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How To Use Abundance In A Sentence

  • The wives showed themselves true to stereotype by forever cooking meals containing an abundance of chips and driving to shoe shops in Japanese cabriolets.
  • On a sunny summer day one can be overwhelmed by the abundance of the wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • Folk wisdom tells of the abundance that follows a freeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Afterward the rider returns the maintenance station to refuel in abundance carries on the final sprint.
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  • Grams argues that all social layers share in life's abundance of physical and mental agonies.
  • If the abundance of leather, suede, sheepskin and fur heading for our high street fashion stores is anything to go by, the answer is a resounding yes.
  • These small, bushy plants literally bloom nonstop with an extraordinary abundance of petite flowers.
  • These conditions are challenging - retaining acidity and preventing sunburnt fruit are two of the main problems - but the abundance of very young vines is still a huge factor limiting the overall quality.
  • However, egg predation also had a large impact on geese and this effect was highly variable according to the abundance of another prey, lemmings.
  • Although fruits added to jellies in the way just described are chiefly for decorative effect, they do add very greatly to the pleasure of eating them; but jellied fruits, as distinguished from _fruits in jelly_, are a delicious mode of eating fruit, and where it is in abundance afford a pleasant variety. Choice Cookery
  • The relative abundance of these elements is increasingly being used to trace chemical processes in the mantle, crust, and oceans.
  • The Port Talbot sample, which is predictably highly metalliferous, is especially enriched in Fe as a result of an abundance of spherulitic iron oxide condensates commonly
  • Seven bat species have been recorded in Nova Scotia, but little information is available on their relative abundance, ecology, and migratory patterns.
  • Try siphonophores, gelatinous animals that live in the deep sea, whose abundance is only now being measured by scientists in Monterey Bay, but may take the prize.
  • Last year, Wavves (a.k.a. Nathan Williams) emerged from the crowded, static-filled indie-rock underground thanks to an abundance of pop hooks that fought through the fuzz of his lo-fi home recordings. Getting Up Guide: Spoken-word showcase; Sly Fox brew tasting
  • As mentioned in your article, mussels, cockles and perlemoen were in abundance.
  • FLOWERS are raised everywhere in great variety and in great abundance, and the chrysanthemum is the emblem of the country and is used on postage stamps. Up To Date Business Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.)
  • But though this darkness were wholly removed, there is another darkness, that ariseth not from the want of light, but from the excessive superabundance of light — _caligo lucis nimiæ_, (240) that is, a divine darkness, a darkness of glory, such an infinite excess and superplus of light and glory, above all created capacities, that it dazzles and confounds all mortal or created understandings. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • It is an ornithologist's dream come true with an abundance of parrots, rosellas, honeysuckers, finches and nightbirds.
  • AGB stars in which the abundance of carbon atoms exceeds that of oxygen atoms have chemistries dominated by carbon and are known as carbon stars.
  • There were wood and game in abundance and shelter from the storms of the plains.
  • Alabama's Gulf Coast extends over 32 miles of beaches along the Gulf of Mexico and inland areas of live oaks and pines, freshwater lakes, rivers, bayous, and coves, all showing an abundance of birds.
  • If you're a fan of the theatre, don't mind luvvies being luvvies and enjoy an elongated version of a Sunday night period melodrama, with an abundance of tomfoolery, then this should tickle your fancy.
  • The abundant supply of credit is not matched by an abundance of personal responsibility in current bankruptcy law.
  • There occurs in great numbers a species of small Pecten, -- some of the specimens scarce larger than a herring scale; a minute Ostrea, a sulcated Terebratula, an Isocardia, a Pullastra, and groups of broken serpulæ in vast abundance. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • No, he takes Scrooge to the market, and shows him the abundance there, especially the fruits sometimes literal of foreign trade: There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. A Dickens Of A Debate Between Mr. Scrooge And Mr. Say
  • Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
  • There is a lemon tree just outside our kitchen window that delivers an abundance of big juicy fruit twice a year.
  • The struggle between abundance and abjection is an age-old story that has left physical and psychic scars on the watery landscape of the Delta.
  • And now I'm reading John Green's marvelous An Abundance of Katherines, and am pleased to have found another child for whom fables were not all that: "if only he'd known that the story of the tortoise and the hare is about more than a tortoise and a hare, he might have saved himself considerable trouble. Whither Jackie Paper?
  • But who shall do justice to the dinner, and describe the turkey, and chickens, and chicken pies, with all that endless variety of vegetables which the American soil and climate have contributed to the table, and which, without regard to the French doctrine of courses, were all piled together in jovial abundance upon the smoking board? Oldtown Folks
  • Another important result of dendrochronological dating of large samples of subfossil wood is the ability to calculate the relative abundance of Siberian spruce in forest stands of the area, which is an index or proxy for the degree of continentality of the climate. Climate change and forest distribution in the Arctic
  • Fortunately archaeology is capable of providing these in abundance.
  • Also, lime addition, by increasing pH, has been shown to stimulate mycorrhizal fungal abundance.
  • Such quirky little blooms would be lost in the floral abundance of spring or summer, but in midwinter they are dazzling, standing out against snowy backdrops or the dark needles of evergreens.
  • His top thrifty tips include buying seasonal food in abundance when it is at its cheapest and freshest and freezing any excess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long-tem change in benthopelagic fish abundance in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean. Bottom-up control
  • An abundance of coppice woods, known as spring woods, were required to provide charcoal, tan bark, fuel wood and timber.
  • Species richness is one component of the concept of species diversity, which also incorporates evenness, that is, the relative abundance of species. Species richness
  • For calking the seams they made oakum of dry seaweed, which was hammered in between the planks; then these seams were covered with boiling tar, which was obtained in great abundance from the pines in the forest. The Mysterious Island
  • So my thought was to replace the flower over-abundance with a solid blue color to accent the nice yellow, by whatever means was the easiest and best way to accomplish this task.
  • After all, champagne and cava are two of my favourite things, and I've been assured that they've got it in abundance at the party.
  • There is conspicuous abundance here in this lovely place, and patent lack.
  • Usually, however, not wishing to go into the matter so thoroughly -- having come in contact with outsiders chiefly when they have been on holiday and least economical -- he considers a tip merely as the outflowing of a gen'leman's abundance. A Poor Man's House
  • Rinaldo's men were lawless, and sometimes the supplies were not furnished in sufficient abundance, so that Rinaldo and his garrison got a bad name for taking by force what they could not obtain by gift; and we sometimes find Montalban spoken of as a nest of freebooters, and its defenders called a beggarly garrison. Legends of Charlemagne
  • Snails graze in abundance on sick and dying cordgrass.
  • The area has an abundance of wildlife.
  • 'Too much' implies a negative, 'so much' a pleasant overabundance.
  • KJ knows I secretly dread the day I start going bald (when this "pig fur" will be gone from the world forever), so the other day she said that she read somewhere that male baldness is caused by an abundance of hormones that usually indicated health in ... ahem ... other areas. And One to Grow On
  • This rarity may simply be a function of the taphonomy and collection history of the localities where Ansomys has been found, it may also be that it indicates low abundance in the communities from which the fossil assemblages were derived.
  • Surely, for those who are interested in pornography, the real thing is readily available, and in abundance, along several major streets, where VCD vendors tout their tasteless wares openly for passers-by.
  • Provided this is taken into account, the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used.
  • ZAHN: Tell us more about the strength and courage you found in abundance in what you call the sewing circles of Herat. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2002
  • Rich explained the low relative abundances of vultures and other raptorial groups as consistent with the pattern of relatively low representation in modern avifaunas.
  • The land in all its splendour was rich and the dark red soil held all the rain and mist which seeped into the ground feeding the crops that grew in abundance.
  • In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, Elections 2006/2008
  • There were flowers in abundance in the courtyard; red hibiscus, pink jasmine and gladioli. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • One of his problems as a player is an abundance of expendable energy that he only knows how to use while on the basketball court - he's ‘too amped up,’ as he describes it.
  • While he was visiting his father in El Paso they would either eat in, taking turns cooking; or try one of the apparently hundreds of local Mexican restuarants which were all differently arranged, but which all nonetheless appeared to share the same menu of tacos, frijoles, nachos, burritos, tortillas in abundance, enchiladas and, infrequently, chiles rellenos. Tortillas
  • In which latter situation the accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation increases by its superabundance the associability of the fibres of the stomach, so as to overbalance the defect of the excitement of their association. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • • Vitamin Cis also called ascorbic acid, and can be found in abundance in most fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. The Rice Diet Solution
  • Further, a certain measure of restraint was a condition of sanity amidst the new atmosphere of material abundance.
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • Mount Olympus, home of the gods of the ancient Greeks, was said to have had an abundance of chestnut trees producing this sweet, edible nut.
  • Concentrated, full, rich and velvety, this nicely structured, complex red has cherry, cloves, vanilla, pepper and aniseed in abundance.
  • As a result we have cheap food of amazing variety and abundance. Times, Sunday Times
  • One continuing theme is lack of corporate working - an overabundance of departmentalism.
  • Since the effect of the movement is to reduce the liquids to the same condition, _a difference in density causes the flow to be greater from the less dense toward the denser liquid_, than in the opposite direction; while _a difference in composition causes the substances in solution to move from the place of greater abundance toward places of less abundance_. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • He buys at a low price in proportion to the abundance of the articles in demand; _abundance_, then, enriches him. What Is Free Trade? An Adaptation of Frederic Bastiat's "Sophismes Éconimiques" Designed for the American Reader
  • The abundance of pawpaw trees, whose fruit tastes like banana custard, amplifies the tropical effect.
  • I saw traces only of one living animal in abundance, namely, the shells of a Bulimus, which were collected together in extraordinary numbers on the driest spots. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The researchers focus on the concept of "evenness" -- the relative abundance of different species, including predators and pests, in a farm's ecosystem. Grist - the latest from Grist
  • Finally, we should comment on the relative abundance of ozone and hydrogen peroxide at Cape Grim.
  • But this time it's an abundance of bad food. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talks about la bonne vaux, the valley of abundance, the sacred combe. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an abundance of native birds living alongside badgers, deer and the marauding foxes which cleared out the bantams of a previous tenant.
  • Mushrooms, apricots, asparagus, a variety of chilies and numerous spices are grown in abundance in nearly all the valleys.
  • Every year particular species arrive and disappear, and change in absolute and relative abundance.
  • What it does have in abundance is limp, broad comedy starring Shia LaBeouf and some actually rather tepid vamping by former-It Girl Megan Fox. Night Flights: March 2010 Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Beyond that on level ground is an abundance of picnic sites where you can choose sun or shade.
  • Aphids are well known for their production of honeydew, a sugary liquid excreted in great abundance by these sap-feeding insects.
  • Since the excess of animality and the accumulation and abundance of its stratas have their origin in food, drink and indulgence in carnal pleasures, a fast accomplishes what abundant food cannot.
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • The resort is a paradise both for sun worshippers and night owls with its fantastic weather and abundance of night life.
  • An abundance of shells of the helix tribe (Helix bulimus) was found on the top and sides of the hill; and a calcareous substance was observed protruding from the ground in every part, as noticed both by Vancouver and Flinders; * the former also found it on the bare sandy summit of Bald Head, and supposed it to be coral, a circumstance from which he inferred that the level of the ocean must have sunk. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • This shadow transmutes into wisdom by letting go of your self-importance and experiencing the enriching depth, expansiveness, and abundance of all life with equanimity. C. Clinton Sidle: The Five Wisdoms Of The Mandala
  • It looks like there could be a good wild mushroom season, if an abundance of slugs do not eat them all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, the dance hall sees Very abundance nice and the music is wonderful.
  • One thing they had in abundance and were merrily flogging off was a strange collapsible bag-thing with a mesh top.
  • THERE is in the Church an abundance and a rich variety of what we call devotions -- practices that express our respect, affection and veneration for the chosen friends of God. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • Staphylococcus - a germ species most commonly associated with nose-picking - was found in abundance on steering wheels and driver's seats.
  • A major feature of the Ndumo Game Reserve is its over-abundance of nyala, which is a favoured antelope for hunting. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In addition, species with a small effect on ecosystem processes can have large effect if they affect the abundance of other species with large ecosystem effect (e.g. a seed disperser or pollinator might be essential for persistence of canopy species with greater ecosystem impacts). Species influences upon ecosystem function
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • We had always abundance for use in threshing time. Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden
  • It blooms in great abundance twice, and is highly scented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
  • Amazingly, after five and a half years, not one single victim's case from 9/11 has even been heard in a court of law -- in spite of the fact that the US is known as a litigious society with an abundance of aggressive lawyers. THE 9/11 VICTIM COMPENSATION FUND: cui bono?
  • In Chinese and Vietnamese cultures, the pig represents prosperity and abundance.
  • The country has an abundance of natural resources.
  • Over the last four years, the team carefully analyzed samples of meteorites with an abundance of carbon, called carbonaceous chondrites. Innovations-report
  • But it is certain that until recently a powerful stimulus was the superabundance of labour.
  • Broadband is everywhere in abundance - except where it is needed, in the final mile to the home.
  • They also classify species according to abundance (based on crude estimates of population density and suitable habitat).
  • There was help in abundance with Mayo Mountain Rescue being joined by a number of teams from around the country.
  • There is now a balance of fully L200,000 of cash in the hands of the managers, besides the immense stock of materials, and goods, and heritable property, all paid for, and the goods daily going off in great abundance.
  • Community composition and relative abundances of certain taxa provided discriminatory power between impairments associated with organic enrichment and those associated with toxic discharges.
  • Their ruthless exploitation was guided by the myth of superabundance: the belief that water, soil, forests, wildlife and fisheries were inexhaustible.
  • Look to the vines; if there is an abundance of long straggling growths, cut some of them out, leaving those you will want for cutting back in the autumn.
  • Our results are consistent with read number being proportional to fish numbers, but more work is needed on the precise relationship of eDNA and fish abundance. Smithsonian Mag
  • The chemical compositions of those rocks, the relative abundances of the oxygen isotopes locked up in their molecules, their mineralogy, and their textures all betrayed their lunar heritage.
  • Focussing on one tiny segment of the statistics of abundance, let us examine corporation presidents and millionaires.
  • With perceptions of safety and liquidity enveloping the entire American credit-creating process, credit is issued today in unparalleled overabundance.
  • Her ample body became a sign of financial abundance afforded by the upper class.
  • Functional group abundance was calculated by summing the abundances of all species in a particular group on a sample date.
  • If you are looking for some respite from the cold winter months there is an abundance of destinations to suit all budgets.
  • In the tropics, where life's maximal abundance is, the young offspring (seedling, hatchling, larva, zoospore, myxocyst, swarmer or germling) remains unrecognized and nameless unless scientifically described.
  • As Americans, we were accustomed to an abundance of food and other goods as a part of our lives, and I think the most obvious adjustment to the war took place in our kitchen and dining room.
  • These strikingly similar findings provide additional support for the claim that the total number of spermatozoa in eggs not only reflects the abundance of spermatozoa in the infundibulum, but also that within the entire oviduct.
  • Going by the abundance of books and films on Indian themes, one is left wondering why our authors and filmmakers feel compelled to present their country's exotica in order to make sure of their readers and viewers.
  • Unabashedly physical, the surfaces of Bhavsar's canvases luxuriate in a granular abundance of color.
  • The nannoplankton crisis was twofold: a decrease in size and low calcified specimens are observed in addition to a drastic decrease in absolute abundance.
  • America's abundance of natural gas is often described as a boon to national security and a "bridge" to a clean, low-carbon energy economy. The Road to a Clean Energy Future?
  • The time, however, passed agreeably in making excursions on the shore, where they found "good ground for corn and other garden herbs, with a great store of goodly oaks and walnut-trees, and chestnut-trees, ewe-trees and trees of sweetwood in great abundance, and great store of slate for houses, and other good stones"; or in receiving visits from the natives, who came on the ship in numbers. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11
  • The delicious and versatile peach is a natural for preserves and baked goods, and they are available in abundance to be sampled at this fair. Calendar of Mexican food festivals
  • Every year particular species arrive and disappear, and change in absolute and relative abundance.
  • Rates of whirling disease infection are related to water temperature and to the abundance of the intermediate host, a thread-like worm, Tubifex tubifex. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • This isn't to say that this province doesn't have an abundance of talented moviemakers, or that québécois culture doesn't have the resonance of familiarity.
  • Thus, so much of every product as is rendered by excessive abundance inconsumable, becomes useless, valueless, unexchangeable, -- consequently, unfit to be given in payment for any thing whatever, and is no longer a product. What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
  • For this part, she has traced an astonishing abundance of literature and unpublished archival material.
  • There, she runs ashtanga retreats and 'visioning' workshops to help burnt-out professionals 'unlock their inner abundance'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those figures show that, within guilds, species richness and individual abundance are not necessarily correlated.
  • I think this throws up an abundance of deeply shallow, poorly constructed art that very quickly hits its sell-by date.
  • For the record, the deal with horses in North America is that, while members of the genus Equus were numerous and important there in the Pleistocene, they later became extinct (to quote R. Dale Guthrie (2003): ‘equid species dominated North American late Pleistocene faunas in terms of abundance, geographical distribution, and species variety, yet none survived into the Holocene epoch’ (p. 169)). Archive 2006-12-01
  • Before that we get flashbacks in abundance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be that as it may, what the British do have, and in abundance, is character! An American View of Britain
  • The abundance of conferences, symposia, workshops, colloquia, seminars, and other gatherings devoted to mathematical topics attests to a strong desire for interaction.
  • On examining the tables given above, it is obvious that guanos may be divided into two classes, the one characterized by the abundance of ammonia, the other by that of phosphates; and which, for convenience sake, may be called ammoniacal and phosphatic guanos. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • All the qualities that were so sadly lacking seven days earlier were there in abundance against the Sky Blues.
  • He said the shortage of labour in countries such as New Zealand may stem from the fact that, traditionally, there has been an abundance of young men keen to get into shearing, reducing the need to promote the industry.
  • Fractionation of ferromagnesian phases such as olivine, pyroxene and magnetite must have taken place during magma emplacement, as is suggested by the low Co abundance.
  • It includes, besides hyacinths, sweet neroli, an abundance of the ethereal rosewood essence, light and airy lavender oil, elemi, sandalwood, myrrh and frankincense. Requiem to the Zodiac Perfumes
  • Such was the natural state of the country, which was cultivated, as we may well believe, by true husbandmen, who made husbandry their business, and were lovers of honour, and of a noble nature, and had a soil the best in the world, and abundance of water, and in the heaven above an excellently attempered climate. Critias
  • Benefit to homopterans is tested by manipulating the presence or abundance of ants, and the density of predators is compared between treatment and control groups.
  • They also relish an abundance of water; and if they have, while growing, an application of liquid manure once or twice a week, it will be beneficial; never allow the roots to become potbound, but when the roots begin to form a mat on the outside of the ball of earth, it is time to shift the plant into a pot of the next larger size, and so on as the plant requires it. Your Plants Plain and Practical Directions for the Treatment of Tender and Hardy Plants in the House and in the Garden
  • You share abundance and hospitality with friends and family.
  • Therefore, as expected, time had a highly significant effect upon hopper abundance.
  • There one got dazzled from the abundance of rarities and all possible art and souvenir products relating to Jack London. A BIRTHDAY GIFT
  • Thus, in our common dog-violet the perfect flowers rarely produce seed, while the rudimentary cleistogamic flowers do so in abundance. Darwinism (1889)
  • Scouts rave about the Cubs' abundance of young pitching - and with good reason.
  • Thus, the influence of fertilizer application on insect abundance and plant damage should be considered in pest management strategies, particularly in improved/introduced high-yielding cultivars which are being tested in multilocational trials prior to their release to growers. 1. Designing integrated pest management for sustainable and productive futures.
  • There is a strange abundance of spiders, too, we perceive; spinning their webs here, as if they would entrammel something in them. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance
  • The temperate climate, mild and moist, has ensured the development of an abundance of plant and animal life.
  • Species such as the seventyfour, red steenbras and musselcracker have been so severely depleted that they represent no more than 5% of their original abundance in linefish catches.
  • There was a large increase in cod abundance and catches in the 1920s (Fig. 13.15), and other gadids, such as saithe, haddock, tusk, and ling, previously rare or absent at Greenland, also appeared there in the 1920s and 1930s. Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
  • To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: the use of regionally specific climate projections that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; the use of empirical relationships relating local climate (weather) to measurements of species or stock dynamics (e.g., abundance, size, growth rate, fecundity) and comparison of population success temporally (e.g., from a period of climatically variable years) or spatially (e.g., locales representing the extremes of variation in weather conditions such as latitudinal clines); and the use of current distributional data and known or inferred thermal preferences to shift ecological residency zones into geographic positions that reflect probable future climate regimes. Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
  • They create a spectacular panorama of carved coastlines and headlands as well as a rich ecosystem that supports an unusual abundance of wildlife.
  • It is a good month to look around gardens, because June is a time of abundance.
  • As for food, this island produces none; nor is there any vegetable upon it but cellery, which grows here in abundance, and is of great use to us, the men being in general very much troubled with the scurvy. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The $45 cost is off-putting to my grad-school budget (abundance of other products left behind by moving girlfriends is a second reason). Archive: Oct 08 - Mar 09
  • Our eyes face forward, and our retinae have foveae: central areas with an extra abundance of photoreceptors. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • They reported miter shells in abundance, spider conches, Tridacna, and black-lipped pearl shells, the latter on the Yasawa
  • It has access, through its member-states, to the sinews of war in abundance, from nuclear and conventional weapons to massive forces on land, at sea, and in the air.
  • The abundance of new books on Kindle that cost way more than the original $9.99 for bestsellers is definitely an issue. Jeff Bezos on The State of Kindle
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
  • Despite the astonishing abundance of echinoid spines in the coral reef horizon, echinoid tests were not found here.
  • In those of modern neuroscience, it is the result of an abundance of serotonin and dopamine. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Consider the top five constituents of the cosmos, in order of their abundance: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.
  • For the next five centuries the bodies were finished with red ochre, which is found in abundance near Arica. Making the Dead Beautiful: Mummies as Art
  • Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free, and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out upon me, under grace in perfect ways.
  • However it is good to see a continuance of the abundance of wildlife about our shores.
  • Small quartz grains are unstrained, and notable for the abundance of tiny fluid inclusions, some with vapour bubbles.
  • With the Old Red Sandstone the ganoids were ushered upon the scene in amazing abundance; and for untold ages, comprising mayhap millions of years, the entire ichthyic class consisted, so far as is yet known, of but these two orders. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Similar to what we describe here, there is a comparable reduction in polysome abundance after the induction of a heat-shock response in trypanosomes, yet no evidence for changes in the phosphorylation state of eIF2α PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There was an abundance of volunteers who needed to be trained in the ways of the military and become transformed into competent pilots, navigators, armourers, and support staff.
  • The heavy mofussil kists [harvest instalments] have now been collected by the aumils; the season of tillage is arrived; the ryots [country farmers] must be indulged, and even assisted by advances; and the aumil must look for his returns in the abundance of the crop, _the consequence of this early attention to the cultivation_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • The blind went groping with the blind, the lame limped on together, and the maimed made gestures to each other with the only arm that remained; the sides of a considerable waterfall were crowded by the deaf, amongst whom were some from Pegu with ears uncommonly handsome and large, but were still less able to hear than the rest; nor were there wanting others in abundance with humpbacks, wenny necks, and even horns of an exquisite polish. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • Space, quality and style are in abundance, but these piles are most definitely priced accordingly - from 820000.
  • A lack of aid and an abundance of problems threaten millions in Southern Africa.
  • Wild ceps and chanterelles appear in abundance all over Scotland between August and October if the weather conditions are right, which they certainly are at the moment.
  • In addition to plenty of perch, Roger Baker reported that skimmers, roach, tommy ruffe, chub and bleak were all in abundance, once again illustrating the Ouse is alive and well.
  • We may gather from the rich abundance of motives which the Apostle suggests before he comes to present his exhortation, that he suspected the existence of some tendencies in the opposite direction in Philippi, and possibly the same conclusion may be drawn from the exuberance of the exhortation itself, and from its preceding the dehortation which follows. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Your post features both long-windedness and pomposity in abundance, which is fitting because those two qualities also comprise the left foot and right foot of your idol Obama, in that they are his feet of clay. The Early Word: Leftovers - The Caucus Blog -
  • An abundance of uncleared public and private lands, and unclear title to lands throughout the country, helped to make these reforms successful.
  • It was a big salad, served with sweetish bread - although my lovely companion complained of an over-abundance of melon slices, this wasn't a problem for me.
  • A great number of oaks aged over 500 years provide an abundance of aesthetic beauty, wonderful shapes and amazing structures.
  • We may be inexperienced but naivety is not a characteristic we possess in abundance.
  • Inflammation—a red, hot, painful distension—was attributed to an overabundance of blood. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The theme of excess emphasized by this critic surfaces frequently in stereotypical critiques of the Irish and of the East and Easterners; the fear of excess suggests that the colonizing cultures dread an abundance that threatens to escape confinement at the same time that they use such accusations of excess to justify colonization. Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
  • Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron.
  • High slack systems are those organizations operating with an abundance of resources in reasonably stable and minimally competitive environments.
  • A feature shared by many clock gene transcripts is that their abundance is subject to circadian and diurnal oscillation.
  • We conclude that not all highly siderophile elements were affected by core formation in the same way, and that the abundances of elements such as osmium and iridium require the addition of a late veneer. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Although Pattaya now has a rich abundance of retail stores, a few foodstuffs are still hard or impossible to obtain.
  • There are many lands in many bioregions, from the Keys to Arizona, Maine to Oregon, because we each fall in love with a particular and different type of beauty and abundance.
  • Plants incorporate strontium in place of calcium but the amount is determined by the relative abundance of these elements in the soil.
  • The vomit contains the remains of dozens of belemnites - squid-like shellfish that lived in abundance in the seas around what is now Britain.

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