How To Use Abrasive In A Sentence

  • I have also used * toothpaste* to clean the screen; if you work at it, the toothpaste abrasives will get rid of hairline scratches on the screen surface. CIS Threads #1: Interesting Threads from the TRS Model 100 Forum Messages by Phil Wheeler
  • Mild abrasives are used to scour pots and pans, oven interiors, and drip pans.
  • Yes, there is an abrasive nature to his character. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are normally used as industrial abrasives, in diamond drilling equipment, or in glass cutting knives.
  • Try to be less abrasive. The Sun
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  • Egyptians used bath oils, white powders, and abrasives to clean their teeth.
  • Participants are asked to wash their hands with a nonabrasive soap prior to having electrodes attached.
  • In others, thin faceplates and backplates are bonded to ribbed support structures, in which the support units are made by the assembly of small rib parts or by bulk-material removal using abrasive water-jet machining.
  • I am quite an abrasive player who can offer certain necessary things we need to put a spanner in their works and doubts in their minds. The Sun
  • This resembles a cylinder lawnmower, and drives a drum to which sheets of abrasive paper are fitted.
  • He was a jumped-up clarinettist who was abrasively uncompromising about achieving top quality standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, you wouldn't know by looking, because he's an abrasive, arrogant, off-kilter man trying to make his idiosyncratic way in academia.
  • They were also usually, if not always, a restraining influence on the more abrasive, if not irrepressible side of Mercer.
  • Never use any abrasive powder for any other reason on china; it may remove metallic or other decorations.
  • Lesser actors would have come off as comically ineffectual or abrasive and unlikable, but Howard nails the performance.
  • Never use abrasives on either anodized or painted surfaces as they will scratch it.
  • Unfortunately they can often be abrasive and overbearing personality types.
  • His abrasive personality failed to endear him to players or management in his time at the Toon. The Sun
  • Clean damaged areas by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning, feather edges to sound and intact areas.
  • If the abrasive medium remains intact, the process is described as low stress abrasion.
  • His voice has an elemental beauty - abrasively sexy one minute and angelic the next - that seems both totally of its time and yet is transcendent enough to speak intimately to every individual's situation.
  • Polishing, using a rotating brush and abrasive paste, removes stains from teeth.
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • Dip a nonabrasive cloth in the bubbles, ensure it's not too wet and use elbow grease. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't use abrasive cleaners such as cream bleach. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are several scenes which involve abrasive personal confrontation, which I felt were irrelevant, but presumably were introduced for fear of the film becoming cloying.
  • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
  • Grazers, for example, must deal with abundant abrasive phytoliths and grit from feeding close to the ground, and accordingly develop strategies to deal with tooth abrasion.
  • Next, an abrasive water jet cuts the metal projectile body in two places to enable removal of the aluminum explosive casing.
  • His personal style was often abrasive, and he came close to being sacked by Eisenhower.
  • Do not use abrasive household cleaners on these surfaces because they may scratch.
  • He was a dispirited man, on the brink of destruction by the abrasive world of society and business.
  • It is abrasive to the skin and may provoke allergic reactions.
  • Try to be less abrasive. The Sun
  • Until now, abrasive laser whitening treatments have often been a painful process for both sensitive teeth and dwindling bank balances. The Sun
  • In order to keep weight down, the teak decking is quite thin and harsh abrasives and repeated pressure washing will eventually wear out the teak.
  • The blades provide fast cutting of materials that are extremely hard, dense, and relatively nonabrasive, including very hard structural brick, some refractory brick, and very hard natural stone materials.
  • Is stack height controlled properly based on pinning and abrasive used?
  • In short the man is setting out to do what the leader of the Opposition is supposed to do - he will oppose as abrasively and effectively as he can.
  • The younger woman is constantly worn down by the older woman's negativity, Mag's abrasive personality pushing her to increasingly desperate little acts of rebellion.
  • The abrasive edge melted and his manner became more conversational, drawing his audience in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man-made diamond abrasives have revolutionized the process of maintaining a ‘hair-popping’ sharp edge.
  • His intention was most certainly to rally support and imprint his abrasive personality on his own staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • His ability was unquestioned, but his brusque and abrasive manner aroused hostility which probably hampered his early career.
  • For example, abrasives can damage the protective surfaces of instruments, contribute to corrosion, and impede sterilization.
  • - Delete with wavy line or abrase by means of abrasive paper. Chapter 4
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • Jim Gibbons was tossed aside Tuesday -- the first incumbent governor in Nevada history to lose a nominating election after a tumultuous first term marred by a bitter divorce, allegations of infidelities and an abrasive style that alienated members of his own party. Las Vegas News -
  • The abrasive edge melted and his manner became more conversational, drawing his audience in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.
  • They are quite often abrasive and offish, but are still human beings, and need to be treated as so.
  • In order to produce a higher sheen or gloss, we need to use a finer abrasive.
  • The metal polish comes in a bottle or pre-moistened towelettes, contains no ammonia or abrasives and removes tarnish, rust, water stains, fingerprints and oxidation.
  • If the particles are not tiny enough, they will have an abrasive effect on the skin.
  • A feature of these paintings is their abrasive, primitivist style of conception and execution.
  • But it adds to the general abrasiveness and awfulness of urban life, rather than commenting on it.
  • Intellectually quick-witted and bright, with an abrasive edge, Reid did well in school.
  • It would be if he brought a similarly abrasive edge to his interviewing, but one doubts it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except for the polishes and polish removers, all of the products, like the nonabrasive sugar scrubs with essential oils, contain natural ingredients and are made on-site.
  • He played rugby in the most exuberant and abrasive manner yet was a mass of nerves before the big games. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until now, abrasive laser whitening treatments have often been a painful process for both sensitive teeth and dwindling bank balances. The Sun
  • For all its warmth and wit, the movie has a latent abrasiveness which eventually comes out in a Thravesian trademark: the eruption of unforeseeable violence. Jamie Thraves: Life is bittersweet
  • In fact, Elmer Rice's 1923 expressionist satire seems abrasively modern in its attack on the dehumanising effect of industrial capitalism.
  • Sometimes scrubs combine abrasive qualities from these granules with plant-based exfoliant accelerators, such as milk or fruit acids and certain essential oils.
  • To work this extremely hard stone, which can only be shaped by grinding with the help of abrasives, artisans were recruited from all over his vast empire.
  • The high vanadium steel is somewhat brittle, but is excellent for cutting very abrasive materials.
  • In the past, tooth-whitening products consisted of mild abrasives and detergents that were designed to scour the teeth and remove stains from the surface.
  • When hardened, smooth down with abrasive paper, then seal with plaster primer.
  • an abrasive character
  • With this procedure, the water creates an abrasive spray as effective, but not as damaging, as sandblasting.
  • When using any abrasive product, it is wise to protect adjacent paintwork with masking tape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks.
  • Iger, who has years of experience repairing egos bruised by the abrasive Eisner, will have his hands full with Jobs.
  • The ash also in high in silica, which is extremely abrasive, and can lead to excessive wear on the animals 'tooth enamel. Iris Erlingsdottir: Eyja's Icelandic Horses
  • The asperities on the ceramic surface are initially large and abrasive.
  • In others, thin faceplates and backplates are bonded to ribbed support structures, in which the support units are made by the assembly of small rib parts or by bulk-material removal using abrasive water-jet machining.
  • She epitomised the abrasive nerviness of pre-Hitler Berlin.
  • Stone vases (bowls, collared jars, and pyxides) were carved, using bronze tools and abrasives, from chlorite schist and marble.
  • Thin-film technology has firmly established itself as an effective method for reducing abrasive wear, surface pickup, galling, friction, and both chemical and thermal attack.
  • The slow, abrasive court surface contributes to more extended rallies and longer matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an often abrasively funny 90 minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • They grew close enough together so that reaching from one to the next was never a problem, and the bark was just rough enough to offer a good grip without being abrasive.
  • Smooth down with a fine abrasive paper.
  • She has a rather abrasive manner.
  • Using abrasives, such as steel wool or abrasive powders tends to permanently scratch the smooth glassy surface, and make it harder to clean thereafter.
  • The influence of carbon in martensitic matrix (by use different austenizing temperature) on two body abrasive and impact-abrasive wear resistance of ductile iron is studied.
  • Before applying the clear topcoat, buff the surface with a superfine abrasive pad or 20-grit sandpaper - do not use steel wool, which can leave behind fine particles that will rust.
  • The drill might be made of wood or bronze, using sand or emery, imported from Naxos, as an abrasive.
  • Not that that will worry the 26-year-old Swede, who, despite a speech disability, is as amenable and communicative as Webb is often abrasive.
  • Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
  • On the other hand, an amateur can accomplish the same end with only his hands, using nothing more than files, stones, abrasive papers, possibly a Dremel tool, and time.
  • Do not expose your jewelry to chemicals or cleaning products, avoid contact with hair products, abrasive soaps, seawater and even tap water.
  • Since it uses a reverse electroplating process, there's no abrasive action from bore scouring brushes and no possibility of scratching the lands and grooves.
  • He barreled into office last fall and immediately drove reformers and critics to the brink of apoplexy with his abrasive time-to-get-tough rhetoric and his vows to wage ruthless war on gangs.
  • The new homogenizer is developed for homogenization of non-abrasive products as pasteurised milk, yoghurt milk, juice, and nectar.
  • In a bat's case, I have speculated, it might be surfaces of different echoic properties or textures, perhaps red for shiny, blue for velvety, green for abrasive. The God Delusion
  • I cough and cough as my lungs feel scratchy and abrasive.
  • If we consider that pre-Columbian lapidaries used stone, bone, wooden, and possibly copper tools with abrasive sand to carve stone, crystal skulls are much too perfectly carved and highly polished to be believed. Legend of the Crystal Skulls
  • Nonetheless, it is prudent to make sure your boot pivot sockets are clean of grit, since heavy use combined with abrasive material could accelerate wear.
  • Nonetheless, any skin-care routine calls for a gentle cleanser - one that will not be abrasive to the skin.
  • I would stick with liquid, nonabrasive cleaners. Houston Chronicle
  • The strong bonds in diamond are also responsible for many of its non-abrasive uses.
  • Even though tile adhesives aren't usually abrasive, if you leave it for some time it may cause an allergic reaction.
  • The first movement's lunging abrasiveness reminds you that he was Xenakis's favourite pupil.
  • Baking soda's finely gritty texture makes it an excellent, gentle abrasive cleaner.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Especially in the 1840s, the Piedmontese left, for its part, distrusted and despised Cavour whom they viewed as an arrogant and abrasive aristocratic conservative.
  • His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.
  • The sand had subtle rosy hues and was very abrasive, sharp enough to cut if you kneeled on it.
  • That he was not the only one to respond with an involuntary stridulation of shock was shown by the number of abrasive chirrups that echoed in close succession through the various individual workstations. Diuturnity's Dawn
  • Use an abrasive pad for stubborn stains.
  • The more brittle a finish after it cures, no matter how hard, the easier it will scratch and therefore the easier it will be able to rub using fine abrasives.
  • De Guingand's role as a foil to Montgomery was a vital one and his diplomacy and tact helped palliate Montgomery's abrasiveness.
  • Intellectually quick-witted and bright, with an abrasive edge, Reid did well in school.
  • But her tone was often strident and abrasive. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
  • Does Barack Obama really embrace “abrasiveness, arrogance, and overbearingness” as the model for his cabinet? Against Larry Summers, the Friedmanite
  • Finally, burnishing and polishing of the wood is carried out with burnishers and abrasives of varying texture and refinement.
  • He had a reputation among Washington insiders for being prickly, abrasive, brash, impatient, and intolerant of bureaucratic foot-dragging.
  • Playing the malevolent, abrasive junkie single mother of a missing kidnap victim, a slatternly, slack-jawed racist, Ryan adopted a drunkard's waxen pallor, honked up the full braying working-class Boston accent and, in those seven minutes, ran a gamut of emotions, from sullen resentment to inappropriate levity and a final descent into abject sobbing – a magnificent shipwreck of a performance. Amy Ryan: the Isabelle Huppert of Hollywood
  • To prevent the finish from scratching, the tool caddy should be hand-washed in hot, soapy water and abrasive pads and cleansers should be avoided.
  • She also has good, less abrasive contact with the Iranians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps a paste with water and nonabrasive cleaner will dissolve mineral stains.
  • A quiet and unassuming man off the field, he is abrasive and physical on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike him, whose doctors were extremely supportive, she found herself being dealt with by abrasive, unsympathetic staff.
  • The abrasive edge melted and his manner became more conversational, drawing his audience in. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paper enumerates section calculation formula of sprocket hob grinding abrasive wheel and its calculation process.
  • During the Inquiry and outside it, he has been variously described as difficult, abrasive and charming.
  • It's less abrasive than it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music video celebrates the band's abrasiveness with dissociative fade outs and a muted color palette.
  • O'Leary cheerfully acknowledges that his abrasive manner upsets the more sensitive among those he deals with.
  • The band fused the abrasive, amplified timbres and motoric rhythms of rock with the string and brass writing of the classical tradition.
  • Remove stains from the outside of aluminum pans with silver polish, or mild, nonabrasive cleaner.
  • She's pushy, arrogant, obnoxious, unbelievably abrasive, and not nearly as cute as she thinks she is.
  • You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.
  • Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
  • The abrasive new general brushed aside Stirling's request and proceeded to give him a lecture.
  • The roads are abrasive and there is so much acceleration out of corners that there is always the danger of excessive wheelspin.
  • He has been criticised privately as an abrasive unilateralist who showed contempt for the UN.
  • As I note in my book, professor Stephen Thernstrom, who is one of the most prominent conservatives at Harvard, supported Summers but admitted that Summers is in the “top tenth of one percent of any scale measuring abrasiveness, arrogance, and overbearingness.” Against Larry Summers, the Friedmanite
  • Frey's ‘novel’ isn't the first memoir of substance abuse, but with its harsh typesetting, galling repetition and disavowal of adjectives and quotations, his may be the most pointlessly abrasive.
  • Pietersen thinks he has matured as a person since those bad times at Notts earned him a reputation as an abrasive character.
  • But her tone was often strident and abrasive. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • I had a scrubber wash me down for 20 minutes, using scouring pad mittens and a really abrasive paste that helped to remove most of my dead skin.
  • Throughout his career he was known for his abrasive manner.
  • It was white, and pearly looking, but abrasive, as she found when she touched it.
  • In the soliloquy above he engages in a brilliant radical gloss on conventional thinking, through a series of interrogative puns, and abrasive appropriations of the conventional language of society.
  • It's not that he's such a lionhearted defender, with abrasiveness and impact.
  • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
  • Scuba girl grabs a handful of abrasive jetsam, rubs it in the zombie's face, and makes her escape.
  • Most interior surface finishes are easily damaged by abrasives.
  • Some glass makers use abrasive that contains a rare earth element called cerium, whose supply was already tight after the Chinese government cut rare earth exports for 2010 by 40 Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Throughout his career he was known for his abrasive manner.
  • Brass and aluminum are the least expensive, but the metal is soft and wears quickly when abrasive materials like wettable powders are used.
  • Before applying the clear topcoat, buff the surface with a superfine abrasive pad or 20-grit sandpaper - do not use steel wool, which can leave behind fine particles that will rust.
  • A ring of abrasive material such as eggshells, sand, wood shavings, diatomaceous earth, hair or ash can be placed around susceptible plants.
  • Abrasive selection is dependent upon the amount of residue or burrs to be removed.
  • He denies nothing of his abrasive personality.
  • Never clean with abrasives, scouring powder or steel wool.
  • Jantz offers a full range of pre-shaped blades, knifemaking kits, rivets, guards, tools, abrasives, sheath-making materials and finishing products.
  • Some have rushed to suggest he was more popular than his abrasive manner and suspected treachery might suggest. The Sun
  • This is what people have thought about Martha Stewart, that she is rude, abrupt, and abrasive.
  • I even think the abrasiveness has its own charm.
  • Most striking, however, were the dental inlays: a shallow hole was drilled into the front face of the tooth enamel using a reed or bone hollow drill and an abrasive such as sand or jade dust, sometimes reaching the dentine within. The Mayans Suffered for Their Beauty
  • She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
  • A loud abrasive buzzing bellows from the nightstand and I raise my head, only to be blinded by the red light emanating from the small - in size, not volume - machine against a backdrop of pure blackness. Rebecca Taylor: Spiral Jetty: A Monument to Paradox & Transience
  • They bickered constantly and sniped at each other with abrasive, even caustic, jibes, but Drake made a valiant effort to stop himself short of physical violence.
  • Don't use abrasive cleaners such as cream bleach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stress and grinding mechanism of a single magnetic abrasive grain in the magnetic abrasive finishing are analyzed. The required properties and preparation technologies of MAGS are discussed.
  • Erosion is the wearing away or destruction of metals and other materials by the abrasive action of water, steam or slurries that carry abrasive materials.
  • As I said before, I have a fairly abrasive personality which didn't exactly make me the most popular person.
  • But the abrasive Mr Campbell was a Labour insider before he was a spin doctor.
  • Wages are low, hours are long and tedious, and management are often brittle and abrasive.
  • If necessary, follow-up with nonabrasive powdered cleanser.
  • Lithofin sells a care and maintenance pack for stone, and an abrasive polishing powder to repolish marble.
  • You can do this by hand with abrasive paper and a sanding block.
  • So of course his message is conciliatory rather than abrasively confrontational. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are impatient with people and can be abrasive.
  • The company have just completed market research on a new type of organic toothpaste called Abrasive.
  • The individual faces are then ground and polished on a lap using diamond powder as an abrasive.
  • Ronni could be abrasive, yes, let's use the term pushy, but ultimately, as her dinner invitation indicated, a good soul. NY Daily News
  • Playing the malevolent, abrasive junkie single mother of a missing kidnap victim, a slatternly, slack-jawed racist, Ryan adopted a drunkard's waxen pallor, honked up the full braying working-class Boston accent and, in those seven minutes, ran a gamut of emotions, from sullen resentment to inappropriate levity and a final descent into abject sobbing – a magnificent shipwreck of a performance. Amy Ryan: the Isabelle Huppert of Hollywood
  • The man I met and traded insults with on that summer afternoon has been depicted as rude, abrasive, hostile and unpredictable by many writers and would-be experts over the years.
  • If the material is to be left in some one of the flat-backed, rounded top forms known as cabochon cut, the surfaces need only to be smoothed (by means of very fine abrasives such as fine emery applied by means of laps, or even by fine emery or carborundum cloth), and they are then ready for polishing. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Before applying the clear topcoat, buff the surface with a superfine abrasive pad or 20-grit sandpaper - do not use steel wool, which can leave behind fine particles that will rust.
  • The mine's veins of gold and copper ran through quartzite with a high level of abrasive silica, rock so tough that it took all their expertise to keep the drill's hammers from curving off in unwanted directions. Jeff Hart, Chile Mine Driller From Denver, Becomes Rescue Hero
  • If you know someone with a taste for the medically gruesome and interpersonally abrasive, look no further. November « 2009 « Precocious Curmudgeon
  • The abrasive forces of the ice at the bottoms of glaciers may destroy all epilithic (rock-attached) lichen vegetation, but lichens once established are able to survive long periods of snow cover, and even glacial periods [121]. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before I was short-tempered and abrasive, but now I have learned the art of becoming more magnanimous.
  • This specialized tank creates a waterflow that keeps medusae and other delicate animals in constant suspension assuring that their tissues are not destroyed by abrasive contact with aquarium walls.
  • Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.
  • These intimate letters introduce us to a man who's not only inordinately interesting, but also vain, funny, abrasive, sarcastic and courageous.
  • I feel like Jillian is really abrasive but on The Biggest Loser and as a trainer it is sometimes necessary with adults. Jillian Michaels' 'Biggest Loser' spin-off will solve all life's problems...loudly |
  • He played rugby in the most exuberant and abrasive manner yet was a mass of nerves before the big games. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difference between candor and abrasiveness is pretty close. Lessons From The World Business Forum
  • Fahmy was at once transparent and subtle , convivial and abrasive, suave and prickly.
  • It opens with abrasive electronics - mixing board screeches and processed vocal squalls - that outwear their welcome.
  • During the course of the movie, Love's character slowly becomes less abrasive and cocksure and, as a handy visual aid, her dress sense shifts from sizzling peekaboo to preppy casualwear.
  • Mix this ambient vibration with a bit of cement dust and you have a perfect recipe for "washboard" abrasive wear. Reliable Plant Homepage

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