How To Use Absenteeism In A Sentence

  • Councillors warned staff in the department that absenteeism had become unacceptable and the work may be contracted out to private agencies.
  • The chaotic state of the world as evidence of divine absenteeism is a topic for another day. The gods must be crazy | Her Bad Mother
  • If the panic gets worse there is a danger of factory shutdowns and worker absenteeism.
  • This will actually benefit businesses through increased staff morale, reduced absenteeism and an increase in productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rural Maori were concerned about absenteeism in employment, thriftlessness, marital instability, crime and delinquency’ which that situation engendered.
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  • 'Which I'm aheap obleeged to you, Mister,' says Abby to Peets, sizing him up approvin ';' an 'now that I'm convinced thar's no chance of my footure sufferin' from any absenteeism on the part of this pastor, I reckons I better go over, like you-all hints, an 'take a look or two in the glass. Wolfville Nights
  • The survey by the Small Firms Association also showed different levels of absenteeism between regions.
  • They accounted for nearly one-third of the £20 billion lost through absenteeism.
  • Another cause of widespread absenteeism is the fact that many teachers are posted to remote rural districts to which they have no previous ties or inclination to live. Capitalism without Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Employees in buildings with healthy interiors have less absenteeism and tend to stay in their jobs longer.
  • Solution: work to begin at 8.45, spot check on punctuality levels, absenteeism. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • From all sides came laments about wilful absenteeism: as the factory-owners complained, the workers just dropped their tools and disappeared ‘whenever they felt like it’.
  • The next three items refer to the firm's costs of managing employee absenteeism. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Teacher absenteeism and non-performance could also be attributed to the largely ignored psychological effects of the pandemic.
  • In reality, most small security firms limit the concept of employee evaluation to an audit of unpunctuality and absenteeism.
  • The effects of alcohol misuse spill over from private life into the workplace, causing inefficiency and accidents as well as absenteeism.
  • In addition, the report said the economic cost of 'presenteeism' - people going to work when they should be at home - could be double that of short-term absenteeism. Home | Mail Online
  • Relations between colliers and their employers were uneasy, often bitter; after decades of struggle, strikes were commonplace, absenteeism widespread.
  • The problem of rising absenteeism is well documented, but tough tactics being used to tackle the issue are leading to presenteeism.
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • In addition to the problems of high employee turnover and absenteeism, both the quality and the quantity of work were low. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • The terms under which a student councillor can be removed from the council, because of absenteeism, were clarified.
  • Reductions in absenteeism and improvements in worker productivity resulting from better health outcomes because of expanded coverage would particularly benefit small businesses. Think Progress » Huckabee Inadvertently Argues For Health Insurance Mandate: ‘Everybody Has To Live’
  • In Nepal a cash handout scheme may have backfired by increasing school absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many African children would benefit from lower absenteeism among school teachers.
  • Ironically, during the time of a recession, absenteeism will decrease but presentism, that is being at work but not performing at optimum capacity, will increase and this not only affects the mental health of staff but also the profitability of the company," Prof Cooper said. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Also included were indirect costs of loss of production owing to absenteeism from work or days of inactivity for patients with or without a paid job.
  • High absenteeism lowered plant efficiency and lowered productivity. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • They have 27 people in the company now, with virtually no absenteeism.
  • However, employers are probably the main beneficiaries of any reduction in absenteeism.
  • Absenteeism costs British industry 5 billion each year and seven million workdays are lost to stress-related illnesses.
  • Office managers were advised last night to download the necessary media player software or face days of absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company has managed to reduce its absenteeism by 25 per cent in just three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • ME/CFS is the biggest single cause of long-term absenteeism among schoolchildren. The trouble with ME
  • Absenteeism is a problem in some industries.
  • Some firms have already implemented the scheme and found it has substantially reduced short term absenteeism, according to the survey.
  • The effects of alcohol misuse spill over from private life into the workplace, causing inefficiency and accidents as well as absenteeism.
  • Migraine is estimated to account for 20 % of all absenteeism due to sickness.
  • One difficulty is lack of an absolute standard for defining excessive absenteeism. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Whatever the reason, the continual absenteeism of legislators is a serious matter.
  • The suggestions most likely to cause conflict with teaching unions are for the publication each autumn of staff turnover and staff absenteeism figures for each school. Times, Sunday Times
  • A third of families have a member suffering from a mental illness, while mental problems account for nearly half of absenteeism at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report also notes what it calls deliberate and continuous absenteeism "perpetrated in order to engage in remunerative work outside the public service". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It increases staff loyalty and reduces absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Nepal a cash handout scheme may have backfired by increasing school absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the fourth week of school and the whining, excuses and excessive absenteeism has begum. Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • The high rate of absenteeism is costing the company a lot of money.
  • Office managers were advised last night to download the necessary media player software or face days of absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will look at the rise of presenteeism as opposed to absenteeism.
  • Poor teamwork seems to contribute more to doctors' absenteeism than overwork or low job control.
  • Virtual Entrepreneur: * Check that existing business continuity contingency plans address long-term absenteeism rates. Comments for Virtual Entrepreneur
  • Several speakers pointed out the problems posed to business by absenteeism.
  • * Check that existing business continuity contingency plans address long-term absenteeism rates. Virtual Entrepreneur
  • Among children, asthma is a leading cause of hospitalization, chronic disease, and school absenteeism.
  • Alcohol is associated with many serious social and developmental issues, including violence, child neglect and abuse, and absenteeism in the workplace.
  • We know there was large scale absenteeism and lateness.
  • As part of the crackdown against absenteeism, the parents of persistent truants have been threatened with tougher fines and jail sentences.
  • The great bulk of absenteeism is in one department. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • They accounted for nearly one-third of the £20 billion lost through absenteeism.
  • What you saw was artificial absenteeism," he told a news conference and said he would ask the CNE for a repoll in areas where voting stations did not open in time or at all because the ballot material had not arrived. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • Mr Delaney said absenteeism has been minimal with the vast majority turning up for work earlier so they could finish at lunchtime.
  • Absenteeism and workers' compensation claims have fallen sharply.
  • Teachers who exceed the agreed level of absenteeism should have a day's pay deducted for each absence.
  • You should keep records of absences and introduce a trigger mechanism that alerts you to look into regular absenteeism and the reasons for it.
  • Prosecutions over non-attendance are usually only against ‘persistent long-term absenteeism,’ the spokesman said.
  • Justice officials blamed their high absenteeism on prison officers' tough jobs. The Sun
  • Employers are expected to see a dramatic spike in absenteeism as workers play hooky to see “Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith,” when it opens May 19, according to a new report. It’s that time again. . .
  • The new authority will also have to overcome several systemic problems in the district including concerns over crime, student absenteeism and chronic transiency that leads some students to attend more than three city schools in a single year. State to Run Detroit's Worst Schools
  • From a business standpoint, absenteeism is any failure of an employee to report for or to remain at work as scheduled, regardless of reason. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • It seems, then, that participation in sport is associated with reduced absenteeism.
  • He said those benefits include higher productivity, lower turnover, less absenteeism and stronger loyalty from the workforce.
  • Workers were tied in 1940 to their place of work and absenteeism became a crime. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Reason #9 The 4 Day Work Week would mean a reduction in absenteeism 16 Reasons Why the 4-Day Work Week Time Has Come | Impact Lab
  • The streets were all but empty throughout the day and apparently there was a high level of absenteeism.
  • As a further incentive, workers could be fired for poor work and excessive absenteeism. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • He said those benefits include higher productivity, lower turnover, less absenteeism and stronger loyalty from the workforce.
  • In general, schools with higher levels of deprivation had higher levels of absenteeism.
  • It is sometimes said that presenteeism can be more costly to corporations than absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were strict sanctions against absenteeism.
  • He said those benefits include higher productivity, lower turnover, less absenteeism and stronger loyalty from the workforce.
  • There were prizes in each department of televisions and bicycles and absenteeism fell by 75%.
  • He also drew attention to the problem of the unacceptable level of absenteeism at the company's Carlow plant.
  • It would encourage loyalty and I am sure absenteeism would reduce and moral would increase. The Sun
  • There was virtually no absenteeism or turnover.
  • You should keep records of absences and introduce a trigger mechanism that alerts you to look into regular absenteeism and the reasons for it.
  • A city council which requires employees to call a nurse when they take time off sick said yesterday the approach was helping cut absenteeism.
  • Some savings such as reduced absenteeism are measurable only after the scheme has been running and therefore cannot be counted as part of the cost justification. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • Alcohol is associated with many serious social and developmental issues, including violence, child neglect and abuse, and absenteeism in the workplace.
  • People who exercise regularly generally have a lower rate of absenteeism and require less health care.
  • It is hard to argue with the suggestion that happy workers are more productive or that cutting stress at work will reduce absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The indirect costs often exceed the direct costs of absenteeism.
  • This meant they had low absenteeism, very high retention of expertise and experience, and workers who looked after each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Danish retailer Netto set up three "oldie" supermarkets, where at least half the staff is over 50, absenteeism went down and customer satisfaction up. The New Old Age
  • STRESS-RELATED absence levels have increased in the past year and are the main cause of long-term absenteeism in the public sector, according to new research today. WalesOnline - Home
  • Such reduced absenteeism is a social benefit in that it reduces public expenditure through the statutory sick-pay scheme.
  • The great bulk of absenteeism is in one department. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • The penal laws against the Catholics, the iniquitous restrictions on Irish trade and industry, the selfish factiousness of the parliament, the jobbery and corruption of administration, the absenteeism of the landlords, and all the other too familiar elements of that mischievous and fatal system, were then in full force. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The taxi strike has badly affected local industries which are experiencing absenteeism and punctuality problems.
  • He divided the responsibility for them between the untractableness of the agent, and the absenteeism of the owner. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (2 of 2) (1888)
  • On the contrary, our country and our region cannot afford to persist with the current blend of directionless absenteeism, and meddling factionalism and general irresoluteness. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The council's personnel committee was asked to note the scheme's impact on absenteeism and discuss what action should be taken after the pilot.
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • We can say that being female therefore also has an indirect effect on absenteeism, through the type of work performed.
  • Sandy Needham, chief executive of Bradford Chamber of Commerce, said absenteeism tended to be higher in the public sector.
  • It seems, then, that participation in sport is associated with reduced absenteeism.
  • Office managers were advised last night to download the necessary media player software or face days of absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can say that being female therefore also has an indirect effect on absenteeism, through the type of work performed.

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