
How To Use Accelerate In A Sentence

  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • In year 2000, central government established the "going out" strategy which is equally important as and to accelerate each other with the " brining in" strategy.
  • The Syracuse group is developing prototypes of software technologies which will accelerate the take-up of general purpose parallel computing.
  • Tourism has also accelerated immigration to Panajachel and furthered a gradual diversification in its social composition.
  • A unique feature of VTM - 4 is that it drives the rear wheels whenever the vehicle accelerates, even on dry pavement.
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  • Air parcels at higher heights over the equator are accelerated down the gradient toward the pole by the force of gravity.
  • The wolf market may be here to stay, at least until the economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find footing.
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • These adjustments could quickly accelerate into a meaningful reallocation of government spending.
  • If a player couldn't use the side of the ball to accelerate his dribble, we might never see another layup.
  • Inflation did eventually accelerate, and tight-money measures have barely begun to halt it.
  • While the lenders reserved all other rights and remedies that might be available under the credit agreement, but "did not by its terms purport to accelerate the maturity of the obligations outstanding. SiliconBeat
  • I accelerated to overtake the bus.
  • To escape from the Moon's gravitational field, a sample must be accelerated to a velocity above 2.4 kilometres per second.
  • This process was accelerated, one suspects, by the introduction of colorpoint longhairs to Birman breeding programs.
  • Their decline accelerated during the Oligocene and coincided with the rise of another group of large herbivorous and cursorial mammals, the artiodactyls.
  • Saxicolous species of lichens are able to induce and accelerate weathering of their rock substrates, and effects of lichens on substrates can be attributed to both physical and chemical causes.
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • To put it simply, this bike climbs like a squirrel, descends like a greased squirrel on a luge, corners like a decagon, and accelerates like a methamphetamine-addicted rabbit. Happy Birthday To Me: BSNYC Turns 1
  • This undermining of the colonial system was accelerated further by the formation in 1919 of the Communist International.
  • In the long-day plant Arabidopsis, flowering is accelerated under photoperiods exceeding a critical daylength.
  • This process was accelerated, one suspects, by the introduction of colorpoint longhairs to Birman breeding programs.
  • WebSphereDataPower SOA Appliances – These appliances are purpose-built, easy-to-deploy network devices to simplify, help secure, and accelerate your XML and Web services deployments.
  • With a bit of a fishtail I'm stomping the pedals to accelerate again.
  • Cars accelerate from the stop lights and just manage a gear change if the following ones are green at the other end of our block.
  • The charge of the ion is hence changed from negative to positive, and the ion is repelled from the terminal and accelerated towards the exit of the tube which is earthed. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • They snatch the ball out of the air and accelerate upfield.
  • Large Hadron collider is 27 Km in circumference and will accelerates protons to 99. 99999% the speed of light (I might not have gotten the right number of 9s, sorry if this spoils your calculations if you are trying this at home). Boing Boing
  • If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate, they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.
  • They were heading for the bullseye to begin with, but then the target started to accelerate it speeded up.
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.
  • If there was an ‘ongoing investigation’ of ‘national security’ issues guarded by ‘executive priveledge’ would the McSpin accelerate fast enough to tear a hole in the space-time continuum? Think Progress » October 7: The Beginning of CIA Leak Scandal, The Beginning of the End
  • Ensure that the federal government and state and local governments disburse funds according to an established and accelerated timeline Ed Crego, George Muñoz and Frank Islam: The Need for Austerity and Audacity
  • Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
  • Wearing a mask to accelerate his oxygen intake, he sometimes would be joined by a therapist who worked on his leg, massaging the tissue.
  • Accelerate the putter down the line, and you'll groove a sound stroke.
  • Add potential toxicity and an evil accelerated aging process called glycation to the list of potential bad things that artificial sweeteners do. Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy
  • Fortunately the terrified woman accelerated away, shaken but unharmed.
  • The prostration of the Democratic Party has encouraged the Bush administration to accelerate its attacks on working people.
  • The next stage of satellite development will accelerate this trend rapidly.
  • His voice suddenly accelerated into one long run-on sentence, a stuttering river of syllables. GENIE ON THE LOOSE
  • He would accelerate, then pull the handbrake up and then he would have to keep really good control of the steering wheel as the car spun round.
  • Some research also shows that glucosamine can accelerate wound healing and may reduce wrinkles. The Sun
  • This is a versatile four-door saloon that can out accelerate supercars costing almost ten times as much.
  • We shall accelerate community building and promote the socialization of social security.
  • The Ferrari can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 6.3 seconds.
  • It has the simple interpretation that treatment accelerates or decelerates the lifetime by a scale factor.
  • Development and introduction of new diagnostic techniques have greatly accelerated over the past decades.
  • There is gap corrosion between mainstream tube and branch tube, due to oxygen concentration-difference cell and self-catalysis of chlorine ions, which accelerates corrosion.
  • It connects with engine electronics and beeps when the driver brakes hard, takes a corner fast or accelerates quickly.
  • Human actions are of no consequence as far as the geotectonic processes are concerned, but they have greatly accelerated the rate of weathering due to deforestation, overgrazing of pastures, and improper crop cultivation. Global material cycles
  • Combine railroad of east-northeast ministry area to build, accelerate advance construction of classics trade big channel.
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • On the other hand, the temporal value of the unit which appears as the result of subjective rhythmization undergoes a progressive decrease in absolute magnitude as the rate of succession among the undifferentiated stimuli is accelerated. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • The massive forces of the merging clusters accelerated intergalactic gas to great speeds.
  • It's an unpredictable neoplasm--we see them accelerate, then stabilize, then accelerate again. GENIE ON THE LOOSE
  • But he certainly helped to accelerate the rate of economic and social change in the cities and towns along the shore of Lake Michigan.
  • Lavinia and Camilla, perfectly relieved now from all fears for their brother, repaired to the study of their father, anxious to endeavour to chear him, and to accelerate a meeting and reconciliation for Lionel; but they found him desirous to be alone, though kindly, and unsolicited, he promised to admit his son before dinner. Camilla
  • This time delay can have safety and/or economic consequences hence the need to accelerate the experts' diagnosis and decision processes.
  • This practice, along with continued ‘sugging’ and ‘frugging,’ accelerates the tend, as Democratic pollster Mark Melman observed in a 1996 interview with John Nielson broadcast on National Public Radio's ‘All Things Considered.’
  • A number of tweaks have been made to accelerate the pace of the game, making matches a much harder fought battle on the hard court.
  • The more rapidly water gets into circulation, the more action of denitrifying bacteria in breaking down nitrate beds to increase the atmospheric nitrogen supply and the spread of plants to produce oxygen will be accelerated. The Case for Mars
  • My bike accelerates faster, though, and it's a lot more agile, and I have a clear picture in my head of the city grid for this section and a feel for the traffic rhythms.
  • For health sectors to justify the large sums of money they will need if climate change does accelerate insect-borne disease, they must be able to convince governments that it is a high priority.
  • To get into the correct impact position, the clubhead must start to accelerate right from the commencement of the downswing.
  • Accelerate smartly so that you can get into top gear as quickly as possible.
  • While most youthful tyros either head across the Atlantic or idle uncomfortably on the benches of domestic clubs, Horne took matters into his own hands to accelerate his learning curve.
  • In some areas chicha was believed to cure bronchitis, colds, and other chest ills as well as to accelerate the birth process - it was the Bolivian equivalent of chicken soup.
  • That's because the play is about a neurochemist named Roland Welby who is doing research on a fictional drug called Zeropinealphrine which, it seems, could radically accelerate human evolution.
  • While the bruins do indeed lose bone mass during their hibernation, the researchers discovered that bone production remains constant and may even accelerate as the bears wake up and become active again.
  • Environmental factors can accelerate the development of certain cancers.
  • What was clear from the dinner is that rising oil, gas and coal prices will accelerate such changes and will help, if you'll excuse the phrase, to 'decarbonise the economy'.
  • For as the American-led Coalition Provisional Authority accelerates, apparently unstoppably, towards a handover of sovereignty in Iraq to a transitional government next summer, a critical question is emerging.
  • Kevin Jones, engineering manager at JVM, said: 'The HP400 accelerates in the linear axes at around 1G to 60m/min rapid traverse in all axes, which is fast for a machine of this size with ballscrew drives. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • In oil, they have an incredibly valuable resource that can be used to accelerate their economic development and reduce poverty.
  • Eventually I gave up trying to accelerate hard because the engine started pinking, which seemed to get worse as time went by, so maybe it was running below par.
  • There is a different level of blood clotting in patents who are suffering from chron- ic renal corpuscle nephritis. And the increase of blood viscosity can accelerate thrombosis in blood vessel.
  • When the pace was accelerated at the half way point Geraghty was in the best possible place to take full advantage and he was clear of his field at the last flight of hurdles.
  • The value of these character jugs can accelerate quite quickly once they have been discontinued but those in continuous production stay fairly static.
  • In the ACCs, the money supply began to accelerate at the beginning of 1970.
  • He also showed that the toxin-antitoxin reaction is, as chemical reactions are, accelerated by heat and retarded by cold and that the content of antitoxin in antitoxic sera varied so much for various reasons that it was necessary to establish a standard by which their antitoxin content could be exactly measured. Paul Ehrlich - Biography
  • Consequently there is a change in excitation and the motor starts to accelerate at a rate dictated by the load parameters.
  • The movement to suppress counter-revolutionaries accelerated his ability to remove political opposition.
  • Globalisation accelerates both the economic and military impact of imperialist intervention.
  • But the efficiencies created by precise spacing are so large, and the improvement in performance so predictable, that from nearly the moment Ebbinghaus described the spacing effect, psychologists have been urging educators to use it to accelerate human progress. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • The particle will accelerate under the action of the applied force.
  • In particular, it is violated during the accelerated expansion predicted in theories of cosmic inflation.
  • They proposed group forms and megastructures to gain conceptual control and to achieve formal coherence in a city of accelerated modernization.
  • The results showed that the fragment walnut kernel's peroxide value and acid value are increasing in the time of accelerated oxidation.
  • The tape cut off as the limo sped up and accelerated below a triple underpass.
  • Environmental factors can accelerate the development of certain cancers.
  • In 1938 the first European cyclotron at Collège de France in Paris accelerated a deuteron beam up to 4 MeV and by hitting a target, an intense source of neutrons was produced. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • In our accelerated world of time, we seek desperately to harness whatever we can and try even harder to use it sedulously.
  • The forces on him are no longer equal and he also starts to accelerate upwards.
  • Packaging Technologies is using a rotational rheometer to accelerate the development of new food-grade and industrial sealants. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • What the figures don't tell you, though, is just how quickly this little car accelerates in the midrange.
  • The incorporation of microelectronics in products and manufacturing processes is likely to accelerate this trend.
  • A push from a simple starter will set them rolling, after which their tractive tyres will accelerate them automatically.
  • But it could also accelerate a switch to cleaner gas-fired generation.
  • The increase in diagnoses, already a cause for concern, accelerated in the 1980s, growing by a rate of four percent a year. Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer
  • Why is it easier to accelerate an electron to a speed that is close to the speed of light, compared to accelerating a proton to the same speed?
  • Its growth was rapidly accelerated by nanoassemblers, but it remained in a virtually decerebrate condition under external life support until its skull was sufficiently large enough for your brain to be transplanted. A King of Infinite Space
  • As Tiberius was immediately adopted by Augustus, Germanicus became a member of the Julian gens in the direct line of succession; and his career was accelerated by special dispensations.
  • I'm using the term in the sense of "segmental" progerias, conditions in which an organism expresses some but not all component of accelerated aging. Fight Aging!
  • The party had 'coquetted' with Afrikaner nationalism in 1920-22 and helped it into power in 1924, 'if only to accelerate the disillusionment of Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 17
  • The concord represents a paradigm shift, and will accelerate regional integration and identity-building.
  • As you accelerated, you would see the Universe itself appear to squash up in the direction of flight.
  • To close superficial wounds, physicians can accelerate epithelialization, generally using an occlusive dressing that creates a warm, moist, environment, he said.
  • The two forces acting on the spring are not equal, which is why the spring starts to accelerate upwards.
  • Proline (PRO) biosynthesis was stimulated, peroxidase (POD) activities was accelerated and resistivity of soybean plant was enhanced by Cd stress.
  • Accordingly, he had restrained his own consumption just as Cunningham's had begun to accelerate out of control.
  • Although we did not monitor the ground-level microclimate and soil conditions, poor or no shrub and herb layer inside and outside our exclosures would accelerate soil drying and evaporative transpiration water loss.
  • Lerner and his colleagues studied genes in actively dividing cells from young, middle-aged and old patients, and those with progeria, another rare genetic disorder characterized by accelerated aging.
  • If the host doesn't like the competitor or ratings slump the timer will be arbitrarily accelerated.
  • Lastly the author makes umpty countermeasure suggestions on how to accelerate the healthy development of the school-based in-service training in our country.
  • Devoted to public order and financial stability, he presided over and accelerated the collapse of both.
  • Instead, the negotiators elected to accelerate to a Monday announcement.
  • The enhancement of competitive can accelerate the process of social capital accumulation reversely .
  • NASA is proposing to "realign" research and technology in the physical and life sciences in order to accelerate the development of crew vehicles and to complete the ISS. NASA Watch: ISS News: November 2005 Archives
  • The year's purpose is to accelerate the development and provision of national and international communications.
  • The steady decline and deterioration continued at an accelerated pace.
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • With the arm resting on the couch the force needed to accelerate the arm is coming from the material of the couch.
  • This compels the Army to accelerate the development of selected future force capabilities.
  • Working closely with other creative people at Black Mountain, artists often experienced accelerated creative growth.
  • It also can inhibit growth of xenograft tumor in athymic mice, accelerate necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells.
  • Redox mediators can accelerate the electron transfer from a primary electron donor to a terminal electron acceptor, which may increase the reaction rates by one to several orders of magnitude.
  • As migration to cloud-based services continues to accelerate rapidly, a strategic combination was a natural choice to create significant scale and become part of a large global network for the benefit of our customers, stockholders and employees," Mr. Ousley said on Wednesday. CenturyLink to Acquire Savvis
  • It will also break down if it rains, is dry, has to go up (or down) hill, has to accelerate or brake. Ready And Waiting….. and waiting, and waiting…. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • It can constringe and clean the pores of face. accelerate the cicatrization of wounds.
  • VAMCO is expected to recurve in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge, and is expected to accelerate.
  • It speaks, you could say, for much in the accelerated world where we speed between continents and think we have conquered both space and time.
  • The combination of CDK and cyclin will accelerate cell cycle period, the combination of CDK and CDKI will restrain cell division.
  • The process had accelerated by the autumn into revolution.
  • Scott concluded his 1996 study by presenting his vision of a twenty-first-century production complex in which agglomerative forces accelerate through time as actors seek to increase the total stock of agglomeration economies.
  • The success which they have been enjoying in contesting the older establishment promises to continue, even accelerate, throughout this decade and beyond. The Automotive Industry Meets its Biggest Challenge
  • But ion thrusters and ordinary rocket engines part ways in their choice of propellant and their source of the energy that accelerates it.
  • Early excision and grafting have been shown to reduce pain, shorten hospital stay, and accelerate return to normal function in moderate injuries.
  • The predictable result was an accelerated degradation of the ecosystem.
  • Accelerate 10 feet before the log and time your pedal stroke so your strongest leg will be on the downstroke when you reach the log.
  • Because it takes so much effort to accelerate particles for an experiment, many accelerators have storage rings.
  • Oil recovery rates have declined, and, with no remedy in sight for the gas reinjection shortage, this decline may accelerate. Get Briefed: John Mauldin
  • On the fiscal policy, the board suggests that the government should manage public debt more efficiently and accelerate fiscal decentralization into local areas as much as possible.
  • For agriculture, the most significant result of accelerated soil erosion is a reduction in productivity.
  • Over the last ten years, the number of Internet hosts has grown at an accelerated rate; slowdowns and traffic jams are plaguing the information superhighway.
  • The transit time in these patients was accelerated by a laxative, metoclopramide, and colonic lavage.
  • Population and vaccine repertory influence each other and co - evolve so that they accelerate convergence to optimum.
  • It's a reminder that if you're going to raise expectations—these "fast-action" steps can "accelerate job creation immediately" to the tune of more than a million jobs, the report boasts—it may help to have some new, fire-breathing ideas in your arsenal. Surprise! Panel's Interim Jobs Advice Lands With Thud
  • It is assumed that the accumulation of osmotically active compounds, such as sugars, proline and betaine is accelerated, leading to water efflux from the anther wall and thus triggering dehiscence.
  • All private assets were perishing; perceptions of risks were sky-high as bankruptcies amongst the banks accelerated.
  • The Secretary of State announced recently his intention to accelerate the introduction of an appraisal scheme for teachers.
  • He decided to accelerate his output.
  • Foreign doctors arriving in the United States can proceed through accelerated programs established to confirm their training and expertise.
  • Result: Megaarpaea delavyi Franch can obviously accelerate push movement of rat small intestine, swell guinea pig shrink power of excursive ileum flesh, and unable arouse strong straight contraction.
  • It demanded accelerated exaltation, accepted no instant without pregnant meanings as in epic, tragedy, comedy, or films.
  • Barclays Capital analyst Brian Johnson suggests the fast start of the "clunker" initiative and strong prospects for extended funding could accelerate automaker plans for production increases.
  • To all the drivers behind, indicating to change lanes still means ‘accelerate to close the gap’.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages on the airplane, as they will accelerate dehydration.
  • Both, in fact, are at fault; both are helping to accelerate boxing's decline.
  • It also can inhibit growth of xenograft tumor in athymic mice, accelerate necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells.
  • From the 1970s onwards, however, the moves began to accelerate and involved quite different factors.
  • Sitting in stark contrast, the Scherzo follows with its bold chordal character, leading to the finale which accelerates to a presto before drawing to a close.
  • While it may appear that these changes are recent vintage, medical researchers in the 1960's described a stress syndrome ( "Type A Behavior Pattern") which included polyphasic thinking that tried to keep pace with the "time urgent/hurry sickness" accelerated pace of life. Stephen Josephson: Do Social Websites Hurt Kids' Brains? Give Me a Break!
  • Conclusion: (1) Chinese herb Foeniculum Vulgare Mill could accelerate diuresis, improve the degree of fibrous liver and reverse the function of liver.
  • It was found that, while BA accelerates the passage of cells from G 1 to G 2, ABA delays cell cycle events so that most cells seem to remain in G 1.
  • Digital library construction is the only way for northwest depressed area to completely improve the ability of in information age, it will accelerate the area economic development.
  • Devonish, out in lane six, ran his own race despite pressure from the inside lanes and accelerated away to his first major track title.
  • The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.
  • Deanna could make out the tiny red pinpricks of fighters and missiles swarming toward the two ships as they accelerated madly to attempt an escape.
  • So tea - clover intercropping system can create fine ecological effects and accelerate benign cycle of tea garden.
  • She said the West Siberian Lowland indeed falls within a hot spot but added that whether thawing peatlands will accelerate global warming remains an open question.
  • The improvement of the original 1.2m cyclotron to enhance its accelerated particles-energies with increasing main magnet exciting current and reshimming the magnetic field is described.
  • It may reduce the accelerated bone loss of menopause, even in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. 3.
  • The facility will also offer artwork and repro capability with duel process expertise designed to accelerate the transfer time between processes.
  • Then, unshakable in the belief that his rule was buttressed by a legitimacy not enjoyed by other authoritarian leaders journalists regularly come away from meeting him saying he is like no other regional leader, Bashar was initially unwilling to order the same level of force to be deployed against protestors as his father was, instead sending mixed messages of restraint to Syrian security forces whose cack-handed efforts only served to accelerate events. James Denselow: Assad: The Man Who Can Bring Down the Syrian Regime
  • Maintain the correct stance and the ensemble will accelerate to flying speed.
  • In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
  • To paraphrase economist Angus Maddison, for 1800 years progress was virtually non-existent, then it accelerated sharply. Emancipation From What ... Capitalism?
  • The floating exchange rate would accelerate the rise in the price level.
  • Maintain the correct stance and the ensemble will accelerate to flying speed.
  • Perhaps the fact that the car was tailgating him made him accelerate.
  • Eventually, though, as hiring picks up and labor markets tighten, wage growth accelerates and the cycle repeats.
  • 1 Conversely, mounting evidence suggests that excess fat (what scientists call "adiposity") is associated with accelerated aging. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • BRITISH AIRWAYS, Europe's biggest airline, will accelerate job reductions and cut flights to trim costs as the war in Iraq crimps demand for air travel.
  • No doubt Charcot determines very well the phases of the attack, notes the nonsensical and passional attitudes, the contortionistic movements; he discovers hysterogenic zones and can, by skilfully manipulating the ovaries, arrest or accelerate the crises, but as for foreseeing them and learning the sources and the motives and curing them, that's another thing. Là-bas
  • The absorption of cimetidine and ranitidine is accelerated when coadministered with cisapride.
  • This research used the seed vigor index under the artificial accelerated aging test as the standard of seed vigor evaluation.
  • Phosphorus applied to fields as manure or commercial fertilizer can move into bodies of water during erosion and runoff events, and is largely responsible for the accelerated eutrophication of many bodies of water in Ohio.
  • As Northeast Old Industrial Base, Dalian enjoys expanded scope of offset for VAT, and also the favorable policy on accelerated depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • Full blue - chip, boost stock to accelerate the uplink.
  • The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend.
  • It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
  • It has its advantages and disadvantages in using arrear business. How to use this way to sell out the product?How to accelerate the capital turnover?
  • Conclusion: The effect of the home intervention of community on schizophrenia rehabilitant is ideal, effectively promote to accelerate to health, reduces disease to recur, is worth promoting.
  • Urbanisation accelerated, and with it Africa's international trade in manufactures and services.
  • Economic contraction and deindustrialization in mass-production industries in the 1970s and early 1980s accelerated the decline in union membership.
  • A. hemPrichi could use the organic fragments in sludge to grow when the sludge was on aerobic digestion, and accelerate sludge reduction rate.
  • As Northeast Old Industrial Base, Dalian enjoys expanded scope of offset for VAT, and also the favorable policy on accelerated depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • Alcohol and tobacco accelerate epidemics, such as tuberculosis and drug abuse.

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