How To Use Abusively In A Sentence
What exactly is the etiquette of sitting next to someone on the train who is noisily and abusively breaking up with their boyfriend on a mobile phone?
Have you ever seen people who abusively but claim it's merely dominance?
A husband shouts abusively at his wife after returning from work.
It followed an incident when James's sister, Vicky, was upset when abusively insulted.
Rather than considering whether a particular company is pricing abusively, the UK authorities have been able to examine whether prices in a given industry have been against ‘the public interest’.
It seems therefore that the only way to put pressure to bear on states that practice immigration control abusively is to use political countermeasures.
All the Wrong Reasons « Blog
I looked around the circle for support, but they all agreed, some abusively, that I should go.
When they thik they can hide safely, like on this blog, they rant abusively, which is really the only thing they learned how to do in their worthless lives.
Think Progress » Frist and Torture: What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?
Myspace. was registered 'abusively' Social networking company MySpace has won the right to have the domain name myspace. transferred to it despite the fact that it was regis ...
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He then started to drag her across the road by her arm and her hair, while shouting abusively at her.
A year ago, the group accused Bush of largely withdrawing from defence of human rights after deciding to combat terrorism "abusively".
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And many of them were treated horribly and abusively.
A US rights group is suing law enforcement officials and airport security agents in Philadelphia on behalf of a student whom they allegedly "abusively" questioned and handcuffed because he was carrying Arabic flashcards.
Turkish Press
Scilla begins by explaining that she wants to know how to be powerful in a way which enables her to respond effectively when she sees power being abused, and yet not use her own power abusively.
He doesn't seem to mind that to shout abusively at someone on a one-to-one basis, for no other reason than they disagree with what he's saying, is bad manners.
He continued shaking her abusively as he still yelled at her.
A company in a dominant position which charges excessive prices for its products may be acting abusively.
On the one hand, obviously the poster meant to do it abusively, which is out of order, as you say.
Is fairness enough?
Don't have cocaine abusively.
She says that while trying to give a statement to a female officer a male officer continually interrupted by entering the room, shouting abusively and verbally bullying her.
In ‘Trudy,’ for example, a crowd of shoppers and passersby gathers to watch as an elderly white woman loudly and abusively accuses a black cashier of cheating her.
Trina, a smart, beautiful and sweet teenage daughter becomes abusively profane and violent; she is both tortured and the torturer.
Voice is abusively attributed to irrational and inanimate beings; thus we improperly call the neighing of horses or any other sound by the name of voice.
Essays and Miscellanies
He practices directing as antithetically and abusively to the author's intentions as perversely possible, reaping kudos from benighted reviewers and audiences alike.
The pace is frenetic: women's heels click the sidewalks with conviction, mobile phones are spoken into earnestly, and cars honk their horns abusively.
he behaved abusively toward his children
A strip search will always be unreasonable if it is carried out abusively or for the purpose of humiliating or punishing the arrestee.
Although students are not scolded for speaking Spanish or ridiculed abusively for using their bilingual resources, they tend to internalize the idea that speaking their native language is wrong.
‘Research shows that couples who fight quite a bit are happier five years later, as long as they are not fighting abusively,’ says Biddulph.
On a site discussing technical issues, the worst anybody can expect is strong disagreement - even if it is posed impolitely, or abusively.
With regard to the former, I'm not convinced that everyone with access to potentially threatening information will refrain from using that information abusively, via blackmail, bigotry, red-lining and so forth.