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How To Use Accessible In A Sentence

  • The gladdest part is that Laura's music is alive, vital, and accessible. Laura Nyro
  • This textbook provides a modern and accessible introduction to magnetohydrodynamics.
  • The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
  • That queasy feeling of disillusionment is a universal one says Schmidt; one that makes this particular play accessible for audiences on a very personal level.
  • Better technology should help both to recover more gas from existing reserves and also to make new areas accessible.
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  • With the Shared Model architecture, changes made in one process element are (depending on access privileges) immediately visible and accessible to other process elements.
  • He is as incomprehensible as he is inaccessible.
  • Some of the passages can be explored, and are accessible from Princesshay, parallel with the High Street.
  • But the middle classes demanded cheaper and more accessible reading matter.
  • A derelict synagogue may not be visible in the bazaar, but a Jewish cemetery is accessible on the city outskirts. Magda Abu-Fadil: Lebanon's Jews: Loyalty to Whom? BBC Documentary Tracks Vanished Community
  • Second, his academic experience at the University of Chicago makes him singularly suited to translate the arcana of policy into an accessible format.
  • It has stunning views down the River Necker and was on the doorstep of easily accessible attractions.
  • Whilst trying to make the melodies inaccessible, these cheeky tykes from Ozzy's old home city have only gone and made them all the more appealing.
  • The Upper Peninsula, which is 90 percent forested, retains its aura of accessible wilderness. Pure Michigan Travel
  • It will make those around you more open and accessible to sharing themselves with you.
  • Accessible to everyone, provided that one is in good physical condition and footsure.
  • The restaurant is marooned on an island and accessible only by foot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most accessible data which might serve as a yardstick is that on applicants' type of educational establishment.
  • Moreover, its finest details lie beyond what is accessible to us by use of computers.
  • Chengannur is the major nearby town, which is easily accessible by road or rail.
  • Several key buildings in Waterford, including churches, are still not recognising the needs of disabled people because they're not wheelchair accessible.
  • Some files must be accessible to the BIOS or boot loader at boot time.
  • Before that, which is to say before the Internet made the unestablished creators easily accessible, videogames were just entertainment that most people were happy to leave to the professionals. Video Game Hipsters
  • It was acquired by Rotherham Council from the Wentworth Estate in the early 1980s but has been inaccessible to the public for the past 30 years.
  • This amount of money could be supplemented by a loan received from a bank - high interest, but easily accessible as a last option.
  • Each cache director contains four independent regions of cache memory for a total of 32 separately addressable, simultaneously accessible regions of cache memory.
  • Even Ethiopia, situated on a high plateau, which was cut up by mountains and vast canyons that made internal travel difficult, was accessible only from an exceptionally hot and unpleasant desert coast.
  • In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
  • These interior dimensions of the soul live within us at depths that are not accessible to the rational mind.
  • There should be a proper waiting room, with chairs, magazines to read and cloakroom facilities easily accessible.
  • Such indirect human rights violation under a new regime of international law will also have its impact on the education sector, making higher education inaccessible to the poor.
  • accessible money
  • And all of this art is wonderfully accessible. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want people to feel they are an accessible and approachable channel of communication.
  • This would mean that the districts would be more accessible and food supplies could reach them by road as well instead of having them airlifted which is more expensive. News
  • Both genres, so formulaic, overdetermined by clichés and stereotypes, are eminently accessible for parody.
  • It used to be that an unabridged dictionary and an encyclopedia would be kept accessible in middle-class homes, for settling questions of language or fact.
  • ESRC-funding will enable this important literature to be made much more accessible to western social scientists.
  • They cannot be done away with since the French universities have become accessible for an ever increasing number of students since nearly 50\% of the population pass their "bac" or final high school exam. The Modern Regime, Volume 2
  • There is a danger - as some young American web reviewers have pointed out - that, by following the book so closely, the film will make itself inaccessible to those who haven't read it.
  • We're getting food like corn beef milk and flour and dividing into packages and taking into inaccessible places.
  • Sword play, or fencing, was once the sport of aristocrats, inaccessible to the masses, mainly because they could not afford a sword.
  • In the centre of Lanzarote, it is easily accessible if you hire a car or take an organised tour. The Sun
  • A proof may be messy, dreary, tedious, or look like a joke, but there must be an unequivocal criterion for its validity, even if accessible to but a few specialists.
  • What they have concocted is a sleek, discreet and luxuriously appointed hotel that is stylish but still accessible.
  • It is one of the results of the unlucky fancy of scholars for re-editing already accessible texts instead of devoting themselves to _anecdota_, that work of the first interest, like The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • Efficiency and continuity probably do require that the train be shunted into a well-prepared and easily accessible Belgian siding.
  • The remaining part is being treated and only accessible after consultation with the documentalist.
  • Secluded inside the historic Hotel Monaco and accessible through a tunnel-like entrance from Eighth Street NW, you feel like you're anywhere but Washington, especially once you stretch out on one of the low, cushioned sofas with a well-made cocktail. Nightlife Agenda: Eighteenth Street Lounge anniversary, Animal Collective, Hot Chip
  • As cyclists choose shortest routes, the network should be dense, with virtually all roads accessible for cycle movement.
  • In 1853, she published an abridgement and translation of Comte's Cours, which made it accessible to a widespread audience for the first time.
  • Stresa is under two miles away accessible by mini-bus four times a day.
  • The North West Air Ambulance was then scrambled to the area which is inaccessible to vehicles.
  • Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), “Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity. The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
  • Injunctions against discrimination require that efficacious treatment for a human ill must be made equally accessible to everyone.
  • When the sound timber is clean and readily accessible it can be treated with insecticide.
  • * dimers is looking for work in the Boston area (T or bus-accessible from Davis Square). How can we help?
  • Although the term stocks suggests finiteness (which is ultimately correct), the accessible portion depends on technology and on the future demand for that resource. Chapter 9
  • Dope and cocaine have become accessible to the grips, the gaffers and the best boys.
  • Some couples choose locations that are aerobically challenging or simply inaccessible to elderly or physically challenged guests -- including women in high heels. Judith Johnson: 10 Secrets to Creating the Perfect Wedding Ceremony
  • The Congress likes to cloister its leader in a tower surrounded by loyal party leaders, accessible only to the select few.
  • Luckily for our boys, it also has a trapdoor in the floor leading conveniently into a series of maintenance tunnels which are accessible through any manhole in Montreal.
  • Ong succeeds in creating an accessible outline of the major transitions in human thought from orality to chirography (manuscripts), from chirography to typography (with the widespread use of the printing press), and the resurgence of some aspects of orality in modern electronic communication (both personal and mass-market). Orality and Literacy « Books « Literacy News
  • As colonial rule established itself and regions hitherto inaccessible became safe enough for plant collectors to travel in, many new bulb species found their way back to the nurseryman and then the gardener.
  • The room also features a brick fireplace with raised hearth and thick wood beamed mantelpiece, and is overlooked by a balcony which is accessible from the first floor.
  • If you love sport, it can be easy to take for granted how readily accessible it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grant licked his lips at the thought of all those inaccessible, nubile women across the river.
  • Put across in a way which is accessible to non-specialists, this is fascinating material and yet the pure science involved is only part of the story.
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that 1, 000 teens die annually by breathing fumes from easily accessible products.
  • Food is healthy, the vibe relaxed, and the hatha yoga teaching accessible to all. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the goats, taking refuge in the more inaccessible parts of the country, could with difficulty be killed, the crews subsisted on the flesh of the young seals, which they called veal, and on that of the sea-lions, which was denominated beef. Notable Voyagers From Columbus to Nordenskiold
  • Ever since signing with Nike, the 125-year-old club's merchandise bas been easily accessible to American soccer fans.
  • The highly technical reports of Apollo, accessible to but not generally understood by the public, give the three-dimensional details of the translunar trajectory.
  • It gives us a measure of the indulgent sympathy and religious tolerance which prevailed in this Evangelical home, that the parents should have unhesitatingly supplied the boy of fourteen, at some cost of time and trouble, with all the accessible writings of the "atheistical" poet, and with those of his presumably like-minded friend Keats as well. Robert Browning
  • A more accessible story, then, is one where these structural features are clearly defined -- whether that means unorthodox but simple or deeply conventionalised as in the extreme case of symbolic formulation. The Aesthetics of Fat
  • A special note to users of webcams - if you want to share pictures, you must upload them to a publicly accessible area.
  • This nuns 'choir was in existence by the beginning of the fourteenth century, but may have been built along with the rest of the nave and may have been accessible by stairs near the chapterhouse in the west range of the cloister. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Only the more remote and inaccessible regions have remained relatively ungoverned since the establishment of weak administration there in the 1960s.
  • Most of the ground floor was inaccessible to the public, and was otherwise occupied by a small café and three temporary exhibition rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is written in a smooth and engaging style using accessible language without simplifying the arguments.
  • Perhaps womanist is a word that does not obscure or contradict feminism, but that represents a new kind of feminism that is fresh, informed and accessible.
  • Never fear, it is a huge and easily accessible boot and has swallowed all a family of four needs.
  • Select a release site that is an easily accessible, sunny location, not highly visible to vandals and others who may disturb the release area.
  • It is written in simple language, immediately accessible to the reader.
  • An ecolodge only accessible by plane and boat (they'll pick you up from Cairns airport), with just 17 rooms, it's tucked in the rainforest, overlooking the dreary-sounding but wonderful - looking Weary Bay.
  • For my money, the best Dead scholarship is the kind that's smart, clever, and (important!) accessible to a lay audience. A Brief Guide to Dead Scholarship
  • The information was not encrypted and would therefore be accessible to anyone with basic technical knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why is opera so inaccessible to so many people?
  • Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons. James Russell Lowell 
  • Women from Jane Austen and Mary Shelley to Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson produced literary works that are in some sense palimpsestic, works whose surface designs conceal or obscure deeper, less accessible (and less socially acceptable) levels of meaning. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide.
  • His work is unusually accessible and leavened with kindly humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shoctector has an easily accessible Test/Reset button to give you additional peace of mind each time you use it.
  • Despite the Disability Discrimination Act, little has been done to help make society more accessible for autistics.
  • Other areas are inaccessible except over private land.
  • The Palindrome is part of anti-intellectual America's celebration of the ordinary, even the subordinary-the theater of accessible fantasies. Main RSS Feed
  • While innumerable neurotic New Yorker fanatics have saved piles of the magazine in closets or basements, the few easily accessible archives of the magazine's contents have been on microfilm or in bound volumes in public libraries.
  • Virtually all these works remain inaccessible to those without the knowledge of local languages. Christianity Today
  • Although an individual transporting a diplomatic pouch may have diplomatic immunity, that individual and his or her nondiplomatic accessible property and checked baggage must undergo screening and all alarms must be resolved. Wired Top Stories
  • Then the twist of the scissile bond, together with the bending of − 1 NAG, makes the glycosidic oxygen accessible to the catalytic residue Glu315 for cleavage PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In a modern democracy people should be able to vote in the most accessible way possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the only readily accessible form of gambling in a country where casinos are banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Open-captioned films and subtitled foreign films are sometimes accessible options for people with adequate vision and literacy.
  • Lea Anderson is a choreographer who believes in making dance accessible.
  • The Shoctector has an easily accessible Test/Reset button to give you additional peace of mind each time you use it.
  • I tried a few Trapeze, Fair Verona, Pearl Dragon and found them to be dense, medicinal and even muddy – in short, quite unaccessible. Strange Invisible Perfumes
  • The chlorophyll captures the energy of light, and makes it accessible to the plant for photosynthesis.
  • Many thousands of acres now lie underwater or are so wet that they will be inaccessible for many months.
  • His language is very accessible as it is closer to the speaking rather than the literary language.
  • This is a compliment to the broad range of topics within this book, their readability, and the accessible format through which Case presents them.
  • Tissue biopsies can be inaccessible in lung cancer patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you love sport, it can be easy to take for granted how readily accessible it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • Easily Accessible: Dartmoor, with its woods, tors and ancient sites, and the long coastal path provide numerous walks.
  • Near vision tasks need to be presented in a way that ensures that materials can be easily accessible to handle.
  • The hall is inaccessible to wheelchair users.
  • Another runs an internal message system and a coded, digital radio network accessible only to members. Times, Sunday Times
  • There will be more financial barriers and disincentives to accessible care.
  • It does not only password protect your data but also let you choose security levels for your data, so that you can choose making your files inaccessible, invisible, delete-proof or write-protected. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • It's easy and accessible and cheap. The Sun
  • It may not be on a grand scale but it is very accessible and there for all to enjoy.
  • Given the difficulty of engaging the production economies of the mainstream popular culture, not to mention the lowish aspirations for humankind often conveyed in the wares offered by the aggressively Accessible mass culture, anyone's decision to enlist in the smaller and more specialized realm of art is understandable. Bettina Korek: David Robbins Talks High Entertainment
  • Easily trumping both Musha and Necker at 1, 000 square acres, Parrot Cay (formerly named Pirate Cay, before the owners thought better of it) is only accessible by boat, so yacht owners are preferred.
  • The organizational goal must always be to integrate and engrain accessible design principles into existing development team process and practices.
  • The house stays toasty warm thanks to hot pipes accessible through floor panels that open like croquet boxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birmingham may be more amenable to questioning and more accessible, at least during the first several months.
  • Once services such as gigabit ethernet are accessible, users will be able to transmit as much as they receive, making residential servers a reality. Internet - Mirror of Mankind
  • It changed my mind about backpackers, as I discovered they were cheaper and often better quality than most hotels, and the people are more accessible and friendlier.
  • In recent years, many vendors have sought out what's thought to be the most accessible and "juiciest" segment of the market: Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs). Undefined
  • No one bothered to refer to the significantly expanded, easily accessible pocket book edition.
  • The resort is easily accessible by road, rail and air.
  • Beholders prefer inaccessible locations that earthbound foes can reach only with difficulty.
  • It's also easily accessible from a hospital bed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course the recipes are not only interchangeable with the usual stuff but with the easily accessible bunches of green calabrese (broccoli), too. Nigel Slater's white sprouting
  • The helicopters, which also have been used to deliver humanitarian aid to some inaccessible areas, were chosen partly because of their low rotor downwash.
  • They are polite to the ‘English’ but inaccessible and unapproachable; they don't take photographs and frown on others photographing them.
  • Ninety-five per cent of its magnificent collection will remain inaccessible to the public.
  • The difference between them lies not in fangs, fur, and butterfly wings - but in how they are managed by the author and whether or not the magic system is accessible to the characters. The bait. The hook. The switch.
  • The managers were surprised, because they felt that they were approachable and accessible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is similar to a generation ago when you saw all bathrooms get remodeled to be handicap accessible. bariatrics is by far the fastest growing segment of the medical supply industry. X-raying the obese is "like watching TV without cable or an antenna."
  • The National Atlas makes authoritative, reliable geographic information more readily accessible to the public.
  • The ferries plying in these rivers provide cheap transportation to many villagers and poor people who live in remote areas, not accessible by road.
  • The least accessible track is the second, which takes a dense swirl of autoharp and guitar notes and slowly submerges them in an organ drone that rises over the course of 12 minutes.
  • When we act in a holy way, sanctifying His Name and creation itself, then, the Presence of God becomes more accessible to man, and nature stands aside for God.
  • Offences had to be clearly defined by law and be both accessible and foreseeable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I need a 4x4 because we live at the end of an unmade road, which is otherwise inaccessible in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
  • The island is only accessible by boat.
  • Services organized across large District Health Authorities covering 200-300,000 people can not possibly provide a local, friendly, easily accessible service.
  • A rear end of the lever is externally accessible to allow manipulation by the user.
  • She was alive, but everlastingly inaccessible, and Alberg found this baffling and frustrating. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • A new infographic has been created to make physical activity recommendations more accessible. Times, Sunday Times
  • So many people find auctions daunting and we were trying to help make that more accessible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The instruments provided for the journey consisted of two barometers, two thermometers, two compasses, a sextant, two chronometers, an artificial horizon, and an altazimuth, to throw out the height of distant and inaccessible objects. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • But a few less lucky aquanauts - 13 to be exact - have perished on the wreck in the last 20 years since it became accessible to recreational divers, five within the past three years.
  • If the hook is easily accessible then the use of a disgorger or long nose pliers will enable the hook to be removed often without taking the fish from the water.
  • Nicephorus' fleet harried the accessible southern coasts in retribution, but made no firm gains.
  • Land and Information New Zealand estimates that 30% of the coastline is already inaccessible because it is bordered by privately owned land.
  • As we explain in this video, the new site reformats the extensive information found in our iconic Ratings charts and their accompanying product pages to make them accessible and easily navigable on just about any phone that offers web access. New Consumer Reports mobile website offers complete Ratings
  • The generosity of Hooker's reading of Scripture made it accessible to those who could never belong to Puritan society.
  • Offering courses accessible to students around the state is in fact an important cornerstone of the North Dakota University System.
  • The south range, with a prospect over the sea, was probably the principal residence, though now inaccessible to archaeology.
  • Though such a site would only be locally accessible and available when the electricity is on, the documents it offers could still be printed out.
  • It's a moving target, abig step toward getting more info available and accessible. Craig Newmark: VA Blue Button moves ahead with vets health records
  • It's an accessible depiction of a lonely cyborg and his dog and Oshii allows you to savour every detail.
  • Instead, the band became more accessible but no less accomplished, and shot to the top as the spokesmen for a new, laid back generation.
  • Buy onlength from us and we'll celerity your bindle aural 24 hours for f4da397e94baneful evil1ea23f936b5502ace17 acutect to your home or toil ghd hair aligners calefaction up in a accessible-to-go minute, hobite bowl bowls that are beneath damcrumbling to hot hair, allowance to anticipate that all - annoying coil. Voxilla VoIP Forum
  • Most importantly they are easily accessible and backed by the Treasury. Times, Sunday Times
  • The road from the guard gate to the recruit depot, the publicly accessible part of the base, is built up from the swampland that borders on both sides.
  • None the less his reputation as at once the most searching and accessible of contemporary composers has not diminished.
  • These telegrams ordered my father to go to Peking at once, but, as the river to Tientsin was frozen, it was out of the question for us to go by that route, and as my father was very old and quite ill at that time, in fact constantly under the doctor's care, the only accessible way, via Chinwangtao, was equally out of the question, as it was a long and most tedious journey and quite beyond his strength. Two Years in the Forbidden City
  • Cost effective, powerful, flexible and, most of all, accessible, SMP is an all-round, excellent media production tool.
  • Now Organic's head tech geck, the 26-year-old is one of the leading forces behind making seamless multimedia on the Web accessible to anyone, regardless of browser type or connection speed. The Net 50
  • Unlike most pianos, the keyboard is accessible and inviting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The location is accessible by car and motorcycle, but to get to the crater itself you have to walk another three kilometers along a path.
  • The ground became more accessible after June 1922 when Huddersfield Corporation started running buses direct to the south-west end.
  • Above all, parking must be immediately accessible to functions and must not involve crossing roads or car parks.
  • All new and upgraded rail and bus stations, all light rail vehicles and suburban railcars and all buses financed under the NDP must be accessible to people with mobility and sensory impairments.
  • An hour-and-a-half away by train and then taxi, the rural hamlet is accessible only by dirt roads that are lined with low-rise houses, vegetable patches and wild-looking dogs.
  • Easily accessible, this tourist area is noted for its beauty, and cool, fresh mountain air.
  • They drag these branches into the water where they'll stay fresh and accessible during the winter freeze.
  • One of the main priorities therefore was to make the whole building accessible to disabled people.
  • In this case, the quantal amplitude of postsynaptic response strongly depends on the number of accessible postsynaptic receptors in the vicinity of the release sites.
  • But keep them easily accessible to people in the house, in case of fire.
  • Giauque, who extended the temperature range experimentally accessible by introducing the method of adiabatic demagnetization in 1933. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.
  • Her wider reputation results from three scholarly but highly accessible books over the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • What principles do is to make private experience publicly accessible, open to discussion and capable of wider relevance.
  • Two, in doing this, try to identify a mentor to whom you can speak about your feelings, primarily a friend that is accessible.
  • Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil. Eric Hoffer 
  • The beach should be accessible to everyone.
  • After all, there could be no surer way of denting Halifax's accessible and unstuffy image.
  • Larger than Fort Knox, which is mostly inaccessible these days, the vault holds 90 billion dollars' worth of gold bouillon. Twenty-Five Things You Didn't Know...
  • Second, institutional repositories aim to preserve and make accessible digital content on a long-term basis.
  • This would make the area more accessible and free local villages from choking traffic. The Sun
  • Covent Garden has made some attempt to make opera accessible to a wider public.
  • It was Conran, the legendary English visionary who democratized design by making it more accessible and affordable, who hooked me on to the power and appeal of great design.
  • The land is accessible by means of existing public rights of way and a regular bus service.
  • It is one of the world's most well loved ballets and is easily accessible to those whose knowledge of classical ballet is only limited.
  • Dope and cocaine have become accessible to the grips, the gaffers and the best boys.
  • According to Plotinus, nous is the highest sphere accessible to the human mind and thus the "objective" of contemplation. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro

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