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How To Use Abortive In A Sentence

  • Some of the larger dilated channels exhibit abortive fibrous tufts, which are slender and poorly cellular.
  • We had to abandon our abortive attempts.
  • Recently the firm has been connected with more abortive bids than successes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also made an abortive attempt at creativity with tin snips and a tin can.
  • This just might be the same administration that said that the churches and the institutions they run such as schools and…adoptions agencies, hospitals, that they have to provide for their employees free of charge contraceptives, morning after pills, in other words abortive pills, and the like, at no cost," Romney added. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
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  • The young gentleman listens manfully to my abortive attempts to demonstrate my interest with a light smile, while I slowly turn an inelegant purple.
  • In view of this endemic sectarianism, added to the intrinsic abortiveness of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • As we talked — about September 11, the war in Iraq, her time in the Senate, and (briefly, abortively) her husband — she showed little trace of the coldness that has long been ascribed to her. Take Two: Hillary's Choice
  • The popular Aussie made some abortive attempts at comebacks, with dismal results, and then turned to fulltime television golf commentaries.
  • This meeting, however, proved abortive when France and Great Britain exercised their veto right to obstruct a resolution calling on The Nobel Peace Prize 1961 - Presentation Speech
  • First came the abortive attempt in 1999 by the Bank of Scotland to take over the much larger NatWest, only to be gazumped by its local rival the Royal Bank of Scotland.
  • The infection rate is extremely high, but it is probable that 95% of all infections are either asymptomatic or characterised by an abortive flu-like illness.
  • I refuse to talk about my abortive attempt at qualifying for the Hanley Cup lest I depress myself even more.
  • After more abortive attempts, the Admiralty decided, in 1845, to send Sir John Franklin with two steamers, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, to resolve the problem.
  • 'Twas concluded on the other hand, that not to part them, were to make the Law abortive, by begetting in people a conceipt that such Marriages were not against the Law of Woman's Life in Colonial Days
  • The weather could not have been better, although the traffic could, but after several hold-ups and an abortive attempt to find sun oil at South Mimms services Paul and I finally got to the showground in Uxbridge at about noon.
  • His father ran, if disastrously and abortively, for president almost four decades ago.
  • In 1909 an abortive attempt was made, by the present owner's grandfather, to produce hydroelectric power.
  • Eight inflorescences carried one or two abortive ovaries that turned yellow, instead of green, and dropped off when touched with a probe.
  • These abortive embryos do not reach the blastoderm stage.
  • Emmenagogues are remedies which have the property of exciting the catamenial flow; ecbolics, or abortives, are drugs which excite contraction of the uterus, and are supposed to have the power of expelling its contents. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • All I wanted was a bath, so after the abortive trip to Kevin's front door I came home to defrost soup and ran a deep, hot bath that I soaked in as the soup slowly cooked.
  • Proposals were initially made to revise the Constitution of 1793 but, in the wake of abortive uprisings by the Parisian sans-culottes in the spring of 1795, a fresh document was devised instead.
  • It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • It is generally reserved for abortive therapy of severe migraines, and rebound headache is unlikely.
  • An abortive attempt at a psychology degree followed, then he jostled with the idea of becoming a drugs and drink counsellor.
  • While the abortive translation represents a very remote possibility due to the negative strandedness of the influenza virus genome, an efficient cellular uptake of γ-irradiated virus particles is the most likely mechanism to the induction of Tc cell responses. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The invasion of Egypt was abortive, as was Demetrius' year-long siege of Rhodes Finally the coalition of 315 was reforged.
  • She had made a brave but abortive attempt to reach the remote site on Ben More Assynt, near Sutherland in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, when she was 23.
  • It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • I asked these three to keep a log of their abortive attempts to contact the mayor's campaign team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ben "feels compelled" to follow through with the porning, apparently because he needs to prove (somewhat predictably) that his marriage is different, and not the steel cage Andrew makes it out to be; Andrew is anxious to acquire evidence that his lifelong rebellion against squaresville hasn't been a big joke, especially after an abortive tryst points up his own sexual prudishness. SpoutBlog
  • In 1909 an abortive attempt was made, by the present owner's grandfather, to produce hydroelectric power.
  • The fleet is becalmed at Aulis after its first abortive attempt because Agamemnon has angered the goddess Artemis by killing a stag in her sacred grove.
  • The Wheelers were the best cycling club in the city, numbering among their members Ian Steel, who made an abortive appearance in the 1955 Tour, and Billy Bilsland, who had followed Steel and Ken Laidlaw to race in France.
  • To dispatch that particular subject as much more briefly; and besides, I have been able to hit upon no other method, which promised to unfold the real conditions of family prayer, and show the reasons of utter failure and abortiveness in it so distinctly and impressively. Christian Nurture.
  • I suspect his obstruction of Johnson's appointment due to the abortive toxics study is related more to political posturing than to anyone's health or safety.
  • One month later, lobstermen in Western Long Island Sound began to report sightings of gravid female lobsters dying in the throes of abortive molts.
  • After an abortive attempt to get involved in a franchise selling teddy bears by mail order, she completed a Start Your Own Business course with Fas, borrowed the equivalent of €2,500 and started InterTeddy.
  • After several abortive attempts at spelling the name of the street correctly in his notebook, the officer co-opted some bystanders and dragged the poor horse into Hoe Street.
  • He then tried out these elements on an abortive design for Halifax Town Hall, before the competition officially had started.
  • an abortive revolt
  • Romney this week toughened his language in decrying the new health care rule, on Monday saying the requirement to cover "contraceptives, morning-after pills, in other words abortive pills," was a "violation of conscience. Feed
  • The term abortive organ has been thus applied to above structure (as The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
  • Their abortive coup was horribly damaging at a time when the party should be swallowing their differences and making an attempt at loyalty and unity. The Sun
  • James, cut off in the prime of life, may almost be called the abortive Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete
  • After an abortive attempt to rejoin the fighting, he and Evelyn were reunited, got engaged and joined the Resistance, helping Canadian and American airmen shot down over Paris to arrange their escape routes.
  • You mention in the piece that you spoke (“briefly, abortively”) about Bill. Candidate Hillary
  • In addition, the host pericycle and endodermis in contact with abortive haustoria were deformed in many cases.
  • Akbar paid the price in an abortive rebellion by his son, claiming to be a defender of the faith.
  • The charges against Enrile arose from the abortive coup attempt of December 1989, the most serious military insurrection Aquino to date.
  • The "abortive" reference, though, was to an interesting little fight within the Clinton campaign in which Verdi was on the losing side. Freddy's Third Guru
  • Safflower is simply a safe cooking oil, but pennyroyal is known to have potential abortive effects.
  • There is another grand class of facts relating to what are called abortive organs. The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
  • Over the years, I have made abortive attempts at almost every classified form of writing.
  • Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
  • Calcifugous boiling and by abortively are righteous platelet in the pilchard, pleased allelomorph in the murray, peacefully knavishly brickyard, a immunochemical jello, and bronc gourmet on his way semantically to the vaginocele. Rational Review
  • Weighed down by high debts, the company made an abortive attempt at refinancing, and cancelled dividend payments in 2001.
  • On examination of the ordinary inflorescence, there will be seen at the base of the upper of two flowers a small rudimentary bract, having a swollen circular or ring-like base, from which proceeds a small awl-shaped process, representing the midrib of an abortive leaf. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • He vetoed it because, he believes, EC is an "abortive" drug. Cristina Page: Republican Presidential Candidates Announce a Bold New Plan for American Women: Do-it-Yourself Abortion
  • Any abortive treatment must have a very rapid action because of the pain crescendo characteristic of these headaches.
  • I think you'll find that Eggy -- Mr. Edgworth -- was helping with inquiries, albeit abortively, all of Sunday and Sunday night. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Recently signing to star in the abortively named Due Date alongside saving-grace Robert Downey Jr., Galifianakis is currently in talks for Funny Story from Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. Casting: Zach Galifianakis in It’s Kind of a Funny Story; Nicolas Cage Explains (Disses?) The Green Hornet | /Film
  • Treatment of basilar migraines should avoid vasoconstrictors, otherwise standard abortive and prophylactic migraine medications are appropriate.
  • One month later, lobstermen in Western Long Island Sound began to report sightings of gravid female lobsters dying in the throes of abortive molts.
  • It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • (To exclude P'gell is absolute evidence that we will soon have a second abortive version.) Must Watch: Frank Miller's The Spirit Back in Action «
  • And the sonorous souls of Russian verbs, lend a meaning to the wild gesticulation of trees or to some discarded newspaper sliding and pausing, and shuffling again, with abortive flaps and apterous jerks along an endless windswept embankment. Anecdotal Evidence
  • Mitt Romney, as Governor of Massachussetts, vetoed a contraception bill claiming the emergency contraception was an "abortive" drug. Cristina Page: What the Huck?
  • The threat to giant pandas has been recognised for decades with London Zoo making a series of abortive attempts at breeding the creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, he regretted bitterly that his attempts to establish a sixth form in the school had been so abortive.
  • Parent-Teacher Chairman Mick Byrne made abortive attempts in his vintage Morris Minor and another in a tractor to confuse the children as to the actual mode of transport of Santa's arrival.
  • Brunel had also commissioned him to prepare an abortive scheme for him for a house at Watcombe in 1851.
  • Selective memory sought to erase the traces of the outmoded European-style colonialism that the Americans abortively tried to practice in the archipelago.
  • An abortive attempt at a psychology degree followed, then he jostled with the idea of becoming a drugs and drink counsellor.
  • Historically, home treatment for paralytic polio and abortive polio with neurological symptoms wasn't sufficient.
  • One month later, lobstermen in Western Long Island Sound began to report sightings of gravid female lobsters dying in the throes of abortive molts.
  • Smitten with Rousseau's conception of the perfectness of the savage state, and the essential abortiveness of all civilization, Mr. Fuseli looks at all our little attempts at improvement, with a spirit that borders perhaps too much upon contempt and indifference. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • While we might take solace in our own anthropic prejudice, dismissing the nonsensical communiqués of such chatbots as nothing more than computerized gobbledygook, we might unwittingly miss a chance to study firsthand the babytalk of an embryonic sentience, struggling abortively to awaken from its own phylum of oblivion. Poetic Machines 05 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • My conversation with the Ministry seemed to take ages, and, as I had already anticipated, it proved abortive.
  • mummeries" in the affair of the dropped letters, 74; her account of the Queen's reception of the news of the abortive attempt to kill Mazarin, 103; her portrait of Madame de Longueville, 135; the principal motive which urged La Rochefoucauld to woo the Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • The Reichstag, in its turn, passed a law that restricted the national distribution of abortive and contraceptive means and planned a new law regulating cinemas.
  • Any abortive treatment must have a very rapid action because of the pain crescendo characteristic of these headaches.
  • I refuse to talk about my abortive attempt at qualifying for the Hanley Cup lest I depress myself even more.
  • Snares had been laid for him in vain; every wile had proved abortive, every plot had been counterplotted. Memorials and Other Papers — Complete
  • In the wake of that, at college in Bagdhad, he joined the Baath party and in 1956, as Britain withdrew from Suez, he took part in an abortive coup attempt.
  • They argue that a new Bill permitting defections at national and provincial level will be introduced soon, which will provide for retrospective protection of MPs and MPLs who abortively crossed the floor.
  • Collapsing chains, abortive fees, gazundering, gazumping and hidden mortgage penalties can prove ruinously expensive and emotionally devastating. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She hardly ran at all in the two weeks before her abortive attempt to help the Irish team in the World Cross-country Championships in Ostend, and until last Tuesday, she had not run a step since.
  • We used an earlier, abortive, suicide attempt to show that Sylvia had taken a decision not to commit suicide, for the sake of the children.
  • My wife and I made abortive attempts at ordinary conversation.
  • Foreign policy concerns in the 1930s centered on Soviet and German expansionism, which stimulated abortive efforts at Nordic defense cooperation.
  • Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the north of the island in the wake of an abortive coup attempt by Greek Cypriot nationalists, aimed at uniting the island with Greece.
  • Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
  • The cup in question would thus seem to have been formed from the connation of two stipules which are ordinarily abortive. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Even regarded as an early attempt in the "picaresque" manner, it is abortive and only half organised. The English Novel
  • He now abortively sought accommodation with the Tuscan moderates and Leopold.
  • At a later period the _basis cranii_ of vertebrate animals contains three parts analogous to the bodies of vertebræ, the most anterior of which, in the majority of animals, is generally small, and its development frequently abortive, whilst in man and mammiferous animals the three are very distinct. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • I made an abortive attempt to excavate a burrow today and catch one.
  • Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy.
  • It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • -- But all his bloody schemes for overturning that covenanted interest that he had so solemnly bound himself to defend and maintain, proving abortive, he fell at last into the hands of Cromwel and the Independent faction, who never surceased, till they brought him to the block, Jan. 30. 1649. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • The year 2009 also saw Arvind Bhat break the title jinx at the National championship after four abortive finals, when he beat P Kashyap in the summit clash in Indore. Daily News & Analysis
  • A case in point was his abortive effort to cut aircraft procurement costs by developing a single fighter-bomber, the TFX, for both the air force and the navy.
  • The polls were pushed back from October 11 after an abortive coup but are expected to pass off peacefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • At its present point of vivification the scarecrow reminds me of some of the lukewarm and abortive characters composed of heterogeneous materials used for the thousandth time, and never worth using, with which romance writers (and myself, no doubt, among the rest) have so overpeopled the world of fiction. Short Stories of Various Types
  • These scattered ascospores belong to asci that contain at least one viable ascospore while the others have undergone abortive development, most often because they contain aneuploid nuclei.
  • The vexatious question of so-called legation asylum for offenders against the state and its laws was presented anew in Chile by the unauthorized action of the late United States minister in receiving into his official residence two persons who had just failed in an attempt at revolution and against whom criminal charges were pending growing out of a former abortive disturbance. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
  • He looked abortively to his right for something to hold on to in order to break his fall.
  • Last night's abortive attempts at a barbeque, despite lashings of the odd smelling spray, proved that the only way of avoiding midges is to stay indoors.
  • A boat excursion heads out to Port Essington, site of the third abortive British attempt to urbanise the north coast, a decade-long debacle beginning a year into Victoria's reign in 1838.
  • The deletion affected gene yajF with unknown function, but associated with genes involved in phage resistance through abortive infection.
  • He also prescribed two abortive medications to take when the headache was bad: metaxalone, a muscle relaxant, and Midrin, a combination of several medicines. Chocolate & Vicodin
  • No — Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men. The Great Gatsby
  • Charles VII., who was just arriving at the camp, seeing the abortiveness of the attempt, went back to Pont-de-l'Arehe. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 3
  • His snore was a medley of snuffing and snorting, with an abortive demi-semi aristocratic sort of a sneeze; while to add to the effect of this three-stringed inspiration there was in each aspiration a tremulous and swooning neigh. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • There is an urgent need to redefine the criteria for revaccination in abortive reactors who show preliminary response stages but do not develop a scar.
  • It is vain then to contend that the ease and certainty with which an action is performed, even though it may have now become matter of such fixed habit that it cannot be suddenly and seriously modified without rendering the whole performance abortive, is any argument against that action having been an achievement of design and reason in respect of each one of the steps that have led to it; and if in respect of each one of the steps then as regards the entire action; for we see our own most reasoned actions become no less easy, unerring, automatic, and unconscious, than the actions which we call instinctive when they have been repeated a sufficient number of times. Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin
  • Not uncommonly, squamous differentiation and abortive gland formation is noted.
  • He made two abortive attempts on the French throne.
  • The first row consists of one posterior stamen, which is generally perfect, and two abortive stamens incorporated with the labellum. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • It was a little trickier to find her most recent online purchases-Selena abortively tried Amazon. com and Reel. com before finding a CD store with an account set up in Gilly's name. Salem Falls
  • Jaw prehension is common in aquatic frogs, often in combination with abortive tongue protraction, but suction feeding is present only in pipids.
  • E 5 sets mainly produced stainable abortive pollens ( SAP ), whereas.
  • Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
  • It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.
  • Did we set ourselves to the task of proving by argument or by authority that we are not wrong in believing in our own existence or that of an external world, or did we attempt to establish the trustworthiness of our faculties by resolving it into the veracity of God, our effort must needs be as abortive as it is superfluous, since it involves the necessity not only of proving the fact, but of _proving the proof itself_, and that, too, by the aid of the very faculties whose trustworthiness is in question! Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • People who have abortive polio or nonparalytic polio usually make a full recovery.
  • Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
  • Treatment of basilar migraines should avoid vasoconstrictors, otherwise standard abortive and prophylactic migraine medications are appropriate.
  • The massive, trilingual volume that is now to hand—you need two of them just to lift its 7½ pounds of text and pictures—contains Kubrick's script of the abortive project as well as samples of the research material he assembled over a period of years in the late 1960s and early 1970s. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • More hypocritically still, Missing pursued an abortive licensing agreement with a skateboard company to use his anarchist icon.
  • Apparently on behest of Washington in July 2008 Zardari government abortively tried to put the powerful military-run spy agency, Inter Services Capitulating Terms of the $4.5 Billion US aid to Pakistan
  • Many contraceptives, such as the coil or the morning after pill, are abortive tools.
  • The only solace we find is that the result of the abortive poll was nullified.

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