither indicating the tone in which answers were given, nor the speakers' hesitations, pauses or accompanying gestures.
  • To accompany my meze I couldn't do anything else but to go for a Troyanska Slivova Rakia, for which this region is famous.
  • Greer grunted again, accompanying the sound with a short shrug and a jerk of the head.
  • Then, the accompanying artsy-fartsy video caught fire, receiving endless airplay on MTV and VH1. Fallin’ Up
  • Although it’s likely off-putting to see such an expression accompanying grave news, always be sensitive to the context and respond appropriately. ASIAN BUSINESS CUSTOMS & MANNERS
  • The factors influencing the prognosis on omphalocele include the opportune moment of surgical repair, the type of omphalocele, the weight at birth, the accompany malformation and complication.
  • Which is the way of the dog, the only animal that will cheerfully and gladly, with leaping body of joy, leave its food uneaten in order to accompany or to serve its human master. CHAPTER V
  • Duclos and De Bernis, who never missed a single Sunday, she would say to the first, with a light air, "_Bon jour, Duclos_;" to the second, with an air and voice more amiable, "_Bon jour_, abbé:" accompanying her words occasionally with a little tap on his cheek. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • Accompanying that soul-spelunking is a profound craving for sanctuary, for a feeling of safety Scorpios rarely get to enjoy.
  • The curators supplemented the stories in the images by displaying accompanying artifacts near some of the photographs. Smithsonian Mag
  • Again, we must focus on structural, ongoing deficits, rather than temporary blips that naturally accompany recessions.
  • A panel accompanying a report on the search for a Scottish poet laureate, the makar, anticipated the decision of the judges of the 2010 TS Eliot prize, due on 24 January. Corrections and clarifications
  • As the day set for departure drew near, I told my wife that I could not accompany them.
  • She couldn't quite seem to place the changes that appeared to have occurred on the streets as she walked them on her own with her heavy boots and fluttering duster coat accompanying her.
  • Arrange the tomatoes and melon wedges decoratively on the couscous and accompany with a lemon wedge.
  • Apparently, the creepy entourage accompanying the star were not his flunkies but church elders ready to perform an instant baptism there and then.
  • At high enough stresses, irreversible processes accompany deformation.
  • After a few minutes, there is indeed a warm glow to accompany the throbbing pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accompanying himself on the pianoforte, he sang an aria parlante. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • These operator choices provide further sorting control and accompany a given column in the ORDER BY clause.
  • Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.
  • Sorry, I do not know I ought to how to do your ability be in easy circumstances now partial, I want to accompany you to talk over very much, but, ...
  • I accompany her to get her a vodka/lemonade, and I feel completely mullered and nauseous which is common for me.
  • Officials in Dujiangyan, a nearby city, insisted that a government minder accompany your correspondent to Juyuan.
  • Comfy upholstered seats with cane backs accompany round copper-topped tables.
  • The room quieted then, as Cordelia stood and took her place beside the pianoforte, ‘Would anyone care to accompany me on the piano as I sing?’
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
  • This would prevent the crunchy, deep fried chunks of potato from going soft in the accompanying lemon garlic sauce.
  • So how do we tell if those attacks are coming in and how do we "decrypt" those binary strings that accompany the attacker's requests? MSDN Blogs
  • The saddle horses in charge of the horse "wrangler" accompany the wagon. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • He took time out from campaigning to accompany his mother to dinner.
  • Two flutes, mandolin, harp, and solo lower strings give an airy lightness to the sounds that accompany the two female dancers.
  • The pasta dishes could handle the fat, in that the curried linguine with prawns was rich and creamy, and the tortellini had lots of bacon and cream to accompany the peas.
  • Farmers are experiencing buoyant demand for cauliflowers, sprouts and swedes as families shop for the freshest, top quality veg to accompany their roast turkey.
  • Deeper, murkier colors usually accompany more flavorful wines.
  • Kharl rode directly to the subofficer in charge of the two lancer squads accompanying him. Ordermaster
  • Non-verbal behaviours need to accompany and reinforce what you are saying, your verbal behaviour.
  • Stop over to also let the passenger accompany the feeling comfort briefly.
  • Serve with 1 tsp honey and accompany with 200ml freshly squeezed orange juice. Times, Sunday Times
  • By following the workbook exercises you will develop the courage you need to dare to face the fears which accompany a life of not overeating.
  • These works are considered as icons of amorous pursuits in an age of gallantry and the accompanying and complementary coquetry.
  • The Centaurus Colony may then be declared a separate patriarchate, with full patriarchal jurisdiction going to the cardinal who will accompany you. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • These are the AI companions that accompany you and aid you in combat. The Sun
  • Urdaneta agreed to accompany the expedition but refused to take command, and the adelantado, Don Miguel López de Legazpi, was appointed commander. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • You can even accompany bushmen on walks to learn about legends and their secrets of survival. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could have coped a lot better were it not for the accompanying stomach cramps and cold sweat - there was enough damp in the room without his contributing to it.
  • The citation accompanying the award said he was tasked with the disposal of two sea mines.
  • He asked the lady's daughter to accompany him to his car as he was afraid of the people screaming at him.
  • Waysiders will accompany Moray out of Division Five after only drawing 5-5 in their final match at Glenrothes.
  • The duck was roasted just right and seasoned perfectly, and the accompanying tastes only did it honor.
  • The clip is included among the feast of DVD extras, alternative mixes and live recordings that accompany this multimedia anniversary edition.
  • He could now go one step farther and revamp his fashion image to accompany the new contours of his face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prepares to accompany, the printing lyrics, and will accompany induct record the software.
  • Table 4-7 provides a checklist of the determinants of supply: the accompanying illustrations deserve careful study.
  • Players will play an aristocratic descent, has-been invited to participate in "Dou Dezhu, " World Tour, four aristocratic daughter to accompany you to Doude Zhu.
  • Happiness seems meteor, who can accompany to me clench it.
  • I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb.
  • Scattered apoptosis and proliferation in the injured epithelium, lamina propria and serosa accompany the peak inflammatory cell infiltration on day 7.
  • The accompanying photo consisted mainly of smoke and men running, like the cover of a lowbrow thriller. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Dips and combinations of condiments for sauces, such as hot bean paste, vinegar, and soy, accompany such dishes as barbecued or broiled meats, deep-fried vegetables, etc.
  • That way the press will have something to photograph to accompany their stories.
  • In addition, Darwin Fisher -- Insite's manager -- describes in the video accompanying the article how addicts are spawned and maintained by an environment that rejects them and denies them any access to not only shelter and health care, but opportunities to improve their lots through work and education, as PHS does. Stanton Peele: Living and Dying With And Without Harm Reduction
  • Accompanying the maps are two benches, two pay phones, a pair of trash cans and 10 parking spaces.
  • In the event of a severe impact from the rear, the seat backrest and head restraint accompany the movements of the seat occupant's body.
  • But wait … here on my desk is this wonderful photograph with accompanying story I clipped from the New York Times just recently — January 16, 2009. John tagliabue | nieuwerkerk aan den ijssel « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • A live musical performance to accompany a restored print of a film of Captain Scott's tragic polar quest highlights the shattering impact of noiselessness The disquieting sound of The Great White Silence
  • He continued to play the piano, accompanying the violinist Bronislaw Gimpel, with whom he formed the Warsaw Piano Quartet, which toured widely.
  • Suspenseful music kicks in during combat to accompany the polished sound effects.
  • She forbade him to accompany her beyond the door and walked alone over the golden sand past the flower-beds to the gate.
  • I was lamenting the current, miniscule McCain, a man who would take a passing -- and deeply irrelevant -- acquaintanceship between Barack Obama and Ayers, and try to make it a central issue in this absolutely crucial campaign, with the accompanying canard from the Embarracuda that Obama had "palled around" with terrorists. Ideologues in Extremis - Swampland -

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