How To Use Aby In A Sentence

  • Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
  • The baby grows fine hair, fingernails and teeth, and the eyes open and close.
  • The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.
  • Though the change was slight, he saw that they had both lost a little of their babyishness.
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  • A little girl, about the age of Peter, is going on about how a stork brought her mommy's baby.
  • Immersed in her ample lap, her adoring voice broadcasting stereophonically through her bosoms, I absorbed the sensationalistic stories and lush illustrations of baby Moses in his basket, later parting the very Red Sea. The Full Feed from
  • As soon as everyone stopped laughing, they noticed a few baby cradles at the other side of the room.
  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
  • Mickey-boy, 'if the Joy Lady is so anxious to get the baby, and sew its clothes herself, why I'll just let her,' so I did _let_ her, but it took some time to make them, so I had to wait to bring it 'til tonight. Michael O'Halloran
  • Coco Stylewood baby lounger, which is quite fitting, because your pet is totally your baby as well. bostonkayla on 2008-09-24 15: 46: 19 view bostonkayla's Apartment Therapy Main
  • Referring to some of the songs of that year, it complained that ‘some fellow gets shot, and his baby and his best friend both die with him, and some cat's crying or ready to die’.
  • When he looks at you like that, you feel like you're standing at the verge of a bottomless abyss, a void so deep that it has its own mystical gravitation.
  • Such a cynosure, at least in aspect, and something such too in nature, though with important variations made apparent as the story proceeds, was welkin-eyed Billy Budd, or Baby Budd, as more familiarly under circumstances hereafter to be given he at last came to be called, aged twenty-one, a foretopman of the British fleet toward the close of the last decade of the eighteenth century. Billy Budd
  • You can use standard wireless technology in hand-helds that have a huge capacity - they can have up to 250 megabytes now.
  • The midwife cut and tied off the baby's umbilical cord.
  • In the early days after the birth, it can be useful to set aside some time to rest when the baby sleeps.
  • Her straight, medium-length, blonde hair glistened, and her baby blue eyes and sweet red mouth were picture-perfect.
  • Season of the Inundation: Sweet, black silt mingled with holy myrrh, melilot, hyssop, spikenard, balsam, cedar, and a hint of melting snow from the Abyssinian hills. Thor's Day
  • Shanghai Baby is peopled with nimble-witted hedonists. From the point of view of traditional mainstream society, they are moral degenerates and self-serving rebels.
  • I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun.
  • What are the possibilities and risks of according spirituality some therapeutic value for those on the edge of the abyss of self-destruction?
  • Gregara, I never could abye the reek of them since I could stotter on two feet. David Balfour, Second Part Being Memoirs Of His Adventures At Home And Abroad, The Second Part: In Which Are Set Forth His Misfortunes Anent The Appin Murder; His Troubles With Lord Advocate Grant; Captivity On The Bass Rock; Journey Into Holland And Fran
  • INFIDEL rockabye reporting for DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODY! Latest Articles
  • The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby.
  • The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness.
  • Most fledgling parents or parents-to-be feel duty-bound to invest in some sort of guide to looking after a new baby, and publishers, naturally, feel duty-bound to take advantage of that by churning out one guide after another.
  • The baby doubled its weight in a year.
  • For the fondness or averseness of the child to some servants, will at any time let one know, whether their love to the baby is uniform and the same, when one is absent, as present. Pamela
  • A woman saved the life of her baby granddaughter only days after learning life-saving skills following a crash course in first aid at her local pub.
  • The deer brought him to where Rishyashringa was, and Vibondaka saw this shining young baby with deer horns.
  • Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
  • The addition of the peppery radishes is a new twist on the classic idea of using baby turnips.
  • We're goin' to need TP, baby wipes, plastic bags, battery powered lanterns, and buckets of batteries.
  • The near-constant depth of the abyssal sea floor indicates that the lithosphere thickens to roughly 100 km in 70 million years, but then ceases to grow.
  • Mrs May claimed that evidence from the blonde-haired victim, who had had a baby since her ordeal, was unreliable.
  • The original center piece has been removed and other areas of the labyrinth have been restored.
  • The only time I have done them is for older teenagers with congenitally missing back teeth (with the baby tooth still there at that age) whose only cosmetic option is the porcelain fused to metal crown (those run around $800 or more each) and usually necessitates a pulpal treatment as well due to the small tooth size, and these crowns having a questionable prognosis in baby teeth. White Crowns For Baby Teeth
  • Barnaby is a character who lives very much in his own head. An Interview With Anne Tyler About Patchwork Planet
  • They're either putting itchy cream in your jock or Vaseline in your helmet or baby powder inside your clothes.
  • Later it becomes a reflex action in response to the baby's cry or just by thinking about the baby or feeding.
  • The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia.
  • In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry / continued crying.
  • One of them, a baby-faced guy maybe in his mid-thirties, with a black patch over his left eye, smiles and raises his beer at me in salutation. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • He advises nursing parents to do soft massages of the tummy as a way of soothing the baby.
  • We share out the babysitting on a rota basis.
  • These are all variations on the same thing, though: a soft cloth wrap that holds the baby close.
  • I felt shamed for being called crybaby and a fraidy cat by family members and others. Undefined
  • Robin's wife is pregnant with their second baby.
  • Kazan says: hey Ed Schultz – a blastocyst is not a baby. an embryo is not a baby, a featus is not a baby. Think Progress » Brownback Holds Up Drawing Of Embryo, Asks ‘Are You Going To Kill Me?’
  • He accused her of babying him up, and treating him too nicely.
  • Since the birth of her baby brother she had turned really nasty.
  • In foreign policy, he has Obama's specific mandate to monitor the wind-down of the American troop involvement in Iraq and to baby-sit its tortuous journey to political stability. Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
  • The finishing touch was a sculpture of a 7ft high stork, complete with baby, made by metal artist Peter Robinson.
  • Sales of soap products have gone up from £76m in 1981 to £173m 20 years later while sales of baby wipes have nearly tripled in the last 15 years.
  • Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
  • Poor female alpacas are pregnant for nearly 12 months and have no sooner had a baby, known as a cria, than they are keen to breed again. IcBirmingham
  • For a while she became an underwear model for Lejaby, but her big break came when she landed the job as hostess in the TV gameshow Wheel of Fortune.
  • The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all! Boing Boing
  • Serves 2-4, depending on hunger4 raw, unshelled tiger prawns90ml olive oil3 cloves garlic, finely chopped500ml good-quality fish stock150g sustainable monkfish, cut into chunks1 onion, finely diced1 tsp smoked paprika200g chopped tomatoes50ml dry white winePinch of saffron soaked in 1 tbsp hot water200g Calasparra or other short-grain rice150g baby squid, cut into rings150g broad beans150g mussels, scrubbedHandful of flat-leaf parsley to garnish½ lemon, cut into wedges 1. Shell the prawns and put the flesh aside. How to cook the perfect paella
  • Many bloggers and online commenters have called the animatronic baby "creepy" and "freaky" -- Technabob even ran a post about the clip with the headline The Full Feed from
  • The presence of gold and silver in your portfolio will insure that you will emerge from the abyss with your capital intact.
  • I promised the babysitter that we'd be home by midnight.
  • But now I have another reason to dislike the need for sleep - there is a fundamental mismatch between a baby's sleep schedule and that of their parents.
  • Hiring Teenagers:For many mothers, the very word baby-sitter means hiring a teenager. Mothering Twins
  • Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70. Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
  • Dan-gle the ball on a string before the baby.
  • The baby is too young to feed itself.
  • On an unseasonally nippy May Tuesday, two women, a man and a young girl wheeling a baby's buggy, set about cracking open the votes in Kinsealy.
  • Babylonia, a part of Lower Mesopotamia, 7; excessive flatness of, 9; later name for "Shumir and Accad" and for "Chaldea," 237. Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria
  • Bab dia nih, aku tatau aaa jatuh hukum harus ke tak. tp dr satu segi ade benefictnye sbb kes buang bayi semakin hari makin kejam … tensen tol aku tgk berita … apa daaaa … tau buat tahu branak tanggung le … ank tu rezeki, yg haram tu hubungan mak bapak bukannya baby yg haram, ank dia tetap suci disisi Allah. Planet Malaysia
  • Liddie Heath became very depressed after the birth of her first child, a baby boy.
  • The opening vignette, ‘Lullaby for a Broken Dog’ is simple piano tinklings and a man's spoken words over the hiss and pop of a needle on an old record.
  • During labour, the bag of water surrounding the baby in the womb often tears, and the water escapes through the vagina in a "gush". Chapter 12
  • Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail.
  • Pregnancy is acceptable, but should a woman lose her baby she will lose her right to apply for such a post.
  • At dawn alert next day Suwanti chained the dogs away from a round jungle-green enigma then bowled the baby into the hedge to its kind.
  • My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years.
  • Cells in the tumour seem to resemble the body's own cells soon after conception when a baby is still developing.
  • What do you bring to the jamboree,darling,huh? Aside from those baby blues and a knife?
  • In any case, Pang et al. may have unknowingly found an unstated risk for hospital birth of having a mildly premature baby.
  • One grandbaby which is the joy of my life right now. Forum Discussions - TuDiabetes
  • The failure of baby boomers to effectively communicate with younger generations of soldiers is driving many captains out of the Army.
  • A boy's first haircut is an event, a non-biological marker of movement from babyhood into childhood.
  • (We went yesterday and they only gave her one marshmallow with her babycino. 2.5 years old « Mad Dave and Lil
  • And another home defeat left them staring the relegation abyss in the face. The Sun
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
  • The music is the best thing about the film, which includes spirituals, work songs, a lullaby, and a great sequence in a saloon with honky-tonk jazz.
  • When I was a baby, my eyes were as black as my hair and I recall my brothers calling me sickly for my pale pallor, though I was never ill.
  • He pointed to where the hills began to grow into baby-mountains, a place already deep in shadow.
  • His investigation reveals a twisted labyrinth of deception and betrayal, with remorseless vixen Kitty Collins at the center.
  • It contains, among other things of merit, a lullaby, called "Sleep, Little Tulip," with a remarkably artistic and effective pedal-point on two notes (the submediant and the dominant) sustained through the entire song with a fine fidelity to the words and the lullaby spirit; a "Nocturne" in which Nevin has revealed an unsuspected voluptuousness in Mr. Aldrich 'little lyric, and has written a song of irresistible climaxes. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Try not to wake the baby up.
  • In a speech Tuesday, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir said the north will not withdraw from Abyei, which he described as "northern Sudanese land". Monitors: North Sudan's Occupation of Abyei Was Planned
  • She is the author of many well written and informative articles about baby showers.
  • As reported at ThinkProgress, Joe the Deacon, had this to say about replacing baby Jesus with a lump of Christmas coal in Silent Night: "I'll put my years as a Sunday school teacher, church deacon and church musician up against just about anybody else when it comes to understanding hymnology and respect for religious traditions. Justin Callaway: Joe the Deacon and the Church of Clean Coal Carolers: How to Faith-wash Green-washing
  • Our Theo was somewhat of a Bible scholar, and an expert on the Talmud, the teachings and deliberations of the Babylonian rabbis in exile. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • To serve, place a portion of the wheat berry salad over some of the baby spinach.
  • Charney is also determined to make a deeper niche within that niche category, by focusing on more fashionable, more fitted basic T-shirts done in 100 percent combed cotton, 30 single yarn baby ribs and superfine jerseys.
  • The letter will have full details but basically the gist is that there ` ll be a per Gigabyte overage charge dependent on plan with a maximum charge, for example here ` s the residential packages and overages, Cogeco to launch metered billing
  • It is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair.
  • We soldiers can only get so many packages filled with snacks, baby wipes, magazines, and other nonessential items.
  • She reminded her of a woman who babysat for her back when she still had both her father and her stepmother around.
  • There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written. Toba Beta 
  • A mother and her 13-month old baby cheated death by moments thanks to a dramatic rescue from their burning home in Kendal.
  • My plan had been to head right through that subtopian labyrinth to the very edge, the scrubland beside the M57.
  • The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.
  • I'm proud of my baby body, knowing that it gave my son a comfy vessel in which to gestate and has been the source of all his nourishment since birth.
  • Michael (1/23/2010 9: 29: 01 PM) i think it would be interesting if mabye the son or some relative became the new general and that the story stays on pandora. ‘Avatar’ Sequel Confirmed By James Cameron… And Here’s What We’d Like To See » MTV Movies Blog
  • You have Baby Boomers aging, a lot of them tremendous health care bills.
  • Louis took the tired baby from her arms and tucked him into the carrycot that stood close to the bed.
  • Since you, the parent is the baby's primary source of physical and emotional nourishment, your well being can contribute to the presence or absence of colic.
  • I was bobbing along in my father-in-law's small yacht with my wife and small baby when we were attacked by a jet-skier who raced at us at high speed before turning sharply, sending a wall of water over us in the boat.
  • How heavy was the baby when he was born?
  • The baby, called a joey, was born on October 25, 2006, but only recently left her puch for the outside world. News
  • A baby monkey clasps its mother's fur tightly.
  • She lay in about 3 hours before the birth of the baby.
  • It could be a hypocoristic or baby-talk form of hysterical, or it might be from the imitative word hiss; or perhaps it is a variant of another dialect term, jesse, meaning a ` severe scolding, 'which is probably from a Biblical allusion. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • Her aunt is making over the baby again.
  • The reason for this is because they had been trying for a baby for the last few years.
  • When you've got a baby you can't just take a load of drugs and zonk out and pretend it doesn't exist!
  • Exhausted and semi-conscious, my peripheral awareness of a sort of beige abyss was occasionally punctuated by explosions of extreme color.
  • It's not for nothing that Cimarusti married Christina Echiverri, a retired pastry chef now raising their new baby girl.
  • In fact there are fascinating glimpses of the Babylonians coming to terms with the fact that division by 7 would lead to an infinite sexagesimal fraction.
  • No bits of light or matter can climb out of these deep gravitational abysses.
  • People long ago produced fiendishly complicated analyses of visual forms: witness Nicholas of Cusa's tract on the all-seeing icon of Christ and Thomas Browne's labyrinthine meditation on the quincunx.
  • You remember the day that baby was kidnapped from the rest area on the interstate?
  • She is slightly built and very pretty, with baby blue eyes and a wide, cheeky grin.
  • Where is the description of the stable, crude and bare, with cattle lowing and the baby Jesus lying on a bed of hay?
  • He's grown up now into a beautiful pigmy goat, but Gilly still believes he's her baby and loves him to bits.
  • ULABY: Those movements ranged from minimalism and conceptualism to the current handcrafting trend. Artist Louise Bourgeois Dies At 98
  • The abyss of ethnographic otherness has been momentarily bridged.
  • There was a woman who had to sell her brainchild - baby shampoo - to Tesco.
  • Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom.
  • For fine white flowers we have the showy achilleas in variety and gypsophila paniculata, called baby breath as a common name. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Who are the rightful heirs of Babylon or the Ottoman Empire?
  • An iPhone has up to 32 gigabytes of data that can be '' imaged '' or decoded with the right equipment, Mr Coulthart said, even if it has been deleted. The Age News Headlines
  • I imagine that an acupuncture session is fairly relaxing for the pet - the article indicates that the animal isthe center of attention during these exercises – they are petted, nuzzled, spoken to in calming adult-cooing baby language, placed on warm blankets with candle light and soft music, perhaps? Pet Acupunture – Grrrrr! Ruff! « Biodork
  • Flemings, and plans of bitter enmity against them; and the sight of his murdered father, with that look and tone of the old Dane, fired his spirit, and breaking from his trance of silent awe and grief, he exclaimed, "I see it, and dearly shall the traitor Fleming abye it! The Little Duke
  • Felix loves his new baby brother and just wants to cuddle him and coo over him, as we do.
  • You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart.
  • AN abysmal Arsenal defensive performance but Stoke deserved their win. The Sun
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine's Day, Baby.
  • Check out our selection of short pants, short sleeve T'S, camisoles, sleeveless vests, and organic cotton striped baby shirts and leggings.
  • In addition, a cloth upholstered seat is often more comfortable for the baby.
  • There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm , but I've seen hope when persist in writing.
  • If there's a corresponding coffee cup holder in basketweave, I am IN, baby! Oversight
  • One correction, the wildlife manager says there hasn't been a documented sighting since 1990, but the Honolulu Advertiser noted a wandering wallaby in 2002. Kalihi Wallabies
  • O'BRIEN (voice-over): The term baby daddy means a father who is not married to the mother of his child. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2009
  • She's telling me to acknowledge the sister and she's also bringing up the baby of the family.
  • Nicola arrived to comfort her baby, mother and grandmother beside the wrecked car and lorry before the emergency services arrived.
  • We will soon describe storage in new terms such as zettabytes (1021 or 1,000 exabytes), and yottabytes (1024 or 1,000 zettabytes).
  • Instead of the traditional baby cakes, try baking a batch of baby cupcakes which guests can frost and decorate.
  • As a little girl I used to watch my aunt embroider pillow-covers, handkerchiefs, dupattas, baby-dresses, you name it.
  • Elsewhere, another such ‘baby,’ this one with four tentacles, lies on its back, wiggling his creepy appendages at an individual wearing a cloak and a bizarre sculpturesque mound atop his head.
  • I delivered their baby seven months later.
  • Congratulations to all the proud mothers, fathers, grannies and granddads who have been part of the recent baby boom in the village.
  • Department of Health and Human Services, concluded that one form of phthalate, called di (2-ethylhexyl), or DEHP, used in intravenous tubing, catheters and other plastic medical equipment, could pose a risk to the proper development of baby boys 'reproductive tracts. 'Everywhere chemicals' in plastics alarm parents
  • Within a building, a local area network can transfer data at broadband speeds-10 megabytes per second or more.
  • The Natural Child cautions against practices like ignoring a baby's cries to foster self-reliance or having the baby sleep in a separate room.
  • On either side, cliffs tower upwards with dark cloud banks masking their peaks; small waterfalls cascade down the abyss and onto the windscreen.
  • Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother, whose primary task was to feed her baby.
  • Britney Spears is being forced to give custody of her children to man-whore/baby-mama maker/Britney despoiler/my idol Kevin Federline. Archive 2007-10-01
  • The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • The two of them walked to the cradle where the baby was still asleep.
  • Headboards, footboards, and side rails can be unsafe, especially if a baby is left alone in bed with these trappings.
  • And in this cradle is a nice, fat, bright-eyed little baby. Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story
  • He bought her a silver necklace that says mom and each letter is comprised of a different birthstone, his; hers; and the baby's due date.
  • However, the bi-polar Albert Square resident is in for a fright when she feels a "twinge" in her tummy and worries she is losing the baby. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • Maternal age affects the baby's survival rate.
  • He found that he was not the father to his shorty's baby.
  • Amelio succeeds in showing the abysmal sadness that results when the longed-for miracle of education doesn't quite live up to its hype.
  • He was the first baby born to a British prime minister for more than a century.
  • That said, the baby back pork ribs with demi glace and honey-soy sauce were fan-freakin-tastic, as was the Cordero, a ridiculously tender lamb foreshank, braised in rioja red wine, orange zest, and coriander. SFist
  • I can imagine a bushbaby, under attack, repeating the immortal words of Charlton Heston, “Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!” Waldo Jaquith - I, for one, welcome our spear-wielding chimp overlords.
  • Everyone knows what's best for him or herself. He/she or he can also be used in writing:If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/she can give you more information. These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying:A baby cries when he or she is tired you can say Babies cry when they are tired.
  • Officers also found that he had a stock of nappies, baby bottles, dummies and parenting magazines stored at his home.
  • Philip's mother, Carol, said that instead of a dummy he was given a sheepdog whistle as a baby, and he's never looked back.
  • Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.
  • The fact that the baby is still doing the lambada on all internal organs it can find is far more reassuring to me.
  • Next day it was done, with baby Jesus smiling happily and waving from the sleigh. Part the Eighth: The Meaning of Christmas « Unknowing
  • Nothing was too much trouble for her to do in the way of helping us, and oftentimes tears would bedim her eyes as she looked at me and baby, who always laughed at her; perhaps thinking of her loneliness after we were gone, perhaps of the possibility of our not returning to Tankar, and even of the uncertainty of life in the far interior. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Words are dumped by the gigabyte on our doorstep daily. Christianity Today
  • You gotta be my grandbaby, what lost her mama and daddy and is headin ' west wif her granddaddy. PAINT THE WIND
  • I raced back to my room, threw myself on my bed, and bawled like a baby!
  • The old building was a labyrinth of dark corridors.
  • Nine months later - or two hours in TV drama time - she was back on the diving board, with her dreams revised and a doting dad holding the baby by the poolside, minutes after a snottery-nosed declaration that he and his gymslip mum were about to ruin each other's lives by staying together. The Daily Record - Home
  • There were little blankets designed to wrap the baby like a papoose, but I worried that I would wrap the child too tight and suffocate her. Staceyann Chin: Surviving Halloween, Bedrest, and The Baby Registry
  • Yet, ironically, pink - a very light tint of red - is one of the most calming colors, and is a fine choice for a baby's room, she says.
  • But the baby boy isn't Karen's son, he is one of the children she and her husband are fostering.
  • Twenty-two percent of Caesareans are performed because of concerns for the baby's welfare, and another 20% are because the labour is not progressing.
  • The research will be carried out in Glasgow, where the handing out of statins is most likely to happen, because of the city's abysmal heart attack record.
  • A comedy about becoming fully conscious, AND SOPHIE COMES TOO follows the three Abramowitz sisters and their mother Sophie, who may or may not wake from a coma before her daughters take control of their increasingly chaotic lives: Barbara, a single lesbian, doesn't want her wacky family's calamity to interfere with her sex life or the pending adoption of a baby girl from China. Featured Content
  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms 'Lullaby' performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby.
  • Whether a prisoner awaiting execution has the right to have a baby, is a point of dispute in the legal field.
  • The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.
  • Smear cream on to your baby's skin at the edges of the plaster to prevent it from rubbing.
  • The handful of guitar instruction DVDs I have watched range from superlative to abysmal, and nowadays the marketplace is glutted with guitar videos.

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