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How To Use Accelerated In A Sentence

  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • Tourism has also accelerated immigration to Panajachel and furthered a gradual diversification in its social composition.
  • Air parcels at higher heights over the equator are accelerated down the gradient toward the pole by the force of gravity.
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • I accelerated to overtake the bus.
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  • To escape from the Moon's gravitational field, a sample must be accelerated to a velocity above 2.4 kilometres per second.
  • This process was accelerated, one suspects, by the introduction of colorpoint longhairs to Birman breeding programs.
  • Their decline accelerated during the Oligocene and coincided with the rise of another group of large herbivorous and cursorial mammals, the artiodactyls.
  • This undermining of the colonial system was accelerated further by the formation in 1919 of the Communist International.
  • In the long-day plant Arabidopsis, flowering is accelerated under photoperiods exceeding a critical daylength.
  • This process was accelerated, one suspects, by the introduction of colorpoint longhairs to Birman breeding programs.
  • The charge of the ion is hence changed from negative to positive, and the ion is repelled from the terminal and accelerated towards the exit of the tube which is earthed. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.
  • Ensure that the federal government and state and local governments disburse funds according to an established and accelerated timeline Ed Crego, George Muñoz and Frank Islam: The Need for Austerity and Audacity
  • Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
  • Add potential toxicity and an evil accelerated aging process called glycation to the list of potential bad things that artificial sweeteners do. Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy
  • Fortunately the terrified woman accelerated away, shaken but unharmed.
  • His voice suddenly accelerated into one long run-on sentence, a stuttering river of syllables. GENIE ON THE LOOSE
  • Development and introduction of new diagnostic techniques have greatly accelerated over the past decades.
  • Human actions are of no consequence as far as the geotectonic processes are concerned, but they have greatly accelerated the rate of weathering due to deforestation, overgrazing of pastures, and improper crop cultivation. Global material cycles
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • On the other hand, the temporal value of the unit which appears as the result of subjective rhythmization undergoes a progressive decrease in absolute magnitude as the rate of succession among the undifferentiated stimuli is accelerated. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • The massive forces of the merging clusters accelerated intergalactic gas to great speeds.
  • The more rapidly water gets into circulation, the more action of denitrifying bacteria in breaking down nitrate beds to increase the atmospheric nitrogen supply and the spread of plants to produce oxygen will be accelerated. The Case for Mars
  • When the pace was accelerated at the half way point Geraghty was in the best possible place to take full advantage and he was clear of his field at the last flight of hurdles.
  • He also showed that the toxin-antitoxin reaction is, as chemical reactions are, accelerated by heat and retarded by cold and that the content of antitoxin in antitoxic sera varied so much for various reasons that it was necessary to establish a standard by which their antitoxin content could be exactly measured. Paul Ehrlich - Biography
  • The movement to suppress counter-revolutionaries accelerated his ability to remove political opposition.
  • In particular, it is violated during the accelerated expansion predicted in theories of cosmic inflation.
  • They proposed group forms and megastructures to gain conceptual control and to achieve formal coherence in a city of accelerated modernization.
  • The results showed that the fragment walnut kernel's peroxide value and acid value are increasing in the time of accelerated oxidation.
  • The tape cut off as the limo sped up and accelerated below a triple underpass.
  • In 1938 the first European cyclotron at Collège de France in Paris accelerated a deuteron beam up to 4 MeV and by hitting a target, an intense source of neutrons was produced. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • In our accelerated world of time, we seek desperately to harness whatever we can and try even harder to use it sedulously.
  • The increase in diagnoses, already a cause for concern, accelerated in the 1980s, growing by a rate of four percent a year. Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer
  • Its growth was rapidly accelerated by nanoassemblers, but it remained in a virtually decerebrate condition under external life support until its skull was sufficiently large enough for your brain to be transplanted. A King of Infinite Space
  • As Tiberius was immediately adopted by Augustus, Germanicus became a member of the Julian gens in the direct line of succession; and his career was accelerated by special dispensations.
  • I'm using the term in the sense of "segmental" progerias, conditions in which an organism expresses some but not all component of accelerated aging. Fight Aging!
  • As you accelerated, you would see the Universe itself appear to squash up in the direction of flight.
  • Proline (PRO) biosynthesis was stimulated, peroxidase (POD) activities was accelerated and resistivity of soybean plant was enhanced by Cd stress.
  • Lerner and his colleagues studied genes in actively dividing cells from young, middle-aged and old patients, and those with progeria, another rare genetic disorder characterized by accelerated aging.
  • If the host doesn't like the competitor or ratings slump the timer will be arbitrarily accelerated.
  • Devoted to public order and financial stability, he presided over and accelerated the collapse of both.
  • The steady decline and deterioration continued at an accelerated pace.
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • Working closely with other creative people at Black Mountain, artists often experienced accelerated creative growth.
  • It speaks, you could say, for much in the accelerated world where we speed between continents and think we have conquered both space and time.
  • The process had accelerated by the autumn into revolution.
  • The predictable result was an accelerated degradation of the ecosystem.
  • For agriculture, the most significant result of accelerated soil erosion is a reduction in productivity.
  • Over the last ten years, the number of Internet hosts has grown at an accelerated rate; slowdowns and traffic jams are plaguing the information superhighway.
  • The transit time in these patients was accelerated by a laxative, metoclopramide, and colonic lavage.
  • It is assumed that the accumulation of osmotically active compounds, such as sugars, proline and betaine is accelerated, leading to water efflux from the anther wall and thus triggering dehiscence.
  • All private assets were perishing; perceptions of risks were sky-high as bankruptcies amongst the banks accelerated.
  • Foreign doctors arriving in the United States can proceed through accelerated programs established to confirm their training and expertise.
  • It demanded accelerated exaltation, accepted no instant without pregnant meanings as in epic, tragedy, comedy, or films.
  • While it may appear that these changes are recent vintage, medical researchers in the 1960's described a stress syndrome ( "Type A Behavior Pattern") which included polyphasic thinking that tried to keep pace with the "time urgent/hurry sickness" accelerated pace of life. Stephen Josephson: Do Social Websites Hurt Kids' Brains? Give Me a Break!
  • Devonish, out in lane six, ran his own race despite pressure from the inside lanes and accelerated away to his first major track title.
  • Deanna could make out the tiny red pinpricks of fighters and missiles swarming toward the two ships as they accelerated madly to attempt an escape.
  • The improvement of the original 1.2m cyclotron to enhance its accelerated particles-energies with increasing main magnet exciting current and reshimming the magnetic field is described.
  • It may reduce the accelerated bone loss of menopause, even in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. 3.
  • In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
  • To paraphrase economist Angus Maddison, for 1800 years progress was virtually non-existent, then it accelerated sharply. Emancipation From What ... Capitalism?
  • 1 Conversely, mounting evidence suggests that excess fat (what scientists call "adiposity") is associated with accelerated aging. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The absorption of cimetidine and ranitidine is accelerated when coadministered with cisapride.
  • This research used the seed vigor index under the artificial accelerated aging test as the standard of seed vigor evaluation.
  • Phosphorus applied to fields as manure or commercial fertilizer can move into bodies of water during erosion and runoff events, and is largely responsible for the accelerated eutrophication of many bodies of water in Ohio.
  • As Northeast Old Industrial Base, Dalian enjoys expanded scope of offset for VAT, and also the favorable policy on accelerated depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend.
  • It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
  • Urbanisation accelerated, and with it Africa's international trade in manufactures and services.
  • Economic contraction and deindustrialization in mass-production industries in the 1970s and early 1980s accelerated the decline in union membership.
  • As Northeast Old Industrial Base, Dalian enjoys expanded scope of offset for VAT, and also the favorable policy on accelerated depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • Both have been accelerated since the war by the widespread application of the internal combustion engine.
  • The middle class isn't just increasing in size but changing in character, a trend accelerated by deindustrialisation.
  • New Amsterdam's incorporation as a municipality in 1653 accelerated its transformation into a city consciously modeled on Dutch prototypes.
  • The proposal raises the question of whether government aid is required for workers affected by globalization, and whether this aid should come from the EU: 1. Uncompetitive workers: Globalization has accelerated the pace of economic change and delocalization in the EU. EU's Weak Means To Combat Globalization
  • So, of course, since this bill will be so bad for the “Democrat Party” all the Republicans will be voting for it to make sure that their demise is accelerated, right? Think Progress » Rep. Paul Broun: The ramifications of health reform will be like ‘the Great War of Yankee Aggression.’
  • Brachem Acquisition S.C.A. sold 7 million shares at 71.50 euros each through an accelerated bookbuild. Goldman Sachs was the sole book runner.
  • It is not restricted to inertial frames, and it encompasses a broader range of phenomena, namely gravity and accelerated motions.
  • I cannot say about other spheres, but in cardiology, which is my province, this atmosphere contributed to accelerated study of such acute problems as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, sudden death and arrhythmia and facilitated introduction of new methods of diagnosis and therapy. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - Nobel Lecture
  • After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
  • After accelerated training he arrived at a military hospital in India and, as the only resident doctor, he spent each week preparing for the bibulous round of a visiting Harley Street grandee.
  • The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated.
  • Had they done so they would certainly have greatly accelerated the rate at which they colonised the land.
  • The diffusion of rye and oats, mainly reserved for animal feedstuffs in antiquity, was slow at first, accelerated from the seventh century onwards, and expanded dramatically in the tenth century.
  • These electrons are then accelerated by a static electric field towards a fluorescent screen.
  • Another project that the ministry has suddenly accelerated after two years of inaction is a new missile designed to destroy enemy radars.
  • The argument for the accelerated vesting is that, without it, CEOs would be less inclined to pursue a merger.
  • It may reduce the accelerated bone loss of menopause, even in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. 3.
  • He was driving a lorry and accelerated away, escaping with minor injuries.
  • Later, the business world turned to Manila hemp, accelerated by the Japanese Industrial Revolution.
  • Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
  • Another concept on trial in the United States is that of accelerated compensable events or designated compensable events.
  • Whether the conditions within the wood and plaster coffin contributed to accelerated color change, or whether this individual naturally had more phaeomelanin pigmentation in his hair is hard to say without further analysis. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Archaeological Hair
  • For a moment, it fishtailed wildly as it accelerated at a speed he would have thought impossible for such an old beater.
  • In spite of victory, Britain's participation in two world wars accelerated social changes, altering both social attitudes and power relations.
  • Whereas increasing temperature accelerated fluorescence depolarization, increasing solvent viscosity slowed the process down.
  • The boom has been fuelled by accelerated demand for consumer products with even small grocery stores receiving up to 12 deliveries every day.
  • The reason it’s enlivening is because of the pace is accelerated through ultra-short paragraphs. Three Techniques to Avoid Being a Boring Writer | Write to Done
  • His performance was one of the consolations of Ireland's mauling eight days ago and yesterday he accelerated the impression of an international career on the mend.
  • In this model the gamma rays are emitted as synchrotron radiation by electrons that are accelerated to much lower energies.
  • Strikes by bricklayers have also accelerated the trend, as builders seek ways to ensure construction completion dates.
  • The process of urbanisation and industrialisation has accelerated rapidly in recent years.
  • But this somehow became tit for tat, and evaluation times for marketed drugs was accelerated.
  • Most of the northern lights we see originate in the electrons accelerated into the ionosphere.
  • Through orthogonal optimized proportion and suitable accelerated burning test, experiment has successfully produced high strength and performance fly ash lightweight aggregate.
  • About seven more years had been added to expectation of life up to 1901, after which the pace accelerated sharply.
  • As the ship accelerated, chunks of the back end began to fly off and disintegrate.
  • James accelerated when he heard them yell.
  • Then Redell pointed the aircraft's nose down the runway and accelerated ever so smoothly.
  • In spite of victory, Britain's participation in two world wars accelerated social changes, altering both social attitudes and power relations.
  • The rippling effects of the zone's economy accelerated the industrialization of surrounding countryside.
  • in an accelerated program in school
  • Quarrels over succession, corrupt and incompetent administration, and revolts accelerated disintegration.
  • All of these developments accelerated growth when coupled to the steam and telegraphic evolutions, which in their turn spawned fresh management techniques and new methods of feeding the urban masses.
  • Ben and I share something called dyscalculia, or, simply stated, math dyslexia.www., an individual with dyscalculia may have accelerated language skills, poetic and creative ability, and a good visual memory. Stories
  • After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
  • Eventually the granite that forms the "basement" of our current continents formed in the crust, probably by fractional crystallization of lighter oxides of silicon and aluminum (accelerated by rapid mixing of crustal materials via subduction, remelting, and metamorphosis). Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • They die within a day; their lifespan is accelerated because time works on them differently, just as time works differently on a Galapagos tortoise and a Rattus rattus. BLANKENSHIP & DAWES IN: CHRONO-CONUNDRUM! • by Jens Rushing
  • This paper has introduced the method of manufacturing rotating blade in Meridionally accelerated axial flow fan.
  • As his speed increased, the non-human signals accelerated to match, and all signals in front of him, human or otherwise, closed in toward the road. Backlash « A Fly in Amber
  • Accelerated procedure is intended to apply to claims which are certified.
  • During the next several Earth-days of time, they accelerated with all the power that their bubb ionics could wring out of the sunshine, weakened now, with distance. The Planet Strappers
  • Based on statistical data, the scheduler decides whether the application will be hardware accelerated or whether a corresponding software function is used.
  • Citing U.S. officials, The New York Times said that after nearly a year-long pause in American airstrikes, the U.S. has accelerated its campaign in an attempt to keep militants linked to al-Qaida from consolidating power. Report: US Intensifying Covert War in Yemen
  • Coastal Aviation specialized in offering accelerated training to pilots seeking multiengine and instrument ratings for commercial flights, says its former owner Paul Proctor. A North Carolina Qaeda Cell?
  • The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend.
  • Closures of railway lines had been taking place for many years, accelerated by the growing availability of cars in the 1950s.
  • Second, Crow suggests that evolutionary processes were greatly accelerated by female selection of highly verbal males.
  • Stremlau M, Perron M, Lee M, Li Y, Song B, et al. (2006) Specific recognition and accelerated uncoating of retroviral capsids by the TRIM5 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It served as a catalyst which greatly accelerated the pace of change within the Empire.
  • Although experience, ability, and leadership are emphasized for promotion, advancement may be accelerated by this type of special study.
  • He accelerated, hoping to outrun his three remaining pursuers and buy him enough time to seek safe passage.
  • This accelerated just pixel processing and rasterisation.
  • The positive ions are accelerated to a narrow beam by the use of negative plates and a high voltage.
  • As the 747's engines wound up to high power, and the aircraft accelerated, sensors monitoring the cowl positions transmitted incorrect 'reverser' signals. HEADLINES
  • The Thunderbolt who heralded the Silver Age with his 1956 revival had his particles accelerated to the speed of light by blue omicron rays ... but that's another story. Archive 2010-01-01
  • They also said they are "cognisant" of the risks created by accelerated capital inflows to the region and said they will continue to monitor these, a source of concern-especially for countries with high interest rates like Indonesia that have seen a build up of volatile flows in recent months. | Top Stories
  • The world is undergoing a process of recalibration, not the accelerated decline of civilisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, since the First World War, the development of archaeology has accelerated dramatically.
  • Another project that the ministry has suddenly accelerated after two years of inaction is a new missile designed to destroy enemy radars.
  • The pace of urbanization accelerated as did the development of civil society visible before 1905.
  • Brachem Acquisition S.C.A. sold 7 million shares at 71.50 euros each through an accelerated bookbuild. Goldman Sachs was the sole book runner.
  • Devoted to public order and financial stability, he presided over and accelerated the collapse of both.
  • Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
  • They also said they are "cognizant" of the risks created by accelerated capital inflows to the region and said they will continue to monitor these, a source of concern — especially for countries with high interest rates like Indonesia that have seen a buildup of volatile flows in recent months. Asean Ministers Vow Coordinated Policies
  • Electrons accelerated in the interelectrode gap penetrate into the space behind the mesh anode, where they form a current pulse normal to the mesh surface. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • Fueled by a still reasonably robust economy, the trend in Williamsburg seems to have accelerated.
  • Let us hope and pray that the agents of education will realize the great responsibility they have in moulding the future citizens of the world, so that our progress towards the achievement of our ideal will be accelerated.
  • Skincare packaging, too, has accelerated into the 21st century in terms of design.
  • As the bullets chewed through the surface each helicopter bucked as it took the weight of the shell, and Paul uttered a brief murmur to himself as their car accelerated toward the gate, hoping the helicopters could take the load.
  • The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.
  • For half an hour there were no cars as we accelerated, paralleling the line of the river through fields of rich soil resized to prairie proportions.
  • As you accelerated, you would see the Universe itself appear to squash up in the direction of flight.
  • In fact, thought Roskill, he looked rather like a solitary, oversized waxwork which had been stolen from Madame Tussaud's and then abandoned to become a pedestrian obstacle: he stood unmoving, engrossed in a dull-looking, stiff-covered mag; azine, oblivious of the passers-by who eddied round him and of the traffic which accelerated past his nose. The Alamut Ambush
  • In many cells, endocytotic membrane retrieval is accelerated by this chemical.
  • The accelerated pace of mashup adoption in the enterprise is related to two business parameters: revenue and costs.
  • So at 9 a.m., I turned left off Shady Grove Road onto the newly opened Route 200 ramp and accelerated onto the wide, sparsely trafficked intercounty connector. In the fast lane on the ICC
  • Again, most of these men ceased their involvement with ganja by the early 1980s because of accelerated police interdiction efforts.
  • Viewers, meanwhile, are advised to interpret some of the snippier comments as neither locker-room wisdom nor personal attacks, but as simple byproducts of filling too many broadcast hours with too few topics on too accelerated a sports news cycle. NYT > Home Page
  • It also makes for a deeply satisfying rush at times, particularly when their sludgy rock pulse is accelerated into viscous gobs of noise or howls of feedback.
  • For technical reasons, it is easier to do that test at RHIC by colliding deuterons accelerated in one of the collider's two rings with heavy nuclei in the other ring.
  • He did not give reason why the plan could not be accelerated in those areas previously identified as nodal points, including: ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Soon after growth accelerated when the common was enclosed and plots of land were sold off.
  • They heard the roar of the engines and squealing of tires as the cars accelerated quickly from Ottawa Street.
  • As the economic climate gradually improves, this process will be accelerated through an effective partnership between the public and private sectors.
  • Laboratory studies have indicated accelerated decomposition of soil organic matter in temperate forests and grasslands due to temperature and precipitation changes, or the CO2-induced enhancement of decomposition by mycorrhizae. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 2
  • Coordinated monetary and fiscal policies put in place to offset the effects of the stock market crash quickly accelerated the global economy.
  • In this model the gamma rays are emitted as synchrotron radiation by electrons that are accelerated to much lower energies.
  • The resulting ions and electrons are accelerated by the electric field around the wire, causing a cascade of ionization, which is collected on the wire, giving an electric current proportional to the energy of the original particle. Georges Charpak obituary
  • This process, tumor angiogenesis, gives tumors blood needed for accelerated growth. The Scientist
  • He carried on round the corner of the hotel and then accelerated away down the other half of the loop.
  • He accelerated the car
  • With a growl, Satyr turned on the engine and accelerated into his father's car, denting the side and scratching the doors.
  • Construction of compound industry zone of ecological economy can be accelerated by taking powerful measures.
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of accelerated aging of wheat seeds either over a saturated solution of sodium chloride or over water.
  • Throughout 2003 the monthly increases in the unemployment rate accelerated and the average number of hours worked declined.
  • After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
  • The positive ions are accelerated to a narrow beam by the use of negative plates and a high voltage.
  • Imaging systems for EPL incorporate accelerated electron beams and require high-sensitivity resists.
  • The movement to suppress counter-revolutionaries accelerated his ability to remove political opposition.
  • The ions are accelerated when they move in the gap between the electrodes inside which they move screened from the electric field. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • My heart accelerated dramatically as I grabbed my bag and snapped the door shut.
  • This destruction is accelerated by the activities of cattle ranchers who grow beef for export to fast food chains in the United States.
  • One spark for the shares could come from accelerated stock repurchases, argue some investors and analysts.
  • The pace of political reform in the colony was sharply accelerated following a wave of disturbances precipitated by a rally of ex-soldiers in Accra in February 1948.
  • As the 1860s drew to a close, Kansas effectively put its violent heritage behind; change accelerated by leaps and bounds.
  • All twelve of Devil fighters scrambled and accelerated to top speed and engaged the puny defences of Sky Base Beta.
  • The boom has been fuelled by accelerated demand for consumer products with even small grocery stores receiving up to 12 deliveries every day.
  • Making news today, BlueScope Steel said it would conduct a fully underwritten four-for-five accelerated renounceable entitlement offer to raise $600 million to repay debt. | Top Stories
  • If matter is present where the photons cross, non-linear effects caused by accelerated electric charges may allow the photons to interact.
  • Special function unit can efficiently enhance tile microprocessor's performance, but the applications that can be accelerated are limited because of its customization.
  • The caudal fin represents the distal region of the vertebrate axis and is the region of the body where fluid accelerated anteriorly is shed into the surrounding medium.
  • The movement of the clouds is accelerated by atmospheric temperature and other environmental factors.
  • What stock options were accelerated in vesting as part of the December 2005 termination contract that McGavick signed? Sound Politics: Liberals Hate Money...When It Isn't Theirs
  • If matter is present where the photons cross, non-linear effects caused by accelerated electric charges may allow the photons to interact.
  • Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
  • After they have recovered, the blackening of the teeth by means of betel chewing is accelerated by means of a black liquid obtained by burning cocoa-nut shells on iron. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Application of pressure through the recording pipette accelerated the positive shift and removal of pressure simply slowed the shift.
  • The integrated iodate and total-iodine concentrations accompanying accelerated growth of natural phytoplankton in eight 14-m deep mesocosm experiments did not vary significantly.

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