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  1. (of verse) having a metric system based on stress rather than syllables or quantity
    accentual rhythm
    accentual poetry is based on the number of stresses in a line
  2. of or pertaining to accent or stress

How To Use accentual In A Sentence

  • These characters include the whole time occupied by each verse of the stanza, the relative values of acatalectic and catalectic verses occurring within the same stanza structure, differences in rhythmical melody between the latter forms, the variations of average intensity in the accentual elements of such lines, and a determination of the values of rests of higher and lower degrees -- mid-line, verse, and couplet pauses -- which appear in the various stanza forms, and their relation to other structural elements. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • He must, I think, be hopelessly blinded by prejudice if he does not come to the conclusion that there is a gulf between the systems of which these two poems are examples -- that if the first is "accentual," "sectional," and what not, then these same words are exactly _not_ the words which ought to be applied to the second. [ The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • accentual rhythm
  • Frederik Kortlandt, On the relative chronology of Slavic accentual developments (2006), p.8 (see pdf): 10.8. Archive 2008-07-01
  • If this is done there will be in common English verse only two possible feet—the so-called accentual Trochee and Dactyl, and correspondingly only two possible uniform rhythms, the so-called Trochaic and Dactylic. Author’s Preface
  • It has one stress, which falls on the only syllable, if there is only one, if there are more, then scanning as above, on the first, and so gives rise to four sorts of feet, a monosyllable and the so-called accentual Trochee, Dactyl, and the First Paeon. Author’s Preface
  • The phonetic theory includes the analysis and classification of speech sounds generally and of the sounds of English in particular; sound grouping, accentual features, quantity, junction, assimilation, intonation; questions may also be asked on the teaching of English pronunciation.
  • This new accentual emphasis sometimes stems from a mere cedilla.
  • If this manuscript hardly recognizes polyphony, notwithstanding the influence of the proses of the school of Saint-Martial-de-Limoges, this is because the author seems to have gone to the limit possible in non-accentual plainsong. Archive 2009-04-01
  • In this it contrasts with the accentual four-stress line of Old English and Middle English alliterative verse, in which the caesura is expected to fall in the middle of the line.
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