How To Use Acceptance In A Sentence
In her acceptance speech, the winner thanked the almighty and promised to do even better at the all-India level.
The emphasis will continue to be on prod-ucts that gain the widest appeal and most acceptance within this group.
This type of power - a culture that radiates outward and a market that draws inward - rests on pull, not on push; on acceptance, not on imposition.
The Lord ministered to her, offering unconditional love and acceptance and washing her clean from the grime of her experience.
Growing Through Loss and Grief
Upon completion of the donated public welfare project, the donee shall inform the donor of the construction, use of the funds and checking and acceptance of the construction quality.

In view of such a unilateral rejection, it is amazing that anyone should continue to cling to the false notion of universal acceptance.
The deadline for acceptance of the offer is Thursday afternoon, but both sides have claimed they have the upper hand in a takeover battle which is becoming increasingly bitter.
He said it was unlikely the proposals would be put to a vote because ideally unanimous acceptance would be required.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe we're all trying to recapture that feeling of acceptance.
To "ascend the hill of the Lord" and to "stand in his holy place "means to enter into his house and find acceptance.
Christianity Today
A purported acceptance which introduces different terms is not in law an acceptance but a counter - offer.
Such overt aggression turned the Labour Party away from pacifism and towards the acceptance of a degree of force to implement collective security.
Our relationship started well, descended into hate-hate, recovered somewhat to love-hate and, latterly, has drifted into respectful acceptance.
Meanwhile there is increasing acceptance that the task of representing a constituency can fairly be considered to constitute a full-time job.
But their leaders were full of admiration for their pluck and cheerful acceptance of the conditions.
Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff.
Your acceptance into the club will be a mere formality.
Such overt aggression turned the Labour Party away from pacifism and towards the acceptance of a degree of force to implement collective security.
Traditional values included an acceptance of behavior dependent on social rank.
This revenue-neutral property was believed essential for public acceptance, which in fact has been largely favourable.
Frustrated by his lack of social acceptance he retreats into a world of fantasy and self-delusion ... with tragic results.
In a particular brand of beverage, any serious deviation from the target sugar content could result in loss of consumer acceptance, the ultimate nightmare of any marketing organization.
These skills are crucial to developing social confidence and acceptance.
This may seem surprising in view of the widespread acceptance of monarchy.
His acceptance speech, made on the following evening, was well delivered but generally perceived as lacking in detail.
The horse's acceptance is unconditional.
Times, Sunday Times
Undoubtedly, public acceptance of the physically handicapped will be easier to achieve.
Acceptance by the UN would effectively legitimize the regime.
Moreover, surveys reveal that the process committee overlay to the traditionally managed organization is winning limited employee acceptance at best.
We are nudged into an attitude of acceptance and tolerance.
Times, Sunday Times
Dick was quite moved, and in his acceptance speech he named all the people who had helped make his dream come true.
The quote from the acceptance speech, which was delivered shortly before his death, serves to emphasize the consistency of his life and his theory.
Parents with a permissive attitude show acceptance/involvement but not control/supervision.
This school is too awful to deserve passive acceptance.
His resigned acceptance of the situations in which the plot places him is a masterpiece of understated comedy acting and very, very effective.
He made a short acceptance speech / speech of acceptance.
His acceptance speech was mercifully brief.
self-evident," since become awkward of acceptance, were ever thus pettifogged out of the path, and fundamental principles have in this way prescriptively been tampered with.
"Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers"
When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance.
Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
`Not a lot to do now except check the acceptances against the regrets, so I have a final number for the caterers.
A fuller acceptance of the concept of open government would stimulate discussion of public policy inside and outside Parliament.
No asset since gold in the 19th century enjoys such broad acceptance as both a medium of exchange and a store of value as the dollar.
Nevertheless, uncritical acceptance of the results of classical twin studies may have misled a generation of researchers.
The acceptance rates for Ivy League schools range from 10 to 31 percent, which are relatively low.
Alan Irwin alludes to the public non-acceptance of nuclear technology, and argues that this conclusion is justified by a careful, rational cost-benefit analysis.
Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
These deepened links replaced the passive acceptance of loosely connected, but dispensable, relationships between agriculture and rural communities.
Underlying these explanations is an acceptance of the foundational ideas of the Antigonish Movement.
Thus we make attributions of causal relatedness on the basis of prior acceptance of scientific explanations.
Up until the final ten minutes this has been an intelligent, witty and unusually shrewd look at the social acceptance of mixed race relationships.
If the seller supplies goods or services in response, the supply may be regarded as an acceptance of those terms.
Alternative medicines are now winning greater acceptance among doctors.
Kepler comes under great criticism by the geocentrists because of the great role that he played in the acceptance of the heliocentric model.
Introduced by a friend to the local renowned English daily correspondent, to my utter surprise, my dispatches found acceptance and were soon published as 'middles'.
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You have to distance yourself or quiet yourself, take a deep breath and practice what I call acceptance," Prin said.
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They have also indicated an intention to grant a form of license, which would permit only the acceptance of clay and topsoil at the landfill for the purpose of restoration and landscaping.
The publication lag, from time of manuscript acceptance to appearance in print, is slightly more than two months.
So a sort of resigned acceptance set in.
Times, Sunday Times
In a typical gesture of sibling acceptance, Hoss leaned over and forked Adam's untouched ham onto his own plate.
The plan enhanced Chapman's fame in the football world generally, but it was too radical to win immediate acceptance.
The quantum efficiency of the photocathode decreases significantly at 830 nm creating an effective acceptance bandwidth of 650-830 nm in fluorescence detection.
In David McPhail's hands, George is laconic, with an embittered acceptance of an underachieving life.
Unions, factory Inspection, the regulation of the hours of women and children had gained acceptance.
Their acceptance of Lydia is total and is signified by a gesture of affection from his mother.
The main initial difficulty was to secure from the Emperor the acceptance of Pottinger's demands that the imperial commissioners must have plenipotentiary powers, and that they must negotiate in person.
While students experience Dutch society's acceptance of varying sexualities, they also find out that the Netherlands is not always the tolerant Utopia it is perceived by many to be.
Instinctive acceptance of a corporate identity for this constituency forced the party into an integrative role on two distinct but related fronts.
But they ignored the unthinking acceptance that Jeffries enjoyed among a far wider circle of students.
Above all, Byrd has decried the cowardice of Congress in its acceptance of the wholesale repudiation of the US Constitution.
The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. Nathaniel Branden
Just as a denial of cert is not a pronouncement on the merits of a case, the non-consideration of a question not presented cannot reflect “acceptance” on the part of the Court for any given proposition; or that a given proposition is “encoded into the DNA of our law.”
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Bechtel's smart meter reading system has been overwhelming majority of user acceptance and support.
After initial threats to hold a revote - which almost certainly would have gone against the company - all three unions seized upon the change at the top as justification for confirming their acceptance of the earlier ratification vote.
Pour non-shrinking cement, preserve moisture for 15 days and measure data, and perform the acceptance inspection.
I would not accept that the clamper could exact any unreasonable or exorbitant charge for releasing the car, and the court would be very slow to find implied acceptance of such a charge.
Clamping And The Law: Guest Post
It is conception of WHO's dedication to wage evidence-based guidelines to decision makers and a acceptance of the antecedency that should be given to cervical cancer display and treatment as an essential factor of some broad domestic cancer curb programme.
There is an emerging spatial strategy in Ireland, and increasing acceptance of the need for strategic locational planning.
A banker's acceptance is a short-term debt issued by a business firm on which a large commercial bank has guaranteed payment to the investor so that it becomes a liability of the bank.
Anaesthesia and an acceptance of the importance of hygiene, asepsis and antiseptics revolutionised childbirth.
Times, Sunday Times
He wore his royal robes with dignity and gave a huge lift to the wider acceptance of the calypso, as a legitimate cultural medium of social commentary, picong and musical delight.
TrinidadExpress Today's News
And finally, despite my previous acceptance of evolutionary theory as ‘fact,’ I came to the realization that intelligent design, as a theory of origins, is no more religious, and no less scientific, than evolutionism …
Think Progress » Sarah Palin calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
It involves a relation between me as the donor (donans), and another person as the donatory (donatarius), in accordance with the principle of private right, by which what is mine is transferred to the latter, on his acceptance of it, as a gift (donum).
The Science of Right
There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do.
But full acceptance of the importance of large impacts on Earth had to await the exploration of the solar system by spacecraft.
Vedic mathematics, which simplifies arithmetic and algebraic operations, has increasingly found acceptance the world over.
Ultimately, however, it was the compère who mattered - who could they find who represented the indomitable spirit of Britain, the calm acceptance of the ever-present risk of death, and, most important, the triumph of love over death?
Plus, after marching through the Kübler-Ross stages of bad-review grief from "future generations will recognize my genius!" to "they're just jealous!" to sulky acceptance, we can console ourselves with the belief that professional critics bring to their work some instinctual empathy for the artists under review -- an understanding of the passion and elbow grease that go into any sustained work of creativity, no matter the quality of the final product.
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Spouses may reinforce acceptance or tolerance of negative events.
It is important to take the artifact Product Acceptance Plan into account during the AT.
Though a statement of Catholic doctrine, it has received widespread acceptance.
As far as avant-garde culture is concerned, there is a built-in time-lag between critical reception and popular acceptance.
The vertical axis is a measure of the probability of acceptance of an item by the user.
She conditioned her acceptance of the gift on his coming to dinner next evening.
Commencement of performance pursuant to a purchase order constitutes acceptance by the Seller.
Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
Investment incentives are contingent on execution by specified proposal expiry date, and may be withdrawn at any time prior to acceptance.
Today there is a growing acceptance of illegal casual labour and a strong demand for it.
The thought is that by talking about my Webbys' acceptance speech so much, I've jinxed myself out of winning.
This promise was printed prominently on the face of shinplasters to inspire trust and acceptance.
So despite the widespread acceptance of bioengineered crops in this country, farmers still worry whether they'll be able to sell what they grow at home and abroad.
The tantalising apple just above their heads is acceptance as a full member of the western world.
We expect that religious diversity within social networks—religious bridging—will foster greater interreligious acceptance.
American Grace
Good risk management practice incorporates several possible strategies: avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance.
The best examples of this are found in explorations of manufactured colors. reference Even without widespread acceptance of new theories in chemistry — assumptions about elements, or measurement, or phlogiston-based theories of coloration — the focus on colormaking as a chemical operation grew during the eighteenth century.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
And if we work with Muslim communities, we must understand that Islamic law, known as Sharia, prohibits the acceptance or payment of interest fees on loans.
There was much to the conceit but it never gained widespread acceptance and the events leading to 1947 and independence always took precedence over what had happened 90 years earlier.
You have a letter and you have the apparent acceptance of the offer made in the letter by the employees turning up.
This reply is a virtual acceptance of our offer.
The attitude of "progressive" academics in this country toward the jihad against the West has become one of intellectual "dhimmitude" - meaning subservience to, and acceptance of, second-class status by non-Muslims in a Muslim-ruled social order.
On Freedom of Speech and Openness to New Ideas on College Campuses
There is now an acceptance by many that perhaps love really does flow in the veins of the people who drink Vodka distilled from potato seeds.
Two factors weighed against any widespread acceptance of the classical version of atomism.
Then, as belief and an acceptance that there would have to be an element of risk to win it hit home, a goal should really have come.
Times, Sunday Times
It requires the individual to communicate by word and sign his acceptance of the political ideas it thus bespeaks.
As for the concept of voluntary surrender, the author holds the "two factors" theory, for "surrender oneself to justice" and "confess truthfully" consist of the acceptance of adjudication and justice.
It's new and unusual to most folks, and there's definitely a process of acceptance to go through.
The actors are uglier, and they swear more, but I still maintain that the Milch-speak of NYPD was more creative, and the 11-year redemption of Andy Sipowicz is a glorious affirmation of hope and positivity which is actually more “realistic” than the acceptance of despair in The Wire, The Shield, and other “gritty, realistic” TV dramas.
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We have the pleasure to ask your acceptance of our presents.
However, the acceptance of ditheism does not fit in with the monotheistic concept of God and the Devil.
Entry to this competition implies acceptance of the rules as final and legally binding.
The child won acceptance by the teacher.
In a morning message to the Discovery crew, Mission Control sent up a cartoon showing a spacewalking astronaut — Bowen — holding an Oscar statue and giving an acceptance speech."... and I would like to thank all of the little people that made this EVA extravehicular activity happen," the cartoon spacewalker said.
Astronauts tackle spacewalk tasks
It pretends to be pro-gay but stands athwart the path to full equality and social acceptance, crying, ‘No, no, don't go there’.
I hope not because Britain is essentially a decent place to take refuge and find acceptance.
All were to be denied the acceptance they sought because they did not observe the forms of civilized behaviour so dear to their social superiors.
REBELS AND REDCOATS: The American Revolutionary War
A stupendous drawing of Venus rising by Rubens, 30 artworks by Walter Sickert and a poignant note written by Gandhi that was his tacit approval for Indian partition are among a dozen artworks and archives now in the possession of the nation because of the 101-year-old Acceptance in Lieu scheme.
Acceptance in Lieu scheme brings a dozen new gifts to the nation
Scientology has fought long battles for acceptance as a religion.
The seller thus wants to make acceptance as quick, simple and decisive as possible.
Entry to the competition implies acceptance of these rules.
Worse still, his acceptance speech demonstrated that he takes the whole business far too seriously.
The prize winner gave an emotional acceptance speech.
Frankly, there's nothing worse aside from death, global famine, nuclear disaster and all-round armageddon than seeing players in the UFO field fawning all over their peers at conferences as they seek acceptance into the ufological sand-pit by saying the 'right thing' to the 'right people.'
Posthuman Blues
To my mind that telex is a plain acceptance of the amount demanded, since it plainly describes the amount as undisputed.
Finally, acceptance of GE's interpretation would give rise to an inconsistency between Alberta and Ontario statutory registration procedures and potentially create a renvoi.
This reply is a virtual acceptance of our offer.
His acceptance of a huge loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least.
His ideas only found wider acceptance 300 years after his death, when Confucianism was declared a state religion during the Han Dynasty.
Her comprehension of the magical plane, her acceptance of it, was too far outside the range of normal parental behaviour.
We are nudged into an attitude of acceptance and tolerance.
Times, Sunday Times
It is one solution, though, that requires ongoing scrutiny, not uncritical acceptance.
His face lit up with pleasure when he received the letter of acceptance.
The notion of teaching with impartation -acceptance as its main method holds the primary place of university teaching activity.
Ms. Dirks and several fellow members of the Handweavers Guild of Boulder are setting out to boost acceptance of dog hair—or, as they prefer to call it, chiengora, a term built around the French word for dog that also evokes the luxurious feel of angora.
In This Yarn With a Tail, Our Heroes Thirst for Hair of the Dog
In the end, the board recommended acceptance of the offer.
Times, Sunday Times
The answer did not completely satisfy the other young woman, but she nodded in reluctant acceptance.
But in many ways, Czerkawski never found acceptance in Boston.
Analytical reading of history texts should never permit a passive acceptance of other people's interpretations of the past.
This may be criticised on a number of grounds, such as its acceptance of a blunderbuss hit and miss approach, or its presumption of guilt in relation to those whose premises were being searched.
Manufacturer shall notify TCDD 20 (days) before the readiness of the acceptance of the each manufactured turnout delivery.
The UKCC has usefully categorized four stages in the therapeutic use of medicines: prescription, dispensation, administration, and patient acceptance.
Just as infuriating is the witting acceptance among the leadership class.
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He didn't scream, or even cry out, though I heard an exhalation that sounded like acceptance.
His witty acceptance speech impressed an agent, who signed him up.
Times, Sunday Times
There is, it is heartening to note, quite widespread acceptance that language is significant in all subject areas.
In her acceptance she broke the code of propriety, went beyond the established manners in a light encounter.
Acceptance means that hereditary power will soon pass to his ineffectual, unsoldierly son, Richard.
Acceptance of this gave the hierarchy some influence in ensuring this support was as non-political as possible.
Moreover, surveys reveal that the process committee overlay to the traditionally managed organization is winning limited employee acceptance at best.
Typically courteous, he began his acceptance speech by offering copious thanks to all and sundry.
Imagine an environment where you receive acceptance without judgement and break from self-limiting behaviour.
But we can stand our ground on these points and still let the evangelicals help us balance our word to the church: inclusion and acceptance, but also metanoia and new life.
Acceptance of the calf as a pedigree will be acknowledged by the respective breed society once the necessary requirements for that society have been met.
Previously, scientific evidence was allowed only if it had gained the general acceptance of the scientific community.
While the unions representing them have broadly welcomed the packages offered and advised acceptance, the workers believe it is simply not good enough.
These appeals more often than not find a measure of uncritical acceptance in countries that formerly have been monocultures.
He taught with great acceptance for 40 years.
What we see as cultural acceptance might in fact be cultural imperialism - in the same way that Indian tea has long been seen as an English drink.
This may seem surprising in view of the widespread acceptance of monarchy.
Nor has there been widespread acceptance of his proposed cures.
Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
There are a number of important factors that could cause Cardica's results to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements, including risks associated with market acceptance of Cardica's C-Port systems and long-term patency of CABG grafts completed with Cardica's C-Port systems, as well as other risks detailed from time to time in Cardica's SEC reports, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008.
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Had you not been so ungracious when you were rightly called on the carpet for your plagiarism, perhaps you would have gotten a more gracious acceptance of your current admission that you wrong.
One could debate whether that statement reflects acceptance or simply resignation.
As to why the clef disappeared, the answer is lengthy, certainly involves the first acceptance of women as public performers, the rise in popularity of the monodic style which de-emphasized middle voices, and makes for a fascinating scholarly debate.
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With the acceptance of his theory, ‘a grand untrodden field of inquiry will be opened’ in biology and natural history.
Sophisticated cigarette pants with ankle zips will gain acceptance and as will sexy skinny, second skin fitting trousers as close as leggings.
Return the simple Enrolment Form before the close date shown and your acceptance into the Plan is guaranteed.
The instinct born of generations of tradition compels a facile reacceptance.
The Mountebank
Kennan barely managed acceptance to Princeton University but proved to be a good student, though a social misfit disconnected from the culture of the elite eating clubs.
In a pluralistic society religious, moral or cultural values put forward in a public governmental context cannot always be expected to meet with universal acceptance.
Your acceptance into the insurance plan is guaranteed.
Endorse To sign a contract indicating approval of the terms and conditions of the contract. Also referred as acceptance of risk for debt issuance.
After months of trying to undo the harm caused by our deception, we finally managed to promote a grudging parental acceptance of the strange new children of humankind.
There are two common fallacies that play an essential part in the uncritical acceptance of psychic readings.
This can lead to fervent acceptance or rejection uninformed by understanding, the imposition of one mode of thinking on another.
The outgoing Chairman who has now commenced his tenth year in office in his acceptance speech again stated that this would be his last year.
This is a worldview in which all doubts and dilemmas are solved through either divine intervention and/or the acceptance of God's radiant love.
In his acceptance speech, Kemp sought to reach out to those voters with references to the legacy of the Rev.
Similarly, the acceptance of gay rabbis - although small in number - indicates that the majority of congregants judge a person by their integrity rather than their sexuality.
The second notification was that of the king's acceptance of the new constitution; accompanied with fanfaronades in the modern style of the French bureaus.
But the whole point of the question is whether Grant's case applies to a misdirected letter of acceptance.
And without me the school might sink into torpor. Passive acceptance would be the order of the day.
In order to encourage social acceptance of such unions, Anglos claimed that elite Mexican women were the racially pure descendants of the Spanish conquistadores.
Eastern mystical philosophies such as Buddhism promote an attitude of acceptance of suffering and difficulties which are an inevitable part of life.
Maximum public acceptance will require that interactive catalog services have a more entertaining visual appearance than traditional text-intensive catalogs have had.
Quality policy: Creating from fine details , Winning top - grade from management, Gaining acceptance from insistent pursuance.
Regulators argue that new methods must undergo rigorous validation procedures before they gain official acceptance.
Melissa dissembled acceptance and showed only a little of how hurt she felt by this treatment and asked if he would help her understand what she had missed.
Acceptance of originalism, it is charged, would necessitate the reversal of crucially important landmark decisions and thereby provides a reduction ad absurdum of originalism.
They supposed, in their unastonished acceptance of the facts, that things would have to go on like this indefinitely.
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