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How To Use Absurdly In A Sentence

  • We do not allow people a second try on a second question when they have so absurdly got it right the first time round.
  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
  • As for bridges, fairground rides, aeroplanes and indeed absurdly altitudinous skyscrapers that move perceptibly in the breeze - not fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
  • It is a nice programme, but marred by absurdly intrusive music. Times, Sunday Times
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  • But only a nation so absurdly rich could have built two hundred battleships, carriers and cruisers in the war years, as well as a thousand smaller ships. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • A very useful trick - and absurdly simple, too - is to notice when the defender looks away from his man.
  • The holes seemed absurdly small, so I scissored them big, then slipped the two attachments seamlessly onto the taps.
  • That, too, was absurdly crowded, not least because of a rare live appearance from, yes, Lily Savage.
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • In that moment, I became absurdly sure that a supernatural force was working upon me, pushing and pulling me toward an unknown fate, a road at whose end stood the slight, cold figure currently bargaining with my father.
  • She held an absurdly elaborate weapon of some kind, a pistol shape nearly lost beneath a flanged overlay of scope sights, silencers, flash hiders. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
  • Labour and the Liberal Democrats appear to accept without question the view that our constitution is absurdly out of date.
  • Labour and the Liberal Democrats appear to accept without question the view that our constitution is absurdly out of date.
  • Many may dismiss these notions as absurdly fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lyric and Ta'if are my favorite roses, particularly Lyric which is just endlessly, almost absurdly beautiful and interesting at every stage of wear. Andy Tauer Une Rose Chypre: Perfume Review and a Prize Draw
  • Instead of greater freedom, what results is absurdly long workdays in stressful environments.
  • They tend not to be so absurdly competitive, they're more realistic and, I'd thought, more empathic.
  • Erect of stance, she thought absurdly, and pinhole of vision. RIOT
  • The trouble is that the analysis ” absurdly ” makes it seem as though when two things have one degree of brightness there could be a substantive question which of the two ” x or y ” it was ” as though a degree of brightness were some kind of corpuscle whose association with a thing made it bright (cf. Klagge and Nordmann, Wittgenstein's Logical Atomism
  • Sweet, slightly hot and absurdly sticky they will fill the kitchen with that warm, Christmassy aniseed smell you so often encounter in Chinese restaurants.
  • My second pointer may seem absurdly unnecessary; I assure you it is not.
  • Sissoko's estimate of a two-hour walk turns out to be absurdly optimistic.
  • It is an absurdly high level of fines and costs he has been landed with.
  • The answer, like the question, is absurdly simple.
  • Apart from a receding hairline, he is absurdly youthful for his years. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is absurdly philosophical about it - accepting it as one of God's lessons for her.
  • an absurdly rich young woman
  • Sketchpad was not only the first drawing program, but was arguably the best, absurdly ahead of its time.
  • This man is so absurdly quotable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was forced to insist that the iPad is not made in sweatshops, and began to define the term absurdly, comparing his factories with California high schools. Reverend Billy: The Facts vs. The Earth
  • Many may dismiss these notions as absurdly fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I was almost absurdly grateful that one of Dad's caregivers was taking time to pay attention to what I needed, instead of just asking me to sign reams of paperwork which I was doing even during the peptalk, sort out a pharmacy's worth of prescriptions, and somehow "make" Dad follow instructions. Never a Dull Moment
  • In fact it's more than an improvement - it's absurdly beautiful - creamy pink beaches, noble mountains, formidable views, sweet-flowered machair grass, even the sheep are cool and relaxed.
  • It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.
  • Attired in bronze tights and leotards, with absurdly bad wigs on their heads, the seven dancers seem simultaneously naked and sexless.
  • This is an absurdly attenuated precis of an odyssey of horrors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lyric and Ta'if are my favorite roses, particularly Lyric which is just endlessly, almost absurdly beautiful and interesting at every stage of wear. Andy Tauer Une Rose Chypre: Perfume Review and a Prize Draw
  • Absurdly for something which causes so much damage to its surroundings, the car symbolise comfort, convenience and freedom for the self.
  • Front-pointing up endless snow slopes or carrying absurdly heavy loads can leave your calves screaming for mercy.
  • Erofeyev is an absurdly original writer of the utmost importance.
  • It is a typical example of the absurdly piecemeal nature of road planning in Britain since the dawn of the mass motoring area.
  • His legs took a few tentative steps into the room, the sound of his boots on the soft wood absurdly loud in his ears.
  • Moving slickly between tumblers and acrobats, the action takes in an absurdly daring high-wire act.
  • This list wasn't originally intended for a quiz so some are absurdly easy and others impossibly hard.
  • We had, vainly and absurdly, tried to unroll the garden hose.
  • Her softly rounded face looked absurdly childlike under the tall-crowned hennin, from which a wispy veil floated behind her as she moved. The Historical Nights' Entertainment First Series
  • This man is so absurdly quotable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.
  • But the requirements on bosses to show that they have dealt fairly with disgruntled employees have become absurdly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • It left me feeling absurdly cheerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prices on the island seem absurdly low to Western tourists.
  • Moreover, such observations as the precession of the equinoxes and the moon's evection are as yet unexplained, and measurements of the earth's size, and of the sun's size and distance, are so crude and imperfect as to be in one case only an approximation, and in the other an absurdly inadequate suggestion. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
  • This state has been absurdly enough called the atonic gout, as if there were a gout accompanied with vigour and sthenic diathesis: but the absence of inflammation in the extremities may depend on two causes. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • This place is also noted for making what is absurdly called _copperas_, which is the chrystalized salt of iron, or what is called in the new chemical nomenclature _sulphate of iron_; or in common parlance, _green vitriol_; which is manufactured, and found native in our own country, in immeasurable quantity. A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
  • Now he is urging further government intervention to push housing prices to still more absurdly unsustainable levels.
  • Most certainly, overambition was a near epidemic among the American writers who grew up in the shadow of the absurdly competitive Ernest Hemingway, but you still see traces among more contemporary authors — look at Union Atlantic, the new novel by Adam Haslett, who has tried to cram a bank collapse, the first Gulf War, and a good dose of Emersonian thought between the covers of one book. Is the Great American Novel Destroying Novelists?
  • But the charge wouldn't stick, and when I protested, they did me, absurdly, for drunk driving.
  • As the aircraft continues to teeter absurdly on the edge of the sky, little pain-flavoured wisps of memories will start to taunt him.
  • He might as well claim, absurdly, that cowherds fatten their flocks for the good of the cows themselves.
  • Prices on the island seem absurdly low to Western tourists.
  • Lincoln was fond of "Father Neptune," as the president called Gideon Welles, the white-bearded, absurdly bewigged former newspaper editor. Civil War Diaries, Blue and Gray
  • Looking back, the designation appears and sounds absurdly portentous.
  • By the time it has wandered into its final room, this bitty exhibition has proved that Degas was a genius, British painters were absurdly doomy, Toulouse - Lautrec was a difficult talent to trap and Sickert had concrete wrists.
  • Last year was little better, with little overtaking and an absurdly low attrition rate which saw only five cars fail to finish.
  • Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion.
  • Her “strong father” BS is code for something different, and it reflects an absurdly low opinion of what matters to the American people. Matthew Yglesias » Dowd: Obama Should Act Like “Strong Father Who Protects the Home from Invaders”
  • Great use of sound, lighting and camera angles draw you in to this absurdly eerie little shaggy-dog story.
  • The government has put the figure at 60,000 people, though industry analysts say that is absurdly low.
  • He scowled, pretending anger to make up for the insane urge to grin absurdly.
  • It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.
  • Value Line is one of the screwiest, most absurdly managed and possibly among the most inept, crooked public companies ever to footslog the investment landscape. Des Moines Business News
  • The only sound is the purr of absurdly opulent motorised yachts cruising out of the harbour for a day messing about on the waves.
  • It seems almost too absurdly incredible, Wannie, but do you know I believe this ice of ours gains in coldness as the warm weather comes on! Storytelling
  • Republican-dominated legislatures and election officials have adopted absurdly difficult registration rules.
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • Exempting microbrews from a beer tax is the most absurdly tone-deaf proposal the State Dems have come up with in a session that was short on euphony to begin with. New Senate Revenue Proposal: Sales Tax Reduced, Beer Tax Now in Play « PubliCola
  • This "absurdly simple contrivance" almost instantly transformed southern agriculture. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Prices on the island seem absurdly low to Western tourists.
  • He leaned forward, his sharp, hawkish nose looking almost absurdly dangerous.
  • This "absurdly simple contrivance" almost instantly transformed southern agriculture. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • While a poor production can easily reduce a great play to disordered rubbish, it's a bit more difficult for a fine production to surmount the obstacles presented by an absurdly tangled script.
  • It might seem absurdly temerous to predict that the market has now stabilised. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Next, a new administration should tackle the city's absurdly high business taxes.
  • Greenies," as noted in the then-controversial and now absurdly tame Ball Four by Jim Bouton, were "pep pills -- dextroamphetamine sulfate -- and a lot of baseball players couldn't function without them. Brandon Perkins: Mickey Mantle Used Performance Enhancing Drugs
  • It's boring, absurdly overlong and, as far as I can tell, devoid of major new information.
  • The clerk sat perched on the broad back, looking absurdly small, an elfin broncobuster who could be thrown at any moment. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • His hand was on another squab when the ladder cracked and he was suddenly unsupported in the darkness, scrabbling with both hands to hold on to timbers, losing his grip and absurdly dangling from the rope.
  • The reason I feel sappy is because I am absurdly touched by the invitation, considering my stepbrother and I watched our friendship crumble into nothing when it was systematically assaulted by familial forces. Archive 2004-04-01
  • We find such comments absurdly discriminatory in nature.
  • Like housing, it hardly got a look-in, except for some absurdly footling measures. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he won't be trying to crack the whip to keep an absurdly wide coalition government together.
  • I wish I could, this house is absurdly large, but Apollo and Shadow are probably quite enough. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
  • Continuing my fascination with Aussie slang, I present my latest find (courtesy of Mark Liberman at Language Log): furphy.furphy n. (pl. furphies) 1 a false report or rumour. 2 an absurd story. • adj. (furphier, furphiest) absurdly false, unbelievable: that's the furphiest bit of news I ever heard. FURPHY.
  • The bashing is absurdly unfair as shown by, among other things, the fact that the critics of the so-called amoral policies of Bush have been silent when Obama says he will embrace the amoral realism practiced by previous Administrations. Obama says George Bush is "a good guy," "a good man," and "a good person."
  • He carried her around in a ridiculous contraption, a sling that held the baby's back to his stomach, so that she hung there in front of him, her head bobbing absurdly.
  • It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.
  • An actor himself, he doesn't write plays so much as actors' exercises: violently angry confrontations, absurdly bizarre vignettes, and abject deflations good for practicing sotto voce underacting.
  • It also sets an absurdly high standard of perfection for market performance.
  • Apart from a receding hairline, he is absurdly youthful for his years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Absurdly, I took the back roads route to the post office, which was twisty and hilly and totally unplowed.
  • What you hear as absurdly grandiloquent is passionately persuasive for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a nice programme, but marred by absurdly intrusive music. Times, Sunday Times
  • For him to warp my book in this way, while calling me, absurdly, a "hardliner" in quite a different context (Israel) and then conceding that I do not consider Muslims mystical anti-Semites, is surely an obfuscation of the whole discussion. 'The Great Hatred'
  • The only sound is the purr of absurdly opulent motorised yachts cruising out of the harbour for a day messing about on the waves.
  • It left me feeling absurdly cheerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • We foraged for the elusive baski, an absurdly delicious wild strawberry that tasted of cherry and blackcurrant too.
  • Carpenter thinks the cramps were a result of dehydration on an absurdly hot October day.
  • Mrs. Rich, the favourite mantuamaker of those days, within whose power it lay to transform provincial newcomers, often already over-stocked with ill-made costumes and absurdly trimmed bonnets, into women of fashion! A belle of the fifties : memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-66,
  • An absurdly overvalued dollar is making imports hypercompetitive.
  • Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion.
  • The industry is absurdly fragmented with 6,000 schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • You pay for administrative costs, for your board and lodging (absurdly cheap), and your air fare.
  • Their tails popped up reflexively, almost absurdly long and white, and wigwagged out of sight.
  • He isn't a decent offensive option - he's shooting 43.3 percent for his career, absurdly low for a center.
  • You pay for administrative costs, for your board and lodging (absurdly cheap), and your air fare.
  • Marissa, played by maybe the worst actress of all time, frolics around in her absurdly short miniskirts, hiding her drinking problem and pining over her broken family.
  • The contempt and indifference for her own child, which she continually voices, is absurdly unbelievable.
  • It's probably got something to do with the fact that, as a nation, we are absurdly acquiescent and uncomplaining consumers.
  • She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress.
  • Bold finished the number; and as he threw it aside, he thought that that at least had no direct appliance to Mr Harding, and that the absurdly strong colouring of the picture would disenable the work from doing either good or harm. The Warden
  • No wild deer could act more absurdly than does the axis, the barasingha and fallow, even after generations have been bred in captivity. The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • He was forced to insist that the iPad is not made in sweatshops, and began to define the term absurdly, comparing his factories with Main RSS Feed
  • I am irritated but not surprised at how absurdly positive the portrayal of these changes has been in the mainstream media.
  • Like all gulets, Aleyna is absurdly romantic, with her rakish lines and piratical poop deck, blue canvas awnings and gleaming varnish thick as barley sugar.
  • I should say that it is bad form, and absurdly hyperefficient and calculating. Times, Sunday Times
  • Starbucks poked fun at itself by unveiling new "micra" and "plenta" sizes, one absurdly small, the other as big as a bucket. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It is an oddity of the Internet that you type in a request and an absurdly large number of ‘hits’ are recorded.
  • Today the rockets that we use to get from earth into space are absurdly expensive.
  • But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
  • They all look like plastic action figures with bulging muscles for the male characters and absurdly exaggerated upper bodies for the female characters.
  • Absurdly, I took the back roads route to the post office, which was twisty and hilly and totally unplowed.
  • Even areas that are supposedly protected are absurdly abused, the dossier alleges.
  • A referee will book a diver only when he is almost absurdly certain that a dive has taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are so contemptible and so absurdly false, that they do not merit any other notice than to write _false_, _false_, on every page. Hortense Makers of History Series
  • As I mentioned to you about an hour ago, one columnist in today's "New York Times" who thinks he knows what is in that agreement has branded it a fraud, because it really -- it says that if we find 5 percent of the players on steroids, it doesn't proceed, and this columnist suggests that this is an absurdly high number, that it is an agreement in form only, and easily evadable, and whether or not that has had something to do with the lack of public affection for the game, the loss of some public affection, is another great unknown. CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2002
  • Either way, the point being that while this casserole is absurdly easy and kind of reminds you of 1950s era casserole with its reliance on canned soup, it packs a wollop of flavor. Archive 2009-05-01
  • And the writing is so pithy, so good at capturing the absurdly poignant with linguistic economy.
  • The flexible, permanent set consists of a curved wall, covered with a disturbingly lurid purple wallpaper whose pattern varies in scale from normal to absurdly large.
  • It is run by an ex-army martinet absurdly out of touch and absent-mindedly rooting about in irrelevances.
  • But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
  • Many may dismiss these notions as absurdly fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man has no hope for salvation, only a chance for dignity, gained by absurdly carrying on in the face of the yawning maw of the meaningless abyss.
  • The moot is tomorrow, my point of law absurdly impossible to argue, and the prospect of sleep tonight absurdly impossible to contemplate.
  • Ed Stoppard makes Harry a benevolent rake who throws himself at the absurdly coquettish widow for the sake of her £50,000.
  • Somewhere, Blake began hating her, because for some reason, the fact that the person standing next to her had been chosen to go up on stage made her absurdly proud, and she lifted Blake's limp and unresisting hand herself.
  • This river has been absurdly enough by some supposed the Rubicon, in all probability from the description of that river in the Pharsalia of Lucan, who makes it the boundary betwixt Gaul and Italy — — et Gallica certus Travels through France and Italy
  • The dirt roads leading northwest from Medora were at times a slippery gumbo, but I pressed on, through darkness, until I came to an absurdly slick hill and began fishtailing down, toward a cluster of juniper bushes.
  • Equally evocative was a work consisting of three white-enamel bathtubs absurdly linked with the same unfired clay to plumbing pipes passing (ordinarily unnoticed) through the gallery space.
  • But it seemed odd -- to an absurdly sensitive, non-Teutonic mind it seemed somehow to lack justice -- that the picture-framer, after having been ruined, must risk his life in order to snatch from the catastrophe the debris of his career. Over There War Scenes on the Western Front
  • I don't doubt that I'll find it more engaging, because when Chinese movies are funny, they are absurdly funny.
  • Greek, variously influenced from Athens on one side, Byzantium on the other: then, across the Ægean, you have the great country absurdly called Asia Minor, (for we might just as well call Greece, Europe Minor, or Cornwall, England Minor,) but which is properly to be remembered as Our Fathers Have Told Us Part I. The Bible of Amiens
  • The region's medieval towns and villages such as Colmar, Obernai, Ribeauvillé and Turckheim are absurdly picturesque with cobbled streets and half-timbered houses. Budget wine trips in France
  • In fact, he is so good that I have gotten absurdly tongue-tied both times I've met him in the last month or so.
  • Many may dismiss these notions as absurdly fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was absurdly insecure, always bristling, always on the cusp of taking offence. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • And second, the pension deficit is absurdly high.
  • Still more, like Mustique and Palm Island, are absurdly luxurious.
  • In a world that absurdly overrates the advantage of sheer brain power, no one wants to be seen as a member in good standing of the stupid party. Culture War By Proxy
  • On the one hand, you have an absurdly hyped, burgeoning pop star who strikes rebel poses and affects scenester fashion and vernacular.
  • Later in the chapter Nelson allows that while political correctness is not the “all defining campus cultural force the right makes it out to be, it does operate, in some contexts absurdly.” Essays/Opinions
  • That levy on your telly is an absurdly old-fashioned concept in the modern era of digital subscriptions. The Sun
  • Labour and the Liberal Democrats appear to accept without question the view that our constitution is absurdly out of date.
  • With corny lines and questionable effects, it's absurdly entertaining. The Sun
  • We need to start arguing from sanity and pointing out to be how absurdly inegalitarian our society is and how unions have consistently been a greater force for good than for evil and how we should encourage a northern european style union economy. cialis Says: Matthew Yglesias » EFCA in International Comparison
  • The language perfect, but the expression velvety, unpractical, apprenticelike, ignorant, inexperienced, comically inadequate, absurdly weak and unsuited to the great language. Chapters from My Autobiography
  • The great man, with his cocked hat, his ventripotent waistcoat and spreading coat-tails, looked absurdly foreshortened and distorted, like a figure in a conjuring-glass.
  • It has become absurdly easy to frame whatever group is supposed to take the blame for an atrocity.
  • _miserable pride_, very absurdly, for disdaine or disdained things cannot be said darke, but rather bright and cleere, because they be beholden and much looked vpon, and pride is rather enuied then pitied or miserable, vnlessse it be in Christian charitie, which helpeth not the terme in this case. The Arte of English Poesie
  • I rock back and forth, clutching myself with my arms, feeling absurdly empty.
  • Essentially he was caricaturing the age of the machine, and the self-importance of some of the people caught up in that age - creating complex inventions that achieved absurdly simple results, while the audience looked on solemnly.
  • The supporting cast is absurdly starry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investment in search system design is already absurdly low.
  • Both absurdly funny and deeply poignant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their brakes fade, clutches burn and chassis flex; they dig in, roll around and break traction at absurdly low speeds, but with great drama.
  • She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress.
  • What you hear as absurdly grandiloquent is passionately persuasive for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people back then had been so absurdly vulnerable, prey to disease and deception.
  • A referee will book a diver only when he is almost absurdly certain that a dive has taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • But absurdly he denied it was cold-blooded mass murder. The Sun
  • The reappearance of this rattish youth, casual as was the air with which he strove to invest it, began to assume, for me, the character of a theatrical entrance of unpleasant portent -- a suggestion just now enhanced by an absurdly obvious notion of his own that he was enacting a part. The Guest of Quesnay
  • The region's medieval towns and villages such as Colmar, Obernai, Ribeauvillé and Turckheim are absurdly picturesque with cobbled streets and half-timbered houses. Budget wine trips in France
  • She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress.
  • It is not at all clear that such absurdly tiny scales have any physical meaning whatever.
  • Sometimes choosing the nominative case sounds so formal as to be absurdly stilted. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seems absurdly anachronistic - clearly the kind of romantic ideal born of his youth and his time and his place. Times, Sunday Times
  • And price / earnings ratios that seem absurdly high probably are.
  • The above description fits not only the situation of the absurdly titled goofball comedy that opened Friday but also the friendship between star/producer -
  • In each a character clinging absurdly to a sense of his own emotional insignificance is finally moved, despite himself, to embrace life's complex if at times mortifying drama. You Might as Well Live
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • To begin with, the actual battlefield seemed so absurdly small.
  • At times Ahmadinejad seemed to thoroughly enjoy Wallace's obvious "flustration" in attacking him from what has become an absurdly untenable position, both morally and logically. Why Do We Hate Them?
  • Now each absurdly impossible picture returned to her with a sardonic caption attached: Oh, yeah?
  • There’s a familiar body of theory that holds porn is valued and consumed precisely because of its unreality — hence, absurdly proportioned women engaging in frenzied, decontextualized copulation with strangers, in scenarios that run the gamut from merely demeaning and objectifying to full-blown grand guignol. The Market for Penetration
  • Alongside this comes uniformity, which makes a more acceptable product for the absurdly picky supermarket buyer.
  • Manescu had the impression the apparition behind the opaque glass wall was drinking from an absurdly shaped vessel.
  • Laws came down like hail; crimes were recounted and particularized with minute prolixity; penalties were absurdly exorbitant; and if that were not enough, capable of augmentation in almost every case, at the will of the legislator himself and of a hundred executives; the forms of procedure studied only how to liberate the judge from every impediment in the way of passing a sentence of condemnation; the sketches we have given of the proclamations against the bravoes are a feeble but true index of this. Chapter I
  • The harvest moon and carpet of stars made it seem like a perfect alignment of the planets: absurdly good fun. Times, Sunday Times

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