How To Use Abstruse In A Sentence
Belle does some kind of abstruse Boswellising; after the first meal, having gauged the kind of jests that would pay here, I observed, ‘Boswell is Barred during this cruise.’
Vailima Letters
And he covers what could be fairly abstruse philosophical questions in a remarkably clear and simple way.
All the familiar elements - the deliberate, stately percussion; the elongated, cyclical riffs; the snarled lyrical tautologies and abstruse involutions - are all intact.
The Buddha's aversion to speculation did not prevent him from insisting on the importance of a correct knowledge of our mental constitution, the chain of causation and other abstruse matters; nor does it really take the form of neglecting metaphysics: rather of defining them in a manner so authoritative as to imply a reserve of unimparted knowledge.
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
Let us now proceed to a brief consideration of the method in which this alphabet of the science is applied to the more elevated and abstruser portions of the system, and which, as the temple constitutes its most important type, I have chosen to call the "Temple Symbolism of Masonry.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry

Seyyed Nasr rightly but abstrusely laments science's inability to fit consciousness into nature.
There are two common senses of this: (1) opposition to the spread of knowledge-a policy of withholding knowledge from the general public; and (2) a style (as in literature or art) characterized by deliberate vagueness or abstruseness.
'Daily Voting News' For August 08, 2008
Lastly, we demonstrated in Chap.VIII. that the difficulty of understanding Scripture lies in the language only, and not in the abstruseness of the argument.
Theologico-Political Treatise
But I dubitate whether this abstruser sort of speculation (though enlivened by some apposite instances from Aristophanes) would sufficiently interest your oppidan readers.
The Biglow Papers
Greek, and Hebrew languages, and perfectly well knew not only the sciences called abstruse, but those arts which come under the denomination of polite literature.
Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
We don't normally intervene in abstruse economic debates, sticking modestly to matters of ethics, aesthetics, priorities and psychologies.
Times, Sunday Times
For example ‘lunar geology’ and ‘martian geology’ have now ousted their more abstruse equivalents ‘selenology’ and ‘areology’.
Newspapers are busy with extracts; -- much complaining that it is "abstruse," neological, hard to get the meaning of.
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
He is a household name, despite the abstruse nature of his work, because he worked extremely hard to market himself and was obsessed with his recognisability.
They have, says the reverend author, what one would not expect, many light toyish books (novels and plays, doubtless), others on Rosycrucian subjects, and of an abstruse mystical character; but they have no Bibles or works of devotion.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The abstruse, irrelevant nature of the research you've done these last several years.
Those, therefore, who have excogitated [the theory of] emissions have not discovered anything great, or revealed any abstruse mystery, when they have simply transferred what all understand to the only-begotten Word of God; and while they style Him unspeakable and unnameable, they nevertheless set forth the production and formation of
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
_Antiquary_, the ingenious and abstruse Mr. Jonathan Oldbuck, and the old beadsman Edie Ochiltree, and that preternatural figure of old Edith
The Spirit of the Age Contemporary Portraits
In 2004, a similar media storm was brewing around Randall Stevenson's volume in the Oxford English Literary History, which had favoured the abstruse poetry of JH Prynne – a modernist of a kind – over that of Philip Larkin.
What Ever Happened to Modernism? by Gabriel Josipovici
Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse.
I'd been much, much less attracted by what is perhaps the more public face of philosophy, which is its abstruseness, its complexity, its boringness even.
If the mind, with greater facility, retains the ideas of geometry clear and determinate, it must carry on a much longer and more intricate chain of reasoning, and compare ideas much wider of each other, in order to reach the abstruser truths of that science.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
But it is an attempt to approach the supreme abstruseness of what surrounds us.
Archive 2009-01-01
Is the reader of this text assumed to be put off by difficult, abstruse, theory-driven contemporary art and hungry for work that claims to be more directly understood?
November 19th, 2005 at 8: 53 pm sex says: darting! near Imbrium abstruseness miasma snobbish swapping
Think Progress » Cheney resignation
Where has the online school assignment of abstruse roc east property answer?
This seems to engender in those who write about it a feeling that the lack of any abstruseness in their subject demands a compensatory abstruseness in their language.
Hippocrates had once abstrusely opined that cancer was “best left untreated, since patients live longer that way.”
The Emperor of All Maladies
Newspapers are busy with extracts; -- much complaining that it is "abstruse," neological, hard to get the meaning of.
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
The language is abstruse and esoteric, almost incomprehensible, the ‘discourse’ inaccessible except to the initiates.
Elsewhere an exhaustion of original ideas has engendered a permafrost of abstruse theorising untempered by experience.
He loved antiquarian research, and all such scientific problems as involve abstruse study and complex calculation, -- but equally he loved the simplest flower and the most ordinary village tale of sorrow or mirth recounted to him by any one of his unlessoned parishioners.
God's Good Man
He upbraided the narrowness of American analytic philosophy and also scolded the academic New Left for its abstruseness and inwardness ( "The UC Berkeley English department is now fully multicultural, but what have they done lately for East Oakland?").
John Seery: Richard Rorty: Ironically Upbeat in Dark Times
I mean, assuming the "New Yorker Cartoon Law of Biting Satire", which states that the jocularity of a particular pasquinade is directly proportional to the abstruseness of the language in which you couch it, it was hilarious.
The abstruse, irrelevant nature of the research you've done these last several years.
Pantheism of Force sounds unreal and unsound, compared with the sensible remarks upon the same subject by Dr. Badgers337 who sees the abstruseness of the doctrine and does not care to include it in hard and fast lines or to subject it to mere logical analysis.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Mary Virginia often talked as the alchemists used to write -- cryptically, abstrusely, as if to hide the golden truth from all but the initiate.
Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man
The Federal Reserve chairman is famous for his opaque remarks and abstruse topics.
Countenances of such amazement were turned towards him, that Small, who had a keen sense of the ludicrous, could scarcely forbear smiling as he proceeded; and if we could suspect so grave a personage of waggery, we should almost think that, by way of retaliation, he had palmed some abstruse, monkish epicedium upon his astounded auditors.
Tet on the whole his poetry are classified into two and abstruse style and plain style.
As this abstruser mode of symbolism, if less peculiar to the masonic system, is, however, far more interesting than the one which was treated in the previous essay, -- because it is more philosophical, -- I propose to give an extended investigation of its character.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Tablet which, however misconstrued at first as an exposition of the science of divination, was later recognized to have unravelled, on the one hand, the mystery of the Musta_gh_á_th_, and to have abstrusely alluded, on the other, to the nineteen years which must needs elapse between the
God Passes By
Still, this is a Frank Black album, with its obscure references and abstruse lyrics.
I would rather phrase abstruse medicaments of rare application; perhaps it is not very necessary, but at least it isn't cheap.
Thus, the didactic purpose of the original project dissolved in a welter of abstruse, sentimental versifying.
(And as long as you're looking stuff up, please check "abstruse" for me.) - News
He was a singularly modest man with a passion for accuracy and a gift for the lucid exposition of difficult and abstruse problems.
At 511 pages (exactly 500 pages more than the U.S. constitution) and laden with purposefully abstruse and obfuscatory language, the constitution meets only the second of Bonaparte's criteria.
We must therefore consider, if a man wanted to generate and superinduce any nature upon a given body, what kind of rule or direction or guidance he would most wish for, and express the same in the simplest and least abstruse language.
The New Organon
Or, more appropriately, though rather more abstrusely, could she have been thinking of Rumour in Henry IV part 2, which with ‘covert enmity / Under the smile of safety wounds the world’?
The books range from abstruse scholarship to collections of jokes to model questions for the West Bengal Civil Service entry exam.
Been schmaltzy bitterly it for graphic design firms, archeozoic a headlong abstruse therefore how i was erstwhile dyslogistic to go this anethum and omg it was forficate to be so sniffy.
Rational Review
His baroque and intentionally abstruse periodic Latin proved extremely liable to corruption in the extensive and contaminated later manuscript tradition.
I am now approaching the border land of what may be called the abstruse in science, in which I humbly acknowledge it would take a vast volume to contain all I don't know; yet I hope to make plain to you this most beautiful and accurate method, and for fear I may forget to give due credit, I will say that I am indebted to Dr. Hastings for it, with whom it was an original discovery, though he told me he afterward found it had been in use by
Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
I shall be drawing the Prime Minister's attention in a fairly obscure and abstruse way to the word: 'Amid the global fiscal turmoil, we sought illumination but found only caliginosity.' Top Stories
In exploring each little question raised by the events in Dallas (including many that are settled, in the eyes of every serious scholar), Stone seeks out the most abstrusely nefarious explanation possible…
He contrived to preserve, in the most abstrusely philosophical of these writings, a simplicity and clarity which, although they have not commended him to professional metaphysicians, make his attitude to the problems of metaphysics extremely intelligible.
Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
The main purpose which I have had in view in writing this book has been to present an account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interesting -- _authentic_, as being based on the original works themselves, and not on any secondary sources; _interesting_, as presenting to the ordinary English reader, in language freed as far as possible from technicality and abstruseness, the great thoughts of the greatest men of antiquity on questions of permanent significance and value.
A Short History of Greek Philosophy
But she had always thought of this collection of abstruse couplets and quatrains as completely aethereal, having no relation to ordinary people or ordinary events.
Antony and Cleopatra
A day's journey by tonga matures acquaintanceships wonderfully," he observed abstrusely.
The Bronze Bell
I perceived that some insight into chemical operations was highly conducive to the true knowledge of nature, and especially to the indagation of several of her most abstruse mysteries
We are talking about design and visual culture here, after all, not abstruse aspects of philosophy.
Especially in time of stress, of war or social unrest, men have felt a certain callousness about the interests of the abstrusely remote scholar.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
Its abstruse style may be hard going for those who are not so prepared.
It appears that "Cherry" thereupon commenced aserious and arduous course of study of abstruse navigational problems which he found exceedingly tough and now despaired mastering.
Scott's Last Expedition Volume I
Chuma's stubborn abstruseness has alienated some critics, but it continues to inform her sense of theater and may be the only thing one can continue to expect from her.
The popularity of the scripture in east Asia is no doubt due to its doctrinal simplicity; it makes only the two primary points listed above, and eschews discussions of abstruse philosophical matters.
the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them
For you, is it a way of making philosophy, which actually often seems quite abstruse, into something more personal and practical?
Wherefore this wanderer to this end spake much of these things, that convicted by those who had truly learned them, it might be manifest what understanding he had in the other abstruser things.
The Confessions
Robust ratings prevail, while the departure of Amanda "middle distance" Burton in 2004 has seen wilful abstruseness replaced by a slicker, Spooks-ier, less overtly guff approach.
Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
It was deep without being pretentious, silly without being sophomoric and improvisatory without being abstruse: in other words, perfect Fringe fare.
Within all the false claims made by Shingon priest-scholars, Esotericism is held firmly to its singularized status as an abstruse belief system, even in its attempted assimilation at the representational level.
These analyses have varied from abstruse academic works at one end to crude ‘how to get rich quick by writing a novel’ manuals at the other.
He recorded symphonies by the abstruse Robert Simpson; a series of unplayed Victorian concertos; music by Cecil Coles, killed in the First World War.
Similarly astronauts, today's counterpart of the pioneer ocean-crossers of yesteryear, seem by no means youthful and tend to have doctorates in the most abstruse subjects.
Tet on the whole his poetry are classified into two and abstruse style and plain style.
Though we have in the precedent chapters dwelt pretty long on the considerations of space and duration, yet, they being ideas of general concernment, that have something very abstruse and peculiar in their nature, the comparing them one with another may perhaps be of use for their illustration; and we may have the more clear and distinct conception of them by taking a view of them together.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
He missed lectures, dropped out of courses, spent long nights reading abstruse texts, and slept during the day.
You will not find ‘society’ reflected in the ethical committees that labour so long and hard over abstruse points and moral issues.
Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.
But I dubitate whether this abstruser sort of speculation (though enlivened by some apposite instances from Aristophanes) would sufficiently interest your oppidan readers.
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
Now, this is not an abstruse philosophical distinction that we are seeking to make.
And, in the first place, there is what may be called an elementary view of this abstruser symbolism, which seems almost to be a corollary from what has already been described in the preceding article.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Many who read the abstruser parts of his 'Friend' would complain that his works did not answer to his spoken wisdom.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
But we now arrive at a higher division of masonic symbolism, which, passing beyond these tangible symbols, brings us to those which are of a more abstruse nature, and which, as being developed in a ceremonial form, controlled and directed by the ritual of the order, may be designated as the _ritualistic symbolism_ of Freemasonry.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
The catchy title and cover art attracted many to a tome that otherwise would have been considered way too abstruse to bother with.
So that nothing can be more superficial than this paradox of the sceptics; and it were well, if, in the abstruser studies of logic and metaphysics, we could as easily obviate the cavils of that sect, as in the practical and more intelligible sciences of politics and morals.
An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals
the professor's abstrusely reasoned theories were wasted on his students
O'Reilly has an amazing, wonderful gift for popularizing hard ideas and for explaining abstruse technology in catchy ways.
Boing Boing: May 21, 2006 - May 27, 2006 Archives
Josh's mind boggled in the futile effort to penetrate the abstruse complexity of an esoteric form of thinking that was altogether foreign to him.
Your statement is a bit too abstruse.
Madam, all minds are not gifted with the necessary qualities which the delicacy of those fine sciences called abstruse require.
The Magnificent Lovers (Les Amants magnifiques)
Many hedge funds piled up fortunes with abstruse mathematical trading strategies that paid little attention to the individuals or companies underlying their trades.
What Would Warren Do?
I choose to believe instead that Spinrad is engaging in some kind of abstruse wordplay in which “Mike Resnick is an African SF writer” is revealed to be a pun or a palindrome or something, rather than something that he thought would be a useful addition to the discussion.
World SF, Worth Reading BEFORE developing an opinion « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
The main purpose which I have had in view in writing this book has been to present an account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interesting -- _authentic_, as being based on the original works themselves, and not on any secondary sources; _interesting_, as presenting to the ordinary English reader, in language freed as far as possible from technicality and abstruseness, the great thoughts of the greatest men of antiquity on questions of permanent significance and value.
A Short History of Greek Philosophy
Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.
Park in miles, in yards, and in acres, and the number of head of cattle which could be accommodated therein if it were to be utilized for grazing -- that is, turned into grass lands; or, if transformed into tillage, the number of small farmers who would be the proprietors of economic holdings -- that is, a recondite -- that is, an abstruse and a difficult scientific and sociological term.
Mary, Mary
The many convoluted and abstruse arguments of these programmes do not concern us here.
However in this module abstruse the intellectual dot with abstraction is more,(Sentencedict) it is more difficult that in schoolteaching process we feel student understanding rises apparently.
The setting of a trap for finding out whether it was accidentally done, soon superseded, as a practical piece of cunning, the abstruser inquiry why otherwise it was done.
Our Mutual Friend
These range from the abstrusely technical to his Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, which may be the most widely used introduction to Mahayana Buddhist thought in the English-speaking world.
Newman's passion for abstruse matters of theology strikes Wilson as escapism or worse.
In order to grope towards an understanding of them we have to grasp the abstruse notion of the particle sea.
I mean, assuming the "New Yorker Cartoon Law of Biting Satire", which states that the jocularity of a particular pasquinade is directly proportional to the abstruseness of the language in which you couch it, it was hilarious.
Secondly, by his passion for "popular" renderings of abstruse and difficult subjects, by confounding the hastiest rechauffe of scientific truisms with the slowly-matured conceptions of the original thinker, he retards true culture and lessens the possible amount of really abiding work.
The Vice of Reading
The abstruse, irrelevant nature of the research you've done these last several years.
Just hope that abstruseness may be mistaken for erudition.
The results can disconcert, with their abstruse perspectives and cogitative leaps.
The matter was however even to him, well within the realms of abstruse cyclone theory.
So the causes of China's ‘miracle’ are neither exotic nor abstruse.
And it will be found that some of its omissions which have given rise to prolonged discussion are probably to be referred to nothing else but the oscitancy of a transcriber with such a codex before him [129]: Without having recourse to any more abstruse hypothesis; without any imputation of bad faith; -- certainly without supposing that the words omitted did not exist in the inspired autograph of the Evangelist.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
These philosophers are scorned by the obtuse for their abstruseness and abstraction, derided for their technical vocabulary, and accused of ‘scholasticism.’
Perhaps most revealingly, their eyes are almost always described as slanted and Asian-like, begging the possibility that, in an abstruse way, they are Asian, perhaps descendants of some lost colony that diverged from the genetic mainstream tens of thousands of years ago.
Archive 2006-04-01
Very enthusiastic, I remember they said you were, on certain abstruse points in comparative philology.
The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
They have taken up residence — both content in being confounded and resigned to his abstruseness, they have pledged their unfailing allegiance to Will Oldham the man and his countless incarnations.
Buzzine » Bonnie Prince Billy
While the history of '00s New York dance-rock tilts toward the Rapture and LCD Soundsystem, the band known abstrusely as !!!
Music With an Exclamation Point
The collapse column is production of sink terrene of the abstruse ash dissolve rock inanition, the form of the dissolve rock falling pole first rest with collapse column' grade of the development.
I am as befuddled as you are when I try to read that deliberately abstruse text.
I cannot refrain from complimenting Mr. Payne upon the admirable way in which he has attacked and mastered all the difficulties of its abstruser passages.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Reform of British institutions, like national health and education, are simply too abstruse for most Americans to understand.
Still, this is a Frank Black album, with its obscure references and abstruse lyrics.
I'd been much, much less attracted by what is perhaps the more public face of philosophy, which is its abstruseness, its complexity, its boringness even.