How To Use Absorbing In A Sentence
By recording the spectra of several distant quasars whose light pierces the Milky Way, the spacecraft revealed some 50 ultraviolet-absorbing gas clouds around our galaxy.
It also provides ample cushioning with shock-absorbing HydroFlow technology in the heel and forefoot, and has a water-repellant upper.
Rob's strengths lay in absorbing the pressure and criticism, and in doing this well he more than proved himself courageous, gutsy and tough.
It is a rich and absorbing story about the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza.
Times, Sunday Times
Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait.

This absorbing profile muses on his universal popularity and compulsive desire to draw and paint.
Times, Sunday Times
The clergyman and his son pricked up their ears at this, photography being with them only a degree less absorbing a pastime than that of walking; Ron awoke suddenly to the remembrance that his half-plate camera had never been unpacked since his arrival; and the three vied with each other in asking questions about the proposed excursion, and in urging that a date should be fixed.
Big Game A Story for Girls
She captures my attention without entirely absorbing it.
Times, Sunday Times
The human species has not evolved such that it can tolerate sitting in that southwesterly location, behind uninsulated glass, leaning on a heat absorbing table of dark steel and not be grossly uncomfortable.
Absorbing throughout, her film is troubling, well-illustrated and cogently argued.
Times, Sunday Times
Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
A vacuum absorbing device absorbs the smooth plane of the extracting device and the socket connector is positioned on the circuit board, thus achieving the goal of automatic assembling.
To touch up make-up to get rid of shine, gently press a dry tissue to your skin to absorb excess grease, or use grease-absorbing make-up tissues.
The evening is an absorbing night out and one not to be lightly ignored.
Most men have ability enough, if they could only focalize it into one grand, central, all-absorbing purpose, to accomplish great things.
How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
A energy absorbing structure is disclosed for the purpose of protecting human occupants of a vehicle from the damaging effects of sudden accelerative or decelerative forces by means of plastic deformation of the structure.
Absorbing and retracing my history, memories of the special, never forgotten days, when our family made the crossing over the lagoon to the hummocks beyond.
He had never been a morning person before, but letting the beautiful sunrise pass without him absorbing its gloriousness in an area such as this seemed wasteful, from his perspective.
Parasitic plants may affect host fitness by absorbing resources that are essential for host growth and reproduction.
The pills—containing inexpensive potassium iodide, which is the substance used to iodize common table salt—can prevent thyroid cancer by saturating the thyroid gland with a harmless type of iodine, keeping it from absorbing radioactive iodine that might be inhaled or ingested after a radiation release.
Quake Renews Call to Enforce Pill Law
Shock isolating means protecting a component from these sudden jolts by mounting it with a shock-absorbing material like neoprene or natural rubber.
At ecdysis, the animal sheds the old exoskeleton while absorbing large quantities of water to stretch the new exoskeleton.
One ingredient found in almost all tablet or capsule containers is a desiccant - cotton batten or a small canister containing a harmless, water-absorbing compound.
But irrespective of whether you are a collector, this is an absorbing book for anyone interested in history or other cultures.
Once behind the wooden screen, her skin warmed and shifted, absorbing the dress back into her body, leaving her naked.
A MILLION FACES • by Erin M Kinch
However, the beef became tasty after absorbing the sweet and sour tastes of the preserved tangerine peel wrapped outside.
He spent much of his time mediating disputes and absorbing the free-floating rage that the Standing had unleashed.
Matt Leinart is getting a crash course in absorbing the pro game, but he'll be better for it in the long run.
Whiz mission: Change the football culture in the desert
The Protestant Reformation enlisted widespread lay support by its politically motivated aversion to the monastic ideal, which lay anticlericals opposed as absorbing too much wealth in support of its institutions.
So I've devised what you might call a mock risotto, in which acini di pepe (a pastina, or little pasta, named for its peppercorn shape) is cooked directly in the soup, absorbing all of its sweet, oniony flavor.
Serious Eats
Alex, who rides at home, expressed his concern that I looked somewhat unrelaxed but we did not go faster than a walk and I found riding a particularly enjoyable way of absorbing the landscape.
Painting functions here like a terrifying energetic machine, absorbing, destroying, recycling, recomposing images of vastly different origins.
These sugars are also strongly hygroscopic (moisture absorbing), and make the finished product keep well.
Rather, their brains come prefitted with an area for absorbing linguistic information—not just absorbing it, but actually sorting the bits of speech they first hear into preestablished categories.
In the Valley of the Shadow
As they came around, the head the wind died, and they slowly drifted toward the American line, absorbing the blows first of the few American long guns, and then of their carronades, all without being able to answer effectively in return.
Between War and Peace
Common brick is like a sponge, absorbing water and wicking moisture to the chimney interior.
All in all, she's no David Attenborough (who speaks at the perfect speed, whether you're taking notes or just absorbing every syllable of his beautifully written scripts).
For example, aquatic organisms that have assimilated UV-B absorbing polyaromatic hydrocarbons have shown phototoxic effects when exposed to UV-B radiation.
Climate change, interactive changes and stresses in the Arctic
But there are plenty of times in this odd mismatch when Seligman the referee is the most absorbing person in the ring, not least when he's encouraging himself to make the most of Sontag.
Odd Couple
Carmen forgave him, but she did not forget, and in the meanwhile she was absorbing information like a sponge.
Incidentally, the body shape also means the hand is in the optimum position for absorbing the recoil impact.
All of which makes this a far more absorbing and instructive experience than your average festive countdown show.
Times, Sunday Times
The tears of a self-confessed stoic will always grab the headlines, but it should be noted that this match was extraordinarily absorbing, with Rezaï producing shots of unplayable depth.
Victorious Serena Fails to Ward Off Tears
If required to reheat, add a little more liquid as the rice goes on absorbing.
Times, Sunday Times
One method they use, fluorescence spectroscopy, involves recording optical spectra from molecules absorbing and emitting light.
Historically speaking, colonial writing is of absorbing value.
Escaping the obvious, her works allow for a freedom of interpretation and reading, each unfolding an absorbing narrative.
It is packed in an airtight container such as a foil pouch to prevent it from absorbing moisture.
Capable of trapping and absorbing insects, as the pitcher plant.
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result the earth is now absorbing more energy than it is emitting.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
Brush each piece of lamb with Dijon mustard, then roll in the breadcrumbs (this will stop the puff pastry from absorbing the juices when it is cooking).
He was out there a long time, absorbing the sights, sounds, smells of the earth, pepperidge trees, terns and water, until his fingertips were blue and he felt a pain in his sewn-up leg.
Black Blade
I was sitting at a table in the café area, avidly absorbing my latest book, sipping a cup of scalding hot café latte when she welcomed herself into my world.
The roof is made of "low emissivity" or "cool" roof materials, so it reflects sunlight rather than absorbing its heat.
In Bethesda, a home built to have a net-zero carbon footprint
Naloxone is not an appetite suppressant, nor does it, like orlistat, prevent the body from absorbing fat.
Times, Sunday Times
With all of the reality shows that make TV watching a complete bore, I was glad to finally see something new, fresh, absorbing and entertaining.
It may not be comfortable reading but it is utterly absorbing and wildly funny.
This magician gained his magic power by absorbing or copying it from his enemies.
The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint-Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836.
Les Miserables, Volume V, Jean Valjean
This is hardly conducive to absorbing information.
Times, Sunday Times
Their legs are far better at absorbing shock than ours.
Times, Sunday Times
Jade and Pearl shapes natural sea sponges to fit a woman's body, absorbing flow and likewise averting the dilemma of throwaways, synthetic fibers and bleaching.
The JanSport Air Cure Laptop Backpack ($50) has shock-absorbing elastomer that distributes the weight of heavy loads more evenly, decreasing pressure by 50% on the shoulders and upper back.
The Best Tech For College
We couldn't get ourselves to leave that record store, and instead sat around on these enormous comfortable old sofas absorbing the music like bees sotted on honey.
The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 4
They tell the story (an amalgam as absorbing as calzium chloereydes and hydrophobe sponges could make it) how one happygogusty Ides-of-April morning (the anniversary, as it fell out, of his first assumption of his mirthday suit and rights in appurtenance to the confusioning of human races) ages and ages after the alleged misdemeanour when the tried friend of all creation, tigerwood roadstaff to his stay, was billowing across the wide expanse of our greatest park in his caoutchouc kepi and great belt and hideinsacks and his blaufunx fustian and ironsides jackboots and Bhagafat gaiters and his rubberised inverness, he met a cad with a pipe.
Finnegans Wake
He stood still, absorbing every detail of the street.
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
Atoms may acquire energy that excites electrons by random thermal collisions, collisions with subatomic particles, or by absorbing a photon.
One of the notable things is the floor, made from a special synthetic material that looks firm, but is springy and sound absorbing.
Look also for a shock-absorbing shoe - one with springs or coils or spongy material under the heel.
In addition to providing a weighting function to determine biologically-effective doses, action spectra are useful for helping to identify the initial light-absorbing photoreceptor responsible for triggering a light-driven biological response [83].
Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
After a full day of absorbing the scenic views of the beautiful outside creations, can you imagine coming home to bare walls at each corner?
He stood still, absorbing every detail of the street.
What lent interest and made it absorbing was the competitive edge between the two parties, and the skill they displayed.
The steenbok, a tiny antelope, never needs to drink water, instead absorbing moisture from food.
John Marshall: Report from Obamapalooza: Day Four
This paper introduced a mechanical energy-absorbing device used in sled crash test.
Discussion is the basis of the plays, and his great wit and intelligence won audiences over to the idea that mental and moral passion could produce absorbing dramatic material.
Put together, the film becomes Gesamtkunstwerk at the level of Wagner's Nibelungen cycle or Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy: a total, totally absorbing work of art that delights and also exercises the senses, the cortical emotions, the intellect - and achieves this feat without loudly advertising its intent or, for that matter, its artsiness.
Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Andreadis Unibrow Theory of Art
For most of this first episode, we think we know whodunnit, which leaves the far more absorbing question - whydunnit?
Times, Sunday Times
As it was, I slammed onto the floor of the shaft with my knees bent, absorbing the shock, but the force of the sudden stop pitched me forward.
Chillingly, the report added, "They may also find difficulty in absorbing the additional costs, to comply with the Directive.
The ultimate in fatuity?
Any further increases of CO2 in the atmosphere will have minimal, if not negligible, effects on the temperature (see "Carbon dioxide is already absorbing almost all it can").
About: Blinded by Science
Intimate cinematography and the drama of events unfolding makes for intense, absorbing viewing.
Instead, they were looking at me curiously, like I was a particularly absorbing monkey at the zoo.
Social networks, those loose, busy and self-absorbing communities of Facebookers and Twitterers, have always invited analogies from the insect world.
Twitter and Facebook cannot change the real world, says Malcolm Gladwell
Oceans are warming faster than expected and absorbing less carbon dioxide than expected.
Times, Sunday Times
I watch the spreading ripples of her moonlit eyes, hypnotized by the suede kiss of her insatiableness. the lady of the lake presses herself against the reaching shelf of a sandy mouth reabsorbing the tiny trembling pools of pleasures glistening frenzy. and in my swimming wake there is an unravelling scar upon the surface, barely visible if only for an instance metaphor for the finite ness of my life and perhaps that is why
Wendchymes Diary Entry
To avoid the cards absorbing disturbing vibrations or energies wrap them in a black cloth, silk if you can afford it, and put the wrapped cards in a box.
The ECB also said it would conduct operations to "sterilise" its purchases of bonds, absorbing back liquidity released by its buying. - Stuff
Domestic violence is particularly absorbing because of its grey areas.
Times, Sunday Times
The barley will go on absorbing the liquid the longer it is left.
Times, Sunday Times
The bill would also force the earth to devote its full attention to absorbing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, rather than duplicating products already available from the private sector, he added.
La Plante lets her mystery unfold at a leisurely but absorbing pace.
It should be a most interesting and absorbing match.
By adopting ridge waveguide unpumped absorbing region structure and by antireflection (AR) coating technology, the superluminescent diodes were fabricated.
The gabion walls allow some amount of air to flow through the walls, and provide a great thermal mass absorbing daytime heat, and shading the interior.
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The final section consists of seven appendices and extensive notes, an absorbing read in themselves.
Still, the main effect of Richard Eyre's intricate and absorbing production is not to recreate the enamelled snobbery of the Simpson entourage.
The Last of the Duchess; 13; The Village Social – review
The most obvious reason, I imagine, is that the more we learn of our distant relatives, the more we learn about ourselves - a subject that is, naturally, of absorbing interest.
An hour spent absorbing the color and black-and-white works provides a great introduction to an inventive artist whose wry sense of humor and smart downbeat attitude are urban adult all the way.
This leads to an accumulation of fluorescent proteins absorbing blue light and thereby appearing yellow.
At the same time others may, through overfunding, be absorbing an unfair amount of scarce resources. 2.
At the same time she had not keen, she had only absorbing feelings of her rights; there was nothing _keen_ in lady Ann; neither sense nor desire, neither hope nor fear, neither joy nor sorrow, neither love nor hate.
There & Back
Gold mining is capable of absorbing thousands of surplus workers, reviving numerous trades and industries dependent upon mining activity, and assisting in decentralising excessive populations in capital cities.
Our Economic Dependence on Mining
Life in the hacker underground became so absorbing that dull daytime life held no appeal.
The Times Literary Supplement
She feels my heart going out to her, my comfort and love enfolding and absorbing her pain.
The aim of the Scottish anatomist in this showpiece dissection was to prove once and for all that only the lymphatic vessels - in this case, those known as the lacteals in the intestines - and not the veins were capable of absorbing fats.
It was a brief but animated struggle, the flex of the rod and the 6-pound-test line absorbing the runs, thrashes and splashes of the creature that had been hiding in ambush in the roots of the cypress tree.
Ms. Morton, whose performance is blunter but equally absorbing, plays Martha as a life-of-the-party boozehound who drinks to dull her all-consuming disappointment.
Deep Down in Their Private Lives
Lindsay-Abaire, who won a Pulitzer Prize for "Rabbit Hole," his absorbing study of a grieving family that became a movie with Nicole Kidman, is working in a more acerbically comic vein in "Good People," the story of McDormand's Margaret Walsh, a hard-luck single mom and lifelong denizen of heavily Irish working-class South Boston.
In New York, 'Good People' a sign of hope for this theater season
A screen is not just a screen, though. The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than an absorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.
The claims for "synbio" include the possibility of generating organisms able to halt climate change by absorbing excess carbon.
New Scientist - Online News
This is an absorbing and often intense novel, which can be appreciated both by those with little knowledge of James, and by James experts who should relish the allusions to his fiction.
The whole range of imaginative literature cannot furnish an incident of more absorbing interest; nor can the whole history of the theatre exhibit a situation of more tremendous scenical power than was presented at this moment in that chamber of doom.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
The outcome is intensely absorbing, steeped in human interest and peppered with outlandish characters.
Times, Sunday Times
Used in more than 15 countries for tasks such as ferrying workers to and from offshore oil platforms and transporting government officials, the helicopters include advanced safety features such as energy-absorbing seats, bird-strike protection systems and anti-icing equipment for rotors.
FAA Sets Immediate Fixes for Some Sikorsky Helicopters
They have no gills, but obtain their oxygen by absorbing it through the skin of their body and greatly enlarged tails.
Wherein, the collector comprises a cover board, a heat insulating chassis, a heat absorbing plate, a heat pipe, a thermotolerant interlayer and a frame.
This deodorant is paraben and aluminum free and is actually made with cotton fibers to fight wetness by absorbing moisture.
18 posts from March 2007
Particularly absorbing is the account of Mario's battles with back injuries and cancer, and the lessons to be learned from them.
Deadwood combines fascinating character studies with intelligent writing and an absorbing plot.
Condon takes a sympathetic line, though, in his absorbing cine-biography which promotes the view that however muddled he was, Kinsey was brave to try using scientific methods to explain sex in an age of unreason.
And, at the end, although the two hours have been absorbing, occasionally poignant and sometimes hilarious with flashes of Leigh's unique magic – one is left unsurprised and dry-eyed, unable to share in anyone's grief.
Othello; Grief; St Matthew Passion – review
Such materials char and melt, rapidly absorbing and dissipating energy as they do so.
Quickly and mercifully, the initial apprehension disappears as the book turns into an intense and absorbing read.
Just now her rusk was the all-absorbing topic of thought.
St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, July 1878, No. 9
That could have value in the study and design of energy-absorbing materials for packaging, vehicle fenders, and more.
In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
The ozone layer is vital for absorbing ultraviolet rays from the sun that would otherwise be harmful.
Times, Sunday Times
Children learn by absorbing information through daily interactions and experiences with other children, adults, and the world.
The 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.5 m box is made of bricks, the two 50 cm diem. flat cooking vessels are suspended at the level of the horizontal double glass cover, partially immerged into the box, where they are heated by convection and radiation from the absorbing walls of the inner box.
2. Solar Cookers and Solar Cooker Projects
One method they use, fluorescence spectroscopy, involves recording optical spectra from molecules absorbing and emitting light.
Life in the hacker underground became so absorbing that dull daytime life held no appeal.
The Times Literary Supplement
This is an absorbing and thoughtful novel, though its ambiguities occasionally frustrate.
Their faces are upturned with closed eyes, as if they are absorbing power from the sky.
The system of accessory intervener in our country is born out of Civil Procedure Law Code of Soviet. And it develops on its own way on the basis of digesting and absorbing.
Who entertained whom and what the food and conversation were like were matters of absorbing interest.
Indeed, cannot tell, unless pains are lessened by communication with a frt, which, with my own, was absorbing so much of my annual income, as that the maintenance of my family was making deep and rapid inroads on my capital, and had already done it.
They could also help to decrease the risk of certain cancers and eye disease (by absorbing some of the damaging blue light that enters the eye naturally).
Times, Sunday Times
A new baby has an enormous capacity for absorbing new information.
The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint – Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836.
Les Miserables
You can reduce this noise by selecting quiet equipment or by mounting the unit on a noise-absorbing base.
The unit of absorbed dose is call the gray, which is the amount of energy in joules from the radiation absorbed per kilogram of the absorbing material.
It's enough to make the most hardened cynic join the hippies absorbing the cosmic vibes.
Times, Sunday Times
The second reason for calcium deficiency is the fact that the body has difficulty absorbing the mineral.
Towards the end, she was in a terminal condition, not in a distant sense, but in the short-term, she was not absorbing the food that she was being given artificially by a PEG tube.
These toxins prevent the body absorbing nutrients from food, and poison it by retaining waste matter which should have been ‘flushed’ away.
Variegation in leaves is caused by a loss of light absorbing pigments in the plant cells.
In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
The rest, though, began to rid themselves of the huge wooden fermentation barrels, where the wine would bubble for 40 or more days, absorbing everything the acidic and tannic nebbiolo grape had to offer.
Her absorbing, internationally acclaimed debut explores the modern German psyche through the experiences of three ordinary people.
Electrons move from one orbital into another by absorbing or emitting a quantum of energy, just as Bohr explained.
If readers can overlook Kung's personal foibles, the memoirs tell an absorbing story, most especially when the author himself is not the focus.
Intimate cinematography and the drama of events unfolding makes for intense, absorbing viewing.
Whether it be the boudoir of a strumpet or the death-bed of a monarch -- the strong character of a statesman-warrior abounding in contrasts and rich in mystery, or the personal history of a judge trained in the Old Bailey to vulgarize and ensanguine the King's Bench -- he luxuriates with a vigour and variety of language and illustration which renders his "History" an attractive and absorbing story-book.
Famous Reviews
The film is absorbing rather than depressing, uplifting rather than sad.
In the painting category Mullins' monumentally huge abstract compositions, "Lost Horizons," are an utterly absorbing visual experience:.
Using supportive devices, such as a cane, wearing energy-absorbing shoes or inserts, or wearing a brace or knee sleeve can be helpful.
Patients with pancreatic insufficiency have difficulty absorbing calcium and are especially at risk for developing osteoporosis.
Even standing on the touchline was a hazardous occupation as these two old rivals laid on an exciting and absorbing encounter played in the teeth of a gale blowing straight across Stacks Field.
the problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British
A very absorbing movie that is relatable and relevant on many levels.
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
The _true stories_ of the pioneer wives and mothers are often as interesting as any work of fiction, and need no embellishment from the imagination of a writer, because they are crowded with incidents and situations as thrilling as those which form the staple out of which novels are fabricated; love and adventure, hair-breadth escapes, heart-rending tragedies on the frontier, are thus woven into a narrative of absorbing and permanent interest, _permanent_ because it is part of the history and biography of America.
Woman on the American Frontier
Increased amounts of epicuticular waxes and UV-absorbing compounds, such as flavonoids, and smaller leaf/needle surface area are plant defense mechanisms against UV-B radiation.
Effects of ultraviolet-B on forest vegetation in the Arctic
The resulting film is more absorbing than the cosy celebrity profiles that are the arts series's staple product.
Times, Sunday Times
Controversial at times, but always absorbing, this is a seminal work of urgent relevance today.
Times, Sunday Times
As hair gets tied back, so nail varnish comes off and old, stain-absorbing clothes go on.
Reading, absorbing and finally refolding Jess's letter, I placed it between my literature textbooks and the CDs that had accumulated into an untidy pile when I'd neglected to put them in their proper place.
We have found that amorphous paroxetine hydrochloride is a hygroscopic [water absorbing] solid of poor handling qualities.
Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
Ipecacuanha is the most certain in its effect from five grains to thirty; white vitriol is the most expeditious in its effect, from twenty grains to thirty dissolved in warm water; but emetic tartar, antimonium tartarizatum, from one grain to four to sane people, and from thence to twenty to insane patients, will answer most of the useful purposes of emetics; but nothing equals the digitalis purpurea for the purpose of absorbing water from the cellular membrane in the anasarca pulmonum, or hydrops pectoris.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Thanks, however, to DeCandido's ability to brew up credible and intriguing politics on both the large and small scale, and his proven talent for fast-paced narrative and incisive characterization, Enemy Territory manages to aquaplane over the absurdities of its premise and deliver a package of absorbing, high-octane, bloodthirsty fun.
May 31st, 2005
The sound made Rae ache inside, as if she was absorbing his pain and anger into her bones.
She captures my attention without entirely absorbing it.
Times, Sunday Times
Utterly absorbing, and resolutely uncategorisable.
Times, Sunday Times
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
Even worse, I'm pretty sure there was a child in the front seat of the green monster - usually it's a vapid female - unstrapped and no doubt absorbing every dotish move made by the zombie at the wheel.
TrinidadExpress Today's News
I reckon that's what they shook hands on with the Union chaps, and that the natural consequences of absorbing your grog will be another woolshed or two burned down before long.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
The first material is acrylate, a highly absorbent material that gels with exudate fluid and is capable of absorbing up to 300 times its own weight.
For example, why are they so unhappy with the suggestion that they should charge an all-inclusive fee to their pension fund clients, absorbing the cost of any commissions, research or information services themselves?
Here the dust cloud can change the radiation balance of the world by shielding us from sunshine while also absorbing the Earth's heat radiation.
Times, Sunday Times
She lifts her chin and closes her eyes, absorbing in through her eyelids and forehead, the last of the season's sunlight.
This last amusement soon grew quite absorbing, and her "cubby," as she called it, rapidly became a pretty grotto, where she lived like a little mermaid, daily loving more and more the beauty of the wonderful sea, Finding the boat too sunny at times, the boys cut long willow boughs and arched them over the seats, laying hemlock branches across till a green roof made it cool and shady inside.
Jack And Jill
Because the diamond is absorbing blue light, it appears yellow in ordinary light.
Simply absorbing the young and providing some employment for them when nearly half the population was aged under twenty was a formidable problem.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
It is an operation so absorbing that it often weakens those pettier talents which make what we call the clever man.
Put Yourself in His Place
The resulting film is more absorbing than the cosy celebrity profiles that are the arts series's staple product.
Times, Sunday Times
These should have the capacity for absorbing large numbers of people from nearby towns.
As a result the earth is now absorbing more energy than it is emitting.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runner's foot landing on it.
I have read many books about different aspects of this enormous subject, but none that brings the diverse pieces together so well, in such an absorbing and truly masterly way.
The morula, as the cluster of cells is called at this stage, floats freely in the uterus until seven or eight days after ovulation, absorbing its needed nutrients from uterine secretions.
She slung her bag cumbersomely about her neck and tucked it under one arm then slid off of her bed and took quite a few seconds to look around the room, apparently absorbing everything.
A tear-resistant fabric was created, together with pyrotechnic gas generators, and the whole affair had to be fitted into the impact-absorbing central boss of a steering wheel.
To keep caviar from absorbing a slight metallic taste from metal servers and utensils, present it on glass, shell, or bone.
There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.
These should have the capacity for absorbing large numbers of people from nearby towns.