How To Use Abruptly In A Sentence
The driver braked abruptly, causing the car to skid a little.
What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance.
Archive 2008-03-01
She walked abruptly to the door and pulled it back and ran to the railing where the carn fell away to the sea below.
All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama
Corden's playing career ended abruptly when he smashed his knee on his debut for Darlington.
Too much of ourselves must be deleted when we erase our personal histories and abruptly dissociate ourselves from who we have been’.
The moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of Mia's loud voice.
Still more profound a touch is that where Ottima, daring her lover to the "one thing that must be done; you know what thing: Come in and help to carry," says, with affected lightsomeness, "This dusty pane might serve for looking-glass," and simultaneously exclaims, as she throws them rejectingly from her nervous fingers, "Three, four -- four grey hairs!" then with an almost sublime coquetry of horror turns abruptly to Sebald, saying with a voice striving vainly to be blithe --
Life of Robert Browning
This smoke or flame, perhaps, would be the better word for it was so bright that the deep blue sky overhead and the hazy stretches of brown common towards Chertsey, set with black pine trees, seemed to darken abruptly as these puffs arose, and to remain the darker after their dispersal.
The War of The Worlds
Abruptly, he pushes forward on the joystick again and the glider drops.
The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The bridge's roadway undulates gently at first, then abruptly starts heaving and twisting violently until it finally breaks apart.
J.nnifer Lopez's split from Sony Music isn't quite as amicable as she wants you to think: evidently the label abruptly dropped J. Lo because of recent flops.
As my train arrived, the monsoon abruptly stopped, the sun came out, leaving me gently steaming on platform five at Reading.
His nostrils were filled abruptly with the distinct smell of smoke and burning food.
Our road ended abruptly at a cluster of cottages with names like Moor Head and Little Gill.
Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
His vision of modernity has been to preside over the House in a vestigial remnant of the Speaker's traditional costume, so that he resembles a schoolmaster summoned abruptly from the lunch table.
But everything of that kind was brought abruptly to an end by a loud discordant blowing of horns and the hollow _tub, tub, tub_ of a number of rude drums; at which sounds the crowd around us broke up at once and retired, our little Hebe casting back at us more than one glance strongly indicative, as it seemed to me, of compassion.
The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
He stared into Johnny's face for several seconds, turned abruptly on his heel and strode away without looking back.
The old castle and fortress of Guevara is perched on the crown of what Captain Dalgetty would call a monticle, rising very abruptly out of the most arid and dry plain it was ever my fortune to visit.
It had never occurred to her that a new possibility would crop up abruptly.
When I mentioned his chinstrap swinging, he grew irritated, abruptly grabbed his strap, and snapped it.
Laterally it graded "abruptly" into the typical cubalpine forest of the Snake Range in which spruce and limber pine were codominant and bristlecone was conspicuously absent.
Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
She lingered for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and left abruptly.
He nuzzled his nose against the crook of my neck before abruptly letting me go.
A run through the historical record, staring with Tacitus on Nero's blaming the Christians for the Great Fire, then Pliny on his administrative problems in Bithynia, then a long section on Cyprian (who I think gets more coverage than any other non-emperor); then a period of relaxation, which however is abruptly reversed by Diocletian (though that period of persecution seems to be more effective in the East).
Gibbon Chapter XVI
From behind they rise in rough, uneven, and heathy declivities, out of the wide muir before mentioned, between Loch Eitive and Loch Awe; but in front they terminate abruptly in the most frightful precipices, which form the whole side of the pass, and descend at one fall into the water which fills its trough.
Chronicles of the Canongate
Keyan was in the middle of a swallow of vodka on the rocks, which he drank like water, when his glass stopped abruptly in mid-swallow.
Oddly enough, though the wounds haven't bothered him in years, Jonnie is abruptly aware that his shirt collar is chafing at the rough scar tissue left over from that old attack.
A tilde over the vowel indicates a high broken tone, in which the voice starts slightly above the middle of the normal speaking voice range, drops and then rises abruptly.
He closed his speech abruptly.
What starts out as a formulaic high school love story of opposites attracting abruptly changes into a maudlin tear-jerker.
In the heady days of 2006 and 2007, investors often asked Mr. Thin questions about less-familiar currencies such as the Ukrainian hryvnia and Romanian leu, but the inquiries stopped abruptly when the global recession made investors wary about taking on riskier assets.
'Frontier' Markets Ahead For Currency Investors?
Scott McClellan, prior victim of horrible gay rumors, was helped out the door abruptly, possibly at the urging of Josh Bolten, DC batchelor.
Think Progress » Kristol: ‘Sudden’ Goss Resignation Prompted By ‘Something That Popped This Week’
Towards the end of the film, when an altercation with the earnest young locksmith erupts abruptly into violence, he retreats into religious superstition as a means of rationalising a seemingly inexplicable plot development.
On inspection, the toes angle abruptly toward the midline, creating a C-shaped lateral foot border with a prominent styloid process of the fifth metatarsal.
The cocker spaniel puppy stopped abruptly, then eyed the spinning leaf overhead.
A collision inevitably resulted, abruptly jolting both men back to reality.
He left abruptly for Switzerland, where he spent the duration of the war.
Times, Sunday Times
She gasped in surprise but abruptly hid her astonishment from her mother who looked up at the sound.
Other trackways start or stop abruptly, with no sign that the animals’ missing tracks were covered by some disturbance such as shifting sediments.
He turned around abruptly to see an old man in a long gray hooded cloak walking slowly toward him.
King Abdullah of Jordan dealt a rebuff to President Bush on Monday, abruptly putting off his visit to Washington scheduled for later this week.
Seaward of the road, the grassy slopes end abruptly in rugged cliffs pounded by waves.
If lithium is abruptly discontinued during the manic phase, relapse may occur within several days.
But instead of staying to shake hands, to move from table to table, to take names and phone numbers, to marshal some of this excitement for that "door-to-door" movement he had envisioned, Sharpton abruptly strode from the ballroom and the hotel.
Pompadour With a Monkey Wrench
From the edges of the valley, the land rises abruptly in steep high buttes.
They abruptly slashed welfare rates by 22 percent, used workfare and other regulatory changes to drive people off benefits, froze minimum wages and stopped building social housing.
Some faculty members find the prospect of abruptly ending their academic careers distasteful and choose instead to postpone retirement.
She abruptly broke off the conversation to ask a man browsing through the thrash metal section if he could find what he was looking for.
Then, very abruptly, fixing his eyes on me, all of a swither, with my milk-stained cap in my hand,
The Yeoman Adventurer
These rules were rescinded abruptly five days after they were made public in press reports.
After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 – a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government.
Sci-fi TV Preview: Warehouse 13 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
He flips a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, like that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.
A part of the landscape is an interesting phenomenon; in amongst the endless fields, you will find the occasional lonely hill, rising abruptly from the earth and coming to a broad flat top ... utterly alien in that flat land, and upon reflection, very hard to explain.
Archive 2010-04-01
For most patients, therefore, 1 or 2 days of treatment suffice to abolish the panic attack and its short-term aftereffects; afterward, the drug can be abruptly discontinued.
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
After finding a magical hiding place, she is abruptly dragged back to reality.
Times, Sunday Times
Nightmares are vivid and terrifying nocturnal episodes in which the dreamer is abruptly awakened from sleep.
Just a few hundred metres down the road, the car abruptly lurches to the right and back again.
Times, Sunday Times
The protoplasm is more or less extensively excavated by fluid spaces, vacuoles; one clearer circular space or vacuole, which is invariably present, appears at intervals, enlarges gradually, and then vanishes abruptly, to reappear after a brief interval; this is called the contractile vacuole (c.v.).
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
To make it more spectacular the escarpment is sliced by multiple canyons and valleys that plummet abruptly to the semi-desert African plane thousands of feet below.
Family reunion in Addis! « Cameroon
The auditory ease of the merry mockeries of maidens is abruptly undermined by the trochaic retarding of the ‘sharp voices’ insisting on ‘maiden labour.’
But the festivities will be cut abruptly short by the anniversary, which Hoboken will mark in a manner far more sombre and sober than the hullabaloo over the river.
I left my beloved profession abruptly in confusion and sadness-I have written of it previously.
In every period of worship these things take on the numinosity of faith, each with its inherent worth abruptly revealed.
These terminate abruptly to the northeast at a fault that offsets the thrust.
Some grooves deepen and terminate fairly abruptly.
He left abruptly for Switzerland, where he spent the duration of the war.
Times, Sunday Times
Red-Eye abruptly ceased his breast-beating and tooth-grinding, and ran across the timber-jam to the shore.
Bartlemy said, passing it to Annie - he didn't miss Rowena's quick gesture of interception, abruptly checked.
Tristan abruptly backs away, the wind rising and stinging his face.
However, as the paraboloid becomes narrower, it tilts, then abruptly tumbles onto its side.
When fully grown, its gigantic buttressed trunk, which stretches up to 10 meters in diameter, abruptly ends in the branches that bear digitate leaves.
In one part of the country the roads are metalled and well-signposted, but as soon as your car enters another borough, the dual carriageway abruptly becomes a pot-holed dirt-track.
In the village, as he meets his sisters and others among whom he grew up, a flood of memories overwhelms him, and he abruptly changes his mind about selling the property.
It seems like only an instant has passed when we are abruptly shaken from sleep by a loud voice commanding everyone to now go to the main gate.
It smelled as if the room itself had been abruptly conveyed to some putrescent corner of Hell.
The Sanchez Ghost
This cosy arrangement has been abruptly terminated, however, by new government regulations limiting the sort of work that amateurs can carry out.
Barley sugar (which formerly contained barley, but now does not) is simply sugar which has been slightly caramelized and then abruptly cooled to solidify it to a glassy state.
Madame Waddington opened the Ouvroir Holophane on the 15th of August, her first object being to give employment and so countercheck the double menace of starvation and haunted idleness for at least fifty poor women: teachers, music-mistresses, seamstresses, lace makers, women of all ages and conditions abruptly thrown out of work.
The Living Present
Dixira stopped abruptly, his nose inches from the wooden shafts of the pikes.
Above the splenium of the corpus callosum, the cingulate sulcus turns abruptly upwards to reach the superior margin of the hemisphere.
She took her thumb off the demon and was abruptly skyborn as the white stallion cleared a slab of twisted, smoking metal at a bound.
Calde of the Long Sun
The moon, a nail clipping on a black cloth, rises and as abruptly sets.
The latter appendage, short and "bunchy", ended abruptly, as if either cut off or "driven in" -- adding to the uncouth appearance of the animal.
The Boy Slaves
The fight abruptly ended in order to save the beer pot from being broken.
The whole boat jerked sternwards abruptly with the recoil, as though when underway she had struck a rock, and the smoke came back round them in a sullen pall.
Hornblower And The Hotspur
Its _brool_ deepening, the Parrott stirred, shot forward abruptly.
The Lone Wolf A Melodrama
Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill.
His first groan brought Raven out of her contemplations abruptly.
Abruptly, the creature's wild silvery eyes snapped open, and a guttural screech echoed from its throat, as it spread is massive feathered wings and stood.
The mandibular arch in the developing fish is abruptly angled, as in the embryo of Tetrapoda; the upper prong of it ossifies into the palatine and pterygoid; at the angle is formed the quadrate (jugal, Cuvier), and to the quadrate is articulated the lower jaw, which ossifies round the lower prong or Meckel's cartilage.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
She saw his glance flick down to her mouth, then abruptly he was turning away.
Her faint scream of shock was abruptly stifled by a hand clamped over her mouth.
The sale was abruptly halted, the value of the painting plummeted and the they decided to sue.
Frank stopped laughing abruptly and said, ‘so, when your people find your floater, they will be right next to the door?’
The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Well, did you get it?" one of them, apparently the "virago" herself, asked abruptly.
The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
Brenna abruptly looked up, her absorption with the piece broken.
There are a lot of memorable minor characters as well - the model who the killer is obsessed with, the landlady's long lost love, the fortune-teller who the victim worked for, even the Iraqi refugee who emerges rather abruptly in the final pages.
Cambridge Lib Dems...
Knowing, however, how little laconism is prized by an East-African audience, I did not fail to follow up this answer with an Arabic speech of the dimensions of an average sermon, and then shouldering my blade left the circle abruptly.
First footsteps in East Africa
At last he felt it was hardly right for an Oxford man, and a triple blue at that, to be discussed in this contemptuous way by a larrikin and his "donah," so he broke into the discussion, perhaps a little abruptly, but using his most polished style.
Outback Marriage, an : a story of Australian life
Their place in football folklore rests upon the shock that a club should so abruptly leave their place upon the national stage in mid-season.
Times, Sunday Times
The land rises abruptly to highland ridges with mountain summits as high as 3000 feet.
She quieted abruptly and furrowed her brow in concern.
This idyll ended abruptly when he was five.
Times, Sunday Times
Her faint scream of shock was abruptly stifled by a hand clamped over her mouth.
When Mr. Bush finished his five-minute statement — with reporters arranged before him in White House-assigned seats, waiting for the news conference that appeared to be coming — he abruptly turned on his heel and strode from the room, ignoring all questions.
March 2004
Saxon ceased abruptly, embarrassed by her own garrulity; and yet the impulse was strong to tell this young man all about herself, and it seemed to her that these far memories were a large part of her.
The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.
I left my beloved profession abruptly in confusion and sadness-I have written of it previously.
Frankie and Wes left the party rather abruptly after that, bidding hasty goodbyes and hurrying out to the car.
She gasped in surprise but abruptly hid her astonishment from her mother who looked up at the sound.
-- When you desire to reform from drinking, never break off abruptly, which is dangerous; but _taper off_ gradually -- three glasses to-day, two to-morrow, and one the next day.
My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.
As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain opened his trousers zipper, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.
Jake shot a look at them and they abruptly stopped, trying to stifle their laughter.
Anna stopped laughing abruptly but she really couldn't hold back a little smile at the batch of clichés she'd just walked into.
The deep rumbling beneath their feet abruptly stopped, and the electrical discharges faded away.
No longer able to stand the pain, he abruptly released Emily and shoved her at Tommy who placed his hands on her waist to steady her.
Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama
The coach purported to give you ample time to breakfast and dine at certain capital hostels, but by a private arrangement between mine host and the guard and driver, the meals used to be abruptly closured in order to save the landlord's larder.
The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
Too often, adverbs are used by writers to explain dialogue. (said icily …. shakily said … abruptly shouted ..)
The Mistakes Romance Writers Make « Write Anything
Abruptly, I found construction work had altered the road layout and I had no idea where pedestrians were supposed to go.
Jack was distant, unfriendly at best, and then he even abruptly pulled out a textbook and started to read it, blocking us out completely.
For example: an amoeba might gaily multiply itself into proliferous plurality, gobbling up all the sugary water in the vicinity -- until there is no more sugar and too many amoebae, who then all abruptly die.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Fracking & Fukushima: More Obscene Than The Word They Sound Like
The mystery caller abruptly disconnected their conversation.
There in the thin desert air, as confused reports were confirmed and then abruptly denied, the study of UFOs, or ufology, was born.
It ceased abruptly and her gaze left his to wander down his body, stopping only to rest upon his nakedness.
Snippets of waltz occasionally float through, the Mozart connection abruptly contrasted by ostinatos, lilting chords, and variants of the Mozartian melody in Russian sounding woodwind lines.
The paper points out that the loss coefficient tends to increase abruptly when the hood inlet Mach number attains a certain magnitude.
The first morning I stopped abruptly when I heard a squealing pack of rats in a room adjacent to ours.
Romance ends abruptly and violently when she kills Jeff's partner.
Captain Rosser several times countermanded orders given by his chief officer -- an experienced seaman -- and bullied and "jawed" his crew in the most pompous and irritating manner, and finally when we succeeded in getting the vessel off the reef with the loss of her false keel and rudder, and were towing her into smooth water inside the reef, he came for'ard, and abruptly desired our chief mate to cease towing, as he meant to anchor.
"Pig-Headed" Sailor Men From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
The charade ended abruptly on Friday night.
Times, Sunday Times
Her mother stood up abruptly from the chair she was sitting on and glared at her.
She was on her feet, talking animatedly and gesticulating, then she abruptly fell silent as I was shown in.
S'long -- Mr. Barton!" she called listlessly over the other, and started on, stumblingly, clatteringly, up the abruptly steep and precipitous mountain trail -- a little dust-colored gnome on a dust-colored horse, with the dutiful gray pinking cautiously along behind her.
Little Eve Edgarton
There's a fabulous moment when live coverage of his first miracle is abruptly halted - because it's the BBC and he's sworn before the watershed.
The porters told him that several remarkable telegrams had been received in the morning from Byfleet and Chertsey stations, but that these had abruptly ceased.
The War of The Worlds
The xaurian plunged - he almost slipped over its head - and pulled up abruptly on the narrow eyrie.
However, their argument was abruptly ended when a loud clang reverberated around the dungeon.
After an exchange of pleasantries the ambassador told Derry who our man was and which paper he represented, upon which Lord Wallpaper turned abruptly and flounced off.
She screeched to a halt so abruptly that he nearly crashed into her, settling for merely sidestepping out of the way instead.
Her visit was abruptly curtailed when news was received about the death of her father, King George VI.
Production was cancelled abruptly in 1944 when it became apparent that Germany needed fewer hulking anti-tank aircraft and more nimble interceptors.
The man fidgeted, trying to get loose, but stopped abruptly with a sharp hiss of pain.
A text of Modestinus also ends abruptly with the remark that the judge will ensure that the testator's instructions are enforced.
Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Sandbodies are abruptly overlain by bioturbated sandy muds with flint pebble horizons that represent transgressive reworking of the delta top and deepening into open shelf conditions.
The first track opens abruptly with high volume screechy staccato guitars and some guy screaming his guts out.
Asas the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly.
He paused abruptly and David opened his eyes slowly; lowering his arms down, he listened to the man's shallow breathing as he muttered something barely audible.
In this context, the term popping describes clustered balls or bubbles of interspersed conduit energies that abruptly pop up and down the same way corn reshapes and redefines itself when confined in a hot container.
Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light
Their place in football folklore rests upon the shock that a club should so abruptly leave their place upon the national stage in mid-season.
Times, Sunday Times
Dropping the pencil abruptly, she looks up at her hoary teacher, ‘Ma'am?’
Ritual possession may end abruptly when the possessed person becomes limp or falls with exhaustion.
Although the impolite host wound up abruptly canceling the bonfire, there are several lessons one could garner from the barbecue that wasn't.
Jorge A. Rey: Lessons From the Barbecue that Wasn't
Inasmuch as the symptoms of this latter come to differ from those of childhood proper, not abruptly, but gradually, the first years, at least, of youth will often come under our consideration, and I shall speak of this period of life as the _third period of childhood_.
The Sexual Life of the Child
Approaching it from this side you pass through a dense bryanthus-fringed grove of mountain hemlock, catching glimpses now and then of the colossal dome towering to an immense height above the dark evergreens; and when at last you have made your way across woods, wading through azalea and ledum thickets, you step abruptly out of the tree shadows and mossy leafy softness upon a bare porphyry pavement, and behold the dome unveiled in all its grandeur.
The Yosemite National Park
His scientific labours were abruptly brought to an end by the Revolution of 1848; he succeeded, however, in making his escape from Rome and having come to America he taught dogmatic theology during the scholastic year 1849-50 at the Jesuit theologate then connected with Georgetown College, Washington, D. C.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Christine admits she was "astounded" when she was told to stop all contact so abruptly, and ignored the advice.
What led Andrea Adams to kill herself at 18?
The land rises abruptly to highland ridges with mountain summits as high as 3000 feet.
He broke off abruptly in the middle of a sentence.
I was abruptly notified that a half - hour speech was expected of me.
Dave continued to tighten his screw till abruptly the engine choked, backfired and died.
Her towering friend abruptly became more animated, seeing Maria entering the room and strolling over to her pigeonhole where an abundance of documents were stacked.
Eaher abruptly turned to the offensive, stepping in with a lunge at Tahr's shoulder, sword at arm's length.
He nodded abruptly, but his eyes were still filled with displeasure and disdain.
An inconspicuous cleft within steep red cliffs marks its entrance; the cliffs themselves rise abruptly from a wide, dry plain, dotted with ancient boab trees.
Just when the flame got large enough to burn the entire leaf, it stopped abruptly - not even a cinder left.
At any rate, it was a harmless eccentricity, and may the god of gales, who took him away so abruptly between New Zealand and the Horn, let his soul rest in some Paradise of true seamen, where no amount of carrying on will ever dismast a ship!
The Mirror of the Sea
The increased demand for passenger luggage space has drastically and abruptly reduced this supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Pfizer ' s board worried abouthow its CEO was handling thestress of his job and was seekingan executive to share the load when he abruptly retired.
Then, almost as abruptly as it came, it simmered down following the ‘drug wars’ of the 1980s and early 1990s.
The meeting ended abruptly, after a debate that people who attended described as acrimonious.
OPEC Members Try to Mend Fences
Angelos mirrored the mirthless look, all signs of warmth abruptly gone from his countenance.
Any humour in the retreat was abruptly shattered by the loud smash of a plate glass window by an excitable ram who was wilfully battering his head into it.
I'm actually running rather late... "Graham stopped abruptly when his bleeper suddenly went off.
She makes it all the way to the pretzel before this other guy's infidelity, not yours, accidentally unplugs the machine, drunkenly, and the game ends abruptly.
Eating Ghosts
Abruptly he stopped, the sharp, piercing cry of a bird reaching his hearing.
He dried up there abruptly, looking expectant, so I said that after such a thrilling tale I was surprised that five masked chaps with stilettoes hadn't leaped on him in the hall.
She gasped suddenly, thrusting a hand to her head, pushing back her styled hair abruptly and entangling her fingers in it.
She walked abruptly to the door and pulled it back and ran to the railing where the carn fell away to the sea below.
All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama
`You're setting me up,' he said abruptly, lacing his fingers together tightly.
Rounding the notorious San Juan section, where the rough surface was still wet from a nearby waterfall, he saw fresh tyre tracks that veered abruptly off the unprotected edge.
Only the fantastic touch about 'green ice' ranks it as 'metaphysical', for it is in fact an experiment in the manner of the Horatian ode, not the heroic ode, but the lighter Epicurean, meditative strain of 'Solvitur acris hiems' and 'Vides ut alta stet nive candidum', description yielding abruptly to reflection.
Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C
Several more volumes abruptly vanished into the locked caskets in the garderobe.
Secrets of the Tudor Court
Their place in football folklore rests upon the shock that a club should so abruptly leave their place upon the national stage in mid-season.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the collective whoopee was abruptly halted when the small print was made known.
Abruptly she swallowed back her drink and went through into the stockroom.
They speed down one narrow side street, turn abruptly, then hurtle down another, but these maneuvers are not enough for them to elude her pursuers; she can see their headlights in the side-view mirrors, vanishing as they round a corner, only to reappear a split second later.
William and Kate
Eistaucher took a step towards me and stumbled; abruptly he was knee-deep in water.
Abruptly there was darkness, not the ordinary darkness of the night but absolute Stygian inkiness.
"The Barrier" by Harl Vincent, part 1
A small window in the door opened abruptly and a face with an annoyed expression appeared.
A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
Examining the port side, the anchor chain can be seen to hang down from the hawsepipe a foot or so and then abruptly end without an anchor.
Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.