
How To Use Abuser In A Sentence

  • One of the nastiest is the way in which male honour is seen as bound up with female behaviour so that any supposed compromise or scandal in what happens to women, even becoming a rape victim, justifies violence against them as well as against their abusers or seducers; hence the 'honour killings' of young girls that disfigure some societies even today. Temple Address: "Becoming Trustworthy: Respect and Self-Respect" Church House
  • In some cases of abduction, the abducting parent is mentally unstable and/or a drug abuser.
  • In fact, some 'loads' abusers have ingested up to 12 grams of glutethimide and greater than 2.5 grams of codeine (often in combination with acetaminophen or aspirin) on adaily basis. 5 Complications from chronic abuse should also be considered. Loads
  • In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term nonce sometimes spelled "nonse" is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender and/or child sexual abuser. On a child's view of English
  • Computer forensics is a very labor intensive business in terms of accessing the abuser's computer and getting sufficient evidence of robustness that will stand up in court.
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  • Abusers are often suspicious and jealous, suffer from low self-esteem and need to assert themselves.
  • The chief villain here is technology, or, at least, its malicious abusers.
  • Interestingly, many abusers of ketamine report that the drug's effects are dependent upon the setting within which it is abused.
  • * mais sur tout ` a noircir par des infames calomnies la sainte et salutaire Doctrine, dont nous faisons profession, nous sommes obliges, pour desabuser l'esprit de ceux qui pourraient avoir este preoccupes de ces sinistres impressions, de faire une brieve The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • They were unanimous in their condemnation of what they called notorious abusers, but divided on the question of zero tolerance. CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2002
  • Social workers used these indicators to identify a local family as satanic abusers.
  • The dotcom era of the late 90s saw some of the worst abusers of pro-forma earnings manipulations.
  • One is through international environmental agreements; the other is unilateral sanctions imposed by responsible commons users upon abusers.
  • Spreading the" meme "that religious parents are child abusers is coercion. Critics in the Post Wedge World
  • Even if you plan to put out feelers for other jobs, dedicate yourself to vanquishing your abuser, not being a victim.
  • Every occupation which involves unmonitored access to children will be attractive to an unreformed child abuser.
  • Ive found louise and she's living with another abuser plus there's stuff going on here that's doing my head in. lou looks like cill trevelyan and she was married to one of cills rapists for a while. she says there's things mum kept to herself to save the family embarrassment and I want to know what they are. Disordered Minds
  • Drug users, abusers and addicts are now considered to be in the ultra high risk group.
  • In more than two-thirds of reported cases, the abusers are family members, according to the National Research Center on Elder Abuse.
  • No one accuses my friends prescribed to adderall or xanex or clonazepam or lunesta as being “drug abusers” because they use it everyday. Matthew Yglesias » The Virtue of Quasi-Legal Status for Marijuana
  • I prefer the term necrotic pustular basket of cowards, cheats, thieves, swindlers, con-artists, fuckwits lying bastards, child abusers and war criminals. News
  • She categorized her boyfriend as an "isolator," a person who attempts to control a partner's behavior by monitoring their visits with friends and family, and progressively limiting the victim's social interaction to only the abuser and victim. Undefined
  • It is a world of hermetic luxury in which a white-suited pianist picks out smoochy tunes, Claudius and Gertrude are sensual topers, Polonius a daughter-abuser, and Ophelia a flighty number who sings ‘My heart belongs to Daddy‘.
  • Previous research has shown that substance abusers are highly transient and difficult to locate.
  • He said his abuser, who is now dead, once attacked him with a crucifix.
  • His reputation for scattergun attacks arguably reveal him to be an equal-opportunity abuser.
  • But even after the abuser is out of the picture, the fear, the mistrust, the obsessive search for what's true, and the need to control persist. Will North - An interview with author
  • He jailed the child abuser for seven years and warned him that if he breaks his parole or reoffends during the supervision period of the sentence, he could go back behind bars for a further six and a half years.
  • The Jesuits, for example, place abuser priests in Jesuit communities away from schools and parishes, where they typically cannot leave without another priest, said the Rev. Thomas Gaunt, executive secretary of the Jesuit Conference, the order's U.S. office. Abusive priests: To defrock or not? U.S. Catholics debate
  • The police presence would be greatly appreciated if they took steps to punish the abusers to the fullest extent of the law.
  • The purple ultra violet lighting stops drug abusers injecting because they are unable to see their veins.
  • Some cases remain under wraps for a long time simply because the young victims fear being punished by their abusers.
  • This week police in Manchester launched a massive clampdown on mobile phone abusers fining more than 500 motorists.
  • When I use the word abuser I'm talking about batterers, both physical and psychological, sexual predators and those who kill the flower of youth with the effluent of inappropriate desire. The Vorpal Blade
  • Is this really a song about an abuser rationalizing his violent behaviour - or just a guy saying look I'm moody and hard to live with?
  • America is a nation of gun lovers and a victim of gun violence, as well as a club of drug abusers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Oh, and it's nice to see that Erik Erickson believes that a person who speaks out against an abuser is a bad parent and attention seeker. Method for determining permanent disability of Speaker of the House of Representatives (Blog for Democracy)
  • Moreover, battered women often wind up dropping the charges as reconciliation with the abuser.
  • A substantial amount of evidence was found by police to indicate that this was a serial abuser.
  • For a time this system worked satisfactorily, but ultimately it inosculated itself with the views it was designed to nullify, and the Fujiwara became flagrant abusers of the power handed down to them. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • Abusers of freebase cocaine, regardless of how they obtain the drug, are far more likely to become dependent on the substance than those who sniff cocaine hydrochloride.
  • The reality was that he was a vile child abuser who deserved whatever criticism he got.
  • The attraction of this scheme for the authorities seems to be that it enables them to forewarn partners of previously convicted domestic abusers before these partners become victims themselves.
  • That's what the study said.The study found that Washington D.C. residents were the top abusers of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana.
  • But maybe an abused substance abuser can"t be cured through therapy and methadone but instead through confrontation and forgiveness.
  • Months later, Toronto police learned that her abuser had already been jailed, and that she had been placed with a foster family.
  • Calling someone a child abuser is a very serious thing. A California Ruling
  • Archdiocese spokesman Joe Zwilling said Dolan acknowledged the victims in the letter, which he called a textbook example of how to deal with a priest-abuser. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The financial exposure arising from the activities of the prolific abusers is staggering.
  • The ‘issues’ the reviewer complains about are in fact relatively minor to the plot which centres on the codependency between abuser and victim, mother and daughter.
  • Substance abusers may be particularly likely to be disenfranchised from key societal institutions including the church.
  • In those dark days fathers surfaced in politics either as incipient child-abusers, or alimony-evading wastrels.
  • In the literary genre, Sutherland recommends the Screwtape Letters, CS Lewis's epistolatory novel of Christian apologetics; Letters to my Torturer, Iranian journalist Houshang Asadi's searing memoir of his 682 days in solitary confinement written in the form of letters to Brother Hamid, his torturer; and the remarkable website Letter to my Abuser, on which women can publish letters to their abusers. Gordon Ramsay: 'Dear Mother-in-law'
  • From my own clinical experience, incest appears to have a more complicated impact on development, which may arise from the mixed feelings felt toward the abuser who not infrequently may also be the main source of nurturance for the child.
  • He has spent more than thirty years challenging homophobes, tyrants, and other human rights abusers.
  • Although, if private suits against abusers is one of the mechanisms of his proposal, I find it hard to believe that one academic year would be sufficient to judge the full impact.
  • To prolong the high, many inhalant abusers continue to sniff, or huff, repeatedly over several hours.
  • Many believe that the authorities in their countries of origin should give a lot less freedom to abusers of lax laws.
  • Let's register the emotional and physical abusers.
  • Wedlock is the incredible story of her transformation from one of eighteenth-century England's richest, most free-wheeling heiresses into a piteous victim of a cruel, manipulative abuser into an improbable poster-child for modern women's rights. Wedlock: Summary and book reviews of Wedlock by Wendy Moore.
  • The reason is simple: it's unlikely that an animal abuser will show benevolence to his counterpart.
  • When women pluck up the courage to leave a violent or abusive relationship, they often find their abuser turns to the law, Tagg explained.
  • I had not been persecuted by any abusers of authority.
  • Emotional abusers often seem to be charismatic and trustworthy, that is until one gets to really know them. SaraKay Smullens: The Balloon Hoax and Emotional Abuse Awareness
  • I'll give these collective abusers the name Keith, because so many blokes called Keith seem to talk from their hole. Joe Mott: Tabloid Tossers - be Nice to us Hacks
  • In intravenous drug abusers it can occur where a vein is regularly punctured with a needle.
  • Abusers are often suspicious and jealous, suffer from low self-esteem and need to assert themselves.
  • These mind abusers Ayn Rand is talking about are today's educators.
  • Abusers use their "brawn" to over power women and make themselves feeeeel high and mighty. Police State In Republican Convention City
  • You should focus your efforts on what makes a time abuser anxious instead of teaching him how to organize his day.
  • Research has found that previous arrest of the abuser is associated with decreased risk of femicide.
  • America is a nation of gun lovers and a victim of gun violence, as well as a club of drug abusers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • However, this same reproachable conduct seems to be tolerable if the abuser is an already established member of the group.
  • Then she has to prove that the Mexican government is unable or unwilling to protect her, and on top of that she has to show that there is nowhere in Mexico where she can be safe from her abusers.
  • Initially, a drug abuser is prescribed slowly increasing amounts of methadone to increase tolerance to the drug.
  • Weaker spouses, and children, were at risk but feared to act against their abuser.
  • I'm thinking if you have someones first and last name implicated in a sexual position or being an animal abuser or a druggie its not funny anymore. Facebook’s official response to their alleged breach of Canadian privacy law | Sync Blog
  • If a clamp down is to be made on beach sellers, these animal abusers should be the first in line.
  • The standard interdict handed out to abusers is hard to enforce, especially where partners have never married or where a relationship has ended in divorce.
  • For example, the propensity of opioid abusers entering opioid agonist treatment to discount their cocaine use has been previously documented.
  • The ‘issues’ the reviewer complains about are in fact relatively minor to the plot which centres on the codependency between abuser and victim, mother and daughter.
  • The federation represents the group that traditionally has been one of the worst abusers of ordinary consumers.
  • By nurturing my bitterness, I thought I was punishing my abusers, but I was only punishing myself, spinning my wheels purposelessly for years. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Basically, the researchers decided at the end that they just need to "refine developmentally appropriate information with concrete instructions and role-plays" so that even the smallest children 5-7 years old will be able to "conceptualize" sexual abuse and accept that members of their own families might be abusers. "If you were really savvy, you'd 'manipulate' the media into a stampede of lurid drivel deriding her as a Stepford wife and a dominatrix..."
  • Signatories to the convention agree to institute the necessary legislation to prevent abusers of power from reaping the rewards of corruption.
  • It said abusers can hide their grooming of children if they are working for institutions that are highly regarded or respected.
  • Meldon said Yandle, who lives in Rutland, Vt., has stayed sober, is training to be a counselor for alcohol and drug abusers, and is trying to be a good father. AP Boston - Lie may land killer back in jail
  • * Batterers Intervention Programs (BIPs): Supports 15 certified batterer intervention programs provide vital services to rehabilitate abusers, assess dangerousness and provide critical informational referrals for partners and their children. Monday
  • Because of its ease of manufacture and ready availability, methamphetamine has become the sympathomimetic amine of choice among stimulant abusers.
  • Saturn was a man, fabled to have escaped by flight from his son to avoid being thrust from his kingdom; Jupiter also, the lewdest practiser of all debaucheries and of unnatural vice, the abuser of the women of his own family, who could not even abstain from intercourse with his own sister, as she herself admitted in the words “sister and spouse of Jove.” The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • The abusers are a crafty sort, often charming and engaging to the point of distraction, and their transgressions can go unnoticed or be perceived as almost insignificant. Randi Miller: Seeing Red
  • Agency definitions of abuse and what behaviours constitute abuse must maintain the balance of responsibility between the abuser and abused.
  • He calls himself ‘a problem drinker, a user and occasional abuser of narcotics, a high school dropout, a pessimist prone to loose women and no stranger to prostitutes and deviant sexual behaviour’.
  • It is vital that the hierarchy atone for their own role in multiplying the abuse by moving known abusers from place to place. Think Progress » Donohue: ‘There’s a connection between homosexuality and sexual abuse of minors.’
  • Abusers of typewriter correction fluid frequently are found with the paraphernalia of abuse around them and the chalky white of the fluid on their face and hands. 9 Definitive diagnosis of TCE intoxication is made by quantitative determination of the compound in the patient's blood, tissue or expired breath. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Smartphone users and abusers can now synchronize all of their Google contacts and calendar appointments to their smartphone with afree download ofGoogle Sync. 2010 January : Law is Cool
  • He spoke out against abusers of aid for the victims, ensuring that funds didn't fall prey to charity scams.
  • His father is American, a vicious abuser who beats and pimps both his wife, Betty, and his son.
  • Besides using one or more of these criminal history checking tools, all fulltime and seasonal staff names should be checked against the State Child Abuser and Sex Abuser Registry.
  • When the previously-mentioned study took into account non-marriage factors such as age the average cohabitor is 32, the average married person 44, boyfriends were no longer more likely to be abusers than husbands. Alas, a blog » 2004 » August
  • For both victim and abuser, the Church's teachings on redemption and rebirth are a relief and a liberation.
  • Alcohol is frequently used by GHB abusers in an attempt to detoxify themselves from GHB; in the case of BD, alcohol may actually exacerbate and extend BD's toxic effects.
  • Where courts were not equipped with closed circuit television or one-way mirrors, children were sometimes still made to testify in the presence of their accused abuser.
  • Read in studio Former drug abusers fear addicts could die if a rehabilitation centre is forced to close.
  • In undertaking crime to support their drug habits, cocaine and heroin abusers become likelier than usual to be arrested.
  • It is important to call abusers of peace and justice on their abuses. Printing: Zionism, Zionists; Defining meaning, Abuse, Overuse
  • The team found that the centre did not comply with the acts on childcare and treatment of substance abusers.
  • There are a lot of good hotels in the area, but there are the "abusers" - Wichita Falls residents in many cases - who turn to hotel rooms to carry out their illegal activities. Times Record News Stories
  • In a region filled with human rights stalwarts such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Hamas, and so on, HRW acts like the most serious human rights abuser is Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Yglesias Challenge on Human Rights Watch
  • They emphasize the need for the abuser to know his feelings, identify his inner frustrations and redirect his responses.
  • In fact, some 'loads' abusers have ingested up to 12 grams of glutethimide and greater than 2.5 grams of codeine (often in combination with acetaminophen or aspirin) on adaily basis. 5 Complications from chronic abuse should also be considered. Loads
  • Child sexual abuse sadly doesn't happen on a small scale when the possible abuser is a person of great influence. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The teens who were being raised by so-called indulgent parents who tend to give their children lots of praise and warmth - but offer little in the way of consequences or monitoring of bad behavior - were among the biggest abusers of alcohol. NPR Topics: News
  • It is not always easy to identify or apprehend abusers of fireworks.
  • By the nature of the practice, volatile substance abusers repeatedly expose themselves to far higher doses of compounds than could be given during volunteer studies.
  • This might be funny, if it weren't for the fact that 1) the catholic church has done nothing to those accused of paedophilia, and has gone so far as to shield the abusers, and 2) they probably would "excommunicate" the women that become "priests"!!! Main RSS Feed
  • If a victim wants to plead for mercy for her abuser/attacker/assaulter, we should respect that above the law? datingjesus Should the victim’s wishes be respected above all? « Dating Jesus
  • Dutton has for years run treatment groups for abusers, most of whom arrive under court mandate.
  • Mr. Guirgis's play is an antiromantic romcom about the effects of the therapeutic culture on a group of substance abusers. Into the (Spot)light
  • I know some of you have heard about, MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY its not a mental disorder,90\% of cases of Munchausen by Proxy, the mother is the abuser. Blogger News Network
  • Parents have to drive them to soccer practice, and stay to watch the game, or be considered child abusers.
  • However, after controlling for this overall increase in metabolism in the methamphetamine abusers, the investigators showed that metabolism was significantly reduced in two brain regions - the thalamus and striatum.
  • Public surveys show that the media misinforms most Americans about what is sexual abuse, and who is the sexual abuser.
  • ‘I could care less’ also has similar ‘chain abusers’ who rationalise the mistake by citing someone in history who said it, long enough ago to somehow make saying it today, okay. “Irregardless” has a posse « Motivated Grammar
  • The World Wide Web has created a new criminal epidemic known as cyberstalking and women seeking refuge find the path to freedom much more difficult than ever before because of the increasing number of abusers who are using technology to stalk. Violence Against Women « AAUW Dialog
  • The Court must rule on a technicality about the institution's legal status, not that the director was a serial abuser.
  • However, the approach you suggest, to hand out fines to abusers and discounts to those that reduce consumption, is unpractical, costly to implement and lacking in transparency.
  • Read in studio Former drug abusers fear addicts could die if a rehabilitation centre is forced to close.
  • It is also expected that a couple of Tory backbenchers will be named and shamed tomorrow for being amongthe very worstabusers of the system. Telegraph reportedly planning to do the shadow Cabinet on Monday
  • She described him as a drinker and wife abuser who was also a patriot who served as a militia captain during the Revolutionary War.
  • Abusers are often suspicious and jealous, suffer from low self-esteem and need to assert themselves.
  • Many of the survivors are more thinly drawn than their abusers, and some patly written scenes necessary to move the story along clearly take more dramatic license with reality than you wish they would.
  • Spreading the "meme" that religious parents are child abusers is coercion. Critics in the Post Wedge World
  • You want to call the abusers criminals and send them to jail, fine. Egyptian Blogger Present Man's View of Sexual Harassment
  • The majority of convicted substance abusers treated under a flagship Government scheme to combat drug addiction have reoffended, new figures reveal.
  • Substance abusers lie about everything, and usually do an awesome job of it.… Yeah, stewbums and stoners lie about the big stuff, like how much and how often, but they also lie about the small things.
  • Are victims not entitled to every assurance that their abusers will not offend again?
  • In the event that a chargeback is placed or threatened on a purchase, we also reserve the right to report the incident for inclusion in chargeback abuser database (s) of our choosing and in our sole discretion. Merchant Tries To Forbid Chargebacks - The Consumerist
  • It shows great restraint and tolerance when the abuser is not called out onit. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Arizona Law is Much Worse than the Federal Law It is Supposedly Based On
  • We must also reach out to abusers and their children, teaching them more peaceful ways to resolve conflict.
  • While I agree with freedom of speech even for the speech I hate, the cure is as Jefferson suggested: To paste the fat a$$es of the abusers with scorn and calumny so that they will never be allowed to walk in polite (and sane) society again. The Volokh Conspiracy » One Thing We Know About Elena Kagan’s Views on Particular Free Speech Cases

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