How To Use Acceptant In A Sentence
Friday morning, first day of the test I still vex but I was acceptant of my fate.
The results show that the acceptant tactic of each player must achieve the Nash equilibrium only as the accounting information becomes true and fair.
After the acceptant speech of Joe Biden, Obama showed up as a surprise on the third day of the DNC. A supporter thrilled to tears on Aug 26, 2008.
Today, most of the company consider acceptant ratio as a good achievement in quality.
Antislavery sentiment would not necessarily have prevented someone from owning or hiring slaves, but would have made it less likely than if the individual had been completely acceptant of slavery.

an acceptant type of mind
Banneker, at home again, planted a garden of dreams, and lived in it, mechanically acceptant of the outer world, resentful of any intrusion upon that flowerful retreat.
Success A Novel
They tire people out, wear them down, make them acceptant of shoddy workmanship or service. I'm impressed at the same time as I'm angry.
It has been my no transfer fee bewitchingly monocot component footgear booking acceptant that one to get marlite and nevus landholding in merida.
Rational Review
Leftist psychologists are obsessed with the fact that conservatives are more acceptant of the power and authority arrangements in our present society than they are.