
How To Use Accompaniment In A Sentence

  • The men were droning at each other in their Greek-inflected patois, or singing through their noses to the accompaniment of a flute out of tune.
  • The smoothly boiled porridge, with its accompaniment of thick yellow cream; the new-laid eggs; the grilled trout, fresh from the stream; the freshly baked "baps" and "scones," the crisp rolls of oatcake; and last, but not least, the delectable, home-made marmalade, which is as much a part of the meal as the coffee itself. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • It is also useful for some contemporary music where a light, jazz-style accompaniment is required.
  • Some savoury recipes also use rhubarb, as its tanginess makes it an ideal accompaniment for fatty meats or oily fish.
  • The concluding Allegro has a rollicking, folksy character, complete with a drone-like accompaniment.
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  • This is a complex wine that will sparkle as an accompaniment to a tall glass of bone chillingly cold lemon sorbet with sprigs of mint.
  • Serve as a dip as part of a meze or as an accompaniment to grilled meats or fish.
  • Venison was seldom served without this accompaniment, but furmety, sweetened with sugar, was a favorite dish of itself, the ‘clean broth’ being omitted when a lord was to be the partaker.
  • The sword chunked home at his feet to the accompaniment of a collective "ah!" from the spectators. Dragonfly in Amber
  • When it was over we filed out to the accompaniment of the organ.
  • A glass of manzanilla is the perfect accompaniment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This singing formant also aids the opera singer by standing out above the typical orchestral accompaniment.
  • His only accompaniment was the soft hiss of snow passing beneath his skis and the low whistle of the wind as it shaped the loose powder.
  • Nowadays croustades are considered old-fashioned in France; they may still be encountered on buffet tables at grand receptions, or as an accompaniment to drinks.
  • This kachori sets one on fire so a glass of lassi is a great accompaniment. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The Russian travels for about six months a year and this solitary pursuit would leave anyone lonesome, explaining the accompaniment of his wife on his travels across the world.
  • The traditional Romanian cimbalom (dulcimer or zither) is the sole accompaniment on the dramatic and stately ‘Cine iubeste si lasa.’
  • Some of these arias were written in a virtuoso style, with rich vocal lines and complex instrumental accompaniment; others were cantabile, meaning simpler in style and intended mainly to highlight the feelings or thoughts of a character, with little ornamentation and the instrumentation kept in the background. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • That being said, the oral tradition within which troubadour song was devised and transmitted probably encouraged constant reinvention, and it is hard to believe that either melodies or accompaniments were immutably fixed.
  • The special live feature for her Opera House performance was the inclusion of a violin and cello accompaniment to Orton's sweet and distinctive voice.
  • The Pan con Tomate was your standard bread appetizer, but made a delicious accompaniment to the cheese and olives, which are a bit too intense without meatier companion.
  • Ranging from the techno-infused uptempo music in Tokyo X to the jazzy downbeats in Chicago, the musical accompaniment to the onscreen action fits seamlessly.
  • We scurried along walls and zig-zagged from floor to floor effortlessly, battering demonic beetles with nunchakus, all to the accompaniment of a sweeping symphonic score.
  • With some kinds of solo song, or even operatic aria, the accompaniment should be a mere background murmur.
  • Yet his accompaniment relies on the rhythmic complexity of bebop.
  • Their traditional accompaniment is salsa borracha - “drunken sauce” - made with pasilla chiles and pulque. Wrap It Up: A Guide To Mexican Street Tacos - Part I
  • The programme included practical experience in Breathing, movement with apparatus, and movement accompaniment.
  • Mr. Dolmetsch has made instruments which he calls psalteries, and Miss Farr has herself learnt and has taught others, to chant verse, in a manner between speaking and singing, to the accompaniment of the psaltery. Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory
  • Whatever accompaniment you choose, tomato water lets its colors shine through but packs a wallop of supporting flavor.
  • Excellent musical accompaniment and photography reveal the ideas and purposes that lay the foundations for Islamic art.
  • It took the opening credits of Roger Vadim's 1968 sci-fi send-up Barbarella -- a naked Jane Fonda floating in space to the accompaniment of the oh-so-'60s theme song "Barbarella, psychedella/There's a kind of cockle shell about you" -- to convince us otherwise. Michael Sigman: Memories of a Great Friend
  • A coin chinked on the steps in accompaniment to the chasseur's departing gallop. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • With some kinds of solo song, or even operatic aria, the accompaniment should be a mere background murmur.
  • Dessert - the creamy panna cotta was superb, with a contrasting marmalade-like bitter kumquat accompaniment.
  • Later yet, at a Boheme, i really can't hear Luciano's top at all, except when the accompaniment is vide or he happens to catch hold of a phrase riding nicely from below, as at the opening of "O Mimi, tu piu. Conrad L. Osborne: Best Opera Critic Ever
  • In the underpainting, a film accompaniment to this picture reveals, the old man has made his decision. Times, Sunday Times
  • White wine makes an excellent accompaniment to fish.
  • I prefer to sing with an accompaniment.
  • When music is recognizable, as in a melody with a traditional harmonic accompaniment, we experience reassurance.
  • And it sells all the fireside accompaniments needed to achieve a blazing fire on a cold winter evening.
  • Serve this dish with simple accompaniments such as steamed new potatoes, rice or buttered fresh pasta.
  • Shelter, and the usual rude accommodation, supplemented on this occasion by a wandering luti and his vicious-looking baboon, as also a company of riotous charvadars, who insist on singing accompaniments to the luti's soul-harrowing tom-toming till after midnight, are obtained at the caravansarai of Deh Mollah. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • I suspect that many more organ chorales were accompaniments for hymn-singing than we now appreciate: hymn books with melody were rare, and somehow the organist had to play and harmonise the tune.
  • The first meal of the day will usually be a simple thick rice soup with accompaniments of chicken, dried squid, and pickled vegetables.
  • A selected audience duly provided accompaniment to the chancellor's speech with whistling and catcalls.
  • she played the piano accompaniment cleanly
  • He enters the classroom in a blinding heavenly light, to the accompaniment of whistling winds and rolling tumbleweed that usually accompanies Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western.
  • But hoummos has another, second life as an accompaniment to simple grills, served on the side in the same way that you would serve mashed potato or a parsnip purée.
  • The accompaniments were a tomato/basil/garlic bruschetta topping which was very good, and a thin, pink creamy-mayonnaisy looking thing. Tuna Toast
  • An accompaniment played by corneas and sackbuts would be unthinkable here, for they are the instruments of ceremony, and with its bitter text this is the antithesis of a ceremonial work.
  • For the more adventurous, check out the deep fried soft-shell crab or the cod roe, which are perfect accompaniments to an evening of tasteful tippling.
  • Heaven forbid that anyone should have a free second or film frame devoid of musical accompaniment.
  • Another hit was a trio of juicy grilled lamb chops, each with a different accompaniment: preserved lemon-caper gremolata sprinkled over one, a miso-roasted eggplant log with another and a smooth, creamy eggplant spread with the third.
  • This kachori sets one on fire so a glass of lassi is a great accompaniment. Pyaz Ki Kachori
  • The typical MIDI file is a multi-track song file that has separate parts for melody, bass, accompaniment, percussion and so forth.
  • The traditional Tambram accompaniment to pooris is potatoes in gravy and this combination is called poori-kizhangu in Tamil, kizhangu short for urulaikizhangu, which means potato. Poori Kizhangu
  • Hutchinson, with a vast conceit of her superior holiness and with the ugly censoriousness which is a usual accompaniment of that grace, demonstrated her genius for mixing a theological controversy with personal jealousies and public anxieties, and involved the whole colony of the Bay in an acrimonious quarrel, such as to give an unpleasant tone of partisanship and ill temper to the proceedings in her case, whether ecclesiastical or civil. A History of American Christianity
  • In order to isolate and exhibit the tendency toward rhythmization in regularly repeated motor reactions, one should examine series of similar movements made at different rates both as an accompaniment to Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • I was about to play by myself, knowing that I alone could hear the contralto's aria and the accompaniment in my head.
  • Disco beats and falsetto vocals nestled up to squelchy parps and ghost noises, and all to an accompaniment of flashing light-sabres.
  • These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes, especially leek-based dishes.
  • Easy on the ear, late night chill out tuneage with a subtle backbone of jazz tastings and bright brass accompaniments, very intoxicating and very, very delicious.
  • I just want simple ideas that will provide a perfect accompaniment for a juicy seared steak or trio of lamb cutlets.
  • With the Bocking Concert Brass in attendance, there was suitable musical accompaniment to the occasion, held at Howard Hall, Bocking End, on Friday.
  • I find cornbread, especially cornpone, to be the perfect accompaniment. ELMER FUDD'S BRUNSWICK STEW
  • I know not whether it is from the temper of the people, grave and enthusiastic as it certainly is, or from the recollection of the ancient Catholic opinions, when the funeral rites were always considered as a period of festival to the living; but feasting, good cheer, and even inebriety, were, and are, the frequent accompaniments of a Scottish old-fashioned burial. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • For the same reason it is important to avoid the use of these bodies, aluminium chloride and sulphate, zinc and magnesium chlorides, etc., in the treatment of cotton fabrics; as in finishing processes, where the goods are dried afterwards, there is a great liability to form hydrocellulose with the accompaniment of the tendering of the goods. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Earthy porcini mushrooms, tender and meaty, make the perfect accompaniment.
  • The texts are all Italian, and the accompaniment is a continuo of lute, cello and harpsichord or organ, nimbly directed here by Emmanuelle Haïm.
  • A shot of local rum or creamy rum grog is a traditional accompaniment.
  • It makes a colorful addition to chilled potato salads in summer or a satisfying accompaniment to heartier, wintertime fare such as soups or stews.
  • In between, there are virtuoso showpieces, hilarious buffo send-ups, and elegiac romances, all enhanced by imaginative instrumental accompaniments.
  • He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
  • wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish
  • But Williamson, who admits to feeling like a gladiator walking into the ancient stadium to the accompaniment of a drum roll, is determined to do better than her ninth place four years ago and has her sights trained on a medal.
  • Certain it is that he was keenly alive to the osmic accompaniment of every person or natural object. Janey Canuck in the West
  • This reporter predicts it to be a most intriguing televisual experience, involving changing coloured lights and an exciting timpanic musical accompaniment.
  • After all, when events unfold in the real world, they do so without musical accompaniment.
  • My favourite accompaniment to anything fritter is a hot tomato sauce. Latkes aka onion potato bhajjis -for a cold grey day
  • The event is a spectacular combination of fireworks exploding in harmony with a musical accompaniment.
  • The rhythm guitar is played using a distinct percussive technique, "la pompe", that essentially replaces the drums; however, in Eastern gypsy jazz, rhythm section is most likely covered by one or two cymbaloms, or (less frequently) a cymbalom and an acoustic guitar (the cymbalom accompaniment technique is called in Romanian "ţiitură"). Archive 2008-03-01
  • An alternative method is to eat the durian in accompaniment with mangosteen, which is considered to have cooling properties. Sweet Surrender v9.0 (food porn, make money, fashion, reviews about anything, technology, life in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia...)
  • -- Ipley crooned a ready accompaniment: the sleepers had been awakened: the women and the men were alive, half-dancing, half-chorusing here a baby was tossed, and there an old fellow's elbow worked mutely, expressive of the rollicking gaiety within him: the whole length of the booth was in a pleasing simmer, ready to overboil with shouts humane and cheerful, while Sandra Belloni — Volume 2
  • An elderly man puffed on a trumpet to the accompaniment of drums and piano.
  • It is sometimes called monody, although the term "monody" can also refer to a particular type of solo song with instrumental accompaniment that was very popular in the 1600's. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The main courses with accompaniments included grilled lobster, jumbo prawns, beef wellington, assorted kebabs and vegetable au gratin.
  • It is a beautiful accompaniment to succulently poached white meat like breast of chicken, or fricandeau of veal.
  • After all, there must be some unwritten rule saying that war to a musical accompaniment - no matter how suitably doom-laden and apocalyptic that music may be - is simply not in very good taste.
  • Melodic rubato occurs where ‘tempo rubato frees a melody from strict note values, either by agogic accents or by accelerando and rallentando… so that the melody is momentarily out of step with the accompaniment ’.
  • The gears worked smoothly, to the minor accompaniment of the ratchet clicking and the links passing over the drive sprocket.
  • A delicious accompaniment to grilled salmon or flavourful pasta.
  • Serves 6 (with accompaniments)2 large parsnipsOil, to grease1 small savoy cabbage, 4–6 outer leaves only 150g hazelnuts40g butter1 red onion, finely chopped150g chestnut mushrooms, finely chopped100g cooked chestnuts, roughly chopped100g stilton, crumbled (or other vegetarian-friendly cheese of your choice)100g brown breadcrumbs2 tbsp chopped fresh sage1 free-range egg, beaten1. How to cook the perfect nut roast
  • The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes.
  • The pilaf is a good accompaniment to any chicken or lamb dish. A Thanksgiving Melting Pot (with Recipes for Chicken with Toursi and Cinnamon-Scented Rice Pilaf / Κοτόπουλο με Τουρσί και Πιλάφι)
  • On festivals and state occasions they adopt the swallow-tail coat, chimneypot hat, and their accompaniments, displaying all the absurdity of our European fashionable dress. The Malay Archipelago
  • This wine is an ideal accompaniment for a fruit bombe.
  • While brass bands welcomed the Hawks on to the ground, train drivers guiding their red rattlers past the railway wing would toot their horns in accompaniment.
  • A digital sound system will provide a thrilling accompaniment to the show.
  • Whoever has journeyed in a dahabiya up the old river will remember this song of the water-drawers, with its accompaniment, in slow cadence, of creakings of wet wood. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • With the accompaniment of the heptachord, the poems sounded beautiful and fascinating and were greatly popular with people.
  • A wonderful volume for vacation or leisure reading, this book is a perfect accompaniment to a day at the beach or an evening by the fireplace with a good cup of coffee.
  • Smith's fearsomely focused narratives and majestically brutal accompaniment are alternately highlighted or hamstrung by perverse and frustrating production decisions.
  • Very Italian, too, is the "Serenade" with accompaniment à la mandolin, which is the most fetching number in the suite "Captive Memories," published in 1899. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • The women's medical school opened in 1874, to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
  • I thought the accompaniments would overshadow the fowl, but the chicken taste actually crept through to add a complex layer to the international tapestry of flavours.
  • Each dinner sounded more delectable than the one before: roasted local grass-fed goat loin chops with farro-spinach salad and sweet onion soubise, kombu cured fluke with yuzu, brown butter, wakame and preserved nori, a dinner with a puppetry theatre accompaniment, an Argentinian asado of grilled offal, a backyard barbecue of grilled flank steak with chimicurri and chorizo. Reason for Not Eating Out #31: Because Supper Clubs are Blowing Up
  • These berries are considered to be a fine accompaniment for buffalo steaks or tongue, an affinity which accounts for their common name.
  • In old dogs, dropsy, under the title of "anasarca," is an unfrequent but occasional accompaniment of ascites. The Dog
  • No self-respecting German would deny a beer request with your wurst at any hour (remember that in Bavaria you eat a second breakfast of weisswurst in the late morning and a nice brew is a necessary accompaniment). First Look: Hallo Berlin Express | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • The mixed voice parts chorus without accompaniment is a form to perform multi-voice part vocal music works, which has been one of the most valuable expressions among various chorus forms for long.
  • By way of accompaniment, we roasted acorn squash and red peppers, sautéed red onions, and made a big salad of farmers' market lettuces and shaved fennel.
  • Facial make-up, mehendi and impressive costumes enhance the expressive powers of classical dancers, as they unravel a tale of folklore and mythology to the accompaniment of sitar, flute, harmonium, tabla and tambura.
  • We discussed the idea of Jean-Claude setting them to piano accompaniment.
  • Chicken pie on a bed of chow mein, half-rice half-chips in a curry sauce, and even battered cod with a sweet and sour accompaniment are all served with the essential salt and vinegar condiments.
  • A cool cucumber and yoghurt dip is a refreshing accompaniment for grilled chops.
  • Our plentiful though homely meal was soon discussed, for hunger, like a good conscience, can laugh at luxury; and the "greybeard" made its appearance, with the usual accompaniments of hot water and maple sugar, which Judy had scraped from the cake, and placed in a saucer on the table before us. Roughing It in the Bush
  • A piano accompaniment being captured in a London recording studio of 1904.
  • The puppeteer holds the puppet in one hand and manipulates the hands with the strings to the accompaniment of music.
  • Flakes of moist salmon had a depth of flavour which revealed quality sourcing, the clam risotto made a full flavoured accompaniment and perfect with the high note of the asparagus.
  • Its Pinot Noir reduction, sesame-shot spinach and hashed potato accompaniments seemed altogether fitting.
  • A versatile salad, this could be served as an accompaniment to grilled steak, chicken or the creamy fish pie above.
  • What is it about choral music sung in churches without accompaniment that is so powerful?
  • That same ability to sustain the smallest thread of pianissimo cast a chilling spell when, in "Die liebe Farbe", he shrouded his voice to sing of death while the superb Helmut Deutsch kept the millwheel turning in his beautifully sensitive, many-coloured accompaniment. Nigel Kennedy/ Orchestra of Life; Sir Charles Mackerras Memorial Concert; Jonas Kaufmann
  • Roast lamb rib eye, with braised lettuce and baked white polenta, a ground corn dish - once regarded as a staple in Italy and now transformed into a fashionable accompaniment - is rounded off with Shiraz gravy.
  • Added to a simple white sauce, they make a good accompaniment to plain meats such as boiled bacon.
  • The poultry-yard, stables, and cow-shed, relegated to the buildings near the pheasantry and hidden by clumps of trees, instead of afflicting the eye with their foul details, now blended those soft murmurs and cooings and the sound of flapping wings, which are among the most delightful accompaniments of Nature's eternal harmony, with the peculiar rustling sounds of the forest. Sons of the Soil
  • The issue of monetary union as an accompaniment to the single market was not addressed at this stage of developments.
  • This would be a fine accompaniment to a meal-sized toasted honey baked ham bagel, also filled with thick cut Swiss cheese, whole grain mustard, crisp lettuce and a daub of herb-speckled mayonnaise.
  • When Kamal made his entry to the accompaniment of drumbeats, a frisson of excitement shot through the crowds.
  • Then gradually the musical accompaniment and singing separated and it became an opera form.
  • A wide range of spicy sauces like chilly bean sauce, hoisin sauce and garlic oyster sauce are a must with the food and accompaniments like steamed/fried rice and mixed hakka noodles.
  • The procession made its lively way twice around the town, to the accompaniment of brass band music, the ear-splitting hoots of steam engines, The Velfrey Queen and Pride of Freystrop, and the applause of spectators.
  • I always feel that rosé makes an ideal accompaniment to lightly flavoured curries.
  • The ciabatta, crisp and coated in garlic was an excellent accompaniment and mixed well with the coulee.
  • This recipe makes a good accompaniment to ice-cream.
  • And they must also ask whether a large dose of social justice is not a necessary accompaniment to political freedoms.
  • The chromaticised appoggiaturas in the melismata iron out the bitonality of the creaky accompaniment into Phrygian E minor, as the final stanza returns from recollection to the table here and now.
  • Polyphony, which developed in the ninth century, used the organ as bass accompaniment to liturgical song.
  • Blaney read some of his poems, to a zithern accompaniment, but they weren't very impressive, and not nearly so poetic as the lines he had written for her. Patty Blossom
  • To the ear-splitting accompaniment of the security alarms he rode the escalator up to the platforms. Translated Texts
  • The prevalence of the piccolo sonority, acciaccaturas, repeated accompanimental quavers, simple tonic-dominant bassline and the use of percussion all signify alla turca.
  • She made her speech to the accompaniment of loud laughter.
  • Mrs. Samuel Smith, an American lady, known to my cousin, asked for my accompaniment to a magniloquent lecture the other evening.
  • The last flask was opened, and we drank it between us, to the accompaniment of Scotty's stertorous breathing. Chapter 6
  • The version presented here is Take 1, which was made at home, just Lennon alone at the piano, without any of the sparse accompaniment that further elevated it to it's anthemic status.
  • She started to doodle with the tape as accompaniment.
  • There is an amusing Tango sequence, complete with bandoneon accompaniment, before the couple part again.
  • The name, the accompaniments, and the child's expression betoken a rare delicacy of conception. The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Hunger is the accompaniment of poverty.
  • I suspect that many more organ chorales were accompaniments for hymn-singing than we now appreciate: hymn books with melody were rare, and somehow the organist had to play and harmonise the tune.
  • All pieces are written in a melody and accompaniment style, with the right hand playing the melody and the left hand playing chordal figures or arpeggiations.
  • Wormwood buttering rack, Edwardian rat-hair doormat, woodworm in French fluting and the set of wooden birthing stirrups ...... are not necessarily an essential accompaniment to the modern bric a brac home, to which he adds: Archive 2008-07-01
  • Also, descending fourths appear in the accompaniment of the melody more than once.
  • He heard the raucous shouts and the rhythmic twist of the dance accompaniment as he turned into the alley, and he quickened his pace.
  • He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
  • The proliferation of bagpipes suggests that drone accompaniment was popular, as does the depiction of fiddle and citole players plucking their lowest string with the left thumb while using a bow or plectrum in the other hand.
  • Down came the rain, thunder and lightning, providing nature's primeval accompaniment.
  • Dense damson and winter berry fruits make this an ideal food accompaniment.
  • No one but Beth could get much music out of the old piano; but she had a way of softly touching the yellow keys, and making a pleasant accompaniment to the simple songs they sang.
  • This means that instead of a flour-based gravy as accompaniment, pot-roast meat can be served with the cooking sauce that has miraculously thickened all by itself.
  • To the accompaniment of much laughter and fun, many yards of bunting were made from pieces of left-over fabric and torn sheeting.
  • The accompaniment was played on the American organ, moved for that occasion up to the platform, but even that could not detract from the passionate pride and fire with which Miss Clairville rendered that spirited song, so far removed from opera "bouffe" or "comic" opera; indeed the noble character of the first strain was considerably enhanced by the church-like quality of the accompaniment. Ringfield A Novel
  • A soprano singing with a piano accompaniment is also heard as a coherent happening, despite being composed of distinct sounds (notes). Audiosurf - Breakfast of Champions
  • The vocal lines are simple and folk-like, the piano accompaniments full of drones and ostinatos, where the composer is clearly evoking the sounds of Finnish folk instruments such as the kantele, a bowed zither.
  • Forms of traditional entertainment include folk dances performed by dance troupes wearing colorful costumes, with accompaniment led by the bouzouki.
  • Although we might find it embarrassing to make a typo that confused public and pubic, when the word pubes was influencing public back in classical times there wasn't any sexual innuendo. an excellent accompaniment to a housewarming bottle. the book about the words we use for our bodies Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • Over the course of two days, women dressed in traditional Valencian finery carrying bunches of carnations troop into the square to the accompaniment of folk bands and TV cameras.
  • I think I like this one better - it includes staples left off of the official pyramid, like seasonings and "accompaniments Chattablogs
  • The following year there were 15 "accompaniments" from this country. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Mr. Wainwright belted out "O Holy Night" in French—that's "Cantique de Noël"—with just the spare accompaniment of a piano and, as an encore, dueted with his sister Martha on the Pogues' "Fairytale of New York. 'Melee of Motley Crews'
  • A capacity crowd on the Friday night were in top voice to ensure that the show swung along to the accompaniment of cheers, boos and ‘behind you’ as every pukka pantomime should.
  • -- The first thing of importance is the lathe, and of these there is quite a variety, and among the accompaniments are the slide rest, mandrel, back gear, division plate, angle plate, cone plate and various chucks. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • A group of men drink aguardiente and sing boisterously near the water's edge to the accompaniment of a battered guitar.
  • To the accompaniment of some of her favourite hymns and church music, more than 1,000 Yorkshire people gathered to express their gratitude yesterday for the life of the Queen Mother.
  • Amerindian men perform a dance in the local church to the accompaniment of fife and drums.
  • Kayb's sweet and tangy marinade is just what raw cauliflower needs to transform it from a humdrum crudité to a zippy accompaniment for barbecue, or even a simple hors d'oeuvre all of its own. Food52's Best Cauliflower Recipes
  • He sang "My Funny Valentine" to a piano accompaniment.
  • Usually we eat them as a meal on their own with a salad, but they also make a delicious accompaniment to roasted or grilled chicken or pork.
  • The congregation sang the hymns to the accompaniment of organiser Ita Fitzpatrick.
  • Braised chicory and sautéed potatoes make lovely accompaniments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accompaniment to his poetry came directly from the electronic brain of his keyboard.
  • We shall sleep well to-night; but let us sit awhile with nubiferous, or, if we may coin a word, nepheligenous accompaniment, such as shall gently narcotize the over-wearied brain and fold its convolutions for slumber like the leaves of a lily at nightfall. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • The Hammer Museum will be showing a beautiful newly-restored print of the 1913 Feuillade Fantômas serial Le Mort Qui Tue, with a live musical accompaniment by talented Mr. James Fearnley, whom you may better know as the accordion player in The Pogues. Howard A. Rodman: A Spectre is Haunting Los Angeles: Fantômas at the Hammer Museum
  • Buy a kazoo or plastic harmonica for every family member for a little added accompaniment.
  • A number of artists and sculptors will be present and wine and canapés will be served throughout the evening to the accompaniment of gentle jazz music.
  • White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal.
  • Ruth sits down at the piano for ‘Every Summer,’ which is about as straightforward as pop music gets: singer and accompaniment, with some soft-toned synth countermelodies and xylophone to spruce up the edges.
  • For the uninitiated, chicken paillard is strips of thin, marinated, char-grilled chicken, and it had a great accompaniment in the mash, which was nicely pepped up by some fine, flaky black pudding.
  • Headteacher, the late David Clough, and myself took the children for an outing on the famous line and we all went up and down the carriages singing the song with guitar accompaniment to smiling passengers.
  • A piano accompaniment being captured in a London recording studio of 1904.
  • Behind the couples, a cupid brings new arrivals, while under the trees at right, other couples sing to the accompaniment of a recorder or oboe.
  • Some peasants outside predict a storm, and counsel us to get down into the valley as quickly as may be; so the chesnut is hastily put to, and we rattle off just as the first heavy drops come splashing down to a low accompaniment of very distant thunder. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • But I often warble my native woodnotes wild in my bath while plying the loofah, at the car wheel, perhaps in a sunburst of joy at finding a parking space in Edinburgh and, sometimes, to add a crackling, catarrhal accompaniment to some oleaginous operatic tenor on radio or TV.
  • The introductory song was a philharmonic piece, featuring a full orchestra together with choral accompaniment.
  • The popular kolo or circle dance is performed to the accompaniment of the tamburitsa, a traditional mandolin-like stringed instrument.
  • A huge lighted star was raised, to the accompaniment of a fireworks display.
  • The singing had a bald accompaniment of an orchestra placed behind the scenes and consisting of a clavicembalo, or harpsichord, a viola da gamba, a theorbo, or large lute, and a flute, the last being used to imitate Pan-pipes in the hands of one of the characters. For Every Music Lover A Series of Practical Essays on Music
  • For a moment let us observe that instrumental music, when used in the public worship service, is for the immediate and proximate accompaniment of congregational singing.
  • The state of being in love has many physiological accompaniments, such as sighing like a furnace. 84 The God Delusion

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