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How To Use Acceptation In A Sentence

  • If a traveler comes here from Ethiopia, from Australia, or from Great Britain,… he has a right to the protection of the laws, but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptation of the word.
  • Well, in this case I feel comfortable speaking on behalf of the secretary and will make an acceptation. In Memorium: Peter Graves
  • The word ‘malice’ in that definition does not mean the word ‘malice’ in the common acceptation or parlance implies.
  • Jesus Christ, whereby, being changed into his likeness, we are kept entirely in peace with God, and are preserved unblamable, or in a state of gracious acceptation with him, according to the terms of the covenant, unto the end. Pneumatologia
  • Hence the word cometh to have its second acceptation, even that which is rendered by the apostle hilastērion, “placamen,” or “placamentum,” — that whereby God is appeased. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
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  • He would now be quite interested in the various usages of the term, its numerous acceptations and definitions, and the way it has infiltrated the discourse in and on the arts.
  • In its widest acceptation, concupiscence is any yearning of the soul for good; in its strict and specific acceptation, a desire of the lower appetite contrary to reason. The Purity of Mary
  • When a man has no longer anything but rags upon his body and vices in his heart, when he has arrived at that double moral and material degradation which the word blackguard characterizes in its two acceptations, he is ripe for crime; he is like a well-whetted knife; he has two cutting edges, his distress and his malice; so slang does not say Les Miserables
  • “Nakat,” with the double meaning of to spot and to handsel especially dancing and singing women; and, as Mr. Payne notes in this acceptation it is practically equivalent to the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • _freeman_; and if a freeman in the common acceptation of the term, then Diary in America, Series One
  • Nonspecialists may also be confused by Riegl's use of style concepts like Mannerism and Baroque and other technical terms in senses that differ somewhat from their customary present acceptations.
  • Since names and their signification are entirely arbitrary, such propositions are not, strictly speaking, susceptible of truth or falsity, but only of conformity or disconformity to usage or convention; and all the proof they are capable of, is proof of usage; proof that the words have been employed by others in the acceptation in which the speaker or writer desires to use them. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • _religion_, in the general acceptation of the term (philosophy of religion); and, thirdly, _philosophy_ itself, as the purest and most perfect form of the scientific knowledge of truth. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • [166] "Although some Muhammadans, whose understandings are too refined to admit such gross conceptions, look on their Prophet's description as parabolical, and are willing to receive them in an allegorical or spiritual acceptation, yet the general and orthodox doctrine is, that the whole is to be strictly believed in the obvious and literal acceptance. The Faith of Islam
  • And Stepan Arkadyevitch was not merely an honest man — unemphatically — in the common acceptation of the words, he was an honest man — emphatically — in that special sense which the word has in Moscow, when they talk of an Anna Karenina
  • In both cases, Smith does go on, leaving the derivation of terms from their origins aside, to give the usual post-1688 acceptations, as in ‘Whig history.’
  • Wolff cannot be termed a Rationalist in the common acceptation of the term, though his doctrines contributed to the growth of neological thinking. History of Rationalism Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology
  • Thus nothing doubting of your ready ayd herein, as I assuredly trust of your honours fauourable acceptation of this my poore present, wishing long life with the increase of Gods holy spirit to your lordship and to all your most honourable familie (vnto whom I haue wholly dedicated my selfe by mine owne choise and election for euer) I, crauing pardon for my former boldnesse, most humbly thus take my leaue. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • [3] It may remove ambiguity to say that the word concupiscence is here used not in its popular and modern, but its theological acceptation. Outlines of Moral Science.
  • On the face of it the statements made in the beginning were clear enough: their closely-argued variations, though complex, could certainly be followed with full acceptation, and they were not particularly hard to play; yet at one point, after a curiously insistent repetition of the second theme, the rhythm changed and with it the whole logic of the discourse. Did You Know Bach Had a Father?
  • Other theologians hold that the definitions of dogmatic facts, in the wider and stricter acceptation, are received, not by Divine faith, but by ecclesiastical faith, which some call mediate Divine faith. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Order acceptation is a multi - attribute decision problem.
  • The decree of January 21 quotes the letter dated December 15, 2008 to Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos in which I expressed our attachment “to the Church of Our Lord Jesus-Christ which is the Catholic Church,” re-affirming there our acceptation of its two thousand year old teaching and our faith in the Primacy of Peter. Response of SSPX Superior General to the Lifting of the Excommunications
  • And I am assured, also, that the truth proposed in it inwraps the whole ground of any just expectation of the continuance of the presence of God amongst us, and his acceptation of our endeavours about the allotment and just disposal of our civil affairs. The Sermons of John Owen
  • To those, who are fond of relations of love and courtship, of the hopes and fears of the tender passion, of warm declarations, agitated hesitations, and timid acceptations, the volumes before us will afford a treat; for this regular routine of interesting detail, occurs about eight times, we believe, in the four thin duodecimos in question.
  • Morons, who correspond to the common acceptation of the term feeble-minded, "can under proper direction become more or less self-supporting but they are as a rule incapable of undertaking affairs which demand judgment or involve unrestricted competition with normal individuals. Applied Eugenics
  • A science, in the proper acceptation of that term, cannot be formed technically, that is, from observation of the similarity existing between different objects, and the purely contingent use we make of our knowledge in concreto with reference to all kinds of arbitrary external aims; its constitution must be framed on architectonical principles, that is, its parts must be shown to possess an essential affinity, and be capable of being deduced from one supreme and internal aim or end, which forms the condition of the possibility of the scientific whole. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • “baptism” here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline the Martyr Missionary
  • Though the word be general and large, yet in my intendment it is restrained to the particulars insisted on, -- namely, the constant establishment of our souls in receiving the Lord Jesus, tendered unto us in the truth and from the love of the Father, for the pardon of sins, and acceptation of our persons before God. The Sermons of John Owen
  • -- When a man has no longer anything but rags upon his body and vices in his heart, when he has arrived at that double moral and material degradation which the word blackguard characterizes in its two acceptations, he is ripe for crime; he is like a well-whetted knife; he has two cutting edges, his distress and his malice; so slang does not say a blackguard, it says un reguise. Les Miserables, Volume IV, Saint Denis
  • A comfortable persuasion of our acceptation with God in Christ is the bottom of this peace; it inwraps deliverance from eternal wrath, hatred, curse, condemnation, — all sweetly affecting the soul and conscience. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • To apply the term instinct to the regular and involuntary movements of the bodily organs, such as the beating of the heart and the action of the organs of respiration, is manifestly an extension of the ordinary acceptation of the term. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • The wide acceptation of the term brown has occasioned much confusion in the naming of colours, since broken colours in which red, &c. predominate, have been improperly called brown. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Certainly, therefore, anger, and the like affections, can by no means be ascribed to the infinitely perfect God in the proper and usual acceptation of the words, but only by an anthropopathy; attributing that to God, which bears some analogy and proportion to what we find in men. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • When a Mahometan has killed a certain number of infidels, he is sure of Paradise, no matter what his sins may be��the ordinary Musselman takes the precept in broader acceptation, and counts women and children as well. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • baptism" here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
  • (If democracy in any acceptation of the term was a precondition then the US-installed despot and megalomaniac Mikheil Saakashvili and the hereditary president-for-life dynasty of the Aliev family would disqualify Georgia and Azerbaijan, respectively.) Eastern Partnership: West's Final Assault On Former Soviet Union
  • But I say that, after it has been impressed and inculcated on the minds of hearers or readers that the apostle is treating about a regenerate man in Romans 7, it is not in our power to hinder such persons from understanding the rest of those things which are attributed to this man in a different manner from that in which they ought to be understood, that is, from receiving them in an acceptation which is not agreeable to the text and design of the apostle, and as they are not received when they are explained as relating to a man who is under sin, and under the law, especially when the inclination is a persuasive to such an interpretation, and when the concupiscence of the flesh gives a similar impulse. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • 1 By no means, however, does there exist a consensus on the proper acceptation of the term.
  • But it is not in that metaphysical sense of truth which we inquire here, when we examine, whether our ideas are capable of being true or false, but in the more ordinary acceptation of those words: and so I say that the ideas in our minds, being only so many perceptions or appearances there, none of them are false; the idea of a centaur having no more falsehood in it when it appears in our minds, than the name centaur has falsehood in it, when it is pronounced by our mouths, or written on paper. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • The English bowman, or billman, who carried a large axe or bill, was a strong, healthy, well-fed man; and though he had not perfect freedom, according to our modern acceptation of the term, he had an existence worth struggling for, and not entirely at the command of an imperious lord. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 461 Volume 18, New Series, October 30, 1852
  • From these definitions it follows that the word probability, in its mathematical acceptation, has reference to the state of our knowledge of the circumstances under which an event may happen or fail.
  • The powers that are conferred on the trustee, or manager, do not convert the unit trusts into discretionary trusts in the normal acceptation of that term.
  • First, That as in other words, so in these, this is in the Scripture usually an antanaklasis, whereby the same word is ingeminated in a different sense and acceptation. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • Christ, in our gracious acceptation, notwithstanding all that was against us, and also, by principling us with grace for obedience, sanctify us throughout. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed

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