How To Use Academic In A Sentence

  • Academic excellence was matched with extra-curricular activities of every description - from drama through sport to foreign travel.
  • Many of them had not undertaken even the leaving certificate or the academic entry qualifications necessary to enter university.
  • To academic historians they were ‘mere entertainment’ - just mindless pap for gormless morons.
  • We truly are much more team oriented and friendlike to our children than parents have tended to be in the past, in large part because we too identify with many of the peer and academic pressures that kids now face. Childhood Unbound
  • Long gone are the days when Chairman Mao was idolised by radicals (and even respected by some mainstream academics) on American university campuses.
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  • Politicians, academics and campaigners today routinely frame public issues in emotional terms.
  • [From Vivaculus:]… I hasted to London, and entreated one of my academical acquaintances to introduce me into some of the little societies of literature which are formed in taverns and coffee - houses.
  • This was the case that upheld a Washington law that gave academic scholarships to qualified students, but forbid them from using them to study theology.
  • The event will highlight the wide range of academic, commercial and technical know-how available to firms.
  • They can also question peers and learn how asking for and giving assistance to one another are keystones to academic success.
  • A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
  • New academic demands, less discipline, home sickness - those are all no-brainers, so you can at least prepare for them, no matter how minimally.
  • A new academic journal, Fashion Theory, hopes to document and analyze such moments in the evolution of the style industry.
  • For a long time, corporate executives felt that the Internet was only an academic toy for bored graduate students.
  • We were lectured by numerous academic doctors, usually wearing scruffy sports jackets or ill-fitting white coats. Times, Sunday Times
  • When she founded NYBDC in 1976, it was an academic discipline focused on reconstructing the steps of old dances, their names — among them the minuet and gavotte — familiar from the music of Bach and Handel. Stepping Through History
  • It is one of those biases, all the rage in academic circles right now, that explain many of the eccentricities of human behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of modern art since the middle of the previous century had been based on rebellion against academicism and Ingres was the painter most associated with academicism.
  • His was by no means the only example of academicians' pettiness.
  • He has little repute as an academic.
  • What is news is that from the very beginning, biggety ivory-tower academics have labored to recruit into their ranks the sons and daughters of the powerful, famous, and rich. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • In some cases all academics had to reapply for their jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It includes strategies for promoting high academic achievement as well as off-setting problems of alienation, disengagement, and emotional distress.
  • As they seated themselves at table Brahms, who had been in a brown study, suddenly proffered the company an extemporaneous criticism of Ivan's music, which he tore into miscroscopic bits, and flung upon the winds of sarcasm; after which he perorated elaborately upon his own power and the perfect academic accuracy of his style. The Genius
  • Core skills are those which are basic to all vocational and academic achievement.
  • When you have been academically admitted to the institution or accepted as a participant in an exchange program, the academic institution will provide you with the appropriate form required by SEVIS.
  • Second, his academic experience at the University of Chicago makes him singularly suited to translate the arcana of policy into an accessible format.
  • Instead, there is always freshness and a delight in storytelling all too often absent from weighty academic history.
  • They also analyzed the long-term academic achievement of these students.
  • According to the way of thinking promoted by Horowitz and the Students for Academic Freedom, however, my forbearing critique would hardly have been enough to absolve the stain of the readings.
  • Within a tertiary care academic setting, we have found the proposed treatment and training model is teachable and clinically useful.
  • He began his academic career as a physiologist and pharmacologist.
  • Like there's a perfect mid-point between too little and too much, a middle-brow approach somewhere between an academic treatise and bibble, bibble, bibble, pllrrrp? Archive 2005-07-01
  • There had been no angry questions from the academics among his audience.
  • In the first year of the new academic plan, 11 proposals from three colleges were funded through the pool managed by the Provost Office.
  • In a country where universities emphasise competitive sports sometimes even more than academics, Notre Dame, in Indiana, was long the paragon of undergraduate football excellence.
  • They followed her academic progress closely.
  • He's maybe late forties, early fifties, bookish, greying, bespectacled, wispy - perhaps an academic.
  • Unfortunately, academic research is not always about telling the truth.
  • And in this scrutiny and disapproval my issues with class and otherness have resurfaced, again in relation to an academic environment.
  • It is time that students in institutions of higher learning in Zambia began differentiating between misplaced student militarism and academic development.
  • I know that some academics regard conferences as the one or two times a year that they're fully able to reimmerse themselves in their field and reconnect with their scholarly community--and that's probably true, to some degree, for all of us, whether we're at research institutions that support colloquia and reading groups in our field or whether we're at teaching institutions with insanely heavy teaching loads and rarely publish. Archive 2007-02-01
  • At school his academic progress was hindered by a series of health problems.
  • At the meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America in 2000 a group of rhetoricians from Communication and English met late one afternoon to consider the future of rhetoric as an academic discipline.
  • We do so out of the conviction that scholars of the world are a community and that harm to the academic freedom of some in that community injures the entire community.
  • The statistical analyses and their detailed explication will be most appropriate for researchers who share this particular academic niche.
  • The university's exchange scheme for teachers has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.
  • For what Steyn calls a cheerier take, though, there's this, from some make-pretend academic on the wingnut gravy train: Firedoglake
  • Just because an obscure term is included on a sticker from a national organisation that primarily functions in academic circles does not mean that we as a society are inclusive.
  • There is a man, approximately my age, attractive in a scruffy, academic sort of way brown corduroy jacket, one of those narrow, stripey, many-coloured scarves that men are wearing this season coiled around his neck, tufty brown hair, sitting across the aisle to my right on a strapontin. Power, corruption and lies
  • Her academic credentials include an MA and a PhD.
  • He also expressed his disappointment at the lack of support from his colleagues in academic circles.
  • Childcare used to be thought of as a job for kind and patient people rather than the academically gifted. Times, Sunday Times
  • A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.
  • Contact Dr. Gray about academic advisement.
  • Because fraternities are privately owned and run, they are for the most part beyond the jurisdiction of academic institutions.
  • This attack states, in effect, that Hiatt's purism is unsustainable in the real world, and that government contracts do not automatically lead to corruption of academic integrity.
  • In many parts of the globe disputes over history are often not arcane or academic disagreements.
  • Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
  • Is this another stuffy book by a disconnected reggae academic?
  • As professional profiler, Max suspects that the mastermind is a frustrated academic.
  • But he had a mild, good-humoured, articulate side, verging on the academic, abjuring the sensational.
  • But my stuffy academic friends each have their own store of knowledge.
  • It is an area of study with a strong academic bias, the foundations of which were none the less in local exploration.
  • At school, Sayle was unacademic, uninterested and usually in trouble.
  • Interdisciplinary studies courses frequently are arranged through interdepartmental programs in which more than two academic departments offer courses together.
  • Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism, both of which are commendable aims.
  • Dr Kevin Soh discusses how adenoid hypertrophy and adenoiditis can cause block nose, hearing loss, snoring, sleep apnea, academic underperformance, and growth retardation in children Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Crack and cocaine use a significant HIV risk factor for teens
  • With the remaining resources, institutions are to improve their academic programs and grow the institutional endowment.
  • Graduate students, however, may be allowed to enroll the second semester with the approval of the head of their academic department or graduate school.
  • She continued to go out to dinner with academics, to receive the hard-drinking architect.
  • Have new television channels, satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only?
  • His grand design was to connect up every academic institution in the world.
  • Academic freedom has to be freedom of spirit and it is not political with passive negativity.
  • Other than a few academically toned articles, I have yet to meet or read anyone who will actually back up their assertions with references to the books.
  • I felt very inferior among all those academics.
  • Likewise, it should be emphasized here that any attempt to compose a historical picture of the Patriarch and his work cannot be considered correct or proven, at least academically speaking, if it is based on the '' censorious '' texts of the time, which in many ways are irresponsible and historically dubious, and which essentially are nothing but libel. Orrologion
  • Academic performance was dichotomized into two categories: good grades (mostly As and Bs/mostly Bs and Cs) or bad grades (mostly Cs and Ds/mostly Ds and Fs).
  • And I heard remarkable stories of distinguished Marxist academics at other schools who flat out refused to teach undergraduate courses.
  • By the age of 21 he had already scaled the heights in the academic world.
  • The survey revealed that many of the academic libraries have very few holdings, and most of the collections are outdated.
  • He takes systematic aim at the architects of millennial economic opinion: journalists and columnists, cultural studies academics, ad-men, and the shills of the new management literature.
  • Academics were wasters and parasites back then too.
  • Candidates from government, commerce or academic backgrounds are invited to apply.
  • She doesn't fit the traditional mould of an academic.
  • Far Orientals begin their year when Nature begins hers, instead of starting anachronously as we do in the very middle of the dead season, much as our colleges hold their commencements, on the last in place at on the first day of the academic term. The Soul of the Far East
  • The arguments were framed in a very academic fashion.
  • My latest academic upload is about the idea of social deference as a factor influencing vote.
  • George Borjas, the most academically reputable critic of immigration in economics, is now blogging. Borjas: What's His Problem?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For two years I worked as a residential officer in old people's homes in addition to my academic work.
  • The beginning of the academic year is an opportune time to reflect on education and its role in society.
  • The shortage of the chemotherapy drug, called cytarabine, is so severe that major cancer and academic medical centers are rationing the drug while other hospitals have run out and are scrambling to get more. Leukemia Drug Shortage May Get Relief
  • The son of a white woman from Kansas and a black goat herder-turned-academic from Kenya, Obama delivered an unsentimental account of squandered opportunities in postcolonial Africa.
  • She also recommends researching the publishers who would be suitable, since publishing houses run the whole gamut from highly specialized to general houses to the academic university presses.
  • He has written that academics work more insidiously than the street toughs they effectively team up with on occasion.
  • Delegates, who included academics and representatives of the asbestos industry, labour, government and the medical fraternity, also agreed that research should be done on phasing out the use of the sixth type of asbestos, called chrysotile, or white asbestos. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In academic research we submit our findings to rigorous peer review.
  • The burden of the essay will be merely to indicate how voluntarism can succeed in academic circles.
  • Increased self-confidence can help improve academic achievement.
  • As the present academic system is totally different, the importance of good handwriting has been relegated to the background.
  • Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher, PhD Tutor, national expert with outstanding contribution soil engineering expert.
  • Certainly my academic career is one to which the adjective ‘vacuous’ can be uncontroversially applied.
  • Rhys's linguistic speculations may now be largely out-dated, but the Lectures on Welsh Philology helped put the study of philology, in particular the philology of the Welsh language, on a secure academic basis.
  • Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint.
  • Of the authors of the thirteen articles, seven were academics and six non-academics.
  • Supporting fast-growing businesses is at odds with improving productivity, academics warn. Times, Sunday Times
  • While theoretical academics and self-conscious modernists shy away from the sentimental pitfalls of such subjects as love, sex and death, the country and western crooners would give the human tragi-comedy full unashamed voice. This week's new exhibitions
  • The extent to which school-to-work can raise academic achievement is less clear.
  • A panel of lawyers, academics, consultants, writers and civil rights activists selected the winners.
  • Along with most academics he had strong views on how research should be managed.
  • But amassing information for its own sake seemed contemptible to Sontag, or pitiable, and like so many young people who hope to lead the life of the mind, she despised what she considered to be the airlessness and rigidity of academic life. Becoming Susan Sontag
  • As is often the case with dissertations, mine dealt with dramatic events but was abstract, academic, and lifeless.
  • Likewise, early reading problems and low scores on achievement tests are often used as an indicator of anticipated weak academic achievement.
  • He finally abandoned academic qualifications and appointed a collection of pharmacists, country doctors, schoolteachers, and governesses.
  • There are fourteen contributors, and thirteen admit to an ongoing full or part time academic appointment.
  • High school students can select from a variety of applied academic courses in addition to a more traditional college-preparatory curriculum.
  • The good news is, however, that using integrative negotiation and peer mediation procedures to process academic material has the additional benefit of positively affecting human relations.
  • The Group included social studies and history teachers, a school library media specialist and a teacher who works with academically talented middle schoolers.
  • It's an academic course and there's lots of reading and writing.
  • Academics sitting in ivory towers have no understanding of what is important for ordinary people.
  • Analysis of the academic pharmacy workforce has confirmed the graying of the professoriate.
  • Academic law is another field which the talented young lawyer may consider.
  • Moreover, recognising his encyclopaedic knowledge, academic journals often invited him to act as referee. Times, Sunday Times
  • From 1927 onwards, the objective was no longer solely not to be a loser by achieving bourgeois academic success.
  • Unlike the vast majority of academic thinkers, Zizek is not worried about being ‘careless.’
  • Academics will be working at the coalface alongside the doctors.
  • In fact, the wheel, which the goddess Fortuna spins to determine the fate of those she looks upon, is an ancient concept of either Greek or Roman origin, depending on which academic you talk to.
  • It follows that the academic community and research are directly interrelated.
  • It was one of the outstanding academic discoveries of recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are usually painted by nonacademic artists and unknown painters.
  • A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
  • Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.
  • These are welcome indications of the academic community enhancing its capacity to engage collectively in self-criticism.
  • The Bible is no academic tome with an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.
  • This was the first academic position in the German-speaking world that was dedicated specifically to Chinese and Japanese, rather than to some more general rubric that might allowably include them.
  • Meanwhile at the top, those wonderful universities that pay such fantastic salaries to their academics, are producing a new class of rich who are becoming self-perpetuating.
  • Is it not obvious that one of the reasons that an ethnic group might do less well in academics is that they are genetically predisposed to lower “intelligence” level, as measured by those academics (regardless of which ethnic group you’re talking about)? The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • The government has set up a committee of industrialists and academics to advise it.
  • During his long academic career he bridged the gap between pure scientific research and industrial production. Times, Sunday Times
  • I admit that as an academic I hate the emphasis on intermural sports at some of the big Us. The Volokh Conspiracy » Asian-American Applicants and Competing Rationales for Affirmative Action in Higher Education
  • I would like to thank the academics from the seven universities from British Columbia to Nova Scotia who co-authored these papers.
  • But they illustrate the second key task facing public schools: how to increase the academic content and standards for all students.
  • So this is what we are up against in the fight to preserve and vivify the life of the mind in the university-not a handful of old elitists, as leftist academics charge, but a mob of middle-aged managers.
  • They had been taught more purposefully, coached in exam technique and raised and educated in settings where academic achievement was valued.
  • Apart from the usual academic books, books for light reading and for serious reading are also available.
  • Its first rentals will be academic books and journals aimed at students, with a broader range of fiction and non-fiction expected to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paragraph is a paradigm of legal Machiavellianism – and is pretty weak legal reasoning for an academic. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the tax power infinite?
  • In most academic classes, a lot of dense factual and conceptual information can come at you rapid-fire, and when one is taking 15 – 19 credit hours, I know that I certainly could not have recalled minutiae from a spare outline, even if I had been fully engaged. The Volokh Conspiracy » Laptops in Class Redux
  • Just as rock and roll is here to stay, so are the academics devoted to studying it and all the other sounds contained under the ‘popular music’ rubric.
  • Unlike other men, I'm untroubled by the growing trend of males turning in academically poorer performances than females.
  • Those unfamiliar with these significant changes in institutional wealth, selectivity, student quality, and academic research will benefit greatly from this book.
  • The single-subject academic course is largely confined to the universities, reflecting their traditions of specialized scholarship and their stronger research orientation.
  • These organizations, as well as private donors, sponsored students through their studies and some provided job placements between academic terms.
  • It has become pervasive in those environments, and is invading the rest of the academic establishment as the branding and advertising of individual degree programs illustrates.
  • Due to an increasing emphasis on "academics" and accountability, policymakers are demanding more and more testing, which requires more and more seatwork. Rae Pica: In Defense of Active Learning
  • But a substantial and increasing proportion of anthropologists find employment in nonacademic settings. Cultural Anthropology
  • Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.
  • But what exactly are the representatives implying by invoking the word "academic" throughout? Lee Jefferson: Legislation of Biblical Proportions: Can We Really Have an 'Academic' Study of the Bible in Public Schools?
  • A laddish culture, that despises academic achievement and is tolerated by far too many parents, must be changed.
  • The refereeing is much looser and more impressionistic, even at an academic press. Cooked Books « Isegoria
  • Academic freedom" only protects a professor's speech that is "germane" to the class 'subject. Greg Lukianoff: UC Santa Barbara Investigates Professor for Anti-Israel E-Mail
  • The Navy's historians, librarians, and archivists assist academic researchers in finding materials they need for research.
  • The main problem that Ash foresees is among the younger academic staff.
  • His is the remarkable story of a young man with hardly any academic ability.
  • Their strongholds lie in the cities in which many students, academics, civil servants and public employees live.
  • The losses and sacrifices suffered in terms of academic advancement had been construed to be the destiny of life.
  • They followed her academic progress closely.
  • Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.
  • In Gerome's quasi-photographic version of academic painting, tone came first.
  • Experimental music is a term that is intimidating, evoking unlistenable sonic chaos meant only for academics.
  • Trusting in the mystery that will lead me to whatever books will mesh with my current (non-academic) learning needs.
  • Discussing and expounding this problem has not only profound academic significance, but also positive practical significance.
  • Such a fear, I think, is bad for academic institutions, and will ultimately harm them more than the occasional intemperate criticisms would.
  • They established psychology as an academic discipline.
  • They had lived there for nearly two decades, and Stephen had spent practically all of his academic life at the university.
  • The final game against Castlebar Mitchells was of academic interest only as Ballyhaunis could not make the play-offs.
  • That’s the word academics use to push their green agenda these days. OBAMA ZOMBIES
  • Academics are developing ways to replace satellites and mobile telephone masts with solar-powered airships for better and cheaper telecommunications.
  • Imperialism is a term often used as a rhetorical flourish and definitions vary especially in academic discourse and social discussion tracts.
  • A well-known academic will head the delegation.
  • The Bible is no academic tome with an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.
  • The book is an essential source of ideas, discoveries and references for academics in biocomputing, bioinformatics researchers and computer scientists.
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • He has as yet not had an opportunity to defend himself against the criminal charges nor to contest the dismissal in an academic proceeding.
  • The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
  • She's a past president of the academic committee.
  • Neuro-plasmic theory was familiar to him in an academic way. Starchild Omnibus
  • It is intoxicating, a potentially cold and academic work warmed by the power and skill of the actors, notably Valk.
  • The debate can not proceed at the slow pace to which academics are accustomed.
  • And it makes obvious sense to say that autonomous institutions are not necessarily homes of academic freedom.
  • Academically brilliant, she was due to go to Leeds University in September to read English and drama.
  • They used to be the preserve of academics but now rare books are going online, says John Sutherland
  • By the time students complete the first grade, it is fairly easy to assess students' basic academic skills.
  • On stage, he's smart but unacademic; attractive yet mildly awkward; friendly but acerbic.
  • Academic dress for masters is a plain black stuff master's gown, a black trencher cap with a black silk tassel and a hood of black silk lined with the colour of the faculty, school or professional grouping and academic dress for juris doctor will be the same except that the tassel on the trencher cap is white silk rather than black silk.
  • These cultural notions run counter to the quest for academic excellence.
  • There are readers who love this kind of sloe eyed, narrow waisted, naval academic excercise in adjectivity. Archive 2006-09-03
  • He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1927, and held many offices and appointments in professional and academic bodies.
  • Such considerations could be academic if you bought in the past couple of years on a high loan-to-value mortgage and are in negative equity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I am a biblical scholar - complete with tenured academic post - and I think your analysis is convincing.

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