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  1. remove or separate by abscission
  2. shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue

How To Use abscise In A Sentence

  • The seeds and any abscised siliques were collected from plastic collars around the plant.
  • As the ovules developed, they eventually abscised and fell out, leaving the cupules empty.
  • In several species the flowers never close, as the petals abscise when the flower is still open.
  • The levels of heavy metals in abscised leaves are also raised, and they are clearly there to be excreted rather than stored. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The last bract on the spikelet axis has been removed from around the terminal flower, which has an aborted carpel with a two-branched stigma and the filaments of the two stamens, the anthers having abscised.
  • In several species the flowers never close, as the petals abscise when the flower is still open.
  • In the present experiments, flower closure was not observed in any of the families in which petals abscise.
  • For example, petals may wilt and abscise more rapidly after pollen deposition on the stigma or pollen tube growth through the style.
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