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  1. someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
  2. a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages

How To Use abstainer In A Sentence

  • He said ‘all the good studies’ of drinkers versus teetotallers suggested adults drinking one to two units per day, equivalent to one to two standard glasses of wine or half-pints of beer, had a 20% lower risk of stroke than abstainers.
  • In thousands of middle-aged Danish men with high cholesterol, moderate drinkers had 50 percent less risk of developing heart disease from blocked arteries than abstainers.
  • In fact, the researchers cite three studies since 1995 indicating that the African-American community has a higher proportion of abstainers and bingers than the white population does.
  • The Electoral Commission's postmortem examination into the 17 million abstainers found that they complained of a campaign ‘at best lacklustre and at worst negative in tone and too stage-managed’ - the money had made it worse.
  • And I salute another sugar cook (and sugar abstainer) – it is not easy to do, is it? Sweet Stories « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Mental intervention has good effect to cultivate self-esteem of abstainer .
  • In was not until 1832 that at Preston under the advocacy of Joseph Livesay total abstainers first appeared, and the word "teetotal", applied to abstinence, came into general use. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • If Mr Horam's fate does not hinge on Tory abstainers coming out to vote this time, it could depend on how much more the Lib Dems can squeeze the 5,500-strong Labour vote.
  • As an abstainer, I often get disapproving comments like, "It's not healthy to take such a severe approach" or "It would be better to learn how to manage yourself" or "Can't you let yourself have a little fun? Gretchen Rubin: Balanced Life -- Quiz: Are you a Moderator or an Abstainer, When Trying to Give Something Up?
  • The results of this estimation would indicate, for example, whether adolescent bingers differed from binge abstainers on some outcome, controlling for membership in the trajectory classes for the other two substances.
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