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absolute value

  1. a real number regardless of its sign

How To Use absolute value In A Sentence

  • Since absolute value judgments are necessarily arational, anything can be called absolutely good and anything can be seen as a cause of guilt.
  • However, in the scientific discussion of terrestrial magnetism, both the horizontal and vertical components as well as the absolute value of the total force are important, and the determination of these "elements" is the work of the magnetician. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • If the result is a negative number, it is turned it into an absolute value.
  • For each pixel, find the difference in intensity between each of its neighbors, then sum the absolute value of those differences.
  • The absolute value of - 4 is 4.
  • Expression to compute the absolute value of.
  • Computes the absolute value of a number.
  • It is a nodus to solve the derivative of absolute value function.
  • CHAPTER 11 Global Trigonometry 245 The angular length of side s is the absolute value of the di ff erence in the latitudes of points Q and R: s ¼ jLat Q À Lat Rj ¼ j þ 90: 008 À ðþ50: 008Þj ¼ 90: 008 À 50: 008 ¼ 40: 008 Now that we know r, s, and q, the spherical law of cosines tells us that: cos q ¼ cos r cos s þ sin r sin s cos q and therefore the following holds: q ¼ arccos ðcos r cos s þ sin r sin s cos qÞ ¼ arccos ðcos 102: 008 Â cos 40: 008 þ sin Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Absolute value of 8.57 yuan for investment grade holdings.
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