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How To Use Accentuation In A Sentence

  • Such accentuation of nonpolitical aspects of civil society provoked two major criticisms.
  • There's even the familiar accentuation of all odours on the streets; a very warm breeze; heck, even the bus driver played some Hindi songs.
  • Two experiments are carried out to investigate the role consistent accentuation plays in spoken discourse comprehension.
  • For one, the Sanskrit meter depends primarily on quantity - that is, on syllabic duration - rather than on stress, as English does; also, the riks have a tonal accentuation which cannot be introduced into English without artificiality.
  • This movement sounded a bit broader than I am used to or would have expected: it plays with acuteness and every note gets its accentuation, its declamation.
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  • Duncan's accentuation of the foot's flatness and contact with the ground was further emphasized by her love of dancing on lawns in order to feel the earth between her toes.
  • The adverse effect of such strong accentuation on individualism was the erosion of the fragile sense of solidarity, which indigenous tradition attempted to revive in the national form.
  • I found that phrases in the opening got lost because of some odd accentuations.
  • The Fallacy of Accent ([Greek: prosodía]) is neither more nor less than a mistake in Greek accentuation. Deductive Logic
  • If a traditional tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is performed on this type of patient, there will be a limited improvement of the belly with persistence, and maybe even an accentuation, of the hip, back, and buttocks deformities.
  • And the price of buying short term relief would be the accentuation of long term pressures.
  • Then apply the accentuation slowly, don't punch it.
  • Acceleration of the speed at which a simple trochaic succession is presented results thus, first, in a more rapid trochaic tempo, until the duration of two rhythm groups approaches more nearly to the period of subjective rhythmization, when -- the fundamental trochaism persisting -- the previous simple succession is replaced by a dipodic structure in which the phases of major and minor accentuation correspond to the elementary opposition of accented and unaccented phases. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Time has revealed that the pairs of sixteenths in the Gloria and the Te Deum are not daunting but comfortable for good rhythmic accentuation.
  • Over cropping and the accentuation of aromatics (despite the ripeness of the fruit) has led to many wines that I find completely devoid of any elegance and frankly, undrinkable. Jamesport Vineyards 2007 Sauvignon Blanc Reserve
  • a double rhythmical treatment appears, but while with intervals of two seconds the phases of temporal and intensive rhythm coincide, at rates of one and five seconds they are opposed, that is, the accentuation falls on the initial reaction which is followed by the shorter interval. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Inverted dotting was also used by some 17th-century English composers, because it suits the accentuation of the English language.
  • Loaded pauses and … belaboured accentuation as the automotive irritants vroom through another joke … about driveshafts. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • The result was the accentuation of a fundamental conflict in the university's mission between furthering the pursuit of truth and serving the needs of established power.
  • His new administration looks like it will reflect this accentuation.
  • Loaded pauses and … belaboured accentuation as the automotive irritants vroom through another joke … about driveshafts. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • Milton's accentuation of the word "Cambuscan", on the penult; it's properly accented on the ultimate. beccaccia: woodcock. the Duomo's fit ally: "There is, as far as I know, only one Gothic building in Europe, the Duomo of Florence, in which the ornament is so exquisitely finished as to enable us to imagine what might have been the effect of the perfect workmanship of the Renaissance, coming out of the hands of men like Verocchio and Ghiberti, had it been employed on the magnificent framework of Gothic structure. An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
  • Its strengths include: its fanning the flames of love of God and neighbor, insistence that head religion alone is inadequate, its accentuation of the importance of prayer, and its valuing of the solitary way.
  • They have traditionally attempted to respect the text's accentuation by matching accented syllables to accented beats in the music, thus highlighting both rhythm and sense, often to the benefit of both words and music.
  • 'Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him' means 'Scatter the ranks that sally to molest him': but since the words _squander_ and _sally_ occupy similar positions in the two sections of the verse, and are enforced by a similar accentuation, the second verb deprived of its pronoun will follow the first and appear as an imperative; and there is nothing to prevent its being so taken but the contradiction that it makes in the meaning; whereas the grammar should expose and enforce the meaning, not have to be determined by the meaning. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins Now First Published
  • A different kind of divergence occurs when the accentuation of words changes.
  • The accentuation of Edwards' religious leanings does not feel overbearing, but natural and earnest; a man who has relinquished his soul and put his faith in something admittedly supreme.
  • Throughout the ages, they have served as an offensive weapon to knock down fortifications, an accentuation in pieces of classical music, and a rudimentary yet entertaining transport for clowns. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The second component is composed of spindle cell proliferation with accentuation in a periglandular cuff pattern and may contain homologous or heterologous elements.
  • Loaded pauses and … belaboured accentuation as the automotive irritants vroom through another joke … about driveshafts. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • Antepenultimate accentuation only ever surfaces in words with enclitic extensions like *-sa and *-ta. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • Conductors should mark the changes, and conduct them (beating the half-note, as much as possible); singers need only keep an even quarter-note pulse, whether duple or compound, and follow the natural rhythm and accentuation of the text. Introits for Treble Choir
  • So, for Tubby's version of the song, he kept things as simple as he could: crank up the bass, the drums, and the looping guitar lick, and strip out all but a smattering of Badoo vocal samples that he uses as accentuation.
  • This discovery consists in giving up the musical rhythm and replacing it with the rhythmic word, according to the accentuation and necessities of the texts.
  • The result is rather a one-sided return to barbarism or to the feroe natura -- a rehabilitation and accentuation of those ferine traits which make for damage and desolation, without a corresponding development of the traits which would serve the individual's self-preservation and fullness of life in a ferine environment. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • Conductors should mark the changes, and conduct them (beating the half-note, as much as possible); singers need only keep an even quarter-note pulse, whether duple or compound, and follow the natural rhythm and accentuation of the text. Introits for Treble Choir
  • On the one hand, African cultures reflect and participate in the worldwide accentuation of inequalities, as well as the globalization of desires and the creation of a young people's market in (mostly American) consumer products.
  • With no subsidiary, secondary accentuation implied, Toscanini forces you to confront the very nature of speed.
  • Her accentuation of the disciples' spiritual lethargy is all the more striking because she praises her female readers for displaying watchfulness, the very virtue that the disciples lack.
  • He pioneered a style of French text-setting in which the accentuation of weak syllables made for unusual forcefulness and clarity.
  • This in short is a highly deflationary Budget, which, far from promoting growth, would only contribute to a perpetuation and accentuation of the prevailing demand constraint.
  • They have traditionally attempted to respect the text's accentuation by matching accented syllables to accented beats in the music, thus highlighting both rhythm and sense, often to the benefit of both words and music.
  • She identifies that spoken word poetry has its own qualities: dynamics, pitch, accentuation, rhythmic delivery, and tempo.
  • It is sometimes a bit too easy and didactic to consistently underline such things as radical modulations or harmonic shifts, by means of accentuation, rhetorical pauses, ritardandos, etc.
  • Furthermore, the syllables stressed in the music are stressed in the written poem as well; for in the mind of the Negro authors, words and music were one spontaneous creation, and it is the _music_ that gives to the words the accent, instead of the words forming the basis of the accentuation of the music, as with us. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 3, 1918
  • The accentuation of the finale's polka is heart-warming, the string slide on its first appearance pure magic.
  • Not only the syllabic arrangement, but the accentuation is the same; whereas in Latin, the accentuation is often counter; that is, an iambic dimeter in the Hirmos is answered by a trochaic dimeter in the Troparion. Hymns of the Eastern Church
  • It does make me a little nuts sometimes personally since I have my own OCD about that kind of thing too, BUT I have to say that his pronunciation made me sit down once and think about what the accentuation implies. The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 85 - The Ethics of Making Kick Ass and DVDs We Hate (GUEST: Steve Weintraub from Collider) | /Film
  • Indeed, the doctrine of affect - which can be loosely defined as expressive articulation governed by stress and accentuation - was the bread and butter of baroque aesthetics.
  • Perhaps, accentuation of this trend is directly proportional to giving a fillip to the village economy, which is now over-dependent on the milch cows, following the failure of agriculture owing to the rain playing truant.
  • Doug was having a good time too, every time she hit a note hard, he pounded on his cymbals for accentuation.
  • Film-3D isn't like the real world -- it's an accentuation of it; or, in other words, a gimmick. Martin Scorsese Says Even Films Like Precious Should Be in 3D | /Film
  • It is precisely its accentuation of the underlying assumptions of this premeditated corporate world that gives Dream Machine's observations power and relevance.
  • Acceleration of the speed at which a simple trochaic succession is presented results thus, first, in a more rapid trochaic tempo, until the duration of two rhythm groups approaches more nearly to the period of subjective rhythmization, when -- the fundamental trochaism persisting -- the previous simple succession is replaced by a dipodic structure in which the phases of major and minor accentuation correspond to the elementary opposition of accented and unaccented phases. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • There's evidence to suggest that temper tantrums, other emotional outbursts, and grunts and groans aren't a natural part of adolescence, but are actually an accentuation of a young person's personality.
  • The most likely result of this vote will be an accentuation of the crisis, with Euro-style nationalization riding to the rescue within the decade. The Volokh Conspiracy » Crisis, the Health Care Bill, and the Growth of Government

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