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How To Use Acacia In A Sentence

  • Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
  • Intermingled with the Euphorbia scrub is a Zizyphus scrub that is characterized by Zizyphus nummularia with Acacia leucocephala, Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, and Dicrostachys cinerea. Northwestern thorn scrub forests
  • Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes.
  • On its ground floor, executive director Amy Tobin showed me some salvaged-wood tables, benches, and a lustrously smooth black-acacia countertop created by Paul Discoe, an ordained Buddhist priest whose Oakland-based company, Live Edge, utilizes lumber from urban street trees that have been cut down due to storm damage, disease, and other reasons. Anneli Rufus: Rainwater Toilets and Slag: Touring Berkeley's Greenest Building
  • The countryside had been scorched; the acacia hedges were tipped with orange.
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  • On the stiff soil the trees were ironbark, box, apple, gum, and some large acacias, with long lanceolate phyllodia, and large spikes of golden coloured flowers. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • But the most beautiful tree I have seen in Natal was an _Acacia flamboyante_. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • Without vaulting or trusses, Yemeni traditional architecture had to rely on the usable length of palm, acacia or tamarisk trunks for spans.
  • The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
  • Cooler notes are provided by wisteria, musk and linen while vanilla, sandalwood and acacia warm to the pulse points.
  • The acacia, which, in Scripture, is always called 'shittah' and in the plural 'shittim,' was esteemed a sacred wood among the Hebrews. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Brigalow is replaced by gidgee (Acacia cambadgei) in drier areas, generally becoming dominant in the west of the region. Brigalow tropical savanna
  • Robinia pseudoacacia is a perfect hybrid tree and a pioneer tree species in vegetation restoration, which is high valuable to forest restoration and ecological building of temperate zone of China.
  • a product of China and the East Indies, best known as Myrabolams and must have been utilized solely for the tannin they contain, which Loewe estimates to be identical with ellago-tannic acid, later discovered in the divi-divi, a fruit grown in South America, and bablah which is also a fruit of a species of Acacia, well known also for its gum. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
  • Trees are absent, except around the outer margins, and are typically Acacia ehrenbergiana and Prosopis cineraria in drainage lines and pans between dunes. Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
  • In the lower mountain areas, wadi species include Zizyphus spina-christi, Prosopis cineraria, Acacia tortilis and some fig species, especially Ficus salicifolia. Al Hajar Al Gharbi montane woodlands
  • We have not seen a drop of water on the surface; the ground evidently absorbs all that falls; the scrub is principally the mulga and hakea bushes and acacia, with a few other small bushes, but very little salt bush. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • GUM ARABIC: This is obtained from the acacia tree. Chapter 6
  • However, nourished by dew, the eastern Jidda 'is relatively well vegetated with a very open acacia woodland of small Acacia tortilis and Prosopis cineraria trees with shrubby A. ehrenbergiana growing in shallow sandy depressions, rock fissures and in drainage swales on the gravel plains. Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
  • So arose Johnny-jump-up for the Viola tricolor, and basswood for the common European linden or lime-tree (Tilia), and locust for the Robinia pseudacacia and its allies. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 3. New Words of English Material
  • Common and characteristic plants include several acacias: boat-thorned acacia (Acacia cochliacantha), and tree catclaw, or tésota (Acacia occidentalis). Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
  • We passed a valley with the large thorny acacias of which canoes are often made, and a euphorbiaceous tree, with seed-vessels as large as mandarin oranges, with three seeds inside. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • I mention this to Yacouba and suggest his committee should consider planting acacia and fruit trees instead of eucalyptus.
  • I was happy ever after in my childhood, there in Gabela, in the long holidays, as I tried to build a fort in the branches of an acacia tree. The Book of Chameleons
  • You find here enormous acacias, monkey-bread trees, raphia palms and baobabs; less gloom, and fewer creeping and hanging plants. The Pools of Silence
  • Species include bloodwood Eucalyptus terminalis, tea-tree Melaleuca sp., acacia, lamb's tails Ptilotus sp., shrubs and grasses Themeda avenacea, Enneapogon cylindricus and Eragrostis eriopoda. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • That is where you've got grazing land largely, and it appears that the woody vegetation, trees, eucalypts and acacias, native pines and other shrubs, are becoming denser and denser.
  • The camp was broken up in "Shittim" (the acacia groves), and removed to the eastern bank of the Jordan. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Where I come fromOdessa,Ukraine these trees are called acacia trees and they fill the wholy city with their head spinning aroma in June. Tree of Mystery
  • Acacia nilotica is easy to recognize by its bright yellow flowers in round heads, straight stipular spines often slightly deflexed, and dark indehiscent pods compressed over the seeds. Chapter 10
  • In the Kynuna-Winton area of Queensland, mesas formed by resistant tertiary duricrusts are vegetated by stands of lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) and low eucalypt communities with a spinifex (Triodia spp.) groundcover. Mitchell grass downs
  • Shittim" means "acacias," which grow only in arid regions: implying that even the arid desert shall be fertilized by the blessing from Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There are natural concentrations of white and red fern leaf acacias in this Province, along with guaiacums, locust trees, itínes and white sages.
  • On her way from the village she saw the usual group of older men sitting in the shade of the big acacia tree. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • A flutter of white in the shade of a flat-topped acacia tree caught his eye. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The Kalahari is a green desert, largely of low thorn scrub and acacia trees.
  • The Plaza, with its canopy of acacias, jacarandas and monkey-puzzles offers an oasis of calm from both the traffic noise and soaring heat of midday.
  • Yarran (Acacia homalophylla) is native to the inland plains of New South Wales and Queensland.
  • The trees thin and chiefly cypress, with occasionally a large sterculia, but no water whatever: at the ninth mile we entered a very thick eucalyptus brush, overrun with creepers and prickly acacia bushes. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • It is not entirely soluble in water, to which it imparts less viscidity than ordinary Gum Acacia.
  • Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes.
  • Use the box below to receive your unique price quote for the Acacia Tango Orange Vertical Blinds.
  • The expanse of space south of Arcadia up the steep ridge will, over a period of some 20 years, be denuded of its black wattles and gum trees, and be replaced with indigenous acacias and proteas.
  • Nitrogen metabolism and digestibility studies with Merino sheep given kurrajong (Brachychiton populneum), mulga (Acacia aneura) and native grass Chapter 10
  • The first delicate white toothworts appear in the woods at the end of January, and the bold yellow acacia blooms suddenly startle us in the first days of February.
  • Their course is marked by an acacia, which is somewhat analogous in its general characteristics to the common wattle; a few are favoured with some box trees, but we only found water in one. Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia
  • The place I chose is under a small-leaved acacia tree, with a little direct sun on the water in the morning.
  • Studies in the autecology of Australian acacias in South Africa. Chapter 14
  • The manufacture of catechu from the _Acacia catechu_ as practised in Canara and Behar, has been described by Mr. Kerr ( "Med. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • This kind of symbiosis, incidentally, is also found in leguminous or pod forming plants - including peas and beans, wisteria vines, acacia, mesquite, and coral trees.
  • The feathery tamarisk [*] and the nabk, the moringa, the carob, or locust tree several varieties of acacia and mimosa-the sont, the mimosa habbas, the white acacia, the Acacia Parnesxana -- and the pomegranate tree, increase in number with the distance from the History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • For the first time we saw specimens of the acacia flamboyante, a large tree with broad leaves of delicate green, throwing out from its topmost boughs clusters of scarlet flowers with yellow centres like military plumes. Due West or Round the World in Ten Months
  • Cholesterol was added to the diet by homogenizing the insoluble cholesterol with an ultrasonic disintegrator or preparing gelatin/acacia microcapsules with and without cholesterol using triolein as a carrier.
  • Sometimes the so-called love, only funny acacia.
  • Ana slept a short distance from the crest of the fall, beneath the spread of an acacia tree. ...And Nail
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • Up to this point we had been continually in dense scrubs, but here the country became a little more open; myal timber, acacia, generally took the places of the mallee and the casuarinas; the spinifex disappeared, and real grass grew in its place. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • Most Australian species of Acacia have bipinnate leaves, as least when they are in the seedling stage.
  • Along the banks grew knob thorns, sausage trees, vegetable ivory, ilala palms, mangoes, wild figs, tamarinds and mahogany, as well as the ubiquitous acacia.
  • The Plaza, with its canopy of acacias, jacarandas and monkey-puzzles offers an oasis of calm from both the traffic noise and soaring heat of midday.
  • I was once asked by my neighbours whether I would mind very much if they were to hop across and chop down the acacias and pines at the bottom of our garden.
  • You shall make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.
  • Romina July 20th, 2009 at 6: 55 am edit omg dan and kev are perfect but i must say that dan is prettier than he is no offense to team kevins but hes ugly! acacia hamilton July 20th, 2009 at 4: 03 pm edit you guys are perfect for echother never brake u soo cute Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » kevin-jonas-and-danielle-deleasa
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • (Heb. shittah, the thorny), is without doubt correctly referred to some species of Acacia, of which three or four kinds occur in the Bible lands. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • But there was nobody to see this; only the grey lourie on the acacia branch, the go-away bird, which saw so much but confided in none. Blue Shoes And Happiness
  • Acacias, grevilleas and melaleucas need careful annual pruning to keep them busy and attractive and should be replaced when they are no longer so.
  • Sudanese species include the trees Acacia nilotica, Grewia tenax, Grewia villosa, Cordia sinensis, Tamarix gallica and several species of Ficus. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • _Acacia farnesiana_, essential oil of violets, tubereuse, jasmine, and others, the compositions of which have yet to be determined. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Finally, we tried a little acacia honey, cloves and cinnamon bark for dessert.
  • There is the touch of the camel-thorn acacia that has just been grazed by a giraffe, and the smell of wild sage as you brush past it in the bush.
  • I knew each corner of the garden, he wrote, and looked year by year for the white primroses in one place, the redstart's nest in another, the blossom of the acacia emerging from a tangle of ivy.
  • The site of the settlement is on the right or northern bank behind the projection, a slip of morass backed by swamps and thick growths, chiefly bombax, palm and acacia, lignum vitae, the mammee-apple and the cork-tree, palmyra, pandanus, and groves of papyrus. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Cassia phyllodinea is one of the very few species of the genus, which, like the far greater part of New Holland Acaciae lose their compound leaves, and are reduced to the footstalk, or phyllodium, as it is then called, and which generally becomes foliaceous by vertical compression and dilatation. Expedition into Central Australia
  • Acacia, tragacanth, bassorin and plasment applications are used in cases of a subacute and chronic character. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Koa (Acacia spp.) and ‘Ohi’a lehua (Metrosideros spp.) are common dominant canopy tree species. Hawaii tropical moist forests
  • They feed mainly on leaves of acacia and mimosa, using their 450mm extendable tongues and mobile lips to secure their food.
  • Scrubby acacia bush gave way to tussocks of cram cram grass until that too disappeared.
  • Other flowers can be dipped in light batter and fried, to make delicate sweet fritters: elderflowers, apple blossom, acacia flowers, and lilacs can be used in this manner.
  • I am considering calling the mimosa perfume Acacia. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Drawn to freshly growing vegetation that sprouts during the rainy season, the giraffes can be seen in herds of 10 or 15, wrapping 18-inch black tongues (45-centimeter black tongues) around thorny acacia trees and combretum bush. Undefined
  • Tree species include Acacia raddiana, Balanites aegyptiaca, Maerua crassifolia and Capparis decidua; herbaceous species are Panicum turgidum, Cassia italica, Pergularia tomentosa and Heliotropium bacciferum. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Acacia aneura is known as mulga in its native Australia where it is one of the best known species in the genus. Chapter 10
  • A tough palate and lots of viscous saliva enables giraffes to digest acacia thorns with ease, hence their wide distribution in savannah and thick bushveld in sub-Sahara Africa.
  • The snow over the desert clarified both the colors and the forms of its plants - Mormon tea, sotol, lechuguilla, leatherstem, acacias - and the hard frost retained the tracks of javelina.
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • Second, the cactus and acacia trees may have dissimilar distributions of branch length.
  • DAVIESIA, JACKSONIA, and two or three dwarf species of ACACIA, one of which was very showy, about three feet high, with very small oblong, sericeous phyllodia, and globular heads of bright yellow flowers, produced in great abundance on axillary fascicles; also a very fine leguminous shrub, bearing the habit and appearance of Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • Information on leaf yield of African bipinnate Acacia spp. is limited, and comparative data with introduced Australian species, even more so. Chapter 2
  • A fiery-necked nightjar swooped low over the ground and caught a white moth in its beak before ascending into an acacia tree. Let The Dead Lie
  • In its natural habitat tun is found growing in mixed stands comprising other broad-level species like terminalias, albizzias, bombax, ficuses, shisham, acacias, etc.
  • Eat on the splendid terrace under the branches of plane, chestnut, maple, and acacia trees; the low stone walls are dressed with impatiens and hydrangeas (and the peonies were blooming in March).
  • The dominant vegetation in the Park is open woodland and spinifex (spiny hummockgrass) grassland, with many eucalypts, acacias and grevilleas; notably silverleaf bloodwood Eucalyptus collina and roughleaf range gum E. aspera, The regionally endemic sandstone grevillea Grevillea miniata, and rock grevillea G. psilantha, are found only in the Park. Purnululu National Park, Australia
  • Kruger spreads over nearly 20,000 sq km of unspoilt scrubland punctuated by acacia and mopane trees.
  • The expanse of space south of Arcadia up the steep ridge will, over a period of some 20 years, be denuded of its black wattles and gum trees, and be replaced with indigenous acacias and proteas.
  • Interdune areas may also include gidgee (Acacia geoginea) or coolibah woodlands on drainage lines. Simpson desert
  • Israel abode in Shittim -- a verdant meadow, so called from a grove of acacia trees which lined the eastern side of the Jordan. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Further afield where camels browse, we found dried-up, and unyielding acacia trees, normally a reliable source of sustenance.
  • Some of the flora in these areas include Acacia glamerosa, Bulnesia arborea, Bourreria cumanensis, Copaifera venezuelana, Gyrocarpus americanus, Jacquinia pungens, Malpighia glabra, Myrospermum frutescens, Piptadenia flava, and Ritterocereus griseus. Maracaibo dry forests
  • Large tracts of Mitchell Grass pasture grazed by sheep and cattle separate scattered Acacia woodlands, usually dominated by gidgee (Acacia cambagei). Mitchell grass downs
  • The habitat types within these reserves range from eucalypt woodland, chenopod shrubland, bluebush, lancewood, gidgee, and grasslands to Acacia woodlands. Mitchell grass downs
  • A resurvey in April 1999 found that C. flavula occurred in continuous densities > 5 / m 2 at distances up to 100 m from roads, always located within R. pseudoacacia stands.
  • They feed mainly on leaves of acacia and mimosa, using their 450 mm extendable tongues and mobile lips to secure their food.
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • Doug Taylor, who works at the Northern Territory Park, told the prince that the witchetty grubs, found in the roots of the Acacia bush, had to be eaten head first to stop their tails moving.
  • It is a beautiful farm, mostly flat and sweetveld with your usual acacia trees and other species.
  • Other species which were illegally chopped down included acacia, longan, banana and ivy trees, all found in Hong Kong's countryside.
  • Trees and Acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later thinning.
  • The key in this region is to revegetate corridors between remnant stands of native trees and shrubs, such as acacias, cacti, Texas ebony, and guayacan.
  • Locally this region contrasts sharply with the eucalypt and brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodlands on more fertile soils and less arid climate of the Brigalow Belt to the east and the clay plains of the Mitchell Grass Downs to the north. Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
  • The humid valleys and guelta banks have Sudanian riverine vegetation: Tamarix gallica, and some Ficus sycomorus, Acacia nilotica, Salvadora persica and Hyphaene thebaica. Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria
  • Gleditsia triacanthos, Melia azedarach, and Robinia pseudoacacia. Chapter 7
  • The habitat types within these reserves range from eucalypt woodland, chenopod shrubland, bluebush, lancewood, gidgee, and grasslands to Acacia woodlands. Mitchell grass downs
  • Presumably in response to this variation among host species in selection on egg size, females have evolved egg size plasticity in which they lay larger eggs on paloverde than on catclaw acacia.
  • In and around the Olympic village, acacias and evergreen Holm oaks are given prominence.
  • Among their green robes may be seen thousands of beautiful wild-flowers, -- the sweet-scented laurustinus, all sorts of running vetches and wild sweet-pea, the delicate vases of dewy morning-glories, clusters of eglantine or sweetbrier roses, fragrant acacia-blossoms covered with bees and buzzing flies, the gold of glowing gorses, and scores of purple and yellow flowers, of which I know not the names. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • She is worshipped chiefly by women; but some of the workers on the railroad begged branches of the feathery yellow acacia, which is now in bloom, to carry with them to the temple in San Francisco. Life at Puget Sound: With Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California
  • The acacia grove, like a dense cloud, became a dark backdrop for her.
  • On Oman's central plains, common trees are Acacia tortilis and A. ehrenbergiana with Prosopis cineraria in areas of deeper sand accumulation. Red Sea Nubo-Sindian tropical desert and semi-desert
  • I keep on coming back to acacias including one false acacia which is actually a kind of honeylocust, but seems to be native to North America, which means the Israel location is not likely. Living White Chocolate Perfume
  • The former have a few cypresses, sterculia, and iron bark upon them; the latter are generally covered with brush, under box; the brush for the most part consisting of two distinct species of stenochylus, and a new acacia. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume I
  • On a private game reserve, Intu Afrika, the acacia trees hide giraffes, oryx (a large, straight-horned antelope), eland and ostriches.
  • The catechu which is obtained in India from the Bonga differs from that obtained from the _Acacia Catechu_ and is a tonic analogous to rhatany and cinchona. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • These spiders live and feast on the protein packed tips of the acacia tree leaves. Discovery of a Vegetarian Spider
  • In one window, a distressed officer sits at a sturdy acacia desk, scrawling a final correspondence of some illiterate contadino killed weeks before on an accursed massif.
  • It should be treated as a crop rather than as a long-term tree and should be mixed with fruit and acacia trees.
  • Lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) and bullwaddy (Macropteranthes keckwickii) are found mostly in the east of the region, in scattered pockets of diminishing extent in the west, but do not extend to Western Australia. Victoria Plains tropical savanna
  • There are natural groupings of white and red fern leaf acacias in this Province, along with guaiacums, itínes, locust trees and white sages.
  • Woody species in the better drained savannas and woodlands include Tabebuia ochracea, Luehea paniculata, Acacia albicorticata, Acrocomia aculeata, Astronium fraxinifolium, Cordia glabrata, Pithecellobium scalare, Pseudobombax marginatum, and Samanea tubulosa. Beni savanna
  • Seeds of many trees (Acacia and Prosopis, for example) are "scarified" by passing through the goats 'digestive system, fostering germination and natural revegetation. 1 Microcattle
  • The supply of gum arabic, also known as acacia gum as it comes from acacia trees in the gum belt of Africa, is variable due to climatic factors and ongoing political unrest in the countries where it is sourced, such as Sudan and Nigeria. ConfectioneryNews RSS
  • With the method of drying by gel, Robinia pseudoacacia seed of Yan an dried from 6.
  • It must be dissolved slowly in water, over several days and then filtered to remove traces of Acacia tree bark, elephant hide and rhino horn.
  • Fragrant aromas of acacia flowers, roasted nuts and buttered citrus are neatly balanced with underlying hints of bees wax, minerals.
  • The gold lasted for barely a year but in the meantime numerous trees were planted in the area: wild acacia, teak, olive, tambotie, beech, ebony, seringa, mimosa and quince.
  • Blackthorn Acacia mellifera and zebrawood Dalbergia melanoxylon dominate in the drier conditions beside Lake Eyasi. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
  • Along the banks grew knob thorns, sausage trees, vegetable ivory, ilala palms, mangoes, wild figs, tamarinds and mahogany, as well as the ubiquitous acacia.
  • Acacia oligophleba is a multistemmed large shrub or small tree from warm to hot, subtropical to semi-arid, zones of northwestern Queensland and Northern Territory. Chapter 48
  • If Acacia succeeds in intimidating adult site owners, they will move to mainstream sites and begin charging fees that will have to be passed on to everyone who uses the Internet. Boing Boing: May 2, 2004 - May 8, 2004 Archives
  • A Hogarth curve of red spray carnations and red roses was shown with a collection of assorted bottles and acacia seed pods.
  • In the construction of cells, on the other hand, I see smooth leaves predominating, notably those of the wild briar and of the common acacia, the robinia. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes.
  • Drawn to freshly growing vegetation that sprouts during the rainy season, the giraffes can be seen in herds of 10 or 15, wrapping 45cm black tongues around thorny acacia trees and combretum bush. Taipei Times
  • When we met, the sunshine, filtering through the light foliage of the acacias, shed on Honorine the pale gold, ambient glory in which Raphael and Titian, alone of all painters, have been able to enwrap the Virgin. Honorine
  • The mud walls glowed with the colours of sunset and the park-like scattering of acacia trees were back lit by the dusk.
  • Acaciaside A and B, two acylated triterpenoid bisglycosides isolated from the funicles of Acacia auriculiformis, are known to have antihelmintic activity.
  • Sometimes the so-called love, only funny acacia.
  • A. holosericea is perhaps the most frequently planted Australian Acacia in development projects because of its superior yield and because it retains a large phyllode biomass during the dry season, while African species shed their leaves during this period (Cossalter, 1986). Chapter 2
  • There are about 200 bipinnate Acacia species in the New World and a further 150 species in Africa and Asia. Chapter 2
  • Grab a branch of a young acacia tree crawling with appropriately named thornbugs and you just might utter an ‘ouch’ at the sharp prick.
  • Clay soils of the ecoregion support the brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodlands, after which the region is named. Brigalow tropical savanna
  • Posts supporting a superstructure over the elephant burial were made from the acacia tree. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - The Elite Cemetery: Week 7, Part 2
  • Among their green robes may be seen thousands of beautiful wild-flowers, -- the sweet-scented laurustinus, all sorts of running vetches and wild sweet-pea, the delicate vases of dewy morning-glories, clusters of eglantine or sweetbrier roses, fragrant acacia-blossoms covered with bees and buzzing flies, the gold of glowing gorses, and scores of purple and yellow flowers, of which I know not the names. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • Ngar said authorities in the past introduced pioneer species such as acacias and eucalypts that adapted quickly to badly eroded areas on barren land.
  • Seeds of the laciniated beech gave only 10\% of laciniated plants in experiments made by Strasburger; seeds of the monophyllous acacia, _Robinia Pseud-Acacia monophylla_, were found to be true in only 30\% of the seedlings. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Here is a typha ... here an alisma; and by the overpowering perfume, this, I know, is the acacia flower. Woman on Her Own, False Gods and The Red Robe Three Plays By Brieux
  • Sometimes the centre is occupied by an islet of torn trees and stones rolled in heaps, supporting a clump of thick jujube or tall acacia, whilst the lower parts of the beds are overgrown with long lines of lively green colocynth. 29 Here are usually the wells, surrounded by heaps of thorns, from which the leaves have been browsed off, and dwarf sticks that support the water-hide. First footsteps in East Africa
  • Spread out below the ridge is a remarkable expanse of woodlands, an acacia and eucalypt plain of shimmering leaf canopy that extends to the coast.
  • Instead of the laurel-leaved trees of various kinds, we have African ebonies, acacias, and mimosae: the grass is shorter and more sparse, and we can move along without wood-cutting. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • Petaurids feed on insects and on the sap and gum of eucalypts and acacias.
  • THESE LITTLE acacia and bird cherry trees look a little out of place as they rock in tandem with the waves in the backwaters.
  • Dominant vegetation is eucalypt woodland with a grassy understory, although lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) and bullwaddy (Macropteranthes keckwickii) vegetation harbors rainforest elements, and small pockets of mesic vegetation are found throughout the ecoregion, in riparian strips and in sheltered gorges of the Bungle Bungles. Victoria Plains tropical savanna
  • Sometimes the so-called love, only funny acacia.
  • And major pest plants being targeted include Siam weed, prickly acacia, bitou bush, Mexican bean tree, miconia and mikania vine, rubbervine, parthenium, hymenachne, parkinsonia, lantana and pond apple. The Sunshine Coast Daily
  • A Hogarth curve of red spray carnations and red roses was shown with a collection of assorted bottles and acacia seed pods.
  • ACACIA PENDULA or myall, the brigalow, the mulga, and yarran. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
  • Acacia felt his grip slacken just enough for her to break free and run for the back door.
  • Our Nile shrike is smaller than a dove; a handsome little creature with a white chest and throat and a black back and cap, it plunders the nests of other birds and makes a grisly display of the pathetic carcasses of its victims by hanging them on the thorns of the acacia tree. River God
  • A sickly acacia tree shadowed the area and provided convenient limbs on which to hang objects temporarily. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes.
  • To hundreds of varieties of eucalyptus, acacia, wattles, banksia trees, grasses and weeds, the lick of flame is a welcome trigger that kindles life in their seed pods and generates ash to fertilise the soil.
  • Health kits, containing handy wooden tools made of acacia tree, will help to kill pain in your body parts without the application of any balms.
  • The undulating landscape of lawns, palms, sycamores, blackthorns and acacias was interspersed with gazebos and pseudo-Moorish limestone structures that house the coffee shop and seating areas.
  • The scrub stratum is composed mainly of Acacia farnesian, and Eysenhardtia polystachya, and herbaceous stratum is composed of Bouteloua filiformis, B. curtipendula, Hilaria cenchroides, Muhlenbergia stricta, and M. rigida. Bajío dry forests
  • Their habitat is Casuarina forest and woodland and their diet is not surprisingly almost exclusively the seeds of casuarinas, with the occasional insect and the odd eucalypt, angophora, hakea and acacia seed thrown in.
  • The original Acacia bushland of this ecoregion has been greatly altered over thousands of years, through long-term climatic changes and also through anthropogenic effects. Sahelian Acacia savanna
  • As he came to a standstill at a stop sign at Acacia Park, two armed men appeared and jumped into his vehicle.
  • FODDER: The fodder potential is mainly due to the large phyllode biomass produced during the dry season, a period when most non-Australian acacias traditionally used for fodder shed their leaves. Chapter 10
  • The vegetation of this district is poor; the myall is scarce, but the mulga (Acacia aneura) generally plentiful. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • The habitat types within these reserves range from eucalypt woodland, chenopod shrubland, bluebush, lancewood, gidgee, and grasslands to Acacia woodlands. Mitchell grass downs
  • In the southeast of the region lateritic scarps and surfaces area associated with areas of gidgee and brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodlands separated by Mitchell grasses. Mitchell grass downs
  • He's credited with the introduction to the West of eucalyptus, acacia, mimosa, and the genus named after him, Banksia, all well known species in Australia where his mark was firmly left.
  • At 4.15 came south-west and by south one and a half miles over level country covered with roley-poley, pigweed, saltbush, and young grass, and wooded with box and western-wood acacia to water, and encamped. Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria In search of Burke and Wills
  • Honeyeaters built nests in most of the tree species present in the study site but 78% of nests were in Yarran (Acacia. homalophylla).
  • Acacia nilotica is easy to recognize by its bright yellow flowers in round heads, straight stipular spines often slightly deflexed, and dark indehiscent pods compressed over the seeds. Chapter 10
  • Scrub vegetation consists of low trees such as Acacia nilotica, Prosopis cineraria, P. juliflora, Tamrix aphylla, Zizyphus mauritiana, Capparis decidua, and shrubs such as Calligonum polygonoides, Calotropis spp., Thar desert
  • For about twenty-five miles we traversed an entirely open plain, similar to that just described, and mostly covered with the waving broom bushes; but now upon our right hand, to the north, and stretching also to the west, was a dark line of higher ground formed of sandhills and fringed with low scrub, and timber of various kinds, such as cypress pines (callitris), black oak (casuarinas) stunted mallee (eucalyptus), and a kind of acacia called myal. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • There were only four different kinds of plants at this terminating point of our journey, viz. the small eucalyptus, the long-leaved acacia, the large tea grass, and a new diaeceous plant which covered the marshes, named polygonum junceum. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • The most commonly known are tannin from the bark of nere, oak, chestnut, and scorpioid acacia. Chapter 6
  • The pure, liquid sounds of two bokmakieries perched in an Acacia thorn tree carry through the air.
  • The thorny acacia is a good property protecting plant. Boost safety: Security plantings protect homes
  • After laying down my pen, I took several turns in a berceau, or covered walk of acacias. 2009 books poll
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • Trees that can be used as windbreaks are Casuarina equistifolia, Greillea robusta, Artocarpus hirsute, Eucalyptus, Acacia auriculiformis and Carissa carandus.
  • Dry eucalypt forests are very open, typically dominated by peppermint eucalypts (subgenus Monocalyptus series Piperitae) more than 5 meters in height, with a scattered layer of small xerophytic species, such as Acacia, Allocasuarina, and Exocarpos spp. in the understory Eucalyptus amygalina, E. pulchella, and E. viminalis are all found in this ecoregion. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • And then a deadly assassin sent from a race called the Mein, exiled long ago to an ice-locked stronghold in the frozen north, strikes at Leodan in the heart of Acacia while they unleash surprise attacks across the empire. Acacia by David Anthony Durham: Book summary
  • On these heights, which are mostly conoid with rounded tops, joined by ridges and saddlebacks, various kinds of Acacia cast a pallid and sickly green, like the olive tree upon the hills of Provence. First footsteps in East Africa
  • A Hogarth curve of red spray carnations and red roses was shown with a collection of assorted bottles and acacia seed pods.

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