How To Use Abstractive In A Sentence
Geox, a high quality, value-oriented sponsor, of precisely the kind cycling needs right now, is being told that his return on investment is subject to some abstractive ruling in Aigle Switzerland, the UCI headquarters.
Geox team boss Mauro Gianetti says he’s mystified by ProTeam exclusion
Between that which Balzac tabulated as the "abstractive" type of human evolvement and that which is fully cosmic in consciousness, there are many and diverse degrees of the higher faculties; but the poet always expresses some one of these degrees of the higher consciousness; indeed some poets are of that versatile nature that they run the entire gamut of the emotional nature, now descending to the ordinary normal consciousness which takes account only of the personal self; again ascending to the heights of the impersonal fearlessness and unassailable confidence that is the heritage of those who have reached the full stature of the "man-god whom we await" -- the cosmic conscious race that is to be.
Cosmic Consciousness
Only we obtain the capacity of abstractive thinking, can we cognize the objection and the painting more essentially and deeply.
The distinction between intuitive and abstractive cognition does not depend on the object at all; the very same object can be cognized in both an intuitive and an abstractive way.
abstractive analysis
Methods of time complexity analysis are usually based on abstractive algorithms, rather than actual programs.
Therefore, "the same species that is intuitive in the presence of the object is abstractive in the absence of the object.
Francis of Marchia
I have already explained how the concept of a moment conciliates the observed fact with this ideal; namely, there is a limiting simplicity in the quantitative expression of the properties of durations, which is arrived at by considering any one of the abstractive sets included in the moment.
The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
In the latter case, the more substantial passage, he gives a somewhat Scotistic definition: "Intuitive and abstractive cognition are not distinguished according to having a species or not, but only according to the disposition of the object, because if the object is present, the species represents it intuitively; if absent, it represents it abstractively.
Francis of Marchia
The fact that hypotheses are abstractive demonstrates only that they are incomplete, not that they are false.
Correspondence, abstraction, and realism
Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture.
If the - ness could be affixed as an abstractive element to each and every type of radical element, if we could say fightness (the act or quality of fighting) or waterness (the quality or state of water) or awayness (the state of being away) as we can say goodness (the state of being good), we should have moved appreciably nearer the agglutinative pole.
Chapter 6. Types of Linguistic Structure
C - T - ABS abstractive algorithm transforms ? ? - expression to SKI - expression, which is the theoretical foundation of functional programming ...
The defense of Descartes 'real distinction proof is enlightening because it renders transparent the assumption of abstractive knowledge that might have aided contemporary readers' understanding of the proof.
Motherly Advice
Momental areas can evidently be defined as abstractive elements by exactly the same method as applied to solids.
The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
Only we obtain the capacity of abstractive thinking, can we cognize the objection and the painting more essentially and deeply.
Methods of time complexity analysis are usually based on abstractive algorithms, rather than actual programs.
Norris offers an important insight into how the real distinction proof depends on abstractive processes.
Motherly Advice