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How To Use Acceptably In A Sentence

  • Christ, and fear of God; the which, good Christian, thou mayest do, and do acceptably, even though thou shouldst lie bedrid all thy days; thou mayest also be sick and believe, be sick and love, be sick and fear God, and so be a blessed man. The Riches of Bunyan
  • YOUTH unemployment is unacceptably high in the UK. The Sun
  • The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.
  • Brash fashion, garish visuals and acceptably obtrusive sounds make for an attention grabbing set this evening at the Music Box.
  • The fact is that no one believes these threats and no one takes a blind bit of notice because they all know that when push comes to shove the maker of the threat wants to be seen as being acceptably more communautaire than he or she is a staunch defender of British Independence. Archive 2007-09-02
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  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.
  • But the Hollywood Reporter concluded that ‘even extensive edits had failed to produce an acceptably balanced portrayal.’
  • Mutering "acceptably" in the corner like a Church of England Archbishop about Jesus is not going to convert or convince anyone. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Materials such as cottonseed cake which are prepared from seeds known to contain toxic substances (gossypol in the case of cottonseed), should be tested to ensure that they are of acceptably low toxicity for inclusion in feeds for the class of animals for which they are intended. Chapter 7
  • Even longtime supporters of the court, established in The Hague to deal with large-scale atrocities, say they are frustrated by what many call the unacceptably slow pace and numerous missteps that have dragged out the trial, in which NYT > Home Page
  • Fast by the seminar and poster standards, this was unacceptably slow to the scientific community involved.
  • Coming so soon after unacceptably poor figures for the Epsom classics, this intensifies the pressure on the channel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Past longline catch data from these areas show that an unacceptably high level of juvenile swordfish and billfish are being landed.
  • Miss Julia Sherwood's marriage, nor did he go into full particulars as to the personality of Mrs. Frank Armour; but he did say that, because he knew they were anxious that he should marry "acceptably," he had married into the aristocracy, the oldest aristocracy of America; and because he also knew they wished him to marry wealth, he sent them a wife rich in virtues -- native, unspoiled virtues. The Translation of a Savage, Complete
  • That means there are many possible ways such a license could be unacceptably restrictive and non - free.
  • The taciturn landlord, never quite friendly, usually acceptably civil and occasionally helpful, must be a type specially bred to run such places.
  • We are reasonably experienced walkers, acceptably fit and have walked the route several times before.
  • “Configurations of Feminine Reform: The Woman Writer and the Tradition of Dissent” (1994), Marlon Ross argues that for Romantic women writers the act of writing, and furthermore of writing on behalf of liberal reform initiatives, constituted a “double dissension” that could be mitigated by generic manipulation of two sorts: either disguise women's political speech in acceptably feminine modes like the conduct manual or feminize conventional political modes (94). Notes on 'The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece'
  • The way to avoid endless difficulty with admissions is to throw out all the freshmen who don't reach some acceptably high standard of performance. Harvard's Decision on Early Decision, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The trade deficit remains unacceptably high and it may increase. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • Yet activists and outraged parents continue to claim that the costs of childcare are unacceptably high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ann beat me to choosing the mince tart, and excellent it was, with acceptably light pastry.
  • Standards in some places are unacceptably low. Times, Sunday Times
  • New York (CNNMoney. com) – Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said he expects the unemployment rate to remain "unacceptably high" for a long time, even as the economy recovers and job growth slowly resumes. Geithner sees 'unacceptably high' jobless rate
  • _And wapping dell that niggles well_ = a harlot or mistress who "spreads" acceptably. Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896]
  • If he adopts a doctrine of pre-emption, he is unacceptably remaking American national-security policy.
  • Then we read and hear the word acceptably and profitably when we do according to what is written therein, when what appears to be our duty is revived after it has been neglected. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • The Republicans already have relented on one piece of legislation Democrats called unacceptably anti-union and anti-worker: the so-called "right to work" bill. NPR Topics: News
  • Now of course, an animal rights person probably believes that the horse and the hounds suffer unacceptably, along with their quarry.
  • The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.
  • I want to refer to the problem of the unacceptably slow pace at which money collected by the fiscus, which is intended to assist people in need, actually gets distributed. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Providing you never intend to move again, and you can keep it all acceptably clean and civilised then why on earth shouldn't you surround yourself with the accumulations of your life?
  • I went gladly enough, secured the new job, learned how to do it acceptably, and was temerariously happy and light-hearted for two whole weeks. Branded
  • The Federation of Unions of SA (Fedusa) spoke out on Monday against what it termed the unacceptably high incidence of police killings and the negligible number of arrests in such cases. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • On balance, having regard to the ambient background noise, I consider that the additional vehicle movements would not generate such noise and disturbance as to unacceptably harm residents' amenities.
  • A removable battery cover may jolt a hard drive unacceptably when jogging, albeit imperceptibly to the user.
  • Studies have repeatedly found unacceptably high levels of harmful bacteria in street food products.
  • Attempts to increase depth of field by stopping down the aperture resulted in the projected image becoming unacceptably dim.
  • It is hard to disagree with his argument that the financial incentives to leave welfare for a low-paid job are unacceptably poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you are a jockey you know that sometimes the risks are unacceptably high. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • However, current consumption must be kept sufficiently low to provide an acceptably long battery life.
  • Naturally, rhyming slang was adopted by anyone who wanted to introduce a few salty phrases into the conversation, without being unacceptably offensive.
  • Despite all the safety features added to cars, an unacceptably high number of people are killed or hurt in automobiles.
  • Currently it was owed about R15 billion, an amount it described as unacceptably high. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Unemployment today is unacceptably high, but it would have been far higher without these actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time last year a 60 billion annual figure for public borrowing would have been unacceptably high. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few slipped in to be called acceptably midwestern, small town American. "Once you went to a spa when you felt tense. Now you feel tense going to a spa."
  • Sherwood's marriage, nor did he go into full particulars as to the personality of Mrs. Frank Armour; but he did say that, because he knew they were anxious that he should marry "acceptably," he had married into the aristocracy, the oldest aristocracy of America; and because he also knew they wished him to marry wealth, he sent them a wife rich in virtues -- native, unspoiled virtues. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • Without his presence the number of back-row turnovers would be unacceptably low. Times, Sunday Times
  • The risk of error is unacceptably high, and disproportionately shouldered by certain groups.
  • But youth unemployment is unacceptably high. The Sun
  • The bill for prison compensation is unacceptably high and needs to be urgently addressed. The Sun
  • Organisations 'Coalition to highlight what it describes as unacceptably high levels of violence against women and children. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The percentage of lead in our drinking water is unacceptably high
  • If the male nudes were inherently controversial, Hersilia draped in white like her sisters in David's tableaux of the 1780s, would seem to offer an acceptably chaste classical counterpoint.
  • Another set of laws and rules govern the balance of the rights of employees to keep their jobs and the rights of employers to fire workers who aren’t performing acceptably.
  • But the overall level of assistance from rich countries has dropped to an unacceptably low level, she said.
  • She was proficient in the making of preserves and unguents, could play the harpsichord and the virginals acceptably, could embroider an altarcloth to admiration, and, in spite of a trivial lameness in walking, could dance a coranto or a saraband against any woman between two seas. The Certain Hour
  • If exclusivism is unwarrantedly dogmatic, inclusivism and pluralism are unacceptably indeterminate.
  • The government must look again at the unacceptably low retirement ages allowed by public sector schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historically, the preferred treatment for lung cancer patients is surgery, but numerous lung cancer patients are unfit for surgery due to the presence of other medical conditions, such as cardiopulmonary disease related to chronic smoking, that put them at an unacceptably high risk of surgical morbidity and mortality. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The fact remains that inflation is unacceptably high.
  • Where modeling and analysis slow things down unacceptably, intuition and improvisation must prevail.
  • While the disease has been halved in most counties over the past number of years, in west Laois, north Tipperary and south Offaly it has persisted at an unacceptably high level.
  • Audio and video, says Zinevich, are "acceptably" in sync. Eyeball To Eyeball, At A Distance
  • The situation is only today finally being recognized as unacceptably burdensome.
  • Our offspring leave an unacceptably large environmental footprint, as well an infernal mess in the bedroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • Britain's fourth biggest gas and electricity company was blasted for unacceptably long call waiting times as a new IT system was installed. The Sun
  • The indigenous African remedy obeys some rules of preparation which respect and allow the obtention of acceptably standardized products, qualitatively and quantitatively. Chapter 12
  • They often required careful, unnatural speech, with pauses after every word, and their transcription error rate was unacceptably high.
  • Yet activists and outraged parents continue to claim that the costs of childcare are unacceptably high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monitoring these very personal choices in order to identify ill-judged or improper conception decisions would be condemned as an unacceptably intrusive abuse of state power.
  • The MHRA is the government agency responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The difficulty is in which way the non - circulating stock can acceptably enter the second order market.
  • But some of her descendants behave unacceptably, like the worst kind of upper class twits.
  • The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.
  • The death rate for pedestrians hit by cars is unacceptably high.
  • Businesses seek to evade what are perceived as unacceptably high taxes or overly restrictive regulations; mafia groups thrive by providing a means for them to do so.
  • The massive red towers and domes of the Kremlin palaces were acceptably severe and frowning. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.
  • Its exposure to political risk is, therefore, unacceptably high. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an unacceptably long period of time. Times, Sunday Times
  • I say "acceptably" because while you can navigate to and play music files on a phone with SugarSync, the client software doesn't yet provide the full experience of a dedicated music player like MP3Tunes - album art doesn't show and there's no way to shuffle through various tracks. Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • If the network is busy, then voice calls can suffer from latency and the quality of the service becomes unacceptably low.
  • Quite often orgiastic too, not to mention 'acceptably' (so some would have it) depraved. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • But both are acceptably direct, although the Corrado's steering has pinpoint accuracy.
  • They will be beacons of excellence in areas where school standards are unacceptably low. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was also accompanied by a security detail, in case the locals became unacceptably lairy, and by her unborn son for that voguish thing, in utero slum tourism. TV review: Exile and The Secret Millionaire
  • The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.
  • With the lapse of time, they would become stained and have plants growing in the gaps resulting from the acceptably uneven surface of the blocks.
  • Current legal constraints unacceptably hamper our efforts to deal with extremists. Times, Sunday Times
  • July 29 Bloomberg -- The U.S. is approaching the moment it may have to decide which bills to pay, a prospect Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has called "unacceptably risky and unfair" to Americans. -- Top News
  • And the broth was fine- a bit watery, but acceptably flavorful.
  • Gee, I sure wish he would define "a long time," when he says something like "the unemployment rate to remain unacceptably high for a long time". obamarroids Geithner sees 'unacceptably high' jobless rate
  • The massive red towers and domes of the Kremlin palaces were acceptably severe and frowning. THE LAST RAVEN
  • McCain skips vote on amendment “To provide the Veterans Benefits Administration with additional resources to more effectively meet their increasing workload and to better address the unacceptably large claims backlog.” McCain Watch: Yes Please, No Please | Living the Liminal
  • The situation is only today finally being recognized as unacceptably burdensome.
  • The massive red towers and domes of the Kremlin palaces were acceptably severe and frowning. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The massive red towers and domes of the Kremlin palaces were acceptably severe and frowning. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The exposure was set at auto, which often selected otherwise unacceptably slow shutter speeds, resulting in blurry pictures with double images, especially when I was going fast on bumpy paths. Archive 2009-07-01

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