
How To Use Abscess In A Sentence

  • *Although the link between microorganisms and infection was yet to be established, the connection between pus—purulence—and sepsis, fever, and death, often arising from an abscess or wound, was well known to Bennett. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Can You Pop an Abscessed Tooth?
  • The roasted fruit is emollient and used as a poultice in the treatment of gumboils, dental abscesses etc.
  • A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
  • This will involve placing a small rubber tube called a catheter in the abscess to drain out the fluid.
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  • In cerebritis, or inflammation of the interior of the brain, there is a tendency to softening and suppuration and the formation of abscesses. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The radiologic impression was that the lesions represented splenic abscesses, and the patient subsequently underwent a splenectomy.
  • The patient described in this report had every major complication of Caroli disease, including recurrent cholangitis, liver abscess, biliary lithiasis, and cholangiocarcinoma.
  • Splenic abscess is a rare and potentially life - threatening disease.
  • The staph infection was related to the blood infection, which abscessed, which is how Sports News :
  • Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.
  • They loaded me up with happy gas, told me I had an abscess (eww), drilled out some decay and took $200 out of my pocket.
  • I tend to doubt that the abscess was actually caused by overstudy, but this was a century ago. The Volokh Conspiracy » Con Law Exam Kills Law Student
  • The sojourn of an inorganic foreign body in the bronchus for a year or more is followed by the development of bronchiectasis, pulmonary abscess, and fibrous changes. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The diagnosis of brain abscess mandates other studies seeking the etiology, which may include HIV serology, sinus studies, and transesophageal echocardiogram.
  • The pathophysiology of brain abscess is probably different.
  • A tube or strip of rubber called a drain may be left in the abscess to stop it from healing over.
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • This will help prevent complications such as rheumatic fever or an abscess around the tonsils.
  • Surgery may be necessary to drain abscesses, debride infected tissue, or stabilize the spine and relieve spinal cord compression.
  • A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
  • But do not administer hellebore to such persons as are laboring under empyema connected with abscesses, haemoptysis, and intemperament, or any other strong cause, for it will do no good; and if any thing unpleasant occur the hellebore will get the blame of it. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • What's a horse going to tell you about a bruised bone beneath the hoof or an abscess ? RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Your GP will normally prescribe oral antibiotics to fight the infection before an abscess has a chance to develop.
  • an abscessed tooth
  • A similar reaction was present in the left ovary surrounding an abscess cavity containing purulent exudate and surrounded by dense fibrosis and chronic inflammation.
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • The root yields a juice which is employed in skin diseases, in abscess, acid in cardialgia. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.
  • I just have some localised swelling left where the abscess is and a teeny-weeny bit of sensitivity.
  • A carbuncle is a large boil or abscess – i guess what he called a boil would be what we would call a small boil. Banting’s Letter on Corpulence | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Typical findings include spiculation of the mucosa, spasm, abscess, or evidence of frank perforation.
  • Prolonged attacks of dyspepsia, nervous headaches, chronic granular kidney disease, gout, sciatic rheumatism, middle ear abscesses, above all vertigo and gall stone colic were intermittent or chronic ailments that gradually made him the typical embodiment of a supersensitively nervous, prematurely old man. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The inflammatory infiltrate raised the possibility of an infectious granulomatous disease or a conventional diverticular abscess.
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for bacteremic procedures to prevent brain abscess.
  • Surgical intervention is required at the earliest sign of an abscess.
  • In cases of large quantities of pus, as in pulmonary abscess and bronchiectasis, however, no diminution is noticeable. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Most epidural abscesses are located posteriorly in the thoracic or lumbar spine.
  • They were susceptible to coughs and allergies and heaves and a highly contagious condition called strangles, in which pus discharges from the nostrils, and abscesses form in the lymph nodes under the jaw and sometimes burst. Gone Like the Wind
  • Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.
  • Because application of implants is a non-sterile surgical procedure conducted in a variety of conditions and with varying sanitation procedures, abscessed implant sites are common.
  • He has said he underwent an initial surgery 11 June to have a pelvic abscess removed, and doctors determined a subsequent operation was needed to remove a cancerous "abscessed tumour" from his pelvic region. Fidel Castro describes Hugo Chávez's recovery as 'impressive'
  • Conclusion: Subperiosteal abscess of orbit can result in multiple complications such as loss of vision, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, intracranial infection and abscess.
  • Whenever the aforementioned symptoms occur in nephritic diseases, and along with them acute pains about the muscles of the back, provided these be seated about the external parts, you may expect that there will be an abscess; but if the pains be rather about the internal parts, you may also rather expect that the abscess will be seated internally. Aphorisms
  • The radiologic impression was that the lesions represented splenic abscesses, and the patient subsequently underwent a splenectomy.
  • Even the Nocardia abscesses, that are large and necrose, usually do it in a more uniform manner without multiple areas of destruction.
  • I developed an abscess on my neck.
  • Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.
  • Wear broken bone to invade when infection when reaching parenchyma, can be in mucous membrane or form cold abscess hypodermically.
  • The bacteria that cause pyaemia are transferred by the blood stream to different organs and produce multiple abscesses. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Elsewhere, amoebic abscesses are more common, and, worldwide, amoebae are the commonest cause.
  • The presence of deep infection with abscess, cellulitis, gangrene, or osteomyelitis is an indication for hospitalization and prompt surgical drainage.
  • The lubric enlacements of the branches, dilated crevices and cleft mosses, the coupling of the diverse beings of the wood, disappear; the tears of the leaves whipped by the wind are dried; the white abscesses of the clouds are resorbed into the grey of the sky; and -- in an awful silence -- the incubi and succubi pass. Là-bas
  • Empyema is treated very thoroughly, liver abscess, ascites, which he warns must be emptied slowly, ileus especially when it reaches stercoraceous vomiting, and the various difficulties of urination, he divides them into dysuria, ischuria, and stranguria, are all discussed in quite modern fashion. Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
  • I had a throbbing abscess under a large section of bridgework and root canal work was the next day's projected treat.
  • For a faster recovery from an abscessed tooth, apply a warm-water compress and rinse with warm salt water.
  • Rare occurrences of intracranial hematoma or abscess have also been reported.
  • Tooth abscesses can also cause fever (high temperature), shivers and general aches and pains.
  • A boil is an abscess occurring in the skin, and is associated with hair follicles.
  • Various wound infections, including septicaemia, pyaemia, acute abscesses, ulcers, erysipelas, etc., are produced by a few forms of micrococci, resembling each other in many points but differing slightly. The Story of Germ Life
  • The patient was a sturdy young man with an abscess on the outer side of his left thigh.
  • A polymicrobial culture raises the suspicion for intestinal perforation or abscess formation.
  • A lung of London," I said; "nay, an abscess, a great putrescent sore. FRYING-PAN ALLEY AND A GLIMPSE OF INFERNO
  • I got an abscess so he took the tooth out.
  • A 58 year old man was referred to the surgical clinic with a swelling in the natal cleft thought to be a pilonidal mass or abscess.
  • A doctor consulted by the committee says he never saw such a reaction from a B-12 shot and that an abscess is "more compatible with Winstrol injection. Experts sort out conflicting statements at Clemens hearing
  • [Footnote 2] An abscess or other tumour of the liver may, by pressing on the vena portae, cause serous effusion into the peritonaeal sac; or by pressure on the inferior vena cava, which is connected with the posterior thick border of the liver, may cause anasarca of the lower limbs. Surgical Anatomy
  • There was no atypical gland or crypt abscess in the mucosa.
  • A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
  • It relieves menstrual pains, promotes menstruation, treats rheumatic aches and pains, and ripens carbuncles, sores and abscesses.
  • Three cases involved a septic knee joint, and two patients developed subcutaneous abscesses.
  • Because of risk of blood poisoning, consult your doctor if there is no improvement in 12 hours if a gumboil bursts, or if abscess seems to be enlarging rapidly; antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection spreading.
  • I tend to doubt that the abscess was actually caused by overstudy, but this was a century ago.uh_clemQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Con Law Exam Kills Law Student
  • The sound sometimes occurs in splenic infarction, in neoplastic disease that involves the surface of the liver, and in abscess formation in either organ.
  • At least 75% of cerebral abscesses are associated with infections elsewhere in the body.
  • If the abscess is located in the distal part of the tonsil, puncture of the carotid artery can occur.
  • The patient with a prosthetic aortic valve who presents with infective endocarditis and an extensive annular abscess should undergo surgery before massive dehiscence occurs.
  • In the majority of cases, however, suppuration occurs between the dura and the bone -- _suppurative pachymeningitis_ -- and leads to the formation of an _extra-dural abscess_ (Fig. 192). Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Nasal swabs or swabs taken directly from discharging abscesses can be cultured to confirm the presence of the casual bacteria.
  • Nevertheless, pelvic CT still showed an abscess within right psoas muscle and iliac fossa.
  • Hence it is best when it can be recently taken from a patient in the disease; or otherwise it may be diluted with part of a drop of warm water, since its fluidity is likely to occasion its immediate absorption; and the wound should be made as small and superficial as possible, as otherwise ulcers have been supposed sometimes to ensue with subaxillary abscesses. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • If a person has an abscess, the medical man will say that it contains "peccant" matter, and people say that they have a "bad" arm or finger, or that they are very "bad" all over, when they only mean "diseased. Erewhon; or, Over the range
  • Locate dental problems such as cavities, abscessed teeth and other tooth and jaw abnormalities
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • It was felt the likely cause of the abscess was an open lesion from the patient's severe eczema.
  • The following observations are to be made upon them: if the fever persist, and the pain do not cease, if the expectoration be not normal, and if the alvine discharges be neither bilious, nor free and unmixed; and if the urine be neither copious nor have its proper sediment, but if, on the other hand, all the other salutary symptoms be present, in such cases abscesses may be expected to take place. The Book Of Prognostics
  • Such a person cannot escape, unless critical sweats and gentle sleep supervene, and thick and acrid urine be passed, or the disease terminate in an abscess: give pine-fruit and myrrh in a linctus, and further give a very little oxymel to drink; but if they are very thirsty, some barley-water. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Although bone sequestra and abscess are treated surgically, further extension of the operation may be counterproductive because it may expose healthy bone to the infection.
  • Objective To explore the effect of primary incision drainage and thread drawing therapy on perianal and perirectal abscess.
  • Unlike staphylococci, which tend to cause localised infections such as abscesses, streptococci are essentially organisms that spread.
  • Abscesses can be differentiated from brain tumours because abscesses tend to have smoother edges.
  • Signs and symptoms of an abscess include swelling and redness, pus, and fever.
  • All 8 patients of tubercular breast abscess responded to repeat aspiration in conjunction with ATT.
  • Along with those possibilities, I would allow “brain abscess” as not implausible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Con Law Exam Kills Law Student
  • Symptoms of diabetes include having to get up at night to go to the toilet, feeling thirsty, lacking energy and getting reoccurring infections such as boils and abscesses.
  • We have argued that local authorities should make it a requirement for those performing high ear piercing to warn their customers of the possibility of abscess formation and the resulting permanent deformity of the auricle.
  • Neuroimaging may diagnose vascular disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, tumors, abscess, or subdural hematoma.
  • Now let it be said that nothing that results in a pelvic abscess is going to heal quickly. Under cover of the night
  • In such a case, unless there be a flow of blood from the nose, or an abscess form about the neck, or pain in the limbs, or the patient expectorate thick sputa On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • The guilt about going to bed with Scott Irving grew inside her like an abscess, getting bigger and more painful with every day. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Chronic lung-abscess is often successfully treated by weekly bronchoscopic lavage with 20 cc. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The abscess was incised and drained, and his airway symptoms immediately improved.
  • When the pus forms in front of the joint, it may spread laterally in the iliac fossa as an _iliac abscess_ or may gravitate downwards in the hollow of the sacrum and emerge on the buttock through the sacro-sciatic foramen -- _sub-gluteal abscess_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • A history of fever, chills or urinary tract infection suggests an infected cyst or an abscess.
  • For certain work such as drainage of pulmonary abscesses, the lavage treatment of bronchiectasis and for foreign-body or other cases with abundant secretions, a drainage-bronchoscope is useful The drainage canal may be on top, or on the under surface next to the light-carrier canal. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • He didn’t answer my question as to what I should do about this abscess in the meantime beyond telling me I needed to go to an oral surgeon.
  • The coats undergo the same changes as in arteritis; clots of blood and lymph plug the inflamed vessel, and, if the inflammatory process continues, these are converted into pus, which ruptures the vessel and produces a deep abscess; or it may be carried away in the circulation and produce metastatic abscess in the lungs or other remote organs. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • This allows anesthesia of the area long enough to introduce the blade into the abscessed area for drainage.
  • It is characterized by crypt abscesses and ulcerations extending down to the muscularis and surrounded by prominent mucosal infiltrate of inflammatory cells. IBD resources for professionals
  • Purulent abscesses opened on his legs, which he treated with arnica and compresses of warm water. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Several months later the surgeon removed the neck stabilization plate and an abscess, a pocket of infection that required the use of IV amphotericin. 'Complications': An Exchange
  • While Gilbert is very scrupulous in his examination of the gross appearances of the urine in most diseases, his discussion of the diseases of the kidneys and bladder includes only pain in the kidneys, abscess of the kidneys, renal and vesical calculus, hematuria, incontinence of urine, dysuria and strangury. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Pathology, bronchiectasis and pulmonary abscess, produced by the presence for 4 years of a nail in the left lung of a boy of 10 years] _Bronchial mapping_ is readily accomplished by the author's method of endobronchial insufflation of a roentgenopaque inert powder such as bismuth subnitrate or subcarbonate (Fig. 77). Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Two drains were placed in the largest abscesses in the right and left lobes under ultrasound guidance.
  • From this time on the abscess is said to be "pointing," or "coming to a head," which is shown by a small elevated or projecting prominence, which at first is dry, but soon becomes moist with transuded serum. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Symptoms often depend on whereabouts in the body the abscess occurs.
  • Peritonsillar abscess is a suppurative complication of pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
  • The differential diagnosis included metastatic lymphoma, epidural abscess, hematoma, and vascular malformation.
  • The patient was a girl of eighteen, who had previously had perityphlitis, followed by abscesses about the navel and lumbar region. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • A foot abscess had cast doubts on the colt's participation in the Epsom Classic on Wednesday week.
  • Patients with deep abscess, extensive bone or joint involvement, crepitus, substantial necrosis or gangrene, or necrotizing fasciitis may be candidates for surgery.
  • Fast-forward to New Guinea in 1942: I had returned to Port Moresby after a stint out in the bush, with a gruesomely suppurating abscess adorning my omphalos, or the seat of my soul.
  • These complications included keloids, wound dehiscence, incisional hernias, and chronic abscesses at the wound site.
  • A foot abscess had cast doubts on the colt's participation in the Epsom Classic on Wednesday week.
  • An abscess may form between the vertebræ and the wall of the pharynx -- _retro-pharyngeal abscess_ -- the pus accumulating between the diseased bones and the prevertebral layer of the cervical fascia. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • After the eighth day a cranial abscess spontaneously opened, from the sinciput to the occiput, and a large quantity of "corruption" was evacuated. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • _Lung-mapping_ by a roentgenogram taken promptly after the bronchoscopic insufflation of bismuth subnitrate powder or the injection of a suspension of bismuth in liquid petrolatum is advisable in most cases of pulmonary abscess before beginning any kind of treatment. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • It can be made into a salve or the tincture can be painted on boils, felons, carbuncles, abscesses, inflamed acne, cellulitis and other local inflammations.
  • The inflated balloon allows the catheter to remain within the cavity of the cyst or abscess.
  • Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.
  • I'd a visit to make further on, a dressing to do for an old fellow with a nasty abscess, and I saw Mrs Baird start up Bell Lane. THE OTHER DEVIL'S NAME
  • After the anorectal abscess operation, a 500 RMB bribe was solicited Danwei - Media, Advertising, and Urban Life in China
  • Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.
  • Incision and drainage (I & D) should be performed once the abscess is "ripe" i.e. fluctuant upon gentle palpation. Chapter 15
  • _ -- If a spinal abscess is causing symptoms or is approaching the surface, and there appears to be a risk of mixed infection, the abscess should be asperated and injected with iodoform emulsion. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Complications, such as cellulitis, perforation of the œsophagus, or peri-œsophageal abscess, may follow. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • However, subcutaneous injections can cause abscesses and granulomas.
  • We also recorded the presence and severity of scabies, abscesses, and fungal lesions.
  • Some clinical case reports have shown that immature permanent teeth with periradicular periodontitis or abscess can undergo apexogenesis after conservative endodontic treatment.
  • These were associated with florid acute inflammation, including microabscesses, an indication of the acute nature and severity of the process.
  • He was treated for the last four months of the year in Orlando, after tests in August revealed that he had neurocysticercosis, a parasitic infection that causes a brain abscess. - Bovina, Zimonjic keep Navratilova, Paes from doubles crown
  • Left untreated, the abscesses suppurate ; the pus cannot escape from the body, and the malady spreads throughout the organism.
  • —The pyogenic vibrio, found in the uterus, or which was perhaps already in the body of the mother, since she suffered from chills before confinement, produced metastatic abscesses in the liver and, carried to the blood of the child, there induced one of the forms of infection called purulent, which caused its death. On the Extension of the Germ Theory to the Etiology of Certain Common Diseases
  • Stain section of kidney tissue provided (showing abscess formation by Staphylococcus aureus) by Gram's method, and counterstain with cosin. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Acute pulmonary abscess from other causes may require bronchoscopic drainage and gentle dilatation of the swollen and narrowed bronchi leading to it. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The record further establishes that the skin necrosis and abscess, which did not appear until approximately two months after the accident, were not related to any injury plaintiff sustained in the accident, but rather were caused by an ill-fitting replacement wheelchair. Fourth Department
  • If the disease is not arrested, the patient generally dies from suffocation, by the lungs filling up, hepatized, or abscess and ulceration come on, and then what is called "quick An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Containing the New Discoveries and Improvements to the Present Time
  • Those horses that have laminitis will frequently have subsolar abscesses and require attention from your farrier and/or veterinarian.
  • The sound sometimes occurs in splenic infarction, in neoplastic disease that involves the surface of the liver, and in abscess formation in either organ.
  • The identification of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations also necessitates the use of prophylactic antibiotics before dental and surgical procedures to reduce the risk of embolic abscesses.
  • I told the parents that the infant was very ill and the abscess should be lanced.
  • An abscess is a collection of infected fluid (pus). Abscess Drainage
  • Lung abscess, empyema and subsequent bronchiectasis are relatively common complications.
  • The abscesses may be visible and palpable if they are superficially located.
  • Owners ask why abscesses can not be lanced early to help relieve pressure.
  • Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.
  • An abscess on an internal organ such as the liver or brain may be diagnosed by X-ray or scanning.
  • The early stage of abscess formation was termed cerebritis, a pathologic finding PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We also recorded the presence and severity of scabies, abscesses, and fungal lesions.
  • You should feel subcutaneous nodules to see if they are soft like lipomas, hard like fibromas and malignant tumors, or tender, as in superficial abscesses or hematomas.
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for bacteremic procedures to prevent brain abscess.
  • Where cold boils, or chronic QI XU type boils or abscesses exist (which is not the case here), it is also recommended to administer moxa.
  • The differential diagnosis of a suture granuloma includes abscess, surgical wound inflammation, lipoma, neoplasm, or ganglion cyst.
  • Rarely, the infection invades the liver and causes an abscess.
  • I remember his refusal of anesthesia when he had an operation on his leg and again a seri-ous abscess on his jaw.
  • On examination, a frank abscess was not seen, and she was admitted for intravenous antibiotic treatment.
  • As a result, he developed "skin necrosis and abscess formation which required multiple surgical procedures to repair ...." and subsequently sued seeking recovery for those injuries and the replacement cost of his wheelchair. Personal Injury
  • What's a horse going to tell you about a bruised bone beneath the hoof or an abscess ? RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • This time, the computed tomogram showed an abscess at the site of the excised vascular anomaly.
  • Such a person cannot escape, unless critical sweats and gentle sleep supervene, and thick and acrid urine be passed, or the disease terminate in an abscess: give pine-fruit and myrrh in a linctus, and further give a very little oxymel to drink; but if they are very thirsty, some barley-water. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
  • The main step in the pathogenesis of actinomycosis is disruption of the mucosal membrane leading to suppuration and abscess formation.
  • In _psoas abscess_ associated with spinal disease, or in _disease of the bursa underneath the psoas_, the limb is flexed and everted, there may be lordosis, and the patient may limp in walking, but the movements at the hip are restricted only in the directions of extension and inversion, while in hip disease they are restricted in all directions. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Cerebral abscesses are typically circumscribed lesions with surrounding vasogenic edema.
  • If untreated, jaundice can lead to infection and abscesses in the liver, which can be fatal.
  • An abscess may form around the rectum and anus causing pain and swelling.
  • A 58 year old man was referred to the surgical clinic with a swelling in the natal cleft thought to be a pilonidal mass or abscess.
  • In actinomycosis there are usually severe swellings and abscesses in the mouth and other parts of the body. A Close Look at Parasitic Diseases
  • Emergency treatment of dental abscess is antimicrobials, analgesics, and drainage of a fluctuant swelling by a dentist
  • The drug is real enough, as are the gruesome side effects that leave addicts with festering abscesses.
  • C. bantiana has been reported as a neurotropic agent causing cerebral phaeohyphomycosis in the form of brain abscesses.
  • Other oral conditions including dental abscesses, caries, gingivitis and oral ulceration (herpetic or bacterial) may occur.
  • Sometimes an abscess may burst upwards through the diaphragm into the lung and the contents can be coughed up.
  • · Radial incision for superficial abscesses, peri-areolar for abscesses near the nipple (Figure 21). Chapter 4
  • It's an inflammatory bone condition that causes a build-up of poisons that erupt into painful skin abscesses.
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  • Aspiration of the abscesses grew B. mallei, the cause of glanders.
  • My college roommate went to the local emergency room with a bad pain in his side, was given codeine to kill the pain, and almost died from his abscessed appendix. Health Care, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The neurologist who examined her found and drained an epidural abscess from the lumbar region.
  • I'd a visit to make further on, a dressing to do for an old fellow with a nasty abscess, and I saw Mrs Baird start up Bell Lane. THE OTHER DEVIL'S NAME
  • Most epidural abscesses are located posteriorly in the thoracic or lumbar spine.
  • However, brain abscess as a complication of stroke has never been reported. The Volokh Conspiracy » Con Law Exam Kills Law Student
  • If untreated, jaundice can lead to infection and abscesses in the liver, which can be fatal.
  • In the early report of Heineman and colleagues, 3 chlamydospores were observed histologically in the cardiac vegetation of a diabetic patient with C albicans endocarditis, as well as in kidney abscesses.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease comprises a variety of inflammatory disorders of the upper female genital tract, including endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and pelvic peritonitis.
  • It mainly treats syphilitic strangury and turbidity, diarrhea, foot qi, welling abscesses, and swollen sores.
  • I had an abscessed tooth last month, and it wasn't a joke; it was agony. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 22: Rerun Island: Small Minds and Giant Jesus.
  • Could she have been encephalopathic from the tooth abscess and then impulsively taken something down? CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2009
  • Later, the abscess -- for abscess it is -- discharges its contents, the opening is explored, and we find that in extent it is not confined to the coronary region, but that it is deep enough to constitute a true sub-horny quittor. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Brain abscesses are a medical emergency because they can raise the pressure on the brain to a point that may be fatal.

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