How To Use abstract thought In A Sentence
- Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought .
- By the age of about seven, children are capable of abstract thought.
- At present they are the earliest evidence of human creativity and the first known visual manifestations of abstract thought.
- It is characterized by a loss of intellectual abilities such as judgment, memory and abstract thought.
- For example, sleep-enabled memories may help people produce insights, draw inferences, and foster abstract thought during waking hours.
- Their ideological development should be viewed as much in terms of this harmonization as in terms of the abstract thought of isolated intellectuals.
- But equally, he claimed that he was capable of dissociating himself from his physical disorders only through abstract thought.
- Some say language, others abstract thought, and so on.
- Oh yeah? Well what if I told you that scientists have recently made discoveries that suggest baboons are capable of abstract thought?
- It had lain fallow all his life so far as the abstract thought of the books was concerned, and it was ripe for the sowing. Chapter 7