How To Use Abounding In A Sentence

  • And in such a case envy will be sure to work and boil up to a more than ordinary height, while the envious person frets, and raves, and swells at the plenties and affluence of his abounding neighbour, and (as I may so express it) is even ready to burst with another's fulness. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • abounding confidence
  • The coast of Zhejiang Province is abounding in tourism resources.
  • Currado, began to consider Giannotto and some remembrance of the boyish lineaments of her son's countenance being by occult virtue awakened in her, without awaiting farther explanation, she ran, open-armed, to cast herself upon his neck, nor did overabounding emotion and maternal joy suffer her to say a word; nay, they so locked up all her senses that she fell into her son's arms, as if dead. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • McPherson, in his report, says that the region inhabited by the Croatans is a low woodland, swampy region, locally known as pocosin land, abounding in whortleberries and black berries, which bring some revenue to the people. The Croatan Indians of Sampson County, North Carolina. Their Origin and Racial Status. A Plea for Separate Schools
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  • Now, here is a lady whose charms are abounding and abiding.
  • And, O son of Kunti, in that spot is the tirtha called Asoka abounding in woody retreats of ascetics. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • The superabounding grace of God is demonstrated in the follower of Christ.
  • It originated in the Stone Age when man, trying to find shelter from the superabounding beasts, lived in caves.
  • Rosse himself writing to Professor Nichol, in 1846, "I may safely say there can be little, if any, doubt as to the resolvability of the nebula; -- all about the trapezium is a mass of stars, the rest of the nebula also abounding with stars, and exhibiting the characteristics of resolvability strongly marked. Half-hours with the Telescope Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction.
  • Lane held the poetry untranslatable because abounding in the figure Tajnís, our paronomasia or paragram, of which there are seven distinct varieties,433 not to speak of other rhetorical flourishes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • All things are otherwise in the imputation of his righteousness unto us, which respects us absolutely, and not under a temporary capacity, abides with us for ever, changes our state and relation unto God, and is an effect of superabounding grace. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • The young man was seized with a desire to appeal to the sanity and the kindliness of one who seemed to possess both so aboundingly. The Puritans
  • Becky saw a big, hearty, high-coloured man whose abounding vitality brought a gust of life into every existence.
  • It should be a new lifestyle which becomes a habit that will bring you abounding energy and a new zest for life.
  • And so, in reviewing what was in our long run a rainbow trail round the curve of the world, though I shall try to write from the height of my head, making honest this document, as he would have it, without sainting his humanness, I know I shall find myself most often directed from the depth of my heart toward a bountiful estimate of his abounding lovableness, charm, and variety. PREFACE:
  • Hermione's personality was so strong, so aboundingly vital, that its withdrawal made an impression such as that made by an intense silence suddenly succeeding a powerful burst of music. The Call of the Blood
  • Philips's abounding energies were most keenly consumed in exploiting the vast commercial opportunities of the 1790s.
  • Carmel -- the mountain promontory north of Israel, in Asher, abounding in rich pastures, olives, and vines. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We halted for the night upon a ridge timbered with casuarinae, and abounding in grass. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • If you could only see so far, just to one side of that same headland, across yon low dikey ground, you would catch sight of the isle of Narborough, the loftiest land of the cluster; no soil whatever; one seamed clinker from top to bottom; abounding in black caves like smithies; its metallic shore ringing under foot like plates of iron; its central volcanoes standing grouped like a gigantic chimney-stack. The Piazza Tales
  • Lane held the poetry untranslatable because abounding in the figure Tajnís, our paronomasia or paragram, of which there are seven distinct varieties, [FN#433] not to speak of other rhetorical flourishes. Arabian nights. English
  • No one who knows the qualities and traditions of the French people and who has a conception of the solid, widely diffused wealth and of the natural advantages and resources of that beautiful and aboundingly favoured country -- not to mention the immense value of its North African and other Colonial possessions -- can be tempted into any misgivings as to the future of that great and brilliant nation. An International Survey
  • He planted a chestnut tree at George Washington's grave, and on one occasion, according to rumor, eluded his guardians ‘and indulged his abounding manhood in the bagnios of New York.’
  • Some of the so-called Dionysiac festivals in ancient Greece are examples of the enthusiasm, joy, and abounding vitality to which religion has, among so many other human experiences, given expression. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • Domingo is highly courtly and uxorious towards her, despite the abounding stories of affairs.
  • Your eyes help to keep you on course, and provide a glimpse of the world's abounding beauty; so treat them to a little kindness.
  • Messalina, or yet the Marchioness (of Oincester) in England, and I desire thee to give credit to it, that I lack not for what is requisite to overlay the stomach of her lust, but have wherewith aboundingly to please her. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • How it was that they so aboundingly responded to the old man's ire? Adventures on the Seas of Life
  • Such an abounding, affectionate, friendly, loving feeling did this avocation beget; that at last I was continually squeezing their hands, and looking up into their eyes sentimentally; as much as to say, — Oh! my dear fellow beings, why should we longer cherish any social acerbities, or know the slightest ill-humor or envy! Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Why be overawed by the task, or cowed by the abounding unbelief and false religion of our day?
  • Becky saw a big, hearty, high-coloured man whose abounding vitality brought a gust of life into every existence.
  • It is re - puted a rich city, the country about it abounding m feveral commodities peculiar to it, and tranfported thence into Europe, efpecially the four noted dyes, indico, otta or annatta, filvefter, and cochineal. A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • I wonder whether the boys who live in Roxbury and Dorchester are ever moved to tears or filled with silent awe as they look upon the rocks and fragments of "puddingstone" abounding in those localities. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The jungle continues much the same: the Sissoid jungle again occurred to - day, the natives call it _Sofaida_; it has a very curious habit, and is gemmiferous, the gemmae abounding in gum. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • It is said that sundry Tortoises dwelt once in a certain island abounding in trees and fruiterers and rills, and it fortuned, one day, that a Francolin, passing over the island, was overcome with the fiery heat and fatigue and being in grievous suffering stayed his flight therein. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Whether it be the boudoir of a strumpet or the death-bed of a monarch -- the strong character of a statesman-warrior abounding in contrasts and rich in mystery, or the personal history of a judge trained in the Old Bailey to vulgarize and ensanguine the King's Bench -- he luxuriates with a vigour and variety of language and illustration which renders his "History" an attractive and absorbing story-book. Famous Reviews
  • Then, into this dejected council of two -- cheerful, decided, and aboundingly energetic swept Aunt Eliza. The Moon out of Reach
  • Gilman was a man of extraordinary taste with an abounding passion for dance.
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Gharib, after giving robes of honour to the citizens of Cufa and com mending the Ryots to their care, went out on a day of the days to hunt, with an hundred horse, and fared on till he came to a Wady, abounding in trees and fruits and rich in rills and birds It was a pasturing-place for roes and gazelles, to the spirit a delight whose scents reposed from the langour of fight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Herodotus describes as abounding in the Nile in his time, but which is now extinct; with a flower resembling a rose, and a fruit in shape like Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Then they ceased not abiding in solace and pleasance and good cheer and abounding prosperity, eating and drinking with mirth and merriment, till there came to them the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The first trees were the most excellent of all, abounding with the choicest fruits, and were called paradisiacal trees, being such as are never seen in any country of the natural world, because none such ever grew or could grow there. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • They have differed from Christianity in that their predestinating, determining force, instead of being qualified by any play of free-will, or any feasible plan of ultimate and superabounding good, has been a real fatalism, changeless, hopeless, remorseless. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • There is abounding evidence that the profitability and growth of independent and SME software developers has often been to a significant extent dependent on the possession of patent rights.
  • There are abounding added types of cars besides the ones that you may apperceive of. Auto Parts for Exotic cars
  • But this objection is raised, rejected, and condemned by our apostle, in whose judgment we may acquiesce, 1; and in the same place he subjoins the reasons why, notwithstanding the superabounding grace of God in Christ, there is an indispensable necessity that all believers should be holy. Pneumatologia
  • Now winter is in abounding beat you should accept all the accouterment including ugg sandals that will advice you to abide warm. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • There are many good places capable of containing any number of vessels, and abounding in fish in the season, such as codfish, salmon, bass, herring, halibut, and other kinds in great numbers. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 02
  • And then he poured out a prayer for charity; not merely the kindness that throws a covering over the failings of others, or that holds back the report of what they have been; but the overabounding heavenly love that will send its brightness into the dark places of human society and with its own richness fill the barren spots; and above all, for that love of Jesus the King, that makes all his servants dear, for that spirit of Christ that looks with his own love and forbearance on all that need it. The Old Helmet, Volume II
  • She found the man a baffling and fascinating combination of qualities, all petty selfishness and colossal egotisms one minute, abounding in endless charms and graces and small endearing chivalries the next; outrageously outspoken at times, at other times, reticent to the point of secretiveness; now reaching the most extravagant pitch of high spirits, and then, almost without warning, submerged in moods of Stygian gloom from which nothing could rouse him. Wild Wings A Romance of Youth
  • All winter their play and recreation, their sayings and adventures and habits, diversified the Berkshire days; they thrived on “the blue nectared air,” and had rosy cheeks and abounding spirits, and their heads were stuffed with fairy tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • English is a language abounding with idiomatic expressions.
  • English is a language abounding with idiomatic expressions.
  • These are the _hippoboscoe hirundinis_, with narrow subulated wings, abounding in every nest; and are hatched by the warmth of the bird's own body during incubation, and crawl about under its feathers. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • He states that he considers the kunkur to be deposited by calcareous waters, abounding in infusorial animalculæ; that the waters of the annual inundation are rich in lime, and that all the facts that have come under his observation appear to him to indicate that this is the source of the kunkur deposit, which is seen in a different form in the Italian travertine, and the crescent nodules of the Isle of Sheppey and of Bologne. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • Sir R. Schomburgk, in his expedition into the interior of British Guiana, found the country abounding in cacao, "which the Indians were most anxious to secure, as the pulpy arillus surrounding the seed has an agreeable vinous taste. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • She was appreciated by her commanding officers not only for her unparalleled capacity for hard work and her sense of duty, but for her abounding vitality, intelligence, and clear-headedness.
  • Polo had described as abounding in Cipango; when he walked by the shore and saw the shells of pearl oysters, he believed the island to be loaded with pearls and precious stones; when he saw a scrap of tinsel or bright metal adorning a native, he argued that there was a gold mine close at hand. Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Complete
  • Away with all these whining, pining Carpers, who are constantly talking & prating that the married estate brings nothing but care and sorrow with it; here, to the contrary, they may see how all minds & intentions are knit together, to consume and pass away these daies with the most superabounding pleasures. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • The cultivation of the soil on an extensive scale, can only be carried on where there are slaves, or in countries superabounding with free labor. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Lane held the poetry untranslatable because abounding in the figure Tajnís, our paronomasia or paragram, of which there are seven distinct varieties,433 not to speak of other rhetorical flourishes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And, O son of Kunti, in that spot is the _tirtha_ called Asoka abounding in woody retreats of ascetics. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • Yuletide "wassail", can be derived from his having "powlert up and down" in a county abounding with comfortable manor houses and cosy inns. Dickens-Land
  • Heaths, or places abounding in wild flowers, constitute the best neighbourhood for an apiary, and in default of this pasturage, there should be gardens where flowers are cultivated, and fields in which buck-wheat, clover, or sainfoin, is sown. A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year
  • Guano has not been extensively used in New Jersey, owing to the abundance of green sand marl, which is a very valuable fertilizer, abounding in that part of the State most in need of artificial manures. Guano A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers
  • Deenside Players are one of the most progressive groups in the area and continue to nurture the abounding array of talent in the town and environs.
  • In new historical period, promote Xi Baipo spirit, have important sense to breed and abounding ethos.
  • And this leads directly to the chief differential which Christianity presents in contrast with the fatalisms of false systems, viz., that while sin and death abound, as all must see, the Gospel alone reveals a superabounding grace. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • How it was that they so aboundingly responded to the old man's ire -- by what evil magic their souls were possessed, that at times his hate seemed almost theirs; the White Whale as much their insufferable foe as his; how all this came to be -- what the White Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • Then he climbed to the mountain top, and, descending the opposite slope, fared on two days till he came in sight of a walled and bulwarked city, abounding in trees and rills. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Similar qualities had characterized her acting, and they spring from a nature which a close observer has described as clear in perception yet swayed by fantasy; strong of will yet impulsive as quicksilver; finding enjoyment now in animated discussion, now in impetuous riding, now in absolute repose; full of maternal tenderness, yet fond of splendor and the excitements of society; a nature, in short, abounding in contrasts, but substantially that of a true, noble and lovable woman. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
  • Ranging, as these fine birds will, over a mile or two of woods abounding in their wild brethren, convenient mistakes were often made by the pineland gunners, whose rifles were always ready to pick off a stray gobbler without waiting to know whether he was wild or tame, and so the old gentleman introduced the white stock to prevent the possibility of such errors. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • Football division is in abounding accessory and there’s Think Progress » Allen on Steele’s claim that he has ‘a slimmer margin of error’: ‘I don’t care what his skin pigmentation is.’
  • It is such lands which I have alluded to as abounding in the Himalayas, and which are, at present, of so little value either to the Government, or to the natives themselves. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Good-humoured, often merry, abounding in kindness and generosity, he passed for a man as happy as he was prosperous; yet those who talked intimately with him obtained now and then a glimpse of something not quite in harmony with these characteristics, a touch of what would be called fancifulness, of uncertain spirits. The Crown of Life
  • Still, this period may be made very tolerable by keeping the mind diverted in every pleasant occupation possible, such as I shall presently refer to as abounding on our The Opium Habit
  • Rosse himself writing to Professor Nichol, in 1846, "I may safely say there can be little, if any, doubt as to the resolvability of the nebula; -- all about the trapezium is a mass of stars, the rest of the nebula also abounding with stars, and exhibiting the characteristics of resolvability strongly marked. Half-hours with the Telescope Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction.
  • There was no form of human suffering that did not touch his heart; but his abounding sympathy was especially drawn out towards the poor, imbruted slaves of the plantation, and such of their number as sought their freedom by flight. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • Berkshire days; they thrived on "the blue nectared air," and had rosy cheeks and abounding spirits, and their heads were stuffed with fairy tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • I wonder whether the boys that live in Roxbury and Dorchester are ever moved to tears or filled with silent awe as they look upon the rocks and fragments of "puddingstone" abounding in those localities. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 25, November, 1859
  • Sometimes on the little bench around the eucalyptus tree he would run an entire five-thousand-foot program feature, beginning with the Sunday midday dinner of roast chicken, and abounding in tense dramatic moments such as corned-beef and cabbage on Tuesday night, and corned-beef hash on Wednesday morning. Merton of the Movies
  • Columbus thought that he smelled Oriental spices, which Marco Polo had described as abounding in Cipango; when he walked by the shore and saw the shells of pearl oysters, he believed the island to be loaded with pearls and precious stones; when he saw a scrap of tinsel or bright metal adorning a native, he argued that there was a gold mine close at hand. Christopher Columbus
  • Eph 2: 20 refers to the Church; but the passage here to their individual progress in edification (Ac stablished -- confirmed. as -- "even as." abounding therein with thanksgiving -- advancing to fuller maturity Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Football division is in abounding like adulatory the season, acknowledging your aggregation Think Progress » Cornyn: ‘I’d have to think about’ whether I could support an openly gay Supreme Court nominee.
  • They have differed from Christianity in that their predestinating, determining force, instead of being qualified by any play of free-will, or any feasible plan of ultimate and superabounding good, has been a real fatalism, changeless, hopeless, remorseless. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • The other omitted item, and I admit this is a bit of a personal hobby horse of mine, is that there is no mention of the Little Ice Age, though consequences for it abounding in these pages.
  • Lebanon -- abounding in odoriferous trees (Ho 14: 5-7). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He had a slight lisp in his pleasant voice, and ran on in rapid talk for an hour, with a shy reluctance to talk about his own works, but with the most superabounding vivacity I have ever met with in any man. Recollections of a Long Life
  • ONLY websites from china free shipping which accept denticulate agreeably with our all-encompassing readerbase are recommended here, so you can acquirement with abounding confidence. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 15, 2010
  • He brought to the project not only an abounding energy, but a sense of innovation as a filmmaker.
  • Then herds of agile creatures like antelopes are described, 'abounding on the acclivitous glades of the woods.' Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
  • Can any sane person, we may ask, have expected to get Henry James's juices flowing with a plot abounding in bumpkins, spleen, assault, and battery? The Atlantic | July/August 2001 | Mark Twain's Reconstruction | Blount Jr.
  • I found detached on the shore, immediately below this bed, a piece of calcareous fissile sandstone, abounding in small sulcated The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The jungle continues much the same: the Sissoid jungle again occurred to - day, the natives call it _Sofaida_; it has a very curious habit, and is gemmiferous, the gemmae abounding in gum. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Now, they being willing to have more certain experience of thy vertues, then those which heretofore thou hast shewne, within the bounds and limits of thy fathers possessions, which I know to be superabounding: perhaps do intend to present thee other occasions, of more important weight and consequence. The Decameron
  • The Prince and Princess and their suite fared on without stopping through the first day and the second and the third and the fourth, nor did they cease faring for a whole month till they came to a spacious champaign, abounding in pasturage, where they pitched their tents; and they ate and drank and rested, and the Princess The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He said rumours were abounding that the base could still be used by the military.
  • Here, then, was the field in which Lord George had made up his mind that the superabounding but wasted labour of the famishing people should find profitable employment. The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
  • The reality of a new France is felt to-day by every Frenchman and is aboundingly obvious to the stranger visiting the country he once knew in her soft hours of peace. The World Decision
  • A little beyond in the same valley, I founde a sandie or grauelly plaine, yet bespotted with greene tuffes, in which place grew a faire Palme tree with his leaues like the Culter of a plowe, and abounding with sweet and pleasant fruite, some set high, some lowe, some in a meane, some in the very top, an elect and chosen signe of victorie. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • The clouds roll away, the sun comes out, and all is as it should be while he prepares to review the fleet, which thereafter responds aboundingly to every burst of his own inexhaustible enthusiasm. The U-boat hunters
  • By reason of its abounding _Sulphur_, which is therein; for I find no fluxibleness or fusibleness in any thing saving in _Sulphur_, _Mercury_ and _Arsenick_, and all these three are in _Saturn_; so that _Saturn_ is quickly fluxible, but all these three are cleansed with it from their uncleanness. Of Natural and Supernatural Things Also of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented.
  • He saw with equal clearness, and painted with equal vividness, the truth and incorruptness, the purity and goodness, the love and pity which exist side by side with the abounding evil. Criticisms and Interpretations. IV. By William Samuel Lilly
  • The film's abounding action sequences are banging, but they're not enough to overlook its plot holes and confusing story.
  • We had a long day's ride over the same rich green plain, abounding with various flocks, and with here and there a solitary estancia, and its one ombu tree. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • His better points were an abounding energy, enthusiasm, enjoyment of food and fun, and an inquiring if totally undisciplined mind.
  • He said rumours were abounding that the base could still be used by the military.
  • It is so _now_ -- it _must_, it will be so, until death shall open mine eyes on that mystery: The glory of God arising out of the abounding of sin, through the superabounding of grace, and grace reigning through righteousness unto eternal life, by The Power of Faith Exemplified In The Life And Writings Of The Late Mrs. Isabella Graham.
  • The corallaceous stone abounding in the Islands is worthless for road-making, because it pulverizes in the course of one wet season, and, unfortunately, what little hard stone exists lies chiefly in inaccessible places -- hence its extraction and transport would be more costly than the supply of an equal quantity of broken granite brought over in sailing-ships from the Chinese coast, where it is procurable at little over the quarryman's labour. The Philippine Islands
  • The lavas are curious from abounding in, or rather being in parts composed of pitchstone. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
  • Sinapis arvensis, which is a pernicious weed abounding in corn-fields. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Where the floods which cover the surface during the rains come in rivers, flowing from the Himmalaya or other hills abounding in limestone rocks, they of course contain lime and carbonic-acid gas, which add to the kunkur nodules formed in the bed below; but in Oude the rivers seldom overflow to any extent, and the kunkur is, I believe, formed chiefly from the lime already existing in the bed. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • The University is abounding with ideas which have been shared with those who have studied there.
  • The second of July we found shoal water, where we smelt so sweet and so strong a smell, as if we had been in the midst of some delicate garden, abounding with all kind of odoriferous flowers; by which we were assured that the land could not be far distant. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • The hatred that is abounding from the nut cases out there is totally racist and Mr. Carter has the where with all to finally address this sad issue it when the media and pretty much everyone else sticks their collective heads in the sand. Race and politics in the age of Obama

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