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  1. someone who performs a service or does a favor

How To Use accommodator In A Sentence

  • Finally, it made perfect sense to me why I was always the giver and accommodator in relationships with men. Life Shift
  • During the meeting, there were members who were accommodator, avoider, competitor and compromiser, but no collaborator.
  • On top of that, the couple - John the nice passive accommodator to Deb's high-strung perfectionism - are going through marital problems that neither of them are able to articulate.
  • Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, called the great "accommodator" by Western observers, is tolerated as long as he does not jeopardize the interests of members of this alliance. Canada Free Press
  • Do you go for restless men, and present yourself as the sturdy accommodator? Carolyn Hax: She's called 'wife material' when men break up with her
  • They had made hirs an accommodator, with strong genes for bonding. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • After so many years of repressing her own ideas about everything— weekend plans, the color of the bathroom tiles, the family car—she was excited to relinquish her role as chief accommodator and focus on her own needs. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • Imagine that Bush had governed as an accommodator rather than an agitator, as he promised to do as a candidate in 2000. Hullabaloo
  • A month later Lincoln was dead, and it would be Andrew Johnson, the great accommodator of the defeated South, who set the tone of presidential racial policies for decades to come, with the brief exception of Ulysses S. Two books on blacks and the White House
  • A realist and an accommodator who's as comfortable at a Lincoln Center opening as he is lobbying regulators in Washington, a personal friend of a popular President as well as of powerful Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael Powell, Mr. Parsons is perfectly positioned to lead AOL Time Warner to the next stage. Dicey Days At AOL Time Warner, and New C.E.O. Dick Parsons Is the Man for Them
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