How To Use Abstracted In A Sentence
Note 62: TNA SP 10/1, no. 38 abstracted in CSP Domestic Edward VI, 36. back
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
Any such definitive analysis, however, would need to respond, at the very least, both to his at once ‘avant- garde’ and hard-headedly commercial use of abstracted, deliberately over-stylised backgrounds and movements, and to the logical circularity which repeatedly dictates the emotional lives of his characters.
The water has not been ‘predrunk’; it is not abstracted from a river and is as good as the best water you could find anywhere, even bottled.
And from the business point of view it is just merely wrong to abstractedly speculate that someone wants something.
Russia's Sechin Defends Investment Climate

His movements were slow, his gaze abstracted, as if he were composing a poem in his head.
His absence had regained for him much of that aureola of saintship which had been nearly abstracted during her reproachful mood on that miserable journey from London.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
The energy of the scattered light is abstracted from the original beam.
At the entrance to the gallery an upright, abstracted figure, smoothly curved, sat atop a heavy-duty steel truck spring.
He nodded abstractedly, went upstairs to the big, sunny sewing room, searched the family needlecase for a long stiff darning needle and extracted several rubber bands from the red cardboard box on the library table.
A Son of the City A Story of Boy Life
The soul forms in itself likenesses of things inasmuch as, through the light of agent intellect, forms abstracted from sensible objects are made actually intelligible, so as to be received in the possible intellect.
He is looking up abstractedly into the middle distance with a slightly suppressed smile.
She pronounced the name abstractedly, for she was surprised at the admission.
The Trail to Yesterday
Your children must learn to use standard English, but that is best taught in conjunction with their writing and not in abstracted exercises in grammar workbooks.
Esther Kläs's engaging, unpretentiously reductive sculpture evokes the postwar, semiabstracted, universalist figures of Reg Butler, Germaine Richier and Kenneth Armitage.
Abstracts (Subtle or Semi) And Bold Dimensions
One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use.
Archive 2008-09-01
Identical fragments had been found on the clothing quietly abstracted from the locker of a prime suspect.
They are biomorphic shapes, but it is clear what they are abstracted from.
The Times Literary Supplement
Thus, once mixes are abstracted from their interpersonal context and reified within a commercial context, they lose much of their meaning.
The relative simplicity of the style, combined with its ability to incorporate in some abstracted manner more traditional architectonic elements -- Wagner's work incorporates clear if modified references to everything from Byzantine to Baroque -- renders it particularly useful for modern church-building, especially when budgets are a concern; there is less of the risk of the finished product appearing, in some sense, undercooked, when key decorative elements are removed due to monetary constraints.
The projection was an abstracted human head, spasmodically twitching in a sort of half-nod.
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He began grooming the fur on his wrist in an abstracted sort of way.
Curiously quiet she was , almost abstracted , answering these questions.
He was listening to music and had an abstracted expression.
But we have seen that modern liberal philosophy has begun to emphasize that individuals should be viewed as members of society with mutual obligations rather than as abstracted and isolated individuals.
A spray of green leaves embodies and radiates light against the relatively flat and abstracted background of a blooming meadow; shadows on the brocade reverberate with preternatural energy.
Reason however in the Edinburgh Enlightenment was still prior to experience: the people are a body ‘out there’; visible, and abstracted from action.
Was he?" said Cadfael abstractedly, pounding herbs in a mortar for a linctus.
The Holy Thief
The little court-jester had seen the witticisms especially reserved for such wearying weather, received in abstracted silence.
The Golden Apple Tree
Objective To study method of GTF abstracted from chromium-rich brewer's yeast, determine content of amino acid in abstract.
In her abstracted mood Huston's Gretta attends only slightly to Gabriel's anecdote, and there is nothing equivalent to the erotic rebuff that Joyce presented as transitional to the last epiphany.
He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his book.
He compared grammar with geometry because they both abstracted from concrete instances to provide laws and rules for individual cases.
Our article was critically reviewed and abstracted by York University at the request of the British
Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
He had a long fringy white-and-gray beard, and a very kind and abstracted manner, and he smelled of garlic and sour cream.
Had it been seen abstracted from that context by the US public, there would have been a more ambiguous reaction.
One coolly abstracted the city, taking what he wanted and discarding the rest, reshaping it to his liking with emphatic yesses and nos.
In the picture, no one is really smiling; Bob Geldof is showing some teeth, but his eyes are closed and he's sort of abstracted; there's a black guy I can't put a name to in the back who looks quite pleased, but that's it for smiles.
V. i.54 (121,7) [as shy, as grave, as just, as absolute] _As shy_; as reserved, as abstracted: _as just_; as nice, as exact: _as absolute_; as complete in all the round of duty.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
Not only is the self unable to bestow form from lived life, but also the objects themselves cannot receive it until they are abstracted from their lived-life utility.
Identical fragments had been found on the clothing quietly abstracted from the locker of a prime suspect.
As we abstracted data directly from original trial reports we minimised the effects of missing data and errors in transcription.
Occasionally producing abstracted images of mesmeric beauty, constituted by surfaces overlaid with countless dots and stippling influenced by both Zulu beadwork and Impressionism, he is, however, also prone to awkward figuration.
Then put as a second point on your note-book the fact that at least 500,000 men and women are abstracted or will be abstracted from the beneficent productive work of Canada in making supplies, equipments, doing subsidiary services of a thousand different kinds, all to aid the processes of destruction and demolition which are being carried on by the advanced 500,000 men.
Trade Preparations for Coming Peace
Yet when I discuss this with non-lawyer friends, many seem worried in an abstracted fashion, as though surveillance were an inconvenience on the order of a nosy and fussbudgety old neighbor.
Solara seemed rather abstracted and unconcerned, but then, she always did.
Through figurative abstracted works on paper, Tempe artist Ron Bimrose taps into light themes like transition, fate and personal choice.
Expertise in PHP, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX* Ability to write well-abstracted, reusable code for common UI components in PHP and Javascript* Ability to create interfaces that are fast, consistent across browsers, and demonstrate an intimate knowledge of browser quirks and best practices* Extremely detail oriented down to pixel-perfect implementation* Experience crafting efficient, optimized, and speed-minded code* 3+ years of experience building web or desktop applications* B.A./B.S. in Computer Science or a related technical fieldBonus*
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One evening when he was thus standing in the garden, abstractedly spudding up a weed with his stick, a bony figure turned the corner of the house and came up to him.
The Return of the Native
At bottom, this is not about legal analysis abstracted from those existential/practical matters, this is not about finessing legal casuistries, this is about repeated and repeated abdications on the part of the federal govt.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
For my own part, whenever I attempt to frame a simple idea of time, abstracted from the succession of ideas in my mind, which flows uniformly and is participated by all beings, I am lost and embrangled in inextricable difficulties.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley
Note 92: As abstracted in CSP Spanish, X, pp. 124 – 135 back
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
Apocalypse, holiness and filthiness would not be spoken of abstractedly, that is, apart from holy and _filthy_ persons, and in like manner righteousness and unrighteousness would not be mentioned apart from their necessary {117} antecedents, _personal_ righteous and unrighteous _deeds_.
An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
As Nelson abstractedly went over some of the myriad of reports that covered his desk, the intercom on his desk interrupted him.
There are factors which are being abstracted from the fertile soil of this country which it will take generations to replace, the loss of which we cannot but deplore, and the loss of which it will take long to make up.
Trade Preparations for Coming Peace
Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted.
This is the form in which the European Court abstracted the relevant part of Article 6 in paragraph of its decision.
In his later work, in which he dealt with the same period at greater length, the account which he had abstracted from a Greek source, probably Nicholas of Damascus, is corrected by the Jewish work.
He held the page flat with his left hand and on his face was an expression of abstracted absorption.
He was walking that day head down, abstracted in his notecards, noticing neither the fineness of the weather, the unevenness of the pavement, or the breeze riffling the surface of the river beneath the bridge.
In another, an abstracted cutaway view of the landscape devolves into a pattern that suggests a bar code.
The same would apply to the abstracted car driver.
It shouldn't be abstracted from the debate about Europe's crisis.
While everyone else engages in some form of inward or outward dialogue, they stare abstractedly into space, oblivious to their surroundings.
Final data were abstracted directly from published articles or estimated from descriptive statistics presented in the articles.
The old man looked out over the city, an abstracted frown on his face.
Economics, abstracted and hermetically sealed from other disciplines, has admitted of no such “interference”.
Matthew Yglesias » My Theory’s Great, Except for the Times It Doesn’t Work
However, by the proposed approach, the false-positives appearing in the abstracted data can be controlled, allowing significant increases in cell function apparent in the microarray data to be tested by reference to the binominal distribution model (
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Rose has used pink and blue eye shadow and seems to have worked it onto the wall with her hands, leaving an abstracted blur of pearlescent colour.
Obviously the flock herd manager will be abstracted from the response Llama team, leaving it shortstaffed and alllowoing the FLM to say “not my remit”.
The author has abstracted poems from earlier books.
The microfiche are abstracted, indexed, and published in a bimonthly periodical titled Declassified Documents Catalog.
Abstractedly she listens as her daughter, standing up straight in an onrush of light at the open kitchen door, talks to a deliveryman.
He held the page flat with his left hand and on his face was an expression of abstracted absorption.
He gives the impression of an eccentric school master with, yes, a slightly abstracted air; a patrician whose sentences end with a heavy emphasis.
Because ventilator data are not routinely abstracted into administrative data sets, community-based, longitudinal studies of changes in ALI therapy are not available.
Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
The beautiful yellow pigments" turned out to be riboflavin, although Kuhn called it both lactoflavin and ovoflavin because they had first abstracted it from milk and egg whites.
Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted.
In recent decades the elegant, abstracted paintings of the Aboriginal people have become famous around the world.
Similarly, Alexander McCulloch is posed in a landscape as if to suggest the naturalness of his abstracted, dreamy state.
From the time they had quitted the burning room to that moment, Waters had passed into his listless, abstracted condition, so helpless and feeble that he retained the grasp of M'liss's hand more through some instinctive prompting rather than the dictates of reason.
The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
Vision acquires a previously unknown flexibility and autonomy: ‘what occurs is a new valuation of visual experience: it is given an unprecedented mobility and exchangeability, abstracted from any founding site or referent’.
What caused credit to freeze as the TED spread (which should be about 50) went up to nearly 300 last fall, and is still hovering near 100, is the leveraged speculation that pervaded every form of financial transaction — ALL of it abstracted from the actual production of stuff … like houses, which have a value in themselves.
Matthew Yglesias » Brink Lindsey Accuses Progressives of Peddling “Nostalgianomics”
If someone considered that Quine's and Giere's thoughts about naturalized philosophy of science were still abstracted theory, Thagard's thoughts tried to demonstrate the epistemology practically.
Abstractedly she watched the dancers for a few moments, commenting murmurously as a couple eddied near.
The Beautiful and Damned
Suffused with a post-Romantic melancholy, it seems to wander abstractedly through a softly glowing mist.
When Mary said to him she would miss her pupil, he smiled in a sort of abstracted way, as if not quite apprehending what she said, which seemed to Mary a little odd, his manners in essentials being those of a gentleman, as judged by one a little more than a lady; for there is an unnamed degree higher than the ordinary _lady_.
Mary Marston
‘OK Timmy, go show your sister,’ Mrs. Davison said abstractedly, putting a hand on Timmy's shoulder and pushing him gently into the living room.
Data were abstracted from each study and summarized.
Hinduism and Christianity abstracted the soul from the body, Buddhism, through its doctrine of anatman, avoided such separation.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Indeed, philosophy as abstract in its unapplied form, offering no appropriate subject through which it may be used as an analytic tool, is re-abstracted rather than elucidated through its play in investigating cinema.
Milieu is sufficiently abstracted from locale layout, in fact, that dressing and general staging may override specifics -- e.g. the milieus of two contemporary realist novels could be functionally equivalent despite the fact that one locale layout is mapped closely to Liverpool while the other is mapped closely to Glasgow.
Archive 2009-12-01
When he was not affectionately coercing people into buying things they did not need, he stood at the back of the store, glowing, abstracted, feeling masculine as he recalled the tempestuous surprises of love revealed by Vida.
Main Street
Though pleasantly matey, he has the fatigued, abstracted air of someone who has been summarising his CV in dressing rooms for three decades.
Your base of operations, so to speak, has been abstracted from the underlying computer.
Roger Ballen depict an abstracted imaginary space that is inhabited by both animals and people.
With an abstracted look, she removed her sweater and brassiere.
It was now set up in types, and the forethoughtful Mr. Sands had abstracted
The President A novel
It has been said, for example, that Aquinas is not really interested in the Trinity and the incarnation, that he is chiefly concerned to promote a notion of God abstracted from orthodox Christian teaching.
(Admiralty 68/194, ff. 82r, abstracted in Survey Report 6801, Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.) [4] The impost was the duty imposed by Britain on imported tobacco, and the cocket (for which a fee was charged) was the certified document issued that the impost had been paid.
Letter from Robert Carter to John Pemberton and Company, June 1, 1728
The abstracted interior landscape provided a powerful yet calm space with reusable modular elements.
She abstracted herself from her inconvenient desire; she set herself at a distance from it and inspected it, as if it were a fungus of the spirit, asserting itself without permission.
A potential toxic bloom has been found on the lake from which drinking water supplies for much of the county, including the towns of Killarney and Tralee and surrounding countryside, are abstracted.
Whatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster.
Mrs. Rossitur took up the magazine again abstractedly, and read –
In spite of the banners' grandiose scale, the colorful, abstracted figures and landscapes featured in the paintings were inspired by Persian and Indian miniatures.
It is abstracted and indexed in a wide array of major social science sources (as printed inside the front cover) but these are less commonly used by the biological sciences.
It has spawned a generation who look back upon a single act, abstracted from its consequences, as determinative of salvation.
Conversely, the same volunteer scholar (noted by his initials at the end of the record) abstracted another article more thoroughly.
In ever-more-abstracted form and diverse media, these elemental shapes, such as spirals, labyrinths, lozenges, and goddesses, recurred in her work.
Its function is not disembodied or abstracted from the socio-cultural, but grounded in it.
Data were independently abstracted by three of the authors and disagreements were resolved by consensus.
If they adopt the second view of inherence, which is preferred by some metaphysical natural philosophers, and regard space and time as relations (contiguity in space or succession in time), abstracted from experience, though represented confusedly in this state of separation, they find themselves in that case necessitated to deny the validity of mathematical doctrines a priori in reference to real things (for example, in space) -- at all events their apodeictic certainty.
The Critique of Pure Reason
In retrospect this appears so, but we have to remember that he abstracted his axioms from observation of the real world.
No doubt he was one of those abstracted, lost-in-the-clouds types - it would explain why the rumpled, silvered hair needed cutting.
All the while, the pitter-patter of beats, the abstracted swish of rain-washed streets and murmur of German voices.
When the freedman had ceased speaking, Vetranio sat up on the couch, called for a basin of water, dipped his fingers in the refreshing liquid, dried them abstractedly on the long silky curls of the singing-boy who stood beside him, gazed about him once more, repeated interrogatively the word 'daybreak', and sunk gently back upon his couch.
The authors independently abstracted data in duplicate and cross checked for transcription errors and discrepancies.
The Beautiful Soul represents Hegel's attempt to convey the mode of consciousness of those human beings full of great individual goodness and purity, yet cut off and abstracted from the world of which they are a part.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
The building itself, like the bell-ringing ceremonies inside, or indeed the activity on the hallowed floor itself, has been abstracted away from its original purpose and into the metaphysical empyrean of Higher Marketing: as much image as reality.
Robert Teitelman: St. Patrick's Day as a Derivative Instrument
Your base of operations, so to speak, has been abstracted from the underlying computer.
Mattie grunted abstractedly, totally engrossed in peering at the various plastic containers and bowls in the refrigerator.
So my friend came down again, in his tourist capacity; put up at the same quarters, strolled about, fished a bit, botanized a bit, attended the adjourned inquest as a casual spectator, and -- abstracted the tobacco-box under the very noses of the police!
Ravensdene Court
She was perhaps only a little less irritating than the man who became so unconscious in the habit of inattention that on one occasion his converser had scarcely finished when he began abstractedly: "Yes, very odd, very odd," and told the identical anecdote all over again.
Conversation What to Say and How to Say it
In the title sequence, a woman who's neither young nor truly old gyrates mysteriously and abstractedly in the middle of a wheat field.
'Green Zone': Thrills Vie With Speechifying
‘What amount of small change, Missis,’ he said, with an abstracted air, after a little meditation, ‘might you call a morsel of money?’
Our Mutual Friend
Now these records are coming to the Internet, albeit in abstracted form, through Information Wanted, a website of the Boston College Irish Studies Program.
Archive 2005-06-01
At a private screening of his latest oeuvre – a 40-minute music video entitled Runaway – West took to the stage in black shades and a brown leather cummerbund to tell the select audience that "I am the tree and the people are the branches" before going on to compare his new album to "the abstracted works of later Matisse or Picasso".
Kanye West: Mister Perfection is stylishly reinventing the rules of rap
They bustled along talking to their invisible friends, or stood abstracted on the kerb the fingers of one hand fiddling away in the palm of the other, or, like iAnna footled fanatically with a filmy square-foot.
The Guardian World News
We have, through the long and complicated processes of teleological argument, abstracted from a class called God, which was assumed to be multiply instantiable in objects called gods, to another class, also called God, which is assumed to be only singularly instantiable.
Archive 2007-04-01
He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom.
DataCore, to be sure, doles out the same virtualization garble as every other vendor, promising a management heaven full of automation and abstracted disk.
-- For my own part, whenever I attempt to frame a simple idea of time, abstracted from the succession of ideas in my mind, which flows uniformly and is participated by all beings, I am lost and embrangled in inextricable difficulties.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
A glyph is the label, and the image triggered in your mind by that word or label which you abstracted from experience.
1. (main blog)
Where More is the most abstracted member of the group, Patensen is the most engaged, though his vacant stare has an abstracted quality of its own.
Regan gazed abstractedly up at the ceiling, puffing away at his cigar.
It can carry with it aspects of arbitrariness or domineeringness, or whimsicality or abstractedness.
The article was abstracted from a longer new book.
Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
The words people use to describe this event are not the event itself and are only abstracted re-presentations of the event.
Some of those who spoke made sense, she said, but there were others who seemed just as batty and abstracted as the most eccentric tweedy types of yesteryear, despite the Marxian lingo and the earrings.
She stood waiting, absorbed in her fears, so abstracted from her ordinary outside surroundings that she was unaware of the approach of two horsemen from the Gully Crossing.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
'What amount of small change, Missis,' he said, with an abstracted air, after a little meditation, 'might you call a morsel of money?'
Our Mutual Friend
The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer.
Expectation is an experiential calculus through which the abstracted possibilities of the event are rendered subculturally consistent.
Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
This becomes abstracted from the original idea, possibly to become unrecognizable.
Surveys pick out contentious conclusions on divine unity and Trinity and Incarnation and other topoi, abstracted from the original warp and weft, as though the latter were mere packaging.
It's pretty much possible to get a corporation to synthesize smallpox DNA already - what happens when this technology is abstracted out into universities, or when the technology to do it gets half-inched off the back of a lorry?
Paths through these networks are generally bidirectional, and the concept of a label must be abstracted to the particular technology being signaled.
Mr. O'Sullivan and I liked the plates with abstracted flower patterns overlaid with gilded outlines of Delftware vessels ($518), and the vases and bowls with overlapping streaks of denim-colored paint inspired by Chinese brushwork ($328 for a small fluted bowl).
Delight in Blue and White
It's always fascinating to return to something that everyone claims to cherish and feigns familiarity with, but that is simultaneously so apotheosized and abstracted as to become cold and inanimate.
Adam Hanft: A Geek's Fourth of July: Reading the Declaration of Independence
But in very truth he also came to have an eye upon the contents of each stack, and to obtain such information respecting the extent of the crop reaped and gathered in by each feuar, as might prevent the possibility of abstracted multures.
The Monastery
Belden abstractedly began to light his pipe, which had failed to go out, and then brightened up with, "How 'bout yerself, stranger, — married man?
To The Man on the Trail
The beautiful yellow pigments" turned out to be riboflavin, although Kuhn called it both lactoflavin and ovoflavin because they had first abstracted it from milk and egg whites.
Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
Ve lithophytic glochidium on depot, and one of the decimalization ethanal out in the silicon at a big oppression of ethnically bootlicking abstractedness bags.
Rational Review
Ve lithophytic glochidium on depot, and one of the decimalization ethanal out in the silicon at a big oppression of ethnically bootlicking abstractedness bags.
Rational Review
He's also dilated on Times Square in a number of brimming, semi-abstracted compositions featuring gaseous streetlamps, geometric signage and emphatic, top-to-bottom cuts of l' heure bleue sky.
The primary art is writing; primary, if we regard the purpose abstracted from the different modes of realizing it, those steps of progression of which the instances are still visible in the lower degrees of civilization.
On Poesy or Art
We abstracted all prescriptions written by the doctor for the treatment of schizophrenia and diabetes between the start of the study period and the index date.
For example, she replaces bold geometrics with abstracted natural patterns in floor-coverings and uses branch-like forms overhead to make ceilings reminiscent of tree canopies.
'Well, you will allow me to say this, since I say it without reference to your personality or to mine -- that the Power and De Stancy families are the complements to each other; and that, abstractedly, they call earnestly to one another: "How neat and fit a thing for us to join hands!"'
A Laodicean : a Story of To-day
No, the hypocrite's hope and joy is quite of another make and mould. he finds no taste or relish in celestial joys, abstracted from the plenties and jollities of the world.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
Through figurative abstracted works on paper, Tempe artist Ron Bimrose taps into light themes like transition, fate and personal choice.
You might want to consider it as a meta-ideology - a notion of when to apply analysis and abstracted reason to the lifeworld in which we interact and exist.
His matter quite apart -- and it is always interesting -- and abstractedly from his pervasive pleasantry, which is always original, it is a wonder that he is not more esteemed than he is in an age which professes to set store by style.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
From rejected ion exchange membrane the perfluorinated acid resin is abstracted as solid super acidic catalyst.
Iron is abstracted from ore.
Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
He observed that we had built a picture of ourselves that was based on an abstracted picture of how we ought to be.
Is the Sodom story, even, a necessary step in constructing an aniconic, ascetic, abstracted concept of the divine needed to get from an animistic understanding of nature to a mechanistic -- i.e. scientific -- understanding?
Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
She paints objects, often in an enlarged or abstracted way, that are suggestive of ‘guides’ that shape our lives.
His absence had regained for him much of that aureola of saintship which had been nearly abstracted during her reproachful mood on that miserable journey from London.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
Five of the lengthy series of lithographed modeles that Goupil aimed primarily at aspiring artists included motifs, mostly head studies, abstracted from Delaroche paintings.
But blood is to be abstracted, especially the from the veins, which are the seat of the influx, if they be conspicuous; but if not, deeper and more numerous scarifications are to be made in the swellings; and whatever part you scarify, this is to be done with the sharpest and most slender instruments of iron.
On Ulcers
That exhibition demonstrated the ways in which Spain's sartorial inheritance—the matador's embroidered bolero, the flounces of Flamenco, the lace veils of Catholicism, the stark outerwear of shepherds—had been absorbed and abstracted into Cristóbal Balenciaga's masterly and vastly influential Paris couture.
Between Heaven and Earth
Note 56: PRO SP 10/1, no. 30; abstracted in CSP Edward, Domestic, 36 back
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
These last may be termed abstractedly and simply friends, the former as
As he read, he abstractedly ran his fingers, with a caressing movement, through his hair.
Chapter 31
Everyone has the same drugged, internal, abstracted look: and why?
The prosecution admitted that confessions had been abstracted by threatened execution, false witnesses, and mock trials, but all the defendants were found guilty.
Even if such allusions are not so expansive or so specifically ‘unassignable,’ the abstracted mimicking and representation of writing is a familiar theme in the visual arts.
Final data were abstracted directly from the publications or estimated from data tabulations in the articles.
The old man looked out over the city, an abstracted frown on his face.