How To Use Absentmindedness In A Sentence
It may thus be defined as "something mechanical in something living," "a kind of absentmindedness on the part of life.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
She was engaged in the homely occupation of darning socks, and what with her size, her loose untidy dress – serge of the colour of boiled spinach, with dibs and dabs of embroidery here and there – and a green scarf that belonged to the dress, and a rust-coloured one she had put on in a fit of absentmindedness, and her mending-basket, and a scatteration of socks, she pretty well filled the old-fashioned sofa.
The Key
We turned this magnificent bird into a truck for hauling goods and people to a tinkertoy we call the international space station, itself created in a fit of post – Cold War internationalist absentmindedness as a place where people of differing nationality can sing “Kumbaya” while weightless.
Space: The Final Caliphate « Blog
The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absentmindedness.
A tall man, with a gravelly voice, steel-gray hair, and eyes that can radiate great joy and deep sadness, Vaillant blends the regal bearing of his old-money ancestors, the emotional directness of his psychiatric colleagues, and a genial absentmindedness.
What Makes Us Happy?
There is sadness to the ambition and drive of the eternally brilliant Summers; a modesty and realism to Milton Friedman; an endearing goofiness to Stiglitz (who for all his absentmindedness, notes Hirsh, seems to have a way with women).
Robert Teitelman: Michael Hirsh's "Capital Offense"
And so the ludicrous in events may be defined as absentmindedness in things, just as the ludicrous in an individual character always results from some fundamental absentmindedness in the person, as we have already intimated and shall prove later on.
Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
And yet, if you reintroduce the idea of absentmindedness, which acts as a go-between, you will see this profound comic element uniting with the most superficial type.
Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
This corrective is laughter, a social gesture that singles out and represses a special kind of absentmindedness in men and in events.
Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
Despite my many years being a human, I’m still somehow shocked when “yoga people” display human traits – like rudeness, disrespect or just plain absentmindedness.
What do you do with an angry yogi? « martinis & mantras