How To Use Acclaim In A Sentence

  • The movie had won critical acclaim and is actually one of the few hits that Bollywood turned out this year so far.
  • That, and his extraordinary capacity for self-sacrificing friendship, loyalty and sweet-natured nannying, have been his quadruple of acclaimed lifetime's high-lights.
  • They just can't help spending our money on receptions for anything from the synchronised swimming team to the world-acclaimed left-handed marlies champions.
  • The vim seemed to seep out of Dundee at that point, and although they brought on Fabian Caballero with 15 minutes to go, to popular local acclaim, he was no more able to effect the result than his colleagues.
  • The play opened last week to universal acclaim.
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  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • Acclaimed writer, children†™ s art advocate, and organizer of the world†™ s only “Kids Comics” convention, Alex Simmons returns to handle the script chores, while fan-favorite Rex Lindsey is back with some of the best art of his career. Archie Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • In October, one of the most critically acclaimed artists working in Ireland will exhibit her work.
  • She has been acclaimed for the TV drama "Prime Suspect".
  • She was acclaimed in the New Year's Honours List in recognition of her continued services to the tourism industry in York and Yorkshire.
  • Fans of David Slade, the acclaimed director of cult hits including the psycho-sexual thriller “Hard Candy” and the graphic novel noirish vampire flick “30 Days of Night,” might be shocked to discover that the man has a sweeter side. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR MARCH 4TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The young singer is enjoying massive critical acclaim .
  • His critically acclaimed band Playgroup brought live electro to the club long before ironic mullets and fauxhawks became de rigueur.
  • Phil's achievements in the field of instrumental and classical crossover has brought him a legion of fans and sustained critical acclaim.
  • She is now acclaimed as a successful musician who can sing in eight languages.
  • Louis Begley is perhaps currently best known as the author of About Schmidt, the novel from which the recent acclaimed film starring Jack Nicholson was adapted.
  • Kaplan's latest recording has received considerable popular acclaim .
  • But he was classically trained and composed a number of orchestral works, including an acclaimed concerto which took him into the classical music charts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.
  • He was cheered to the echo and, a trifle remarkably, joyously, and continually, waved to the thousands who were acclaiming him.
  • It did not win universal acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • His intense, swaggering stage presence and masterful violin playing has won him both fans and critical acclaim all over the world.
  • We too may acclaim him as our king. Christianity Today
  • Success and failure hinge on achieving personal artistic fulfillment and public acclaim.
  • Those who do know her work, however, will associate the 47-year-old most with her studies of the curves and cantilevers of the Forth Bridge over 20 years, which have been the subject of an acclaimed installation at the Talbot Rice Gallery.
  • The next thing I knew, I was on the receiving end of some serious critical acclaim.
  • Why would one of opera's most acclaimed divas take a major musical risk?
  • It won universal acclaim and is currently being turned into a film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession.
  • It would be some climax to a career that has brought only admiration and acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie has won critical acclaim and tasted commercial success in the West.
  • After his critically acclaimed Looking for a Fight, Matthews goes to the dogs for his next adventure into gonzo journalism.
  • The performance received considerable acclaim.
  • This film broke box office attendance records in Cuba and achieved world-wide acclaim.
  • Despite its lack of sales success the debut album did receive critical acclaim. The Sun
  • The film won critical acclaim and four Oscar nominations. The Sun
  • Last year, it was critically acclaimed as one of the best calypso shows staged.
  • Led by acclaimed jazz performer Carol Grimes , the group's genre-defying repertoire ranges from Cole Porter classics to ethnic punk.
  • It was widely acclaimed and it profoundly boosted the study of ancient life.
  • It is Superman and those themes that are echoed in critically acclaimed comic books like Hellboy and Invincible, The Authority and even The Watchmen. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How I Would Reboot Superman
  • Still, many of the most acclaimed prefabs are small-scale projects by less commercial architects.
  • What's new this year is that he's gotten Craig Hopson of the acclaimed NYC resto Le Cirque to participate in the multi-course, opening-night dinner. Audarshia Townsend: Aussie Chefs Gearing Up for 'Aussie Week'
  • In late 2003, the film rocketed to acclaim from self-released obscurity in a matter of months.
  • You wonder how frustrating it must be, still scrabbling to plug holes in low budgets after years of eager critical acclaim?
  • The acclaim was richly deserved, but things were less glamorous from her point of view.
  • From the time he left Oxford he was acclaimed and backed by a small minority of passionate admirers whom I have called his fuglemen. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • She was universally/widely/publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.
  • Comments on the internet showed no sympathy with the dead official and generally support the 21-year-old girl, acclaiming that she is another Yang Jia who acted in response to an injustice. Global Voices in English » China: Netizens stand with the waitress who killed an official
  • By the 1960s she was acclaimed as the country's leading female jazz vocalist and film actress.
  • Tony Ballantyne is the author of the Recursion trilogy, as well many acclaimed short stories published in magazines and anthologies around the world. MIND MELD: Why is Genre Fiction Bleak and What Can Be Done About It?
  • It was a seminal work, receiving great acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the third in Raimi's Evil Dead series, which has so far been acclaimed by ghouls and horror fans.
  • The Institute has received worldwide acclaim for advances in melanoma (skin cancer), breast and colon cancer as well as immune therapy of cancer. GBK Productions Oscar Gift Suite to Promote Environmental Awareness
  • They've been performing to great acclaim across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The acclaimed barbecue provides more than your average grub, including griddled lobster and rotisserie poussin.
  • Paulo has received critical acclaim for his pop-jazz.
  • This new multi-part epic comes courtesy of someone who knows his way around both creating and teaching comics, namely acclaimed writer, children's art advocate, and organizer of the world's only "Kids 'Comics" convention, Alex Simmons. ComicList Headlines
  • His recent CD recording of Liszt's piano music received critical acclaim.
  • Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
  • Of course, as practically every actress in Hollywood will tell you, acclaim does not necessarily translate into box-office security.
  • The highly acclaimed six-piece ensemble fuses the wild gypsy rhythms of eastern Europe with hot club swing and jazz, audaciously combining Hungarian, Russian and Romanian gypsy styles with tango, swing, klezmer and French musette.
  • Apart from the writings of Erasmus and Luther only two books of the sixteenth century can be acclaimed as bestsellers.
  • She received international acclaim for her interpretation of Chopin.
  • Seb was somewhat less effusive in his acclaim, yet he was far more relieved than anyone else at Nahum's success.
  • For almost 20 years he has been in prison, where he began acting and became star of an acclaimed theatre troupe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zadie Smith's 2000 debut novel White Teeth was published to a tsunami of critical acclaim.
  • The combination of the Malian singer's golden voice and the arrangements of the Guinean guitarist Kante Manfila led many to acclaim it as the finest release of his career.
  • It was the proudest and most untractable of the Jacobins who acclaimed ‎ Bonaparte with greatest energy when he suppressed all liberty and made his hand of iron ‎ severely felt. Democracy R.I.P
  • The University has many staff whose work of outstanding international merit in many diverse fields has brought it great acclaim.
  • The state's cultural institutions, educational centers, and unsurpassed scenery and natural vacationlands continue to bring Utah wide acclaim.
  • Mostly these reward organisations doing acclaimed or innovative work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the 1940's.
  • The book had appeared the year before, to much acclaim; it was hailed as a masterpiece of the age.
  • Guide us through themaze of old cow paths and Indian trails that have been transformed into highways, roundabouts, and cloverleaves to the acclaimed digerati with whom we have come to mind-meld. I’m Working on That
  • The face-off was an ideal opportunity for enthusiasts to soak in the craft of these two acclaimed exponents.
  • The campaign and the Trust were acclaimed for helping save City from the threat of extinction.
  • The result is the most acclaimed film of the year in America. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has achieved it without sponsorship, riches or public acclaim.
  • A last chance for her adoring public to acclaim her. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was possibly a sense that in comparison to the magnificent new transepts and nave the choir itself, once so widely acclaimed, was no longer splendid enough.
  • The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.
  • Despite this initial facetiousness, Aaronovitch acclaimed a book he found "technically accomplished, brilliantly written, full of wit and virtuosity". Critical eye: book reviews roundup
  • Robert Downey Jr received acclaim, and an Oscar nomination, for his pitch-perfect performance as the great silent movie era comic Charlie Chaplin in Richard Attenborough's sprawling 1992 film.
  • The clumber spaniel — that lumbering lemon and white teddy bear, its square muzzle as blunt as an old-fashioned rolling pin — was once acclaimed ‘the most handsomest animal this kingdom ever produced’. Dog days for British breeds
  • He is a polemic historian who means to show us, as he did in his acclaimed Understanding Toscanini, just what went wrong in classical music.
  • The result is an exciting and innovative marriage of the old and the new, and a widely acclaimed architectural success.
  • Her performance won her much critical acclaim.
  • In the same vein as the successful restaurants gaining acclaim in Fossgate and Walmgate, it offers adventurous meals which sound mouth-watering.
  • The work premiered in Sydney in May 2003 to extraordinary critical and audience acclaim.
  • Despite its lack of sales success the debut album did receive critical acclaim. The Sun
  • Tiffany assured himself a global reputation by displaying his products at international expositions, where they were widely acclaimed and rewarded with medals.
  • His acclaimed debut as documentary director/producer, The Bergies of Cape Town, achieved international success, and was described as ‘magnificent.’
  • Gautier could cast himself as a seeker of truth unencumbered by alliances with established scientists, a doubter who discovered faults in prevailing theories but was prevented from receiving the acclaim he deserved. reference The presentation in Chroa-génésie is so convoluted that it is unintelligible without a good knowledge of the physics and mathematics that render its deficiencies obvious. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim.
  • Remember, Newry did pride itself for its flower displays before and won widespread acclaim for it.
  • The ensuing decades brought her worldwide acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • This book has been widely acclaimed as a modern classic.
  • The book received great critical acclaim.
  • In 1924 he published, to great acclaim, The Flaming Terrapin, an exuberant allegorical narrative of the Flood, in which the terrapin represents energy and rejuvenation.
  • It was with this company that he first danced Romeo, a role that was to become one of his most acclaimed.
  • A four-part July series of Purcell Room concerts acclaiming very different pioneers of British jazz and improvisation including Soweto Kinch, the Jazz Warriors and the late Sir John Dankworth appropriately begins with the most uncompromisingly radical of musical adventurers – the improv saxophone innovator Evan Parker. This week's new live music
  • Buyi Band are critically acclaimed by stream media as the most outstanding popular rock band.
  • While MIÉVILLE doesn't recall his past harsh criticism of TOLKIEN, he nevertheless tempers and balances it out by complimenting the Professor and giving him acclaim, where acclaim is due. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Expect acclaim, tears and a container load of award nominations to follow anyway. The Sun
  • A bold and aggressive infrastructure boost at a time of very low government borrowing costs would meet with near universal acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 332 he regarded himself as the proper ruler of the Persian empire, and after Gaugamela he was acclaimed king of Asia.
  • Bimal is acclaimed as one of India's best midfielders, while his younger bhai Birendra is a forward.
  • At 52 he finally finds acclaim when he publishes a novel about issei and nisei in Hawaii. Starbulletin Headlines
  • Acclaimed Australian composer Moya Henderson reveals the process and the poignant story at the heart of her new radiophonic composition.
  • It would be some climax to a career that has brought only admiration and acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yoshitomo Nara is a Japanese artist who, since the Japanese pop movement of the 1990s, has received international acclaim with his distinct figurative style. Doreen Remen: Last Chance for a Last Look at Nara
  • All in all the conference was acclaimed as a considerable success.
  • The title picks up immediately following the historic events of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the blockbuster title that earned worldwide critical acclaim, including 14 million copies sold worldwide, "Most Played Online Video Game" in history according to the 2009 Planet Xbox 360
  • Long ago, an acclaimed musician passed away at the mature age of thirty-five.
  • By contrast, the new science kit has been met with widespread acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • NEW YORK -- The author known simply as Sapphire titled her acclaimed, controversial 1996 novel Push for a simple reason: Her narrator, an illiterate and obese 16-year-old - Articles related to Mariah Carey to play Vanessa Hudgens' mother in new film?
  • In any case, his Romeo and Juliet has been much acclaimed and he's had the time of his life working with the RNZB.
  • Featuring some of the heaviest of the underground heavy hitters, this compilation easily stacks up to the acclaimed Volume 1.
  • On the show, the acclaimed director stressed the importance of watching films in widescreen as compared to the very common (at the time) full-screen format. Gary Jansen: How My Faith Was Strengthened After Feeling Spirits In My House
  • Acclaimed video artist Floria Sigismondi directs from her own script, and her luscious camerawork captures every sweaty detail-from the filthy trailer where the women practice to the mosh pits of Tokyo. Teaser Poster for THE RUNAWAYS Starring Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning –
  • Mr. Skelton is likewise at home with the heavy-duty Wagnerian repertoire, having won critical acclaim in such roles as "Siegmund San Francisco Sentinel
  • It was released in July 2001 to critical acclaim.
  • It was a seminal work, receiving great acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is the author of 16 volumes, acclaimed radiophonic works, and live and broadcast performances.
  • The scene in the cemetery, for instance, with its brilliancy, its sordidity, its incoherence, its sudden lightning flashes of significance, does undoubtedly come so close to the quick of the mind that, on a first reading at any rate, it is difficult not to acclaim a masterpiece. The Common Reader
  • Shortly afterwards, his defeated opponent Ali reappeared and was in turn acclaimed caliph.
  • After three or more contestants have strutted their stuff, the winner is decided by popular acclaim.
  • So whether is Da Vinci swashbuckling, is ego acclaimed?
  • The young singer is enjoying massive critical acclaim .
  • Somehow, any mention of this film passed me by, despite its critical acclaim.
  • But with the acclaimed actor hiding himself so well in each character — and with other roles so different from the Chance family's lovably oafish patriarch — he's actually pretty hard to pin down. Garret Dillahunt: The Man From Hope
  • Now the Gotham Chamber Opera, which performed Haydn's Il mondo della luna in January to great acclaim, is taking a crack at the wily feline -- staging the opera El gato con botas by Spanish composer Xavier Montsalvatge with Tectonic Theater Project. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: Orlando, El Gato Con Botas, Meow Meow
  • Thankfully, though, this is not another in the long line of acclaimed women jockeys withering on the vine of prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your musical theatre work is a neat combination of your acclaimed playwriting work and your scoring for theatre.
  • After much critical success and acclaim, he publicly declared that he would fulfill his life's work and write his masterpiece - the epic Sea of Fertility tetralogy - and then he would die.
  • What it is: The latest from acclaimed French filmmaker Francois Ozon ( "Swimming Pool"), "Ricky" is a fantastical drama about a family with a new addition: a baby boy born with a little something special. Check Out ‘The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus,’ ‘Police, Adjective’ And ‘Ricky’ In This Week’s unLimited » MTV Movies Blog
  • Others were non-committal about the idea of supporting a tribunal into an operation that was once acclaimed within the republican movement.
  • William Gibson, the American playwright who has died aged 94, was acclaimed for two of the best-known theatrical hits of the post-war English-speaking stage.
  • Acclaimed science writer Asimov has more than once written entire novels during a weekend.
  • Stephen Hawking's achievements earned him the acclaim of the entire scientific community.
  • Eleanor came to prominence during the 1990s with some highly acclaimed recordings.
  • Carroll's performance is masterful and has been deservedly acclaimed by local critics.
  • The films will be introduced by the acclaimed Italian director, whose movies have done the rounds in international film circuits.
  • Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.
  • That run of games appears to have bolstered his confidence considerably and his performances have won widespread acclaim in recent weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The service comes six months after the fountain was opened to massive public acclaim.
  • According to a press release, Marilyn Druin was an internationally acclaimed enamelist whose designs in metal and glass are represented in private collections in the United States and Europe, as well as in the collections of the Smithsonian's American Arts Museum, the Museum of Arts and Design, and the Newark Museum. Examiner
  • He won international acclaim for his King Lear and has a fistful of other acting awards.
  • Valere is meant to be a street player lifted to societal acclaim by a deluded royal Joanna Lumley, who mistakes his endless persiflage for true poetry, and makes him the writer de jour, entertained and adored by high society. Gwen Davis: La Bete
  • Heaton ParkDance India, Liverpool, Sun to 20 AugWith the acclaimed Sonia Sabri and Ananda Shankar Jayant, plus talks, workshops and more. This week's new events
  • What heil first and foremost attempts to acclaim is the power of language to acclaim. Patriot Acts: The Political Language of Henrich von Kleist
  • This, after all, is a kid whose arm was almost as acclaimed as his bat.
  • Highly acclaimed for its "literary stylings", GAW, in its final incarnation, was marketed to the wrong genre. Why I Stopped Reading: The Gone Away World
  • The novel brought her major critical acclaim and received the Prix Medici literary award in 1964.
  • Fortunately, the balance was only slightly readjusted this summer with the publication of Ms Satrapi's critically acclaimed memoir of her childhood in Iran.
  • It won universal acclaim and is currently being turned into a film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such success stories do not rely on good reviews or critical acclaim for big sales and widespread popularity.
  • His sermons also won international acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already their work has come in for considerable critical acclaim from those that have seen it and it is expected to be in huge demand by poetry and art lovers.
  • Nonetheless, in the time since the paper first came out to such acclaim and criticism, many living organisms as small as the reported Allan Hills microfossil have been identified and categorized on Earth. First Contact
  • By the mid 1970s he was one of the most widely acclaimed artists of his generation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Downton doesn't exclude his own acclaimed work from that same viciously fickle fashion cycle and is uncomfortable with the label foisted upon him: the world's greatest fashion illustrator. The Age News Headlines
  • This double CD of Ian Hunter's latest tour of Britain in support of his latest official release, the critically acclaimed ‘Rant’, is a bootleg recording.
  • After all, he has been making a similar kind of moody and elliptical music for years, with precious little acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie opened on Friday to universal acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the fall of 2009, the band - which reunited sans Hummel in the early '90s - released a critically acclaimed multidisc box set and a played series of high-profile performances in London and New York. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Because I wanted to write much-acclaimed, tear-jerkingly purple prose about wide-eyed, fly-infested children — not cold, unpopular and even “racist” accusations about African male culpability. Writing what I should have written so many years ago « Isegoria
  • The lineup he's assembled embodies that dichotomy perfectly: it includes Ko Ishikawa, a member of the acclaimed gagaku ensemble Reigakusha who plays an ancient bamboo mouth organ called the sho, and Toshimaru Nakamura, an electroacoustic improviser who's worked with international heavies like Keith Rowe and John Butcher and specializes in manipulating feedback from a no-input mixing board. Chicago Reader
  • He was acclaimed as England's greatest modern painter.
  • His work was acclaimed by art critics.
  • The new drugs were widely acclaimed, as so many other medical and surgical procedures had been.
  • The design of the new library has been acclaimed by Modernists.
  • She was universally/widely/publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.
  • Like many poets she found that while she received considerable critical acclaim - prizes and so forth - there was little else on offer besides laurel wreaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of all the Latin music offerings, one of the most critically acclaimed is Latin Alternative. U.S. Crossover Hits Elude Latin Alternative
  • A dazzlingly written, postapocalyptic martial-arts fantasy, it received a 300,000 advance and tremendous acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has been acclaimed for the TV drama "Prime Suspect".
  • In addition to its internationally-acclaimed circus, there is a sparkling series of big band concerts and tributes headlining.
  • Set up a year ago by Martin Wheeler, 33, Iwari and its artists have sparked critical acclaim in the music press.
  • He has also sold more than a billion records around the world to mass critical acclaim. The Sun
  • His "unthink" tank has tried for some time to abolish Colorado's nationally acclaimed judicial selection procedure. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The title received critical acclaim upon its launch and is considered one of the best games to appear on the console. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • De los Reyes has created new bister on paper works, stainless steel sculptures and exquisite monochromatic paintings in this exciting follow-up to his critically acclaimed 2005 exhibition.
  • He recently put out two tracks, to critical and popular acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we gentle Poms have acclaimed your control, admired your velocity, wet ourselves over the immaculate precision of your bouncers and waxed lyrical over your infinite superiority to our own prissy dobbers.
  • Zadie Smith's 2000 debut novel White Teeth was published to a tsunami of critical acclaim.
  • It was obvious to everyone except the old man that this was an entirely futile undertaking, and, when it was eventually published, the metrical translation of the Psalms received absolutely no acclaim whatever.
  • With these significant pricing incentives and valuable amenities such as shipboard credits and pre-paid gratuities, this is the perfect opportunity for travellers to enjoy the acclaimed destination experience and unrivalled value that Oceania Cruises represents," said Bob Binder,
  • Gurdev Singh Ropana is an acclaimed writer of short stories and novels in Punjabi.
  • They weren't there to acclaim him as the toiler's friend - but to tell him not to put them out of work just to satisfy some smug trendies on the mainland.
  • These artists and their defenders cited such popular acclaim as proof of the aesthetic value of their works.
  • I'm not talking about Die Hard Trilogy from Acclaim, but the coin-op from Sega.
  • But it was ‘The Ice Storm’ which heralded a series of critically acclaimed performances.
  • Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.
  • But the executives who masterminded the relaunch maintain that critical acclaim would eventually have translated into increased sales.
  • She was universally/widely/publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.
  • Acclaimed designer Carleton Varney has introduced bright new colors and a sense of airy spaciousness while retaining a healthy respect for tradition.
  • You can see this new mood at work in the scathing reviews now being garnered by vacuous conceptual artists who were acclaimed in the 1990s. Times, Sunday Times
  • The self-released, self-financed record veered into noisy experimentalism, with the musician pushing country's boundaries and receiving critical acclaim in the process.
  • We too may acclaim him as our king. Christianity Today

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